WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine

WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine

WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine


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Albert Lea <strong>Shrine</strong> Club and Albert Lea CarsGreetings Nobles, Ladies andFriends. Happy New Year! Out with theold and in with the new. Our <strong>Shrine</strong>Christmas / New Officer Installationparty was wonderful. It was truly awonderful evening and an honor tohave Potentate Frank Spevak and hisLady Joan, Outer Guard SeanGardiner and his Lady Tracy in ourpresence. Also a BIG Thank You toTracy for entertaining us with thatbeautiful voice.Recently Jerry Pineau and AdamPrice, our newest <strong>Shrine</strong> member,met with Rose West at the <strong>Shrine</strong>r'sChildren's Hospital. Jerry said it was apleasure andhonor asrepresentatives ofthe Albert Lea<strong>Shrine</strong> Club topresent a gift oftoys, pull-tabsand a blanket.Our clubmembers workedvery diligentlythroughout theyear to makethat specialmomenthappen. Aspecialthank youto Jenie Foss (Paul’s lady) forcollecting 3/4 of our pull-tabsand for that beautiful2013 Officers: Noble Greg Morfitt – Secretary/Treasurer, NobleClarence Schroeder – President, Noble Jerald “Jake” Loper – VicePresident, Noble Gerald “Jerry” Pineau – Director, Noble Lynn Davis– Director were sworn in by Sean Gardiner and Ill. Sir Frank Spevak.Our newest member, AdamPrice, gives OrvinDrangstveit a lift!Orvin Drangstveit, Adam Price, Jerry Pineau, Bob Hahn, and Jake Loper presenting acheck to the <strong>Osman</strong> Womens Auxiliary president Rose Weststitched blanket. Also for NorietaRippentrop's (Don’s lady) three-year oldneighbor child, Addyson who donatedtoys.Also note that Jerry Pineau, OrvinDrangstveit, Jake Loper, Bob Hahn,newly raised member of the <strong>Shrine</strong>Adam Price, presented a check for$1000.00 for the Womens Auxiliary.Jerry states that it was truly an honorand hopes the Club can continue toparade and raise funds for the WomensAuxiliary and other vital branches of the<strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>. Thank you, Rose and allthe members of theLady Tracy Gardinerright, sang for hersupper at theAlbert LeaHoliday PartyAuxiliary for all your dedication andhard work. What a great way to end ouryear!UPCOMING EVENTS:Jan. 8th – <strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> AnnualMeeting 6:30 <strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> CenterJan. 13th – Potentate’s Reception 2PM-4PM <strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> CenterJan. 19th – One Day To MasonryJan. 19th – East-West <strong>Shrine</strong> GameJan. 26th – Winter Carnival ParadeFeb. 2nd – Club & Units OfficersSeminar 9am-2pm“Happy and Blessed New Year”Greg Morfitt, Secretary, ALSCP a g e 2 0 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3

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