automatically exploiting cross-invocation parallelism using runtime ...

automatically exploiting cross-invocation parallelism using runtime ... automatically exploiting cross-invocation parallelism using runtime ...
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Source Benchmark Function % of execution Parallelization DOMORE SPECCROSSsuite program time plan for inner loop applicable applicableFDTD main 100 DOALL × ̌PolyBench [54] JACOBI main 100 DOALL × ̌SYMM main 100 DOALL ̌ ̌OMPBench [20] LOOPDEP main 100 DOALL × ̌BLACKSCHOLES bs thread 99 Spec-DOALL ̌ ×Parsec [6]FLUIDANIMATE-1 ComputeForce 50.2 LOCALWRITE ̌ ×FLUIDANIMATE-2 main 100 LOCALWRITE × ̌SpecFP [69] EQUAKE main 100 DOALL × ̌LLVMBENCH [37] LLUBENCH main 50.0 DOALL ̌ ̌NAS [48] CG sparse 12.2 LOCALWRITE ̌ ̌MineBench [46] ECLAT process inverti 24.5 Spec-DOALL ̌ ×Table 5.1: Details about evaluated benchmark programs.Benchmark Program % of Scheduler/WorkerBLACKSCHOLES 4.5CG 4.1ECLAT 12.5FLUIDANIMATE-1 21.5LLUBENCH 1.7SYMM 1.5Table 5.2: Scheduler/worker ratio for benchmarksable to achieve better or at least competitive performance results than previous works. Thenin section 5.4, we provide a detailed case study of program FLUIDANIMATE, whose performanceimprovement requires the integration of both DOMORE and SPECCROSS techniques.Finally, a discussion is given in section 5.5 about the next step to be done to furtherimprove the applicability of the Liberty parallelizing compiler infrastructure.5.1 DOMORE Performance EvaluationSix programs are chosen to evaluate the DOMORE system (as shown in Table 5.1). Wecompare the performance of inner loop parallelization with pthread barriers [9] with theperformance of outer loop parallelization with DOMORE. Figure 5.1 shows the evaluationresults for the outer loop speedup relative to the best sequential execution. For the originalparallelized version with pthread barriers between inner loop invocations, none scalebeyond a small number of cores. DOMORE shows scalable performance improvements78

for CG, LLUBENCHMARK and BLACKSCHOLES because their scheduler threads arequite small compared to the worker threads (< 5% runtime, as shown in Table 5.3) andprocessor utilization is high. ECLAT, FLUIDANIMATE and SYMM do not show as muchimprovement. The following paragraphs provide details about those programs.ECLAT from MineBench [46] is a data mining program using a vertical database format.The target loop is a two-level nested-loop. The outer loop traverses a graph of nodes.The inner loop traverses a list of items in each node and appends each item to correspondinglist(s) in the database based upon on the item’s transaction number. Since two items mightshare the same transaction number, and the transaction number is calculated non-linearly,static analysis cannot determine the dependence pattern. Profiling information shows thatthere is no dynamic dependence in the inner loop. For the outer loop, the same dependencemanifests in each iteration (99%). As a result, Spec-DOALL is chosen to parallelize theinner loop and a barrier is inserted after each invocation. Spec-DOALL achieves its peakspeedup at 3 cores. For DOMORE, a relatively large scheduler thread (12.5% scheduler/-worker ratio) limits scalability. As we can see in Figure 5.1, DOMORE achieves scalableperformance up to 5 processors. After that, the sequential code becomes the bottleneck andno more speedup is achieved.FLUIDANIMATE from the PARSEC [6] benchmark suite uses an extension of theSmoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method to simulate an incompressible fluid forinteractive animation purposes. The target loop is a six-level nested-loop. The outer loopgoes through each particle while an inner loop goes through the nearest neighbors of thatparticle. The inner loop calculates influences between the particle and its neighbors andupdates all of their statuses. One particle can be neighbor to multiple particles, resultingin statically unanalyzable update patterns. LOCALWRITE chooses to parallelize the innerloop to attempt to reduce some of the computational redundancy. Performance resultsshow that parallelizing the inner loop does not provide any performance gain. Redundantcomputation and barrier synchronizations negate the benefits of parallelism. DOMORE is79

Source Benchmark Function % of execution Parallelization DOMORE SPECCROSSsuite program time plan for inner loop applicable applicableFDTD main 100 DOALL × ̌PolyBench [54] JACOBI main 100 DOALL × ̌SYMM main 100 DOALL ̌ ̌OMPBench [20] LOOPDEP main 100 DOALL × ̌BLACKSCHOLES bs thread 99 Spec-DOALL ̌ ×Parsec [6]FLUIDANIMATE-1 ComputeForce 50.2 LOCALWRITE ̌ ×FLUIDANIMATE-2 main 100 LOCALWRITE × ̌SpecFP [69] EQUAKE main 100 DOALL × ̌LLVMBENCH [37] LLUBENCH main 50.0 DOALL ̌ ̌NAS [48] CG sparse 12.2 LOCALWRITE ̌ ̌MineBench [46] ECLAT process inverti 24.5 Spec-DOALL ̌ ×Table 5.1: Details about evaluated benchmark programs.Benchmark Program % of Scheduler/WorkerBLACKSCHOLES 4.5CG 4.1ECLAT 12.5FLUIDANIMATE-1 21.5LLUBENCH 1.7SYMM 1.5Table 5.2: Scheduler/worker ratio for benchmarksable to achieve better or at least competitive performance results than previous works. Thenin section 5.4, we provide a detailed case study of program FLUIDANIMATE, whose performanceimprovement requires the integration of both DOMORE and SPECCROSS techniques.Finally, a discussion is given in section 5.5 about the next step to be done to furtherimprove the applicability of the Liberty parallelizing compiler infrastructure.5.1 DOMORE Performance EvaluationSix programs are chosen to evaluate the DOMORE system (as shown in Table 5.1). Wecompare the performance of inner loop parallelization with pthread barriers [9] with theperformance of outer loop parallelization with DOMORE. Figure 5.1 shows the evaluationresults for the outer loop speedup relative to the best sequential execution. For the originalparallelized version with pthread barriers between inner loop <strong>invocation</strong>s, none scalebeyond a small number of cores. DOMORE shows scalable performance improvements78

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