WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine

WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine

WÉĮtÄw [tÜÅáxĮ - Osman Shrine


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n Trustee’s Report: Trustee Jim Gratiasgave the report. Motion made to acceptreport. Motion passed.n Oriental Guide Report: BruceThomas reported the following demits:James Decker, Madison Overmoen Jr.,Alan Tuntland, Hillard Ward, DeanThompson, and Gregory McGee. Brucealso reported on the suspensions.n Chief Rabban Report:Chief Rabban Don Harmsen reportedon the associations: none; affiliations:Dayton Berg; restorations: none; newcreations: Richard Seppala, Ted Johnson,and Kenneth Russ and new candidates:Shawn Carrick, Eric Jokinen, DavidTompsett, Edward Endres, DavidSingewald, Adam Price, Dale Clark,Steven Johnson, Daniel Nash, RichardAllee, Charles Pope, and Michael Kauss.White ballot was held and all wereapproved.n Membership Report: FirstCeremonial Master Rich Purcell thankedthe appointed Divan members for theirhelp with membership this year. Richreminded everyone to talk about the<strong>Shrine</strong> in their Blue Lodges.n Chief of Staff Report:Chief of Staff Gary Winter reportedthat on Dec. 8, there will be a MasonicThird Degree/ <strong>Shrine</strong> Ceremonial/Dinner. The Third Degree and the <strong>Shrine</strong>Ceremonial will be at the Scottish RiteTemple in Mpls. The dinner will be at the<strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Center. There will be a busgoing back and forth between the <strong>Osman</strong><strong>Shrine</strong> Center and the Scottish RiteBuilding.The Children’s Holiday Party will beon Dec. 9, from 1:00-3:00 PM at the<strong>Osman</strong> Event Center. Bring the wholefamily, kids, grandkids and friends to thisevent.Jan. 1 is the New Year’s Brunch from10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the <strong>Osman</strong>Event Center. The brunch is free toNobles with a paid-up 2013 dues card.The cost for the Noble’s Ladies is $10,family and friends $20, kids $8. PleaseRSVP to Doreen by Dec. 21.The <strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Annual Meetingand election of officers will be on Jan. 8,2013, beginning at 6:30 PM.Rose West and Linda Johnson from the <strong>Osman</strong>Womens Auxility accept a check from Steve Davis,<strong>Osman</strong> Cycle Corps.Reception for the new Potentate willbe at the <strong>Osman</strong> Event Center on Jan. 13,2013, from 1–4 pm,The Annual One Day to Masonry willbe on Jan. 19 at the Scottish Rite Temple.Plans are underway for the 2013Grande Day Parade on Jan. 26, at 2:00PM. More details will come later.n New and Old Business: DonHarmsen presented his budget for 2013.Budget was voted on and passed.Don also presented his Potentate’s tripthat will be to Las Vegas from October 23– October 28, 2013. Motion made toaccept the trip, motion passed.Treasurer Russ Christofk stated thatexpenditure from the Pilgrimage Fundneeds to be made to fund the 2013 Mid-Winter Session. Russ made the motionthat there shall be appropriated from thePilgrimage Fund the sum of $9,000 or asmuch thereof as is necessary, for theDivan, the Nobility, and the seven electedMidwest Representatives to attend theMidwest Winter Session in Duluth, MN,February 7-9, 2013.n Good of the Order:Illustrious Sir Frank Spevak thankedthe Nobles for their patience tonight andstated that he appreciated that the familiesand Ladies were involved in the openmeeting.llustrious Sir, Frank Spevak III,recessed <strong>Osman</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> at 8:15 PM.Respectfully submitted,Tom West, RecorderTim Gangnon from the Mighty Mites.SHRINERS HOSPITAL –TWIN CITY UNITDirectors Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . $250.00Rochester Zagalas . . . . . . . . . . $900.00St Cloud Go-Karts . . . . . . . . . $850.00Mighty Mites . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500.00Mankato <strong>Shrine</strong> Club . . . . . . $250.00Mankato T-Birds . . . . . . . . . . $250.00TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000.00OSMAN ST. CLOUDWOMEN’S AUXILIARYSt. Cloud Go-Karts . . . . . . . . $525.00TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $525.00Mike Yankovec from St. Cloud makes apresentationP a g e 1 0 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3

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