Saliva ejectors Aspirator tubes Aspirator tips Adaptors - Servident

Saliva ejectors Aspirator tubes Aspirator tips Adaptors - Servident Saliva ejectors Aspirator tubes Aspirator tips Adaptors - Servident

<strong>Saliva</strong> <strong>ejectors</strong><strong>Aspirator</strong> <strong>tubes</strong><strong>Aspirator</strong> <strong>tips</strong><strong>Adaptors</strong>

COMPANY PRESENTATIONJ.H.Orsing AB was founded in the 50´s as Ingenjörsfi rman J.H.Orsing by John HarryOrsing, father of our present managing director Ernst Orsing.Being a trained refrigeration engineer, his fi rst invention was a deep-freeze named ”Osby-Polar”. This invention gave him the economic possibilities to start thinking about newinventions.One day, in the late 50´s Harry Orsing, whilst being treated by his dentist, becamereally tired of the unwieldy and chafting instruments he had to endure. He decided thatsomething had to be done, went home, and started to outline what was to become oneof the world´s best known mouldable <strong>Saliva</strong> Ejectors - THE HYGOFORMIC. Today theoutstanding qualities still make Hygoformic one of the most popular saliva <strong>ejectors</strong> in theworld.The company is still run and owned by the family and our present managing director, alsoengineer and inventor, follows his father´s trade. Over the last years he has designedseveral interesting products such as the development of the aspirating <strong>tubes</strong> Hygovacand Hygovac Vent as well as the aspirator <strong>tips</strong> Hygosurge, Hygojet and Hygotip.Continuous improvements provide better products, maintained Orsing-quality and,naturally, favourable prices.Mr Ernst Orsing has development and new construction very much at heart andour personnel constantly works with adding new products to our HYGO-Line. Largeinvestments over the years have turned J.H.Orsing AB into a modern and rationalcompany - ready to meet with the growing demand for the HYGO-PRODUCTS. Startingwith Sweden, the Hygoformic soon spread to the other Scandinavian countries and toEurope. Today the HYGO-PRODUCTS are available throughout the world. We attend allmajor Dental Exhibitions and take pride in doing our outmost for customers all over theworld.To meet the demand for environmental friendly disposable products we have the pastyears changed the material in Hygoformic to a non-toxic and non-pollutive mixture ofPolyethylene and Polypropylene. When the plastic is totally burnt all that will remain iswater and carbon-dioxide. The increasing consciousness for the environment also has ledto improvements in the materials used for packing of the products as well as a maximumutilization of the available space in lorries picking up goods at our plant. All to provide abetter transport-economy for our customers.In December 1995 J.H.Orsing AB recieved ISO 9001 certifi cation after establishing aQuality Management System to ensure continued quality and further improvement anddevelopment.Our production and marketing of single use dental devices in Class IIa has anEC-certifi cate- production quality assurance system approval certifi cate -, issued by SP,our notifi ed body and are authorized to carry the CE-marking CE0402.Our products are also registered at the FDA, U.S.A.All trademarks are registered property of J.H.Orsing AB.04022

HYGOFORMIC PROGRAMHYGOFORMIC UThe Hygoformic is the OriginalMouldable <strong>Saliva</strong> Ejector with tongueholder. It is used by dentists all overthe world and has been for morethan 40 years.Colour: White.Manufactured in PE/ U2000Carton of 2000 U2100Carton of 20 x 100 U1000Carton of 1000 pcsHYGOFORMIC LSmall saliva ejector for children.Colour: White.Manufactured in PE/ L2000Carton of 2000 L2100Carton of 20 x 100 L1000Carton of 1000 pcsADAPTORS FOR HYGOFORMIC AND OTHER SALIVA EJECTORSTo fi t into standard ejection S100 6,5 mmSoft adaptorManufactured in PEPacket of 100 DA10Double adaptorManufactured in PEPacket of 10 H6 6,5 mmAutoclavable hard adaptorManufactured in PPPacket of 10 H6,5 6,5 mmAutoclavable hard adaptorManufactured in POMPacket of 10 H11 11 mmAutoclavable hard adaptorManufactured in PPPacket of 10 pcs3

DISPOSABLE ASPIRATOR TUBESHYGOVACThe Hygovac is the plain aspirator tube in theHygo-family. It has one traditional 45 O end and oneS-shaped end for increased patient comfort.Colour: White. Length: 140 mm. Manufactured in V2800Carton of 28 x 100 V1000Carton of 10 x 100 pcsHYGOVAC VENTThe double-ventilated aspirator tube with one traditional 45 Oend and one S-shaped end. The double holes on each endstrongly reduce the effect of getting stuck.Colour: White with blue stripes. Length: 140 mm. Manufacturedin V2800VCarton of 28 x 100 V1000VCarton of 10 x 100 pcsOTHER ASPIRATOR TUBESPlain aspirator <strong>tubes</strong> with 45 O + 45 O cuts.Length: 135 mm. Manufactured in AT1000 LB1000 MG1000 OR1000 PU1000 PurpleCarton of 10 x 100 pcsVENTILATED ASPIRATOR TUBESS-shaped ends with a rectangular ventilation hole.Length: 145 mm. Manufactured in AV1000 AV1000LB AV1000MG AV1000OR AV1000PU PurpleCarton of 10 x 100 pcs4DISPOSABLE ANGLES FOR ASPIRATOR TUBEManufactured in A100 A100LB A100MG A100OR A100PU PurplePacket of 100 pcsAll our aspirator <strong>tubes</strong> work very well with the different aspirator <strong>tips</strong>.Please note that we can provide you with aspirator <strong>tubes</strong> in anylength, design or colour that you require!

ASPIRATOR TUBESHYGOVAC GREENThe Hygovac Green is our plain autoclavable aspiratortube. It has one traditional 45 O end and one S-shaped endfor increased patient comfort.Colour: Green. Length: 140 mm. Manufactured in PP.AUTOCLAVABLE V1000G Carton of 10 x 100 pcsHYGOVAC VENT GREENThe new double-ventilated autoclavable aspirator tubewith one traditional 45 O end and one S-shaped end. Thedouble holes on each end strongly reduce the effect ofgetting stuck. Colour: White with green stripes.Length: 140 mm. Manufactured in V25VG Packet of 25 pcsASPIRATOR TIPSHYGOSURGEThis surgical tip has an apex of only 3,6 mm,which naturally provides increased possibilities.It is perfect to use when dealing withnarrow operations, root fi llings and implants.Colour: White. Autoclavable.Manufactured in PP.To all our aspirator <strong>tubes</strong>, the <strong>tips</strong>Hygosurge, Hygojet and Hygotipwill fit.HYGOJETThe Hygojet aspirator tip is silent to useand easy to handle. Its design enablesthe dentist to reach by holding back thetounge as well as the cheek.Colour: White. Autoclavable.Manufactured in HS25Packet of 25 pcsHYGOTIPThe Hygotip is comfortable and protective touse and thanks to its smallness, very suitablewhen treating children. Colour: White. Autoclavable.Manufactured in HJ25Packet of 25 TP25Packet of 25 pcsAll the above products are autoclavable on both thelong and short program. (max 140 o C). To all our aspirator <strong>tubes</strong>,the <strong>tips</strong> Hygosurge, Hygojet and Hygotip will fit.5

AUTOCLAVABLE PROGRAMMICROTIPA tiny blue autoclavable tip that turns the Hygosurgeand Hygosurge Xl into a unique suction device formicro oral surgery and fi ne endodontic work. Colour:Lightblue. Autoclavable.Manufactured in MT25Packet of 25 pcsHYGOSURGE XLAutoclavable surgical aspiratorto fi t 11 mm system. Apex: 3,6 mm.Length: 165 mm. Colour: White.Manufactured in HS25XLPacket of 25 pcsH16Adaptor for Hygovac, other aspirator <strong>tubes</strong>and Hygosurge XL to fi t 16 mm system.Colour: White. Autoclavable. Manufacturedin H16Packet of 10 pcsH16XLAdaptor for Hygovac, other aspirator <strong>tubes</strong> andHygosurge XL to fi t CATTANI 16 mm system. Colour:White. Autoclavable.Manufactured in H16XLPacket of 10 pcsSAFETY CONTAINERFor disposing of hazardous waste. 2200 ml.Manufactured in SC25Carton of 25 pcs6

NEW PRODUCTS! NEW PRODUCTS! NEW PRODUCTS!HYGOTIP XLAutoclavable aspirator to fi t 16 mm system.Length: 145 mm. Colour: White.Manufactured in TP10XLPacket of 10 pcsHYGOSCREEN STRAIGHTAutoclavable aspirator to fi t 11 mm system.Length: 155 mm. Colour: White. Manufacturedin HE25STPacket of 25 pcsNEW PRODUCTS! NEW PRODUCTS! NEW PRODUCTS!COMING SOON! COMING SOON! COMING SOON!HYGOFIXPrebended saliva ejector with integrated tipto fi t 6,5 mm system.Colour: White. Manufactured in HF1000Packet of 25 pcs7

Manufacturer:Distributor:Torbornavägen 26, HelsingborgP.O. Box 16077, S-250 16 RÅÅ, SwedenInt.+46 42 29 55 00, Fax. +46 42 29 55

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