antiurolithiatic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of lawsonia inermis l ...

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antiurolithiatic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of lawsonia inermis l ...


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International Journal <strong>of</strong> Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences 1(2): September-October 2011INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNIVERSALPHARMACY AND LIFE SCIENCESPharmaceutical SciencesResearch Article……!!!Received; acceptedANTIUROLITHIATIC EFFECTS OF HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OFLAWSONIA INERMIS L LEAVESK.J. Kore*, R.V. Shete., P.J. Jadhav, M.P.KabraDepartment <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology, Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s College <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy, Bhor, Dist. Pune,Maharashtra, Pin – 412 206.Keywords:Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L,kidney stone,Antiurolithiatic activity,EG induced urolithiasisFor Correspondence:K.J. KoreDepartment <strong>of</strong>Pharmacology, RajgadDnyanpeeth’s College <strong>of</strong>Pharmacy, Bhor, Dist.Pune, Maharashtra, Pin –412 206.E-mail:k_kore_2000@yahoo.comABSTRACTIn the traditional system <strong>of</strong> medicine in India, the plantLawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L is claimed to be useful for the treatment<strong>of</strong> kidney disorder. The major purpose <strong>of</strong> this study is toinvestigate the potential <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L in thetreatment <strong>of</strong> renal calculi. The leaf <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> Lwas <strong>extract</strong>ed with ethanol and evaluated for <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong>potential. The <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity was evaluated byperforming ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride model.The parameters monitored in the present study are serumurea, BUN, uric acid, creatinine, kidney weight, urinevolume, urine pH,urinary excretion <strong>of</strong> total protein, calcium,phosphorus and magnesium. The hydroethanolic <strong>extract</strong> <strong>of</strong>Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L leaves (HELI) showed significant<strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity against calcium oxalate-type stones.The results obtained in this study provide evidence for theefficacy <strong>of</strong> HELI as <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> agent.81 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

1. Introduction:Urolithiasis is the third most common disorder <strong>of</strong> the urinary tract, the othersbeing frequently occurring urinary tract infection and being prostatic hyperplasia. Theworldwide incidence <strong>of</strong> urolithiasis is quite high and in spite <strong>of</strong> tremendous advances inthe field <strong>of</strong> medicine, there is no truly satisfactory drug for treatment <strong>of</strong> renal calculi(Mitra et al., 1998). Presently medical management <strong>of</strong> urolithiasis mainly involves thesurgical removal <strong>of</strong> stones. Techniques such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy andpercutaneous nephrostolithotomy do not assure the prevention <strong>of</strong> recurrence <strong>of</strong> the stone.They cause side effect such as haemorrhage, hypertension, tubular necrosis, andsubsequent fibrosis <strong>of</strong> the kidney. Hence the search <strong>of</strong> new herbal medicines is still goingon. Diuretics have been introduced and medically been used as prophylactic agents forurolithiasis, due to their key role in regulating kidney function and alleviating the urinaryrisk factors for stone formation (Arafat et al., 2008). Plant medicine was commonly usedfor traditional treatment <strong>of</strong> some significant diuretic activity. Many investigators havedemonstrated that studies <strong>of</strong> herbal plan used in traditional medicine as diuretic haveincreased recent years (Maghrani et al., 2005) and might be a useful tool in the treatment<strong>of</strong> urolithiasis. A large number <strong>of</strong> Indian medicinal plants have been used in the treatment<strong>of</strong> urolithiasis and they have been reported to be effective with fewer side <strong>effects</strong> (Selvamet al., 2001). Even today, plants provide a cheap source <strong>of</strong> drugs for majority <strong>of</strong> world’spopulation. Several pharmacological in vitro and in vivo investigations on the medicinalplants used in traditional <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> therapy revealed their therapeutic potential(Bashir and Gilani, 2009).Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> Linn. (Lythraceae) which is known as Henna, Mehandi inHindi and Mendhi, Mendi in Marathi (Kirtikar and Basu, 2005). Henna, a traditionalproduct with religious associations, has been widely used over the centuries for medicaland cosmetic purposes in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and many other parts <strong>of</strong> the world(Jallad et al., 2008) It is much branched, deciduous, glabrous, sometime spinescent shrubor small tree with greyish brown bark, attaining a height <strong>of</strong> 2.4-5 m (Kirtikar and Basu,2005.).The compounds obtained from the Leaves <strong>of</strong> this plant are Flavonoids such asluteolins, apigenin, and their glycosides; Coumarins such as esculetin, fraxetin,82 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

scopletin;Steroids such as β-sitosterol (Dev, 2006). The leaves <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> alsoreported to contain soluble matters like tannin acid, gallic acid, glucose, mannitol, fat,resin and mucilage (Nayak et al., 2007).This plant has been described in Charaka Samhita for the treatment <strong>of</strong> epilepsyand jaundice, and for dyeing grey hair. In Sushruta Samhita it has been recommended asa remedy for malignant ulcers (Dev, 2006). The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia <strong>of</strong> Indiaindicated the use <strong>of</strong> leaves in dysuria, bleeding disorder, prurigo and other obstinate skindiseases. (Khare, 2007). The leaves have a bitter bad taste; vulnerary, diuretic, useful inheadache, hemicranias, lumbago, bronchitis, boils, ophthalmia, syphilitis, sores,amenorrhoea, scabies, diseases <strong>of</strong> the spleen; favour the growth <strong>of</strong> the hair (Kirtikar andBasu, 2005).Besides its traditional claim as for kidney disorder, its <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> potentialremained unclear. Hence the present study was undertaken to explore <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong>properties <strong>of</strong> Hydroalcoholic <strong>extract</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> (HELI).2. Materials and Methods:2.1. Plant materials and <strong>extract</strong>ion:The leaves <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> Linn. was collected from Ambajogai area <strong>of</strong>Maharashtra in the month <strong>of</strong> October and were authenticated by the Agharkar ResearchInstitute, Pune. Authentication No. is: 09-101.The 200 gm <strong>of</strong> coarsely powdered form <strong>of</strong> dried leaves <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong>,Linn. was subjected to exhaustive <strong>extract</strong>ion in percolater apparatus using 70% aqueousethyl alcohol. Then obtained <strong>extract</strong> were evaporated at 45˚c, the semisolid mass obtainedwas 46 gm (% yield- 23%). The <strong>extract</strong> was stored in air tight container in refrigerator forfurther use.The <strong>extract</strong> was converted into a suspension and used for experimentalpurpose. Suspension was prepared using carboxymethyl cellulose powder in distilledwater.2.2. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation <strong>of</strong> HELI:The qualitative analysis <strong>of</strong> HELI was carried out for the evaluation <strong>of</strong> thepresence <strong>of</strong> various phytoconstituents by using the standard phytochemical tests83 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

(Khandelwal, 2006), which revealed the presence <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates, steroids,triterpenoids, tannins, and flavonoids in HELI.2.3 Experimental animals:Male Wistar rats (150-100 g) and female Swiss albino mice (20-30 gm) procuredfrom the Yash Farm and National Toxicological Centre, Pune were used for the study.Animals were housed in groups <strong>of</strong> 5-6 in standard polypropylene cages with wire meshtop at standard environmental condition <strong>of</strong> temperature 25±2ºC and relative humidity <strong>of</strong>45-55% under 12: 12 h light/ dark cycle in the institutional animal house. Animals hadfree access to standard pellet rodent diet (Lipton India Ltd., Mumbai, India) and waterwas provided ad libitum. All experiments were carried out between 09:00 to 17:00. Theexperimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee <strong>of</strong>Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s College <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy, Bhor, India constituted as per the rules andguidelines provided by the Committee for the Purpose <strong>of</strong> Control and Supervision <strong>of</strong>Experiments on Animals, Chennai, India (RDCOP/IAEC/10/3).2.4 Acute toxicity (AOT) studies:Healthy adult female Swiss albino mice (20-30 gm) were subjected to AOTstudies as per Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)guidelines 2001 (AOT-423). Animals were observed individually after dosing at leastonce during the first 30 min, periodically during the first 24 h, with special attentiongiven during the first 4 h, and daily thereafter, for a total <strong>of</strong> 14 days.The changes in skin,fur, eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory, circulatory, autonomic, central nervoussystem, somatomotor activity and behaviour pattern were noted.The animals treated with HELI did not show any sign <strong>of</strong> toxicity and mortalityduring the 14 days <strong>of</strong> observational period after the administration <strong>of</strong> a limit dose <strong>of</strong> 2000mg/kg, p.o. Hence for the further pharmacological studies doses <strong>of</strong> HELI selected were100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, p.o.2.5 Evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity in ethylene glycol induced urolithiasismodel (Touhami et al., 2007):The rats were randomly divided into six groups (n=6) and treated for 10 days asNormal control: 0.5 % CMC in distilled water (5 ml/kg, p.o.); urolithiasis control: 0.5 %84 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

CMC in distilled water (5 ml/kg, p.o.); Cystone 750: Cystone (750 mg/kg, p.o.); HELI100, 200, and 400: HELI (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, p.o.). Additionally rats from allgroups, except normal control, were had free access to regular food and drinking watercontaining 0.75% (v/v) ethylene glycol (EG) and 2% (w/v) ammonium chloride (AC) adlibitum to induce urolithiasis. The rats were kept individually in metabolic cages andurine samples <strong>of</strong> 24 h were collected on 10 th day. A drop <strong>of</strong> concentrated hydrochloricacid was added to the urine, stored at 4ºC and urine volume, urine pH, andCalcium,Phosphorus,Magnesium and protein content <strong>of</strong> urine using commerciallyavailable kits were estimated. On 10 th day, blood samples from rats from each treatmentgroup were collected by retro orbital puncture under light ether anesthesia.2.5.2 Estimation <strong>of</strong> biomarkersSerum was separated by centrifugation <strong>of</strong> the collected blood at 4000 xg for 10min and subjected to the estimation <strong>of</strong> creatinine, urea, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), anduric acid using commercially available kits.2.6 Statistical analysis:The data was expressed as mean±SEM for each experimental group. The resultswere analyzed for statistical significance using Student’s t- test, one-way analysis <strong>of</strong>variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett’s test. p < 0.05, p < 0.01were considered asstatistically significant.3. Results:3.1 Evaluation <strong>of</strong> HELI in ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in rats:Urine volume and urinary pH:Administration <strong>of</strong> 0.75 % ethylene glycol with 2 % ammonium chloride indrinking water to rats for 10 days showed significant (p

Electrolyte content <strong>of</strong> urine:Administration <strong>of</strong> 0.75 % ethylene glycol with 2 % ammonium chloride indrinking water to rats for 10 days showed significant (p


Table 3: Effect <strong>of</strong> HELI on urinary level <strong>of</strong> total protein in ethylene glycol inducedurolithiasis in rats.TreatmentsTotal Protein (mg/dl)Normal control 2.00± 0.19Control8.84±0.64 bCystone 750 3.72±0.29**HELI 100 8.49±0.59HELI 200 6.13±0.44*HELI 400 4.00±0.27**Data was expressed as mean ± S.E.M. (n=6); b p

acid by metabolism in vivo. CaOx crystalluria could be induced by ethylene glycol andammonium chloride in rats without severe renal damage and this animal model is alwaysused to mimic the etiology <strong>of</strong> urinary stone formation in humans (Zhao et al., 2007). Thebiochemical mechanism for this process is related to an increase in the urinaryconcentration and renal retention <strong>of</strong> oxalate (hyperoxaluria) (Divakar et al., 2010).Oxalate metabolism is considered to be almost identical between rats and humans(Doddola et al., 2007). Ethylene glycol disturbs oxalate metabolizes by ways <strong>of</strong> increasethe substrate availability that increases the activity <strong>of</strong> oxalate synthesizing enzymes likeglycolic acid oxidase and lactate dehydrogenase in rats. These enzymes catalyses thecoupling <strong>of</strong> oxidation and reduction <strong>of</strong> glycoxilate results in the formation glycolate andoxalate (Soundararajan et al., 2006). This oxalate precipitates as CaOx crystals in thekidneys (Tsai et al., 2008). Ammonium chloride causes urinary acidificationconsequently decreases the urinary citrate excretion. This in turn increased the deposition<strong>of</strong> CaOx crystal in the kidney and accelerated the lithiaisis (Fan et al., 1999). Evidence inprevious studies indicated that 6 h after injection <strong>of</strong> sodium oxalate in rats, crystals <strong>of</strong>CaOx were present mainly as large aggregates near the papillary tip with increasedtubular necrosis. Loss <strong>of</strong> tubular epithelium was more pronounced and there were morecellular fragments in the tubular lumens. The biochemical mechanisms for this processare related to an increase in the urinary concentration <strong>of</strong> oxalate. Similar results havebeen obtained when rats were treated with ethylene glycol and with ethylene glycol andammonium oxalate (Bouanani et al., 2010). Thus, a rat model <strong>of</strong> CaOx urolithiasis can beused to investigate the mechanisms involved in human kidney stone formation and also toscreen new agents with <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity (Doddola et al., 2007).The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect <strong>of</strong> AAP in ethyleneglycol and sodium oxalate induced urolithiaisis paradigms using cystone ® , <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong>herbal formulation, as reference standard (Dandia et al., 1975; Mitra et al., 1998). In thepresent study HELI significantly increased urine volume in both the paradigms.It is accepted that hypercalciuria is one <strong>of</strong> the risk factor in the pathogenesis <strong>of</strong>renal stone. An increased urinary calcium concentration is a factor favoring nucleationand precipitation <strong>of</strong> CaOx or apatite (calcium phosphate) from urine and subsequent89 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

crystal growth (Selvam et al., 2001; Karadi et al., 2006). This fact, combined with theincreased urinary calcium leads to their supersaturation in urine and finally stoneformation. One mechanism currently proposed as an important to prevent the formation<strong>of</strong> urinary stone is the presence <strong>of</strong> substance in urine that prevents calcium saltcrystallization (Tostes et al., 2004). In present study the significant hypercalciuria wasobserved in control groups from both the paradigms studied. Treatment with HELI (200and 400 mg/kg) showed significant reduction in calcium in urine in both the paradigmsstudied. By inhibiting calcium excretion the drug decreases the supersaturation <strong>of</strong> theurine with respect to CaOx and thereby decreased the risk <strong>of</strong> stone formation. Apart fromurinary calcium excretion, decrease in serum calcium was evident in urolithiatic rats(Touhami et al., 2007; Tsai et al., 2008). In present study the significant decrease inserum calcium level was observed in control groups from both the paradigms studied.Treatment with HELI (200 and 400 mg/kg) significantly increased serum calcium level inboth the paradigms studied, thereby prevented stone formation.Normal urine contains many organic and inorganic inhibitors <strong>of</strong> crystallization;magnesium is one such well known inhibitor (Selvam et al., 2001). Magnesiumcomplexes with oxalate, thus reducing CaOx supersaturation in urine (Vidya andWaralakshmi, 2000; Soundararajan et al., 2006) as a consequence decrease the growthand nucleation rates <strong>of</strong> calcium crystals (Grases et al., 1989; Selvam et al., 2001). Inpresent study the significant decrease in urinary magnesium was observed in controlgroups from both the paradigms studied. Treatment with HELI (200 and 400 mg/kg) wassignificantly increased urinary magnesium in both the paradigms studied.Increased urinary phosphorus was observed in calculi induced rats. Increasedurinary phosphorus excretion along with oxalate stress seems to provide an environmentappropriate for stone formation by forming calcium phosphate crystals, which epitaxiallyinduces CaOx deposition (Karadi et al., 2006).Treatment with HELI (200 and 400 mg/kg) restored phosphorus levelssignificantly, thus reduced the risk <strong>of</strong> stone formationIn urolithiasis, the glomerular filtration rate decreases due to the obstruction to theflow <strong>of</strong> urine by stones in urinary system (Divakar et al., 2010). This causes impairment90 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

<strong>of</strong> renal function resulting decreased excretion <strong>of</strong> waste products, particularly nitrogenoussubstances such as urea, creatinine, and uric acid with concurrent accumulation in blood(Bahuguna et al., 2009; Divakar et al., 2010; Touhami et al., 2007).Rats treated with ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride showed marked renaldamage as evident from increase in serum creatinine, serum urea, BUN, urinary urea andBUN and decrease in urinary creatinine. However preventive treatment with HELI (200and 400 mg/kg) prevents impairment <strong>of</strong> renal function which was evidenced fromdecrease in serum creatinine serum urea, BUN, urinary urea and BUN and normalizingurinary creatinine.Uric acid interferes with CaOx solubility and it binds and reduces the inhibitoryactivity <strong>of</strong> glycosaminoglycans. The predominance <strong>of</strong> uric acid crystals in calciumoxalate stones and the observation that uric acid binding proteins are capable <strong>of</strong> bindingto calcium oxalate and modulate its crystallization also suggests its primary role in stoneformation (Selvam et al., 2001). Apart from increase in urinary uric acid concentration,some studies suggested increase in the serum uric acid concentration in urolitiasis (Karadiet al., 2006; Bahuguna et al., 2009).In the current study, higher concentration <strong>of</strong> serum uric acid was observed insodium oxalate and ethylene glycol with ammonium chloride induced urolithiatic rats.Treatment with HELI (200 and 400 mg/kg) restored the uric acid level to normal levelthus reducing the risk <strong>of</strong> stone formation.Renal injury whether a result <strong>of</strong> renal calculi decreases nephron population. Theeffect <strong>of</strong> this reduction in renal mass is to place an increased workload on survivingnephron. Through a series <strong>of</strong> microcirculary adaptations, glomerular blood flow andcapillary hydrostatic pressure are increased, and the filtration rate in each glomerulus isaugmented. Gomeruli undergoing this hyperfiltration process are subjected tohemodynamic stress; which damages capillary integrity and predisposes to leakage <strong>of</strong>protein into the urine (Clive, 1991b).Protein excretion was increased in hyperoxaluric rats (Selvam et al., 2001;Soundararajan et al., 2006; Varalakshmi and Vidya, 2000). Supersaturation <strong>of</strong> urinarycolloids results in precipitation as a crystal initiation particle, which when trapped, act as91 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

a nidus and leading to subsequent crystal growth (Selvam et al., 2001). Proteinureareflects proximal tubular dysfunction (Varalakshmi and Vidya, 2000; Soundararajan etal., 2006).Favoring this discussion, protein excretion was increased in sodium oxalate andethylene glycol with ammonium chloride induced lithogenic rats. Administrations <strong>of</strong>HELI (200 and 400 mg/kg) had pr<strong>of</strong>ound effect on reducing the protein excretion andthus prevented the nidus formation for nucleation and thereby minimizing the extent <strong>of</strong>tubular dysfunction.Significant increase in kidney weight in urolithiatic rat is associated withcalculogenesis which is considered as a result <strong>of</strong> urinary supersaturation with respect tostone forming constituents (Mitra et al., 1998). The significant increase in kidney weight<strong>of</strong> lithogenic rats was reported in many studies (Tsai et al., 2008; Bashir and Gilani et al.,2009; Mitra et al., 1998).This effect was significantly prevented with treatment <strong>of</strong> HELI (200 and 400mg/kg). There are several phytochemicals which could be responsible for <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong>effect are flavonoids and triterpenes (Arafat et al., 2008; Soundararajan et al., 2005)saponins and tannins (Doddola et al., 2008).The preliminary phytochemical studies have confirmed the presence <strong>of</strong>carbohydrates, saponnins, tannins and flavonoids in HELI. Hence the <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong><strong>effects</strong> <strong>of</strong> aqueous <strong>extract</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L. leaves may be due to presence <strong>of</strong>saponins, tannins and flavonoids which may act individually or in combination.The result <strong>of</strong> present study revealed that aqueous <strong>extract</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L.leaves (200 and 400 mg/kg) has <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity equipotent to that <strong>of</strong> Cystone ® , athigher dose tested. The <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> activity may be due to increased diuresis;increased excretion <strong>of</strong> urinary salt constituting stone; inhibition <strong>of</strong> oxalate induced toxicmanifestation; disintegration <strong>of</strong> mucoproteins by saponins; formation <strong>of</strong> soluble complex<strong>of</strong> tannins with calcium.However, further studies are necessary to isolate and characterize thephytoconstituents responsible for <strong>antiurolithiatic</strong> action and to explore the exactunderlying mechanism <strong>of</strong> action as well as clinical utility <strong>of</strong> Lawsonia <strong>inermis</strong> L.92 Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com (Free)

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