evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


Predvsem je potrebno razpravljati o tem, alilahko varovane krajine sploh izpolnijo merila, kiso jih postavili mnogi izmed tistih, ki so izumilipojem varovanih območij in spomenikov. Pravtako moramo dognati, ali je to krivda tistih, kidelajo in živijo na varovanih krajinah danes – alikrivda tistih, ki so si zamislili neko podobovarovane krajine, ki ne ustreza vedno potrebamrealnosti.»Regionalni razvoj in varovane krajine se nerazlikujejo od tega, kako bi regionalni razvojmoral potekati tudi drugje«. Če so vaši osebnistandardi visoki, potem se s stavkom gotovostrinjate. Dobra stran tega, da si upraviteljvarovane krajine, je, da je mnogo laže doseči testandarde, ker tisti, ki so predani svoji varovanikrajini, vedno želijo ohranjati dobre standarde, kiso si jih zamislili. Vedno pa obstajajo slabiprimeri, za katere ljudje, ki skrbijo za varovanokrajino, vedo in se jih bojijo.Želimo, da bi Wachau ostal vzor za druge krajinev Avstriji ali v Evropi, za kar si je nedvomnovredno prizadevati. Čaka pa nas veliko dela, kerje še zmeraj toliko za postoriti.Nevertheless, both – European Diploma andWorld Heritage – are only on their way in gettingprepared for the special challenges that havingprotected landscapes on their respective listsbring about. Both are only about to find expertswho are able to judge the efforts of protectedlandscape managers correctly and are able toaccept the imperfections managing such a sitealways needs to take into account.Above all, it seems that we still have to discusswhether protected landscapes may ever meetup to the criteria that many of those who inventedthe concept of protected sites and monumentshad in mind or not. And we also need todiscuss whether this is the fault of those whowork and live in protected landscapes today – orthe fault of those who have a certain image ofa protected landscape in mind that may notcompletely fit to the needs of reality.»Regional development in protected landscapesisn’t different to how regional developmentought to be done anywhere else«. If your personalstandards are high, this sentence is definitelyright. The good thing about being a protectedlandscape manager is that it is mucheasier to reach these standards, since thosewho are committed to their protected landscapealways want to keep up the good standards theyhave in mind. And there always are bad examplesaround which the people who care about aprotected landscape know and are afraid of.Trying to make the Wachau stay a role modelamong other landscapes in Austria or in Europeis definitely something worth working for. And itwill be a lot of work – since there still is a lot leftto do.127Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2

Vključenost krajine v javne politikein priporočila za izboljšanje – primer AlpIntegration of landscape issues into public policies andrecommendations for their improvement –the example of the Alpine region128dr. Mojca GolobičDelavnica 2 / Workshop 2IzvlečekKulturna krajina je pomemben vir in lokacijskidejavnik za razvoj. Ker gre za dinamično inzapleteno medsebojno razmerje, ki se vsehitreje spreminja, ga je z obstoječimi ukrepipolitik težko obvladovati in usmerjati v želenosmer. Prispevek prinaša spoznanja o razmerjumed razvojem in kulturno krajino, ki so jihprinesli rezultati raziskovalnega projektaREGALP za območje Alp. Tema je obdelana znapovednega in z dveh normativnih vidikov. Vnapovednem delu smo identificirali procesespreminjanja in njihove vplive na krajino.Normativni pristop se je v prvem delu oprl naanalizo vključenosti krajine v prostorske insektorske politike ter dal strokovno oceno vplivaukrepov teh politik na krajino. Običajni pogledod »zgoraj navzdol« smo dopolnili še spogledom od »spodaj navzgor«, ki je predstaviltudi stališča in pričakovanja prebivalcev.Rezultati vseh treh pristopov so bili povzeti vnabor priporočil za trajnostni razvoj, varstvo inupravljanje krajin.1. Uvod»Vloga krajine kot politične teme na evropskiravni narašča že vsaj zadnjih pet let. Kljubpomanjkanju formalnih, zakonsko določenihevropskih ukrepov na področju krajine, jezanimanje zanjo naraslo tako med znanstvenimikakor vladnimi ustanovami. ... Krajinski pristopbolj kot katera koli druga stroka ponuja orodja zacelostno presojo in načrtovanje krajine inopredelitev in razvoj razmerja med naravo inkulturo. Lahko rečemo, da je krajina kot prostorvzajemnega delovanja človeka in narave vAbstractCultural landscape is an important resource andlocational factor for development. This interrelationis a dynamic and complex one, with rapidlyincreasing pace of change. As such it proves difficultto handle and steer to the desired directionby existing policy instruments. This contributionpresents the relation between socio-economicdevelopment and cultural landscape by findingsof the research project (REGALP), which focusedin the Alpine area. This issue is dealt with fromthe descriptive and two different normative aspects.The descriptive approach identified processesof change and their impacts in the landscape.The normative approach complementedthe traditional top-down analysis with a bottomupview, which disclosed expectations and attitudesof local people. The top-down normativeapproach surveyed the integration of landscapeissue in planning and sectoral policies and assessedthe effects of policy measures on thelandscape. Results of all three approaches weresynthesised in a set of recommendations forsustainable development, protection and managementof landscape.1. Introduction»Since about five years time, the role of landscapesas a political issue at the European levelhas been steadily increasing. Despite the absenceof formal, statutory European instrumentsfor landscapes, they have captured the interestof both scientific and governmental bodies alike.... Like no other discipline, a landscape approachoffers holistic assessment and planning tools todefine and develop the interface between nature

Predvsem je potrebno razpravljati o tem, alilahko varovane kraj<strong>in</strong>e sploh izpolnijo merila, kiso jih postavili mnogi izmed tistih, ki so izumilipojem varovanih območij <strong>in</strong> spomenikov. Pravtako moramo dognati, ali je to krivda tistih, kidelajo <strong>in</strong> živijo na varovanih kraj<strong>in</strong>ah danes – alikrivda tistih, ki so si <strong>za</strong>mislili neko podobovarovane kraj<strong>in</strong>e, ki ne ustre<strong>za</strong> vedno potrebamrealnosti.»Regionalni razvoj <strong>in</strong> varovane kraj<strong>in</strong>e se nerazlikujejo od tega, kako bi regionalni razvojmoral potekati tudi drugje«. Če so vaši osebnistandardi visoki, potem se s stavkom gotovostr<strong>in</strong>jate. Dobra stran tega, da si upraviteljvarovane kraj<strong>in</strong>e, je, da je mnogo laže doseči testandarde, ker tisti, ki so predani svoji varovani<strong>kraj<strong>in</strong>i</strong>, vedno želijo ohranjati dobre standarde, kiso si jih <strong>za</strong>mislili. Vedno pa obstajajo slabiprimeri, <strong>za</strong> katere ljudje, ki skrbijo <strong>za</strong> varovanokraj<strong>in</strong>o, vedo <strong>in</strong> se jih bojijo.Želimo, da bi Wachau ostal vzor <strong>za</strong> druge kraj<strong>in</strong>ev Avstriji ali v Evropi, <strong>za</strong> kar si je nedvomnovredno pri<strong>za</strong>devati. Čaka pa nas veliko dela, kerje še zmeraj toliko <strong>za</strong> postoriti.Nevertheless, both – European Diploma andWorld Heritage – are only on their way <strong>in</strong> gett<strong>in</strong>gprepared for the special challenges that hav<strong>in</strong>gprotected landscapes on their respective listsbr<strong>in</strong>g about. Both are only about to f<strong>in</strong>d expertswho are able to judge the efforts of protectedlandscape managers correctly and are able toaccept the imperfections manag<strong>in</strong>g such a sitealways needs to take <strong>in</strong>to account.Above all, it seems that we still have to discusswhether protected landscapes may ever meetup to the criteria that many of those who <strong>in</strong>ventedthe concept of protected sites and monumentshad <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d or not. And we also need todiscuss whether this is the fault of those whowork and live <strong>in</strong> protected landscapes today – orthe fault of those who have a certa<strong>in</strong> image ofa protected landscape <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d that may notcompletely fit to the needs of reality.»Regional development <strong>in</strong> protected landscapesisn’t different to how regional developmentought to be done anywhere else«. If your personalstandards are high, this sentence is def<strong>in</strong>itelyright. The good th<strong>in</strong>g about be<strong>in</strong>g a protectedlandscape manager is that it is mucheasier to reach these standards, s<strong>in</strong>ce thosewho are committed to their protected landscapealways want to keep up the good standards theyhave <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. And there always are bad examplesaround which the people who care about aprotected landscape know and are afraid of.Try<strong>in</strong>g to make the Wachau stay a role modelamong other landscapes <strong>in</strong> Austria or <strong>in</strong> Europeis def<strong>in</strong>itely someth<strong>in</strong>g worth work<strong>in</strong>g for. And itwill be a lot of work – s<strong>in</strong>ce there still is a lot leftto do.127Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2

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