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LEDGERENTRIESBeinp n 'Collectinn of VuriouBTopics of Local nndGeneral InterefltFORTY-FOURTH YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE <strong>18</strong>. 1936 NO. Sl"*.'TIMELY AND COSTLYIJBCTORS nf the villafle ofpl.dwell will he (Milled uponto tiooiiic the question ofuhiin((in({ our present form ofaovoimmortt to thill of n city ofthe fifth class on iSlonciny, J line211, IHHIi. The quedlion heroinesan issue hecanse of the circulationof n pdtlfinn some three orfour months afio asking! that thematter he hrou^tht before thequalified electors ofthe villaflefor docision and it therefore hecameohliftalory upon the commoncounoll to order n .speciillelection.Sunt why the question hasboon hrmqtht forth has not ns yetheen satisfactorily exrdained.The village form of flovornmorithas lonp heen recognized asdharacteriHtically American. It isrepresentative in form. Under theproposed new form the onHiiflinRof n salaried city manager is contemplated.This in itself is nn innovationwhich If ndopted ishound to mean increased cost inthe conduct of our load affairs.IFor this reason il would seemlhatcareful thought should he giventhe question before deciding toe o to n more costly method ofandling 'the lowri's hnsiness.To the average citizen II doesndt appear that a (town of thissize should find it necessary toadd to Its governmental costs. Itmay also Ibe trilly said that thereIs nrtthing in the way of advancementor improvements inoar individual or collective wellbeingthat cannot be accomplishedor brought about under ourpresent charter.The Michigan Municipal Leaguehas now been in exifdence about adozen years according to Informationill hand yet during thistime only about thirty villages ofthe many hundreds in 'the statehave seen fit to Incorporate asfifth class cities and. to the bestof our knowledge, in not one ofthese cases are the conditionsparallel 1o those in l^owell. "Wedo know it to be a fact that insome of the cases where thetihnnge has been made it hns beenbecause of more or less fridtionbetween village and township.Such is ndt the case In ithe villageand townShip of Lowell. Herethe relations between the twopolitical sUb-divitilonK have beenalways amicable -with full cooperationnnd accord on ibnthsides nnd, in the judgment of theLedger, nothing should be doneto change these relations. We areone community in thought, aimsand aspirations.The experimerftin change to amore costly form of governmentin the opinion of this papershould at least be puitponed untilour financial set-in) is morefavorable than it is today.The did song, "Waiting for theEvening Mail," might aptly have J W" I ore on thorn,been paraphrased to "morningmail" last Monday, when theearly train whistled on flubridge,signalling to ii cluster ofWorld War veterans at the Posldflloc,the arrival of the bonusbonds.®y Tuesday afternoon, ninetydeliveries of bonus pnyments hadbeen made in Lowell. Stragglingreceipts were expected tobrineTECHNICAL MENLEADINGtechnicalll.S.BeMs Bonds tLZZZtSZ*Brinf Smiles l«Becoming A Memory 5o/ernn High MassIn Home ChurchThe eightv-year-did coveredbridge over Flat River id Trahk• • •• .Jones' plnne in IPrillofdiurp Juis11/ IJ Of 17 -1—! erttored upon another year ofWf III Ifl ff I f M v survice. The bridge is one of theffUl1 \A& |- ( , w „(• jj s (ypj. | ( ,f| i n Midhigan.!With the river vista, il presentsn Hcene of pastoral beauty whichwould be hard to match any-|where. 'Covered bridges once wereuncommonly common in thisvicinity, because n pioneer bridgebuilder, residing in Greenville.,favored this type of ronstruction,and sold highway commissionsTanis Vast Sunt IntoTrade CIubmUinstalledPresident tf RehryClub Secretary IF. iF. Coonswas designated an ''outstandingring Ibe total to Ind. C^nly one Lowell fUitarian" at the first anhad'to Ibe returned to Wasbing-jnual induction of officers ntton for re-addressing.'Itichmond's Cafe ilaSt WednesdayrIndividual bonuses varied, de-Dnding in service rendered 'togovernment in n great nationalcrisis. The largest amountlocally wasto IR. iB. Starkey,who still carries mnchinegun lead and u bayonet-torn'handin testimony to his valor overseas.It is estimated that bonus paymentsin this section of Kentcounty will ireadh a total of upwardsof perhaps asmuch as $25tM>U0.The government is doing muchBoard of TradeMeeting MarkedBy Cooperatioi^ Rural Schools inIonia To Be Closed SbeO-FishingSeason StartsFirst of JulySix Oonin county rnral ndhorilswill be closed next term nnd theirfulfills sent to neighboring Ullagescho(ils ns result of the ftnancialfirovisions of the Thatchcr-SiiurIK!l.These (^Ifisirifr's mult from thepiwisions (if the Thatcher-Siiuract, oflicinls explained, nnd benefitsthe vfllnge school district bygiving it n higher pupil enrotlmentand thus ennblin^ il to reiceivemore stnte aid money fromthe Thatdher-Saur fund. T h cAfter an hour of open forum closing districtsnre also bene-(lisnission marked by friendly ftltel becnuse (he Thntc.her-Snur begin to cdme out of Flnt nnd|consideration of the other fel- act gives them an nlhrwance for f'irund IRivors and Other mussellow'stUkEspecial AttractionsWednesday NightsNot As Prodnctive AsIn Former Yearsf'enrl buttons in the rnw willViOage EngineerEnvisions a NewP.W.A. ProjectWould Use ProceedsFrom Showboat•Construction of u one-s'torj't»rick building. Hii by (id feci, onthe old 'Gonld (inrage fn-opcrtynow owned equnlKb> the Villnge.American Legion Post andfkiard (»f Trnde. was envisionedns n possible PWA project liy AlbertRoth, village engineer, in ndiscussion before the Low-efl'Common 'Council Inst IVIondnyevening.The ipropnsed structure woidflbe set buck nine feet from thesite of the presentbuftArng toprovide prrijier road widthnndessen trnflir hnznrds at thev's viewpoint nnd impnrtial Iransportntion of pupils sent out producing strenms of lower Mich- .Ho11and. MissDorotlnKoth is staying at her theparerttal"tattermarrylabor.Wendell Emery is working atChristiansen's ice cream factoryon East Main-st.Principal and Mrs. W. 3. Smith,who are attending the TexasCeutennial this week, probablywill spend most of the summerin IHofland where they are operatinga pottery stand and sandwichshop.We understand that A. F.cents in the editorial domicile on 'The closing of the entire President ilcihn A. Arehart apthenight mentioned. |streams to commercial shelling pointed Trustees Day and Ship-— may Ibe necessary eventually k> «rd as a committee to conferEntered in the old furniture rt ' s ' ,ore tl" 1 supply." with the Showboat committeeexhibit of the "Grand Rapids Fur-regarding the project.Pa • fl f II •'" t, "Itemative presented, ifVfofp Hac I rnnhiP:hf ' Showboat seating capacity isliB® 11 to be materially augmented, ii. to• Ik I AAA ni,t,< ' n the roof of the presentUflUMI Karlr \ in iMMl building, and construct an in-UlfBIg IMlLn «pl.v 9 vv\/ terior timbered underpinning.This plan, likewise, ihas decideddisadvantages, as it "would great-1Un a JIM, the State legislature re- h' hamper intended use as a gar-; duced the cost of passenger auto- «ge for village vehidles andi'UKibile 'license plates from .nJ> equipment, a dugout for theNo doubt William C. Doyle cents to Hn -cerits per (hundred Legion IPost. and penmanodlthinks the fire department should iP^unds. A refund was immedi- quarters for the Board of Trade,give some warning when it ately in order for the many which was the original purposestarts practising. Returning from thousands of car owners who behind the acquisition of thehis farm Monday-evening, he saw-boughttheir 1M4 jilates at the structure..from a distance the fire hose highir rate. 'Checks were accord- During the discussion. Trusteeploying water over the mill, 'ngly mailed out to all entitled to W. A. Both expressed the opim-There ensued several minutes of refunds, to the addresses given Kiri^hal the Showboat has growndire suspense as Mr. Doyle speed- when they purchased t'heir plates. "1° ltponft where its promotioned to the scene, expecting to find Envdlopes containing t h e i ,nt ' direction in the hands ofinstitution a blazing hdlo-jdheciks came back "undlaimed" joint conunittees has ito'come unnitureMarket Cerrtenmal are apiece fifty years old owned byClarence W. Yerter, Alto; and aproduct of the Nelson-MatterCo., predecessor firm to PhoenixFurniture 'Co., for which ilosephGaunt and Fred Bousch of Lowdflworked for many years,which is now in the possession' * * r q jupies ratal nM i Grass of AltoON THE WANETTHIROWAWAY or shop- ^ ^ ^| ping mews ihas roadbed its! T)eiith ohumod John 'Gress, Sfi,peak and is on the wane," ^ Alto, in Blodgott Memnriul- — hospital Tuesday evening. Mr.reports Odhn (Long in theCaliforniaPublisher. "We "have it onthe authority of two advertisingagency executives."W. (H. IHannaford, secretary ofDan B. Miner Co., is quoted asfollows:"The established newspaper ino community 'fulfills the newsneed of that community with thefree medium riding along on the•bodk-waSh of Ihe jpreStige andvdlue of 'tiie estiibhsbedpaper,giving to advertisers u supposedly(larger circulation at o cheaperrate, t often wonder wtaat wouldhappen to the merchants of thesecommunities should they, throughtheir support of throw-oways,cause then-legitimate newspapersto cease piibliiihing. Such o hnppuningwould be o tragedy fewcities could survive."Gress '.failed to rally frominjuriesiruceived when his automobile,in whidh he was ridingalone on June 15, left highway XIS-Ifi near Cascade and rolled overseveral times.Surviving are the wife, Mrs.Glenno -Gress; his mother, Mrs.(Ida iPrazier Of MoCords; a brother,(Can (Gress of 'Grand Rapids;nnd a sister, Mrs. fl, E. Tlmmpsonof Cascade.(Funeral services will he heldtomorrow (Friday) at 3:8I) p. m.from the IRoth chapel, and at 2HK)p. m. tfrom the Wlutneyville M. E.Church. (Burial will be in Whitnej'villecemotun .MICHIGAN 'BOAD MAPSThe Ledger bos received a limitedsupply of ofllcinl 1986 Midh-^ . „ .igan road maps from the StateFarmers in the cranberry bean Highwuv Dupt., which are freegrowing industry in Michi|»n | n those interested by calling at(have taken away much of the the Ledger office.markdt that once (biilonged tto'California, principally because i _ rpvvTQ ennv apnmaiithis state is closer to centers ofSH(>ESIBC1AI.consumption. So that in IftHfii HH pairs 111111 (Band first qudl-Midhigan bean growers are safe|ity for little fellows, sizes 7 to 112,in illanting the equal nr perhaps and not more than three pairs tosome increase in cranberry beans a customer. Saturday only, 89c,over IDHi) acreage. The cranberrvbeanhas o mottled skinwhidh appeals to consumers,especially to families in the easternmining and southern industrialsections. .Supplies grown inMichigan in 9931) are all sold atprices that wore around MiOOtor a hundred pound ibag in •Octoberand wound up early inJune at 12.75. Marketing (enQtenseems to have its advantages.at 'Coons.'When a new electric switchboardfuse 'burns nut a capsule ofneon gas emits u red glow to attradtattention.To break the force of thewaves so 'that vessels may anchoriin safety and he iprotedted, [breakwatersore (built out into theocean.The iPbila A. Clark Amateurhour at M. IE Oiurch house Fridayevening. June 2li, starts at8 tUII. Admission 15c. c5(Begular American Legion meetingsare hold on the second andfourth Monday of each month at'uf Mr. andthe city hall at BsWl p. in.ttflrtta'l •home in Olivet until the!camft. But il was only the spring I'V the mail sack full, indicated wieldy, and predicted eventualr part of -Jluly wtien she wID tm-oiit of the Si^agrave pumper, tbirt the addresses given wore supervision of the town's besty [Howard IPeckham of Ann " — wrong, or that the people ad- known CIVIC-endeavor (by a singleWork on the new fv7Q]900 unit dressed had mwed without (leav- corporation ruled (by a small,of the 'Central schocfl plantasjing forwarding addresses, in 11985 antral executive committee,mming along in a very satis- When car owners (bought their Engineer Albert Both urgedfactory manner. The oUtside"new license plates, hundreds thoughtful consideration of thewalls are now up; much of the mrtticed the cost was less, in- hi'st proiedt-s for future submisconcroteflooring has been laid quired about it and claimed s ' £,n to the government, and sugandthe partition wails separ- their refund checks. But not in gested a catch ibasrn project forilting the school rooms are -well months have claims in any mini- prfrpcr drainage of vfHage streetsunderway. The new Strudturejber boon made for the refund which are rapidly being permanhasproceeded far enough to 1 checks which are in a special fil-{ ,n ". v surfaced, an improvemerttshow that it is going to have a,ing cabinet. There are nbout largely financed by county fundsmost pleasing appearance when'SilMMi of them and they overage •allocaied under existing laws. A- - - - - " project dealing with curb andAll alwavs (be gutter work might likewise (bematter of actual flrwn "ireful thought. Mr. Bothir- _ ii -r, ;n, •!, -n— T~- . i "uuMwiuuiii-ftBuiiiiHNiuiii. (practice, there is no statute of su 'd- _ n ,1and Kupids, will de-Nellie Till any. who have (been'this place would hold a heap of limitations applicable In checks Attorney .lohn Vandc-rwad ofsuccessful teachers in the Low-ha v." The statement is another written by the Treasurer of Emsey, Shivel & Phelps, will artell schools for a number of years.! win' of saving that the new gym- Michigan, on warrants of the"* village attorney during thewill not return next fall because nasitun is" going to be of a size Auditor General. (Rebate and re- absence off Atlorney B. M. Shivelto meet modenn requirements. fund checks Hi and 12 years old ' n Eumpe during the next two— are returned, cashed, to the De- months, it was announced.Remarked a local citizen to the payment of State, from time to iCir* Eleotion CmnnrittMfiLedgar a few days ago; •Ttime. if. : [T.„, >r . inn xi_ t . ««noticed in the columns of your Thore are from to ifH) dbedks ^ H iPrimi vjuqier recently the suggestion of in payment of Michigan's 1923n ,,nd FTunk R Cof,m ^a camp here for house trailer| "soldiers bonus" which havetourists. The idea is a good one. nwur been cilaimed. They wereliver the sermon. Mr. BernardMcKenna of the Sulpician Seminary,Catholic Vnivcrsitv of America,Washington, D. C., will actas Master of Ceremonies.The mass will Ibe followedwith a dinner for the immediaterelatives at Lone Pine Inn. Therewill be a reception for tfriendsfrom 4 to K m. m. at the residencers. '0. H. (Howard.The Falliisburg Cubs will Iholdja (bqnoflt dancing party Friday]TheFanaSburg,^. artl Herald and 'Clair IBrownTnevening, July 8, atBark pavilion.Good music.Diwiolution Noticepartnership between Ed-Alton's Amateur Hour, sponsored(by theAlton 'CommunityClub, will be hold Tuesday evening.June 28, at 8:15. Free-willofTering.The descendants of the Smithand Laura A. Godfrey family willhold their annual ruunion lit FallasburgPai'k Sunday, June 21.—'Helen Elbart. Sec'y.There will Ibe o 'luncheonatthe 'home of Mrs. S. B. Wenger onWednesday afternooon, June 24.at one o'clock for the buneilt ofthe Congregational churdh.The Clark division of the 'Congregationalchurch will (be entertainedby Mrs. W. J. Warrenand Mrs. Carl James at the former'shome, on Friday afternoonJune 19.The classes of 1922 and 1928Lowell high school, will holdtheir annualreunion at Falliisburg[Park Sunday. June 2K.Bring sandwiches and one other'fish. All members and theirfamilies are urged to come.the B. Si IH. Lunch at highwaysMJ<strong>06</strong> and (I'S-Ki is berebvdissolved.EdwardIHerald.Clair Brown.of other plans.TICKETS AVAILABLEThere are a few complimentarytickets available at the Ledgeroffice for the dance honoringKent County Young [Republicans,to Ibe Ihdld Friday. June 19, atK:3li p. m. in the 'Chic auditorium,Grand Rapids.There is gold in sea water, (butthe average concentration of theprecious metal, iin several thousandsamples analyzed, has beenfound to be only three-one-millionthsof un ounce to the ton.Board Of Trade „mittee now to work" out plans soMhrimed and others claimed but th . r _thin a trailer tourist camp prop- anparentlv never cashed, is anlim^fihnpiourerly equipped, could be in readi- unfailing one at the stale capftol. ^f. flBaby Pheasants Doing Wellness here for the 19S7 season.Most tourists prefer to stop inthe smaller towns and we haveeverything that theylike—goodroads, scenic drives, (beautifulrivers nnd lakes, and fine fishing.We ought to measure up to thisbig opportunity.'"'('Cut courtesy •Grand Bupids Herald)IDnder the skilled cure of Archie Duncan and Howard Bidgforniaparasitologist has in vented { way. these 2IMI pheasants, shown lit the age of one din betweena lump shedding rays of various townsmen E. C. Foreman 'Cleft* and Bruce A. MdQuoen, are grow-(Because (liiTurent colored lightsattract difTereut insects, a Calihuesto draw orchard pesti;against wires that dlectrocutethem.Job printing—^Ledger office.ing lustily, fln a few weeks they will be released Iby meiribers

, . N. mmssSiSSSSSSISIX THE LOWHLL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JUNE <strong>18</strong>. 19MLEGALNOTICESNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE OFMORTGAGE SALEDefaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) in the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby William H. Reichold and MarthaH. Reichold, husband nndwife of City of Grand Rapids. KentCounty. Michigan, to Home Owners'Loan Corporation, a Corporationorganized under Ihe laws ofthe United States of America, dated3rd day of January, 1935. andrecorded in the office of the Registerof Deeds for Kent County,Michigan, on 14th day of January1935. in Liber 784 of Mortgages, onPages 327-328. and said mortgageehaving elected under the terms ofsaid mortgage to declare the entireprincipal and accrued interestthereon due, which election It doeshereby exercise, pursuant to whichthere is claimed to be due and unpaidon said mortgage at the dateof this notice for principal and interestand other lawful chargesthe sum of Five Thousand FourHundred Twenty-four and 79100Dollars ($5,424.79) and no suit orproceeding at law or in equity havingbeen instituted to recover thedebt secured by said mortgage orany part thereof;Now, Therefore, by virtue of thepower of sale containedin saidmortgage and pursuant to theStatutes of the State of Michiganin such case made and provided.Notice Is Hereby Given that on15th day of September A. D.. 1936at ten o'clock in the forenoon. EasternStandard Time at the northfront door of the Court House inthe City of Grand Rapids, Countyof Kent, Michigan (that being theplace of holding Circuit Court insaid County) said mortgage will beforeclosed by a sale at public auctionto the highest bidder of thepremises described in said mortige,or so much thereof as mayDefaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) in the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby August J. Gretl, Administratorof Estate of Louisa Grell, deceased,of City of Grand Rapids, KentCounty, Michigan, to Home Owners'Loan Corporation, a Corporationorganized under the laws ofthe United States of America, datedthe 23rd day of October. 1934.and recorded in the office of theRegister of Deeds for Kent County.Michigan, on the 8th day ofNovember 1934, In Liber781 ofMortgages, on Pages 581-582, andsaid mortgagee having elected underthe terms of said mortgage todeclare the entire principal andaccrued interest thereon due,which election it does hereby cxercise,pursuant to which there isclaimed to be due and unpaid onsaid mortgage at the date of thisnotice for principal andinterestand other lawful charges the sumof One Thousand Seven HundredThirty-one and 961100 Dollars ($1,-731.C6) and no bull or proceedingat law or In equity having beenInstituted to recover the debt securedby said mortgage or anypart thereof;Now, Therefore, by virtue of thepower of sale contained in saidmortgage and pursuant to theStatutes of the State of Michiganin such case made and provided.Notice Is Hereby Given that onthe 15th day of September. A. D.1936 at ten o'clock in the forenoon.Eastern Standard Time at thenorth front door of the CourtHouse in the City of Grand Rapids,County of Kent. Michigan(that being the place of holdingCircuit Court in said County) aaidmortgage will be foreclosed by asale at public auction to the highestbidder of the premises describ-Election NoticeVILLAGE OF LOWELLTo the qualified electors of theVillage of Lowell.Notice Is hereby given that aspecial election will be held In theVillage of Lowell. KentCounty.Michigan, at the City Hall In saidVillage, on Monday. June 29. 1938,from 8:00 o'clock in the forenoonuntil 8:00 o'clock in the evening forthe purpose of:Voting on the question of whetheror not the Village of Lowellshall incorporate as a Fifth ClassCity; and for the election of ninecharter commission members todraft a city charter for said Villageof Lowell. If the proposal to so incorporateIs approved.Dated this 26th day of May. A.D 1936Signed, LEWIS E. JOHNSON.Village Clerk.c2. 5tREGISTRATION NOTICEI will be at Lowell City Hallevery day from 8 a. m. to 12 M. toand Including June 19. 1936 for purposeof registering qualified votersfor special charter election to beheld June 29. 1936.All persons not now registeredmust register their names in orderto be qualified to vote at said election.LEWIS E. JOHNSON.c2-4tVillage Clerk.bo necessary to pay the amount led in said mortgage, or so muchdue as aforesaid, and any sum or .thereofas may be necessary tosums which may be paid by the!pay the amount due as aforesaid,undersigned at or before said sale and any sum or sums, which mayfor taxes andor insurance on be paid by the undersigned at orsaid premises, and all other sums before said sale for taxes and 1 orpaid by the undersigned, with in- insurance on i-aid premises, and allterest thereon, pursuant to law and]other sums paid by the undersigned.with interest thereon, pursuantto the terms of said mortgage, andall legal costs, charges andexpenses.including an attorney's fee.which premises nre described asfollows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated in the City of GrandRapids. County of Kent, Michigan,more particularly described as:Lot Sixteen (16), Block Two (2), J.Penny's Addition to the City ofGrand Rapids, Kent County Michigan.'according to the recordedplat thereof, together with rightsin a driveway over a portion ofsaid Lot Sixteen (16) and Ixit Seventeen(17) adjoining by virtue ofan airreement recorded in Liber 25of Miscellaneous Records at page29,Dated June 11. 1936.HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for Mortgagee.Business Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids,Michiganc5. 13tNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALtDefaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) in the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby Jessie Holliday of City ofto law and to the terms of saidmortgage, and all legal costs,charges and expenses, includingnn attorney's fee, which premisesarc described as follows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated in the City of GrandRapids, County of Kent. Michigan,more particularly described as:The West Seventy (70) feet of LotTwo Hundred Sixty-four (264)Kent Plat. City of Grand Rapids,Kent County, Michigan, accordingto the recorded plat thereof.Dated: June 12. 1936HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for Mortgagee.Business Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg.. Grand Rapids.Michiganc5. 13tGrand Rapids. Kent County. Michigan.to Home Owners' Loan Corporationa Corporation organized Ithe" 5th "day "of' Januao'7' 1934.under the laws of the United | an( j recorded in the office of theNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALEDefaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) in the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby Wlcenty Klllszewski (alsoknown as Vincent Klliszowski) andMary Kiliszewski. husband andwife of Township of Walker. KentCounty, Michigan, to Home Owners'Loan Corporation, a Corporationorganized under the laws ofthe United States of America, dat-States of America, dated "th day Rpgis(er of Deeds for Kent Coun.a JJ uar %.'# lu r» a recorded in| ty Michlffani on the jgth dav offnp "k'infrlnnivJ « nuar > -1934. in Liber 759 of Mort-Sth day of S i o i m m ffonher 760 of Mortgages, on Pages 13-14. nnd said mortgagee having el-In the Matter of Vacating, Diacontinuingand Abollahing a Portionof Ottawa Stroet Within the Villageof Lowell.Lowell. Michigan,June 8. 1936.Notice Is Hereby Given that thefollowing resolution was adoptedby the Common Council of the Villageof Lowell at Its meeting ofJune 8. 1936. and pursuant theretothe meeting mentioned therein willbe held at the Council Rooms insaid Village on Monday evening.July 13. 1936, at 8:00 o'clock p. m.:"Resolved by the Common Councilof the Village of Lowell that Itdeems It advisable to vacate, discontinueand abolish that portionof Ottawa Street In the Village ofLowell. Kent County, Michigan,described as follows:"Beginning at the easterly side ofSouth Broadway Street and runningthence easterly to the easterlylimits of Snell's Addition to theVillage ofLowell. Kent County.Michigan as a matter of publicsafety and as being necessary forthe public convenience and as beinga public improvement;"Therefore. Notice Is Hereby Giventhat the Common Council ofthe Village of Lowell will meet onMonday evening. July 13. 1936. at8:00 o'clock P. M. at the CouncilRooms in said Village to hear allobjections that may be urgedagainst said vacating, discontinuingand abolishing said portion ofsaid street."Be It Further Resolved that noticeof said meeting be given oypublication of said notice, togetherwith a copy of this resolution, inthe Lowell Ledger, a newspaperprinted and circulated in said Villageof Lowell, for three successiveweeks prior to said meeting;further, that copies of said noticetogether with said resolution beposted In some consplcious place,one at the westerly end and one atthe easterly end of the portion ofsaid street proposed to be vacatedwithin said Village of Lowell atleastthree weeks prior to saidmeeting."JOHN A. AREHART.President of the Villageof Lowell.LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk of the Village nfLowell.c4,3tCouncil ProceedingsVILLAGE OF LOWELL(OfflciallIngmon Council of the Villago of Low'ell was held at the City Hall Coun-The Regular meeting of the Comitycil Rooms on Monday, May <strong>18</strong>. 1936.The meeting was called to orderby President Arehart at 8:00o'clock p.'m.Trustees present: Day, Cook,Shepard, Thorne, Christiansen.Trustees absent: Roth.Minutes of meeting held May 6thread and approved.A letter from Frank McMahonwas read. A motion was made byTrustee Shepard and supported byTrustee Cook to accept the letterand place It on file. Yeas 8, Nays 0.Carried.The release of the oil lease read.The clerk was ordered to write theRegister of Deeds at Ionia to verifythe release of the oil lease.Letters written by the clerk toClarksville, Alto, Lake Odessa,Freeport and Belding read.Electrical Ordinance orderedfiled and the affidavit of publlcatlnoread and filed.A motion by Trustee Cook andsupported by Trustee Shepard that5 years free light and power be giventhe Lowell Metal Products Co.,Mr. Shivel to be Instructed to drawup the agreement. Roll Call: Day,Cook. Shepard, Thorne, Christiansen.Yeas 5. Nays 0. Carried.The Clerk was instructed towrite to the owner of house nextto Gould's Garage to see if shewould paint It.A motion by Trustee Day andsupported by Trustee Cook thatthe following bills be paid. RollCall: Day, Cook, Shep?rd. Thorne.Christiansen. Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried.Light and PowerLynn Briggs $ 5.00Cecil Cole 10.00F. J. McMahon 124.62James McMahon 64.80Mert Sinclair 53.46Valda Chaterdon 45.36Paul Rlckert 45.36Byrne McMahon 48.60Gerald Staal 36.00Mabel Knapp 40.50Jerry Devine 36.00Ted VanOcker 34.20Ray Ingersoll 32.40Kittle Charles 13.88Michigan Bell Telephone.. 8.85L. W. Johnson & Sons.... 130.00National Stamping Works 8.58Capitol Electric Co 39.87Weeks Electric Co 6.50Superior Furniture Co.... .50Westinghouse Electric Co 25.95Graybar 37.38L. R. Klose.... 10.64Electric Supply Co 1.62Electromaster Inc 11.29Lltschers Dist. Co 36.56Lowell Lumber & Sup. Co. .66General Electric Co 9.55Price Rite Hardware 29.12Socony Vacuum Oil Co.... 11.20Webster Chevrolet Sales.. 12.14V. W. Hunter 24.25Total $ 994.84State Savings Bank 399.44City HallFred Gramer $ 9.00Michigan Bell Telephone.. 3.72Price Rite Hardware 5.49ected under the terms of saidmortgagee having elected underthe terms of said mortgage to declarethe entire principal and acmortgageto declare ihe entire thereon due. whichpi incipui and accrued interest «eX,e. ?; , 8 eJthereon due. which election it does j " Y ^e i8c ,aim ® dhereby exercise, pursuant to which!*® be n j " npa j d ° 1 n 8aidn 101 ' 1 *there is claimed to be due and un- ^nf e . at 1 ,he (i 1 at f 4 of notice forpaid on said mortgage at the date P |inc 'P a ' and interest and otherof this notice for principal and interestand other lawful chargesthe sum of Two Thousand SevenHundred Sixty-seven and <strong>18</strong>100Dollars ($2,767.<strong>18</strong>) and no suit orlawful charges the sum of OneThousand Three Hundred Sixtvsevenand 60 100 Dollars (Sl.367.60)and no suit or proceedinc at lawor in equity having been institutedproceeding at law or in equity hav- 10 recover the debt secured bying been instituted to recover thedebt secured by said mortgage orany part thereof:said mortgage or any part thereof;Now, Therefore, by virtue of thepower of sale contained insaidNow. Therefore, by virtue of the jnortgage and pursuant to the Stapowerof sale contained in said tut ®f0 ' State of Michigan inmortgage and pursuant to the Sta-ii'V, case made and provided,lutes of the State of Michigan In! Notice Is Hereby Given that onsuch case made and provided. No- 'JJf t'a y September A. D.lice Is Hereby Given that on 15th 1936 - a* ^no clock in the foredayof September A. D. 1936 at "O 00 - Eastern Standard Time atten o'clock in the forenoon. Eas- 'J 10north front door of the Courttern Standard Time at the north House in the City of Grand Rapfiontdoor of the Court House inthe City of Grand Rapids. Countyof Kent. Michigan (that being theplace of holding Circuit Court insaid County) said mortgage will heforeclosed by a sale at public auctionto the highest bidder of thepremises described in said mortgage.or so much thereof as maybe necessary to pay the amountdue as aforesaid, and any sum orsums which may be paid by theundersigned at or before said salefor taxes and | or Insurance onsaid premises, and all other sumspaid by the undersigned, with interestthereon, pursuant to lawand to the teims of said mortgage,nnd all legal costs, charges andexpenses, including an attorney'sfee. which premises are describedas follows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated in the City of GrandRapids. County of Kent, Michiganmore particularly described as:Lot Nineteen (19) of Salem T.Turner's Addition to the City ofGrand Rapids. Michigan.Dated June 11, 1936.HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for Mortgagee.Business Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids.Michigan.c5. 13tids. County of Kent, Michigan(that being the place of holdingCircuit Court in said County) saidmortgage will be foreclosed by asale at public auction to the highestbidder of the premises describedin said mortgage, or so muchthereofas may be necessary topay the amount due as aforesaid,and any sum or sums which maybe paid by the undersigned at orbefore said sale for taxes and | orinsurance on said premises, andall other sums paid by the undersignedwith Interest thereon, pursuantto law and to the terms ofsaid mortgage, and all legal costs,charges and expenses, includingan attorney's fee. which premisesare described as follows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated in the Township ofWalker. County of Kent, Michigan,more particularly described as:Lots Number Nineteen (19), Thirtv-four(34), and the South Onehulf(^) of Lot Number Eighteen(<strong>18</strong>) respectively, Webster andBrenner's Homesteads. WalkerTownship. Kent County, Michigan.Dated: June 12, 1936.HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION,Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for MortgageeBusiness Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids.Michiganc5. 13tMORTGAGE SALEDefault having occurred in realestate mortgage containing powerof sale dated March 27, 1928, AdriannaM. Dekker mortgagor, andHome State Bank for Savings,mortgagee, recorded Register ofDeeds office Kent County March27, 1928, Liber 640 Mortgagespage 427, and default having occurredin real estate mortgagecontaining power of sale datedApril 15, 1930. AdrlannaM. Dekker. mortgagor, and HomeState Bank for Savings, mortgagee,recorded April 17. 1930. Liber 7<strong>06</strong>Mortgages page 242. which mortgageswere assigned to Curtis M.Wylie October 3. 1931, by assignmentrecorded May 7, 1934, in Liber768 Mortgages page 457, andagain assigned November 5, 1935,to Kent Mortgage Agency, Inc. byassignment recorded same date inLiber 798 Mortgages page 378; theassignee of Mortgagee declaresprincipal and Interest thereon dueand payable, whereupon powerof sale has become operative.Amount claimed due this date onsaid mortgages is $1513.54, principal,Interest, taxes and attorney fee.No suit or proceeding at law hasbeen Instituted to recover any partof debt now remaining securedthereby.Notice is hereby given that bysaid power of sale said mortgageswill be foreclosed by sale at northdoor Court House, Grand Kapids,Kent County, Michigan, on July 13.1936, at ten o'clock in forenoon, ofmortgaged premises, viz: Lot elevenR. C. Luce's Subdivision of Lot4 Block 2, George Campau Plat,Grand Rapids. Michigan.Dated, April 14. 1936.KENTMORTGAGEAGENCY. INC..Assignee of Mortgagee.NORRIS MCPHERSON HAR-RINGTON & WAER,Attorneys for Assignee ofMortgagee.c48, 12tTotalSewerArchie LewisGeneral FundL. E. JohnsonO. J. BrezinaLibraryFundGeneCarrFredGramerLowell JournalMichigan Bell TeleDoubleday, Hunt, Dolan.SinkingFundWilburHastingsTotal $2,033.98Water WorksW. S. Reuhland $ 15.55R. E. Sprlngett 5.40PROBATE OF WILLORDER APPOINTING TIME FORHEARING CLAIMSState of MichiRan. The Probate State of Michigan. The ProbateCourt for the County of Kent.Co " rt for «>® County of KentAt a session of said court, held at . u At asession of said court, held atthe probate office, in the city of probate off ce. In the city ofGrand Rapids, in said county on; Grand Rapid®' In said county, onthe 27th day of May A. D. 1936. the 12th day of June A. D.1936Present, Hon. JOHN DALTON, n^ese T nt . : Ho "E -HIG "Judee of ProbateBEE -Ju(1 K e of Probate.in the Matter of the Estate of »" the Matter of the EstateMatilda A, Harris. Deceased.He i® nBrown King, Deceased.ofIt appearing to the court that thetime for presentation of claimsagainst said estate should be limited,and that a time and place beappointed to receive, examine andadjust all claims and demandsagainst said deceased by and beforesaid court:It Is Ordered, That all the creditorsof said deceased are requiredto present their claims to saidcourt at said Probate Office on orbefore the 28th day of September,A. D. 1936 at ten o'clock in the forenoon,said time and place beinghereby appointed for the examinationand adjustment of all claimsand demands against said deceased.It la Further Ordered, That publicnotice thereof be given by publicationof a copy of this order forthree successive weeks previous tosaid day of bearing. In the LowellLedger, a newspaper printed andcirculated in said county.JOHN DALTON,Judge of Probate.A true copy:FRED ROTH.Register of Probate.el, ItFrank S. Enos and Florence L.King having filed in said courttheir petition praying that a certaininstrument in writing, purportingto be the last will nndtestament of said deceased, now onfile in said court be admitted toprobate, and that the administrationof said estate be granted toFlorence L. King or to some othersuitable person.It Is Ordered. That the 10th dayof July A. D. 1936, at ten o'clockin the forenoon, at said probateoffice, be and Is herebyappointedfor hearing said petition;It Is Further Ordered, That publicnotice thereof be given by publicationof a copy of this order forthree successive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing, In the LowellLedger, a newspaper printed andcirculated in said county.CLARK E. HIGBEEJudge o! Probate.A true copy.FRED ROTH.Register of Probate.c5, 3tAPPOINTMENT OF ADMINIS-TRATORState of Michigan. The ProbateCourt for the County of Kent.At a session of said court, heldat the probate office In the city ofGrand Rapids, In said county onthe 9th day of June A. D. 1936.Present: Hon. JOHN DALTON,Judge of Probate.In the Matter of the Estate ofAbram Schram, Jr., DisappearedPerson.Buell A. Docile, State Public Administrator,having filed In saidcourt his petition praying that theadministration of said estate begranted to Roland M. Shivel or tosome other suitable person.It Is Ordered, that the 10th dayof July A. D. 1936, at ten o'clockIn the forenoon, at saidprobateoffice, be and is hereby appointedfor hearing said petition.It is Further Ordered, that publicnotice thereof be given by publicationof a copy of this order,for three successive weeks previousto said day of hearing. In theLowell Ledger, a newspaper printedand circulated In said county.JOHN DALTON.Judge of Probate.A true copy.FRED ROTH.Register of Probatec5. 3t.$ <strong>18</strong>.21.$ 10.00I 23.0834.60100.0040.0034.6015.305.9044.501,500.00236.00Price Rite HardwareTotalStreeti. A. TannerE. B. ClemenzLodie ShearFredGramerWaltGibsonMyronRiceLowell JournalKreuter Faasen CoMichigan Co. IncSocony Vacuum Oil Co.,Price Rite Hard we re..,TravelersIncSocony Oil CoV. W. HunterWebster Chev. Sales...,Reynolds andWachterhauserJamesVisH. Runciman5.46.$ 26.4136.0036.0030.0012.6012.0012.004.0019.15<strong>18</strong>.70.866.2553.701.707.3<strong>06</strong>.4617.791.408.50TotalTotalBills..$ 284.41$3,767.29A motion was made by TrusteeShepard and supported by TrusteeChristiansen that the meeting adjourn.Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried.Read and Approved June 8, 1936.LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk,HARRY DAY,President, Pro TemA special meeting of the VillageCouncil called by the Village clerkto appoint Board of Review wascalled to order by President ProTem Day at 9:10 p. m. Saturday,June 6, 1936.Trustees present: Day, Roth,Cook. Thorne.Trustees absent: Christiansen,Shepard.President Pro Tem appointed E.O. Wadsworth and E. D. McQueento Boaid of Review.Motion was made by TrusteeRoth and supported by TrusteeCook that the appointment of E.O. Wadsworth and E. D. McQueenbe confirmed.Roll Call: Day, Cook, Roth,Thome. Yeas 4, Nays 0. Carried.A motion to adjourn was madeby Trustee Roth and supported byTrustee Cook. Carried.Read and Approved June 8, 1036.LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk.HARRY DAY,President, Pro Tem(Herd soaps are made by boilingfats with lyc.NOTICE LEDGER READERSFriends of The Ledger and AltoSolo having business in theProbate Court of Kent Countywill confer a favor on the publisherby requesting the court toorder probate notices publishedin this paper. The Court will beglad to comply with the requestwhen made.Respectfully,R. 0. Jefferies, Pub. Ledger.The regular meeting, postponedfrom June Ist, of the CommonCouncil of the Village of Lowellwas held at the Council Rooms inthe City Hall Monday, June 8, 1936at 8:15 p. m.The meeting was called to orderby President Pro Tem Day.Trustees present: Roth, Thorne,Christiansen, Shepard.President Arehart andTrusteeCook absent.A letter from Hubbel, Hartgerlng4 Roth, showing purity test ofLowell water has been O. K. since1934 was read and placed on file.On motion of Trustee Roth supportedby Trustee Cbrlatiansfen thefollowing resolution was adopte"Resolved by the Common Councilof the Village of Lowell that itdeemo it advisable to vacate, discontinueand abolish that portionof Ottawa Street In the Village ofLowell. Kent County, Michigan,described as follows:"Beginning at the easterly sideof South Broadway Stroet and runningthence easterly tolimits of Snell's Addition to theVillage of Lowell, Kent County,Michigan as amatter of publicsafety and as being necessary forthe public convenience and as beinga public Improvement;"Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Giventhat the Common Council ofthe Village of Lowell will meet onMonday evening, July 13, 1936, at8:00 o'clock P. M. ai the CouncilRooms In said Village to bear allobjections that may b e ureedagainst said vacating, discontinuing:and abolishing said portion ofsaid street"Be It Further Resolved that noticeof said meeting be given bypublication of said notice, togetherwith a copy of this resolution, inthe Lowoll Ledger, a newspaperprinted and circulated in said Villageof Lowell, for three successiveweeks prior to said meeting;further, that copies of said noticetogether with said resolution beposted In some consplcious place,one at the westerly end and one atthe easterly end of the portion ofsaid street proposed to be vacatedwithin said Village of Lowell atleast three weeks priorto saidmeeting."A building permit from JoeGreen was read.A motion was made by TrusteeRoth and supported by TrusteeThorne that the permit be granted.Yeas 4, nays 0. Carried.The President appointed TrusteeThorne and Trustee Christiansento act with the Clerk as registrationboard.The motion was made by TrusteeRoth and supported by TrusteeShepard that the appointment beconfirmed. Yeas 4, nays 0. Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeChristiansen and supported byTrustee Thorne thatwe borrow$4,000.00 for 60 days from the StateSavings Bank. Roll Call. TrusteesRoth, Thome, Christiansen, Shepard.Yeas 4, nays 0. Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeShepard and supported by TrusteeRoth that we renew the $1,000.00note due June Ist for 90 days. Rollcall: Trustees Roth, Thome, Christiansen.Shepard. Yeas 4, nays 0.Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeChristiansen and supported byTrustee Roth that the tax rate be$1.20 divided as follows: $1.00 General,15c Sinking, 5c Band. RollCall: Trustees Roth, Thome, Christiansen,Shepard. Yeas 4, nays 0.Carried.Trustee Shepard excused.A motion was made by TrusteeThome and supported by TrusteeRoth that the following bills bepaid. Roll call: Trustees Roth,Thome, Christiansen. Yeas 3, nays0. Carried.Lowell Light and PowerF. J. McMahon $ 124.62Jas. McMahon 64.80Mert Sinclair 53.46Valda Chaterdon 45.36Paul Rlckert 45.36Byrne McMahon 48.60Gerald Staal 36.00Mabel Knapp 40.50Jerry Devine 36.00Ted VanOcker 84.20Ray Ingersoll 32.40Kittle Charles 15.75Jay Carter 5.75Fred Osbom 2.25Lester Place 5.00Pat Beahan 50.00Rutenber Electric Co 54.88G. R. Belting Co 2.52Capitol Electric Co 35.07L. R. Klose 221.12General Electric Co 108.84Lltschers Dist. Co 234.30McMahon Service Sta 26.00Savage Arms Corp 10.58Weeks Electric Co 2.50P. B. Gast Co 6.22Lowell Ledger 11.50White Electric Co 132.05Westinghouse Electric Co. 40.91Price Rite Hardware 157.56Lowell Journal 9.25R. B. Starkey 21.00M. W. Gee 16.30Michigan Bell Tele 3.17Wm. Helm Station 15.09L. B. Morse 14.80Chas. Wood 13.00Westinghouse Lamp Co.. 57.55Smith Auto Supply Co— 1.20Rutenber Electric Co.... 54.88Ida Jones 10.00Isa Graham 10.00McQueen Motor Sales... 15.08Jack Winks 75Price Rite Hdw 8.33McMahon Frt. Acc 100.00Anthony's Service Station 11.16G. R. Dept. Pub. Service... 50.00Total .$ 2.095.63Water WorksCrane Co .1 7.20S. A. Norman Co 5.92Lowell Lumber Co 6.30Price Rite Hdw 5.09Michigan Bell Tele 3.01Wm. Helm Sta 27.00W. S. Reuhland 13.75Lowell Lumber Co 30.28M. W. Gee 8.48The Carbomndum Co.. 3.53John Layer 7.80Total .$ 1<strong>18</strong>.36City HallFred Gramer .1 9.00Lowell Light & Power.. 6.36Halsma Co 2.50Royden Wamer 1.25Total $ 19.11General FundFred Gramer .$ 84.60Gene Carr . 40.00L. E. JohnsonO. J. BrezinaPostmasterLight& Power^FreightState Savings BankTlsch-HlneCoLowell LedgerLlnsey, Shivel & Phelps..Fire Dept. Payroll84.6284.602.0015.29.6315.00102.6536.91659.5463.75State Savings Bank 11,560.25Total $12,599.84StreetL. A. Tanner $ 54.00Lodle Shear 54.00Walt Gibson 45.00Myron Rice 45.00E. B. Clemenz 54.00Fred Gramer <strong>18</strong>.90Harold Dlntaman 6.00John Dawson 2.00Will Gramer <strong>18</strong>.50John Dawson <strong>18</strong>.00Webster Motor Sales 600.00James Vis .90Lowell Lumber Supply Co 1.40Price Rite Hdw 1.95W. E. Hall 55Hllderley's Drag Store... 1.50Kreuter Faasen Co 14.78iolds andachterhauser 15.16Vera Armstrong 8.52ReyncWacTotal I 955.16Total Bills Paid $15,788.10A motion was made by TrusteeRoth supported by Trustee Christiansenthat the meeting adjoum.Yeas 3, nays 0. Carried.LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk.J. A AREHART,PresidentApproved June 15, 1988.From the Gulf of Mexico onecango up the Mississippi andMinnesota rivers, down the RedRiver (of the North) and LakeWinnepeg, and pass west of HudsonBay to the Arctic Ocean, andnever be as much as 1000 feetabore sea level.Short StoryTennessee CallingBy SCOTT W. RYALL© McCtur* Nowvpnpor Symllcadi.WNU Service.A DIUANE BARTON, sifting back** in her chair, listened to thetoastmaster's eulogies; listened cynicallyas he enlarged upon hermedals and honorary degrees.Those banqueters envied hcr athleticfigure, the weather-bronzedface beneath its high piled mass ofNordic blond Imir."Air queen," the toastmaster said,then hla words drifted into memorlea,vague thoughts of people whocould never wear starched frontsIf they had them, vague desires tobe among them.She remembered a little airportIn Missouri or Tennessee—sheshe couldn't remember which. Th«rewas a blustery little first cousinto a cyclone rsging and she tooka loug chance In landing on thepostage stamp fleld at dusk.There was a moment of vast reliefas the wheels settled safely;she had turned the plane and rested,the motor throbbing Idly.Thetruth was she had been In tremblingfrightYes, she—the womanhad done these things which peopleat the banquet so enthusiasticallyapplauded.A figure had left the shed at thefar end of the landing fleld. Shehad watched It stumble, fall, thencome trotting on. She opened thethrottle with a still trembling handand taxied toward ItShe saw a young man with flamingred hair that glistened in thelast light of a stormy day.Hewas waving an arm cheerfully,sweeping It In a half-circle to Indicatewhere she should run theplane."Hullo," he greeted, when shecut the Ignition, "you lucky guy.Hop In the shed. There's coffee.I'll stake the crate down.""Stake it?" she asked, pulling offher helmet and turning out a cascadeof golden hair.He stared at her."A woman!" he exclaimed. •'Lady,don't you think anything of yourneck?This Is no flying weatherfor a woman.""Or anybody else." she said dryly."Let's get to that coffee. Theplane's all right"He grinned."That's what you think. Youmay find It In the next county bymorning. We're In for a blow."She nodded, and as she wasweary from the difficult fight withthe winds and weakened by fear,she obeyed his suggestion.The shed held the shadowy formof an old plane and a light glowedfrom a side room. Coffee was steamIng on a small stove and gratefullysh edrank a cupful before he againappeared.He looked at her critically, thenwent about laying a dinner, firingquestions all the while.She didnot tell him who she was and hedid not ask.He gave her every courtesy andlater relinquished the room to her."I'm going over to a friend's,"he said Jovially."Make yourselfat home.I hope Ihe roof doesn'tblow off."She objected, but not strenuously.It was a dllficult situation. He wentout Into the wind now tearing andhowling about the building.Tbestorm cut loose then and the creakingof boards mingled with the rattlingpound of rain until exhaustionclaimed her and she sleptsoundly.She awoke early, as was herhabit, and her first thought wasthe plane.The redhead was alreadyup on the cowling."Boy!" he called enthusiastically,"this Is a wagon!I guess everyguy has an ambition to bop off Inone of these."She laughed."It's a steady old boat. It surestood up well lost night""I've checked the engine.""Thanks, I'll take it out of yourway."He looked his surprise."Too much wind yet" he warned,"better wait awhile.And there'ssomething else—""I've taken It out in worse thanthis," she said, laughing, and as sheinsisted, he reluctantly helped herInto the cockpit"Walt a minute," he said earnestly,climbed on the wing and lookedlong at her face.She flushed under the gaze."Tell me your name," he said."Jane Doe."He grimaced wryly. "Yeah, I'veheard a lot of them. I'm Red.That's alL Just Red. And goodluck 1"She laughed, he grinned, therewas a roar of the motor, a shortrun and she felt a gust of windtoss It like a balloon.She circledthe fleld, saw the tiny flgure waving,then he was left behind—somewhereIn Tennessee.The toastmaster broke Into herthought as he waved his arm andannounced, "Miss Adrlane Barton."She rose before the panorama ofwhite faces and thunder of clappinghands. Momentarily she stoodthere, trying to get her bearings,for she bad been flying back justthen, the rolling hills of Missouribeneath her, tbe more formidablepeaks of Tennessee In the distance,her eyes peeled for a decayingairport and a mop of flamingred hair. . . .Anderson and Eva Standlsh andMr, and Mrs. John Troy and daughters.Margaret Anderson spent Thursdayevening and Friday with herfriend Vivian Procter and attendedthe Commencement exercises atMiddleville.Mr. and Mrs. FredBatey andfamily have the sincere sympathyof their many friends here In thesudden and untimely death of theirson Thomas.Mr, and Mrs. John O'Nell anddaughter now ride In a new car.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mc Dlarmld,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooley attendedthe funeral of the former's sister,which was held at ClarksvilleMonday afternoon.Mr, andMrs. Sidney Wlersmaanddaughters of Grand Rapidsand Michael Sheeban wore Sundayguests at tbe Leon Anderson home.Mrs. Wm. Braton and daughterMarian spent Sunday evening atthe Maty Reynolds home.Miss Nellie Sheeban of GrandRapids was a Saturday eveningdinner guest of Mrs. Mary Reynolds.Forest Baker of Lake City spentFriday evening with John Dues.Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Casey andfamily left for Lansing Tuesdayafter visiting their aunt Mrs. MaryReynolds the past two weeks.Mr. and Mrs. Don Glldden wereSunday afternoon guests ofherparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencerof LaBarge.Lowe DistrictMrs. Gertrude ThomasSunday visitors at John Nash'swere Mrs. Jennie Flynn and Clare,Mrs. Emma McVean and HaroldNash and wife of Lowell.Charley Posthumus is in a Chioago hospital taking treatments,we all hope he will return homeimproved In health.John Nash and family were Wednesdaynight supper guests of Mr.and Mrs. Harold Nash of Lowell,smd attended the graduating exercises,their nephew Robert Ellisbeing one of the graduates.Mr. and Mrs. Watt Thomas wereSunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Merrill Kercher.Russell Benton and family andVemor Benton of Grand *Rapidswere visitors at Wayne Benton'sThursday evening. Helen Bentonretumed home with them and re-LOWELL PIBLIC LIMMITGRAHAM BLDG.—WEST BID!-OPEN-Tuesdsy, Thursday. Saturdajfrom 2 to 8 p. m.AUDIE E. POST. Ubrarlaimalned until Saturday.Henry Fry lost a horse last week.Mrs. De Good and children ofCascade spent Thursday with Mrs.Charley Posthumus.The children gave a splendidChildren's Day program at thechurch Sunday morning.North Bell DistrictMrs. Elmer MarshallMr. and Mrs. Ray Ware and Mr.and Mrs. Will Draper spent Wednesdayevening In Lansing withthe former's son, Mllford Ware andfamily. Mllford has recently purchaseda lovely new home.Mr. and Mrs. Will Fox and RoyOsborne of Lowell called on Mr.and Mrs. Lyle Bovee and familyJaftemoon.ey and Lyhpotatoes to Grand Rapids Fridav.Mr. and Mrs. Bedsll of Lansing,Mr. and Mrs. Madison and Mrs. J.R. Spurrier of Ionia, were visitorsat South Boston Grange Saturdaynight Edwin Marshall played aviolin solo, "The Sparrows Parade"accompanied on the piano by hismother. Mrs. Spurrier talked aboutthe state canning and bak : ng contest.and the Grange picnic. Thelatter will be Saturday, June 20that Bertha Brock Park. South BostonGrangers should be ashanu.dof the poor showing made Saturday night.Mr. and Mrs. S. L Mclntyrj amison Keith spent Sunda/ nith herbrother, J. O. Kelsey and family,near Bellevue.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hendersonof Grand Roplds were Sundnv dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. ElmerE. Marshall.Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Kyser anddaughter spent Sunday with theirson and daughter-ln-law. Mr. andMrs. Leo Kyser near Charlotte.Mrs. John Calller was taken toBlodgett Hospital last Wednesdayseriously ill, and at last reportsher condition badnot Improved.Her granddaughter. Miss MildredHolliday, a trained nurse, of Lansing,Is attending her.Miss Fem Mclntyre. who spentlast week In Grand Rapids, andher cousin. Mrs. Henry Spykermanof that city, called on Mr. and Mrs.S. L. Mclntyre Monday afternoonon their way to Canada where theywill visit friends and relatives.S. W. BowneMrs. L. T. AndersonMrs. LT. Anderson, daughterMargaret and Vivian Procter wereIn Grand Rapids Tuesday, the formerspending the day with her sister,Mrs. Zetha Anderson.Mrs. Melvin Ellis is very low atthe home of -her sister-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Owen NashClair Gougherty of Detroit andsister Mary Catherine of Ann Arborwere week end guests of theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gougherty.Visitors at the Leon Andersonhome the past week ware Mr. aadMrs. Dorr Glldden, Mrs. Wm, C.Thursday ___Ware Stores^le Bovee tookSo. Lowell BusyComersMrs. Howard BartlettMrs. Emerson Wleland entertainedthe Neighborhood Club onThursday afternoon. Nearly all theclub members were present. Officerswere clected for the next year.Several games were played anddllclous cakes with Ice cream wereserved.Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flowers andson Chas., Mr. and Mrs. EmestClark and baby were Sunday eveningcallers at George Wieland's.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lumbert havemovedfrom Mendon to Dutton.Mrs. Wm. Kllgus spent Thursdaywith them.Mrs. Ray Rlttenger assisted Mrs.John Rlttenger on Sunday andMonday. Mr. John Rlttenger Issry 111.Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wlelandand children enjoyed a picnic dinnerat Cadillac with friends andrelatives on Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Harley Taylor ofClarksville visited at the home oftheir daughter, Mrs. Harold RlttengerSunday.F. EAILE HMEIFUNERAL DIRECTORDay or NightAMBULANCE SERVICEPhones 22-F2. 22-F3B. N. SNEMID, M. 1.I K. UTLMI, M. I.Phone 100Negonce Block, Lowell.Office Hours. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. IOffice Phone 36L P. BOIFIEISENPkyalclan and SurgeonOVER CITY STATE BAN!LOWELL, MICHIGANOffice Phone. 222-2; House. 222-3•OIMJS IL MTLET—DENTIST—Office ever C. Tkeraas StoreOffice Hours; 9 to 12^ and 1 to 5Closed Thursday afternoonPhones: Office 50 Res. 15Mr*. HowH J. KtltsfirSpencer Corsetlere815 West Main St.. Lowell. Mich.Phone 357JOH R. STITREI—DENTIST—Phone 216Bonn f te IOpen Wednesday andSaUniUyEveiiag, 7 to 9Office closed Tkursday afterneoMN.I.T.LISTIIOSTEOPATHICPhysician and SnrgeenGeneral PracticeSpecial Attention to RectalDiseases(Prepared and equipped to treatPiles, Prolapse. Fissures andFistuli withouthospitalization).1174 Madison Ave.. Grand RapidsPhones: Office <strong>18</strong>702; Res. 88011Lucy Stone became famous foradvocating the detention of theirmaiden names by married women.iHave You Pain?If you are suffering sicknessor pain, why not takespinal adjustments?Hundreds of long standingchronic cases have beenrelieved—you owe it to yourselfwhat can be done foryou.This Lowell office is foryour convenience and youare welcome at anytime tocome, in for free advice andconsultation.Gertrude Tredenick,D. C. f Ph. C.CHIROPRACTORPhone 88440Main office, Plett Blk., 243'/2Division, Grand Raplos,Mich.Banch Office King Block,Lowell, Wednesday andSaturday, 9:00 a. m. to8 KM) p. m.INSURE YOUR FARM PROPERTYIn Michigan's Largest Farm Mutual Fire InsuranceCompany. Total net assets nearly $800,000 of which overhalf is in Government Bonds, or Bonds gnaranteed by theU. S. Government and cash. In 1935 made net gain ofover $7,000,000 in property at risk. In May of this yearadded over 500 new members.First Company to write a blanket policy on farm personalproperty which often psys double the amountofclassified policy. First Farm Mutual Company in Michiganto employ full time Inspectors. Careful underwritingand systematic inspection, eliminating undesirable ridesand fire hazards. Insurance classified and assessed accordingto hazard. Assessment rate as low as $2.94 per$1,000.InsuranceDepartment writes, "Your members are tohe congratulated on the efiiciency of your management oftheir business. The progress shown in the increase of insuranceand the very moderate cost of procuring the increasedbusiness is evidence of thorough knowledge of thebusiness and attention to detail." Michigan State Board ofAgriculture carries insurance on State ExperimentalFarms in this Company. Policies accepted by FederalLand Bank, Home Owners Loan Corp., or other LoaningAgencies.For further information see representative or writeHome Office.Lowell—Harry Day. D. A. Wingeier. R. E. Springett, GrantWarner. A. R. Smith.Cascade—John J. Watterson.Stile Mntssl Fm ImnsN Csapisy *1 MMspa702 Chnreh SL, Flint. MichiganW. V. BUWtAS, President H. K. F1SK, SecretaryTHE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JUNE <strong>18</strong>. 1936R e m e m b e rFresh Cottage CheeseFriday and SaturdayFresh Churned Buttermilkgal. 10cFANCY GRADE EGGS.FRESH BUTTER.Insist on Fancy Grade Eggs if you want the freshest.LOWELLCREAMERYPhone 37E. A. COMPAGNER, Prop.Lowell, Mich.They visited their farm near Freeport.We are glad to know Mr. AndersonIs able to ride out and enjoythis pleasant summer weather.A large number from these partsattended the ball game at CaledoniaSunday.Romain Flynn spent last weekwith her sisters Hazel and Bernadlneat Nazareth. Miss Hazel spentthe week end at home and broughtRomain home with her.South BowneJennie PardeeRaymond Shaffer and ladyfriend were week end guests ofElmer Shaffer and family.Mrs. Lydia Karcher Is In Indinnnassisting In caring for Mrs. WillEash who Is 111 with heart trouble.Miss Marian Pardee and JenniePardee were in Lake Odessa Mondayforenoon.Mr. andMrs. L. And reus andMrs. Minnie Bouck visited at C.M. Benedict's Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaffer werein Clarksville Monday aftemoonon business.Pauline Moore visited Wednesdaywith Miss Eleanor Miller.Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Springs ofFoorsland, Illinois, was a Sundaynight guest of Mr. and Mrs. HaroldYoder.Harold Yoder and family attendedthe Blough reunion at FallasburgPark Sunday.Miss Helen Brown of Valparlso,Indiana, was a week end guest ofEleanor Miller and also GlendoraMiller of Carlton visited her grandparents,C. M. Benedict's over theweek end.Miss Eleanor Miller accompaniedHelen Brown of Valparaiso, Ind. tothe home of her aunt, Mrs. BessieTight Sunday where she will attendthe Valparaiso University this summer.Gladys and Marlon Pardee nndJennie Pardee called to see Mrs.Clara Watts, who Is confined toher bed, Thursday evening and alsoat the Alden Porrltt home.Marilyn Porrltt Is spending theweek with her aunt, Jennie Pardee,Mrs. Jennie Thompson andhusband.Mr. Cole will stop off otGrandRapids, Minn, for a staywith his eon, Clarencc and familyfor awhile.Mr. andMrs. AI Raymor andfamily of Lowell spent the eveninglast Thursday with her sister,Mrs. Guy Quiggle and family.Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Richardsspent last Weunesday evening atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. IsaacWood.Miss Jennie Richards left lastMonday afternoon for New York,enroute to, Budapest. Hungary,where she will attend the InternationalOrthopedic Convention, June29—July 3. She will spend considerabletime In other countries InEurope before her return late InAugust.Mr. and Mrs. S. Wenger of Altospent the afternoon with Mr. andMrs. Isaac Wood one day last week.Buster Walker endDelia andMargie Gregory and ClavtonHouseman have finished theirschool year at Lowell and arc attheir homes here.Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Slater andfamily of Bowling Green, Ohio andMr. and Mrs. R. J. Slater and PaulSlater of Cascade, were dinnerguests Friday of the former's sister,Mrs. Bessie Coger and family.Gove LakeMrs. H. L. CogerMr. and Mrs. Will L. Bush ofWayland came last Wednesday toS end a few days with his sister,rs. Issac Wood and husband.Mr. and Mrs. C. Quiggle In companywith Mr. and Mrs. ClaudeCole and daughters Margaret andVivian of Snow Dist. left early onSaturday moming for Harrah,Wash, to visit Mrs. Cole's sister.HARRIS CREEK RIPPLES(Last week's letter)Frank Bums returned home onSaturday for his summer vacationfrom his studies at St Joseph seminaryIn Grand Raolds.A large number from this wayattended the graduation exercisesat Caledonia last Thursday evening.Monica Anderson and MichaelSheehan were the ones fromthis way who were In the 1936 class.The community was shocked onThursday evening when they learnedof the sudden death of Thomrf*Batey, the only son of Mr. and Mrs.Fred Batey. The family have thesympathy of the community Intheir bereavement.Mr. and Mrs. John Heler ofGrand Rapids spent Sunday withMr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelb.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson andson Howard enjoyed a very pleasantride Sunday and Monday.HERE'S THE TIRE THAT GIVES YOUArI r 4I//ALL-WEATHER-a great tire on three counts1 niE GOODYEAR MARGIN OFSAFETY with tough, sure-grippingcenter-traction tread thatgives 43% longer non-skid miletgethan even former Goodyears.O PATENTED SUPERTWISTCORD —more resilient, moreenduring than any other cord—insures greater blowout resistancein every ply.3 LOWEST COST PER MILEservice with greater safety inevery mile—proved by the experienceof millions.THE WORLD'S LARG-EST SELLING TIREBECAUSE THE WORLD'S EXPERIENCEPROVES IT QSVES THE LONGEST WEAR-THE SAFEST MILEAGE-FOR THE MONEYTHI OREATIST NAMI IN IUISIRRalph's Tire & Radio ShopCorner Main and Riverside Drive, LowellPhone 23-F2 Residence 23.F3So. Keene-No. BostonMr». Ed. PotterA meeting was held Tuesday eveningat Cutler school house to considerelectricity for this neighborhood.Mrs. Ed. Potter leaves for DcitroitFriday to attend the weddingiof her niece, Louise Schmuck to(Arthur Paepke also of Detroit,i Sunday afternoon and lunchguests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kingjmawere Mr. and Mrs. John Workman,and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Workman,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Werkhovenand family, Mr. and Mrs. Shnibemakerand Mr. and Mrs. JackiLlnkaard and family.Martin Vandenhout of Flintspent Friday at the Adrian Vandenhouthome. Eleanor Vandenhoutof Zceland was a week endguest.Essie Veenstra of California Isvisiting with friends and relativesIn this vicinity and Sunday a largecompany had picnic dinner at theriver in her honor. Mr. and Mrs,George Raimer and Mr. and Mrs.Garrle Raimer and family attended,Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bly and twosons from Grand Rapids were Sundayguests of Mr. and Mrs. AdrianVandenhout and family.Mr. and Mrs. John Workman andfamily of Grand Rapids spentThursday with Mr. and Mrs. NickKingma and the latter family spentFriday evening with Mr. and Mrs.Wassink.Mrs. Susie Chorley of Blanchardspent the week end with Mr. andMrs. Wm. Thompson at the EdwardThompson home.Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Potter spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. JamesLlnd and family.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Potter andMr. and Mrs. Ed. Potter were InIonia Tuesday.Mrs. Soph Carnahan and sonand frlonds were calling in thisneighborhood one aftemoon lastweek.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Potter andMr. and Mrs. Ed. Potter were inIonia Tuesday aftemoon.Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Arend andson of Baroda and Barbara Davenportspent Saturday afternoon atthe Ed. Potter home.Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Potter andbaby spent Sunday at the JamesLlnd home. Mrs. R. Wheaton andMarie and W. Potter were SundayS ests and afternoon guests werer. and Mrs. J. C. Oberly anddaughter Jo Ann of Blanchard, Mr.and Mrs. Bradley Boss and Mr. andMrs. Byron Potter and family ofGrand Rapids and Bert Potter.SEVENElmdaleMrs. Irs SergeantMrs. E. L Grant spent from Sundayuntil Thursday with hcr sonMiles and family of Lansing.Carlos Seese attended the Loganschool reunion Saturday. He reportsa fine time and large attendance.Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Northrup andMiss Irene Sargeant of Portlandire Sunday aftemoon callers atthe Custer-Sargeant home.Clair Snyder and Dalton Stahlaccompanied David Hoffman toIndiana Tuesday.The children day program waswell presented to a full house atthe Church of the Brethren Sundayevening.The third annual Krauss familyreunion was held Sunday at thehome of H. E. Krauss and family.Thirty-five were In attendance, afine time was enjoyed and withplenty of good eats, helped to makethe completo day of happiness.Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Schwab andMr. and Mrs. Charles Schwab motoredto Ohio, Sunday, where theyaitended a school reunion.Geer Smith of Ionia, who Is acandidate for nomination for prosecutingattorney of Ionia County,was a Wednesday afternoon callerat the Custer-Sargeant home.White's BridgeMrs. C. E. BowenBorn, to Mr. and Mrs. BentleySmith Sunday. June 14th, a daughtei,at the BddliiK hoapltul.Mr. and Mrs. Ted VanOcker attendedgraduating exercises atGreenville last week Thursdaynight Miss Violet VanOcker was agraduate.Miss Doris Stormzand of Lowellspent Friday night and Saturdaywith Pearl Bowen.Miss Evelyn Mooney is workingat Bentley Smith's.Miss Grace Hovinga and brotherGerritt of South Lowoll were supperguests of Theda Devine, Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bowen attendedthe show. "Farmer In TheDell" at Greenville Sunday evening.Miss Ella Bowen spent the eveningwith Miss Claire Middlebrook.Mr. andMrs. Milo Hornbrookand son from Rockford spent Sundayat Jake Mooney's.The Hoppough school reunionwas held Sunday at the schoolhouse with a good attendance.Mr. and Mrs. Royal Willett fromClarksville spent Saturday nightand Sunday at Leonard Bozunn's.Mrs. Stewart and son and MissWillis from Lapeer were Sundayvisitors at Ray Ingersoll's. Mrs.Ingersoll and Gene retumed homewith them for a visit. Miss AmandaMcArthur and Roland McArthurand Miss Willis from Pontiac werealso Sunday visitors at the Ingersollhome. Austin Ingersoll retumedto Pontiac wlfh his cousins tospend the summer.Mrs. C. E. Bowen and Pearl attendeda kitchen shower for Mrs.Wm. Hitchcock at Mrs. Almyr Potter'sIn Ionia last week Thursdayaftemoon.SmyrnaMrs. Albert HousermanMiss Frnncos Mntlison attend*cd the Peggy Hlnaksnin recital ptllio St. Cecilia niiditoriuni in(iniml Hapids Friday evening.ilai'Iand Burgess and liabWelch of tiraud Hnpds were Salurdaycallers at Frank Mattison's.Mrs. Kd. Insley nndHowardspenl Thursday and Friday inMuskegon attending a Maccabceconvention.The Mallison family entcrtaiiiedrelatives from New Jersey at(iordon Park near Cedar Springs.Mrs. Lettie Booth of GrandHapids arrived Friday morningfor a visit with hcr cousin, Mrs.Agnes Gould.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer ofGrand Hapids were Sunday callersat Clyde ('otter's.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Housermanaccompanied Floyd ('.larkand family to Grand Hapids Simdayevening and called on Mrs.('.lark and Miss Alma Weber alSt. Mary's hospital.Albert Hussell of near Chadwickcalled on Mrs. Agnes GouldSaturday afternoon.Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. BentleySmith, June 14, a daughter.The oil well on the Gclgerfarm west of Smyrna has beenclosed anil they nre pulling upthe pipes preparnlory to startinganother one nearer town.Mr. and Mrs. l/wnard Webervisited their daughter Alma Mondnyevening atSt. Mary's hospital.Mrs. Bertha IHnrringlonspentInst week with relatives in GrnndHapids.Mrs. DeEtte Gardner and Mrs.Ola Purdy accompanied HaroldGardnerto Eddy Lake lo visitMr. and Mrs. Hay Ring, who nrecamping there.The Federal Land Hank is remodelingand painting the buildingson the former Day Richmondfnrm.Mr. and Mrs. Royal King andMr. and Mrs. Vernon King ofEast Keene were Sunday eveningcallers at Albert iHbnsennnn's.CascadeMrs. Clarence MulderMr. and Mrs. C. T. McDonaldnnd son Kenneth spent Tuesdnynnd Wednesday in Trnverse Cilynl a rnlly of Ihe members ofMnc's Ixidge. There they nttendeda fish fry and a few olhersocial events, and on the wayhome called on Mnc's brothernnd fnmily in Cadillac.Mrs. Martin VanderJagt is recoveringfrom a very severe cold.Misses Pearl and Ruby Beakand Kenneth Beak nnd FrankVnnderMnns attendedthe danceat Green Like Saturday night.Many of the last year graduatesofLowell high school attendedthe Alumni banquet Fridaynighl.Mrs. C. VanderMaas spent acouple of days with her sisterin Byron Center last week andcame home with a couple ofcrates of strawberries. Evidentlyshew as busy while there.Miss Gladys Ingersoll did notspend the week-end with herparents this week, but stayed intown with her sister Hazel whohas a position at a friend's homeiand Gladys helped her getsituated.Mr. and Mrs. McDonald motoredlo Saranac Sunday afternoon.:Salsbury, Jake Gcldersma andMrs. Ward Boulard and children.Mrs. Floyd Flynn nnd dnughterscalled on Mr. nnd Mrs. ArthurClnrke Monday evening.John Nash and family, Mrs.Jennie Flynn and Mrs. FloydFlynn attended Ihe comniencementexercises at LowellWednesdayevening.Mrs. Floyd Flynn and Mrs.Jennie Flvnn attended the W. F.M. S. at Free])orl Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. Gail Burkholderof Grand Hapids were Sundayguests at (iuy Smith's.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heacockof Hastings nnd GilbertPorriltspent Sunday in Kalamazoo.Mr. and Mrs. I.awton Cole nnddaughter, Mrs. Dee Bryant andchildren and Mrs. Eugene Bryantwere Sunday callers at A. J.Porrilt's.Callers on Mrs. Clnrn Wnltsduring the week were Mrs. MinnieBouck. Mrs. Lou Andrews.Alice Mishler, Mrs. Jennie Pnrdee,Mrs. Gladys Pardee. Mrs.Stanley Coles and Mrs. LawrenceJohnson.Dick and Paul Johnson nrespending severnl days with Mr.and Mrs. Harry Houghner inFreeport.Callers nt H. A. Johnson's Sundnywere Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm.('•osgrifT, Mr. nndMrs. StanleyColes and children. Mr, ami Mrs,Alex Wingeier and sons, Mrs.John Watts, Mr. nnd Mrs. I .awrence Johnson, Laverne nndClnre Brvnnt.Miss Mabel Watts is spendingher summer vnenlion with hermother, Mrs. Clara Wnlts.The pensnnt women of Hiissiahave been ordered to worksi\days a year on the roads. If ihe.xdo well al it Stalin lets themhave a few days every summer torest up in a coal-mine.— NewYork Sun.Aceording lo legend HoherlHruee was led to attrmpl todrive the English from Scotlanda second time by the sight of aspider weaving its web. Hruee|watched Ihe spider fail inanvj times and finally sum id.Besides sand, the substancesnecessary for Ihe making of glassnre soda and lime. These must bevery clenn, ns a little impuritywill spoil the whole mixture.Train Schedules'The time given below is centralstandard time, which is one hourslower than Lowell time.Pere MarquetteTrain going cast 7:35 n. m.Tmin going west 7:03 p. m.Grand TrankTrnins going enst8:00 n. nv12:40 p. inTrnins going west 11:34 n. m.(ling slop)4:07 p.m.Most salt is obtained by mining.Geometry was in use in Egyptas early as 2100 B. C.A watch is comparatively asimple machine containing anaverage of nbout 150 distinct)arts. However, il hns beenound that the production ofthese pnrts requires over 3,700sepnrate operations.Miserablewith backache?W/HEN kidneys function badly endW you soffcr e nagging beckache,with dixifrequent£Alaska AtomsMrs. Harold ColvlnMr. and Mrs. Evan Sneden nndfnmily were Sunday supper guestsof Mr. nnd Mrs. ErnestCrumbackat LaBarge.Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Williams nndfnmily attended a birthdny parlyfor her mint, Mrs. Grace Solomonof Middleville nt the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrisin Grand Hapids Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sherringtonand family of Caledonia andMr. and Mrs. Andrew Hose ofGrand Hapids were Sunday afternooncallers al the Sherringtonhome.Mr. andMrs. Glen Myers ofHome Acres were week-end visitorsof her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Harvc Vanderhoof. Mrs. Vanderhoofreturned home with themMonday for a few days' visit.Mrs. Mattie Sherrington andEd. Clneson called onMr. andMrs. Leo Bryant of Alto Sundayto see her new niece. Miss ElizabethSherrington returned homeSaturday nightfrom caring forthem.Mrs. Mildred King spent Saturdaynight wilh Mr. and Mrs.Harold Colvin.All accompaniedMr. and Mrs. Kenneth King andsons of Caledonia to attend theGodfrey-Bunker reunion at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. WalterAriss of Concord Sunday.Mrs. Blanche Brecker and herdaughter were Thursday nightguests of her grandmother, Mrs.Lydia Sneden and fnmily.Mrs. Joe Cole and fnmily ofHnrrietln are spending a couple ofweeks with her parents, Mr. andMrs. (Henry Rich.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hilzcy andMrs. Bertha Moflit of Dutton andMr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. andMrs. IHtartman were Salurday eveningcallers of Mr. and Mrs. HilbcrtMoflit. Sunday callers wereMr. nnd Mrs. Edward Pnttisonand son nnd friends nnd Mr. andMrs. Nate Moffit of Middleville.with dixzincss, burning, scanty or toourination and getting up eli; when you feel tired, nervoas,elf upset... use Doen's Pills.Doen's are especially lot poodyworking kidneys. Millions of boxesate used every year. They era recommendedthe country over. Ask yoaDOANS PILLSBowne Bugle NotesMiae Myrtle PorrlttRev. A. T. Cartland of Rockford,formerly ofLowell, willdeliver an address at the Fourthof July celebration at BowneCenter.The Thomas reunion will beheld ut the home of Mr. andMrs. Guy Smith Sunday, June 28.Floyd Flynn nnd family wereSundny nfternoon cnllers at WillFlynn's in Caledonia.Arthur Clarke is quite poorlyand underthe doctor's care atthis writing.Mrs. Lawrcnce Johnson andsons spent Friday wilh Mr. andMrs. Harry Houghner of Freeport.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houghtonof Detroit are spending partof this week with Mr. and Mrs.Guy Smith.Sliss Myrtle Porriit. ClaraLucille Heacock and Ruth Ryderwere Sunday guesls alCorwinPorrilt's.Mrs. Dee Bryant and daughtersand Miss Alice Porrilt wereHastings visitors Saturday.Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Clarke were Mr. nnd Mrs.Orley Burns, Miss JosephineI LB HM9c21oToday's Best Bread ValueGRANDMOTHER'SBREADWhite, Plain or SlicedWhy Pay More?2.1b.loaf10 o tffoocLSplendid Flour2-1«-lbbag 65c Beech-Nut Coffee lb, tin 26clona Flour24 H-lbbag 69c Del Monte Coffee lb. tin 25cSunnyfield Flour "; f ,b 75c Hills Bros. Coffee lb. tin 29cHenkei's Family Flour24 H-lbbag 89c Maxwell House Coffee lb. tin 25cHenlcei's VelvetB-lb.bag 27c Whitehouse Coffee lb. cart 22cSwansdown Cake Flour pk|. 23c Brown Sugar 2 pkgs. t5cRSCMBBB^L90 s • cond • ' pomDISqUICKPackage to Ovenlargepkg. 29c 4X Sugar Brown or White 2 pkgs. 15cM:il^orBTilllt or Carnation 4 tallcant29c Dill PicklesH-ial.jar25cWhitehouse Milk 4tallcans 25c Mushrooms siicJ'.VLi....2-oz.canlOcYukon Club3 24-oibottles 25c Campbell's Soups a"k» 3 cans 25cFl J BarSor Ginger Snapa 3 lbs. 25c Potato Chips d.". lb. 25cCigarettesofVo 89ccartoa ofio pkgs. #IbI3 Libby's Orange Juice can 10cGreen Giant Peas can 15c Apple Butter38-oz.jar15cHershey's Cocoa 2lb.cans 25c Macaroni or Spaghetti 4 lbs. 25cP&G or Kirk's Flake Soap 10 smallbars29cKingford Coraaiarcn or Elastic pkg. 9cSalada Teasin. L.b.iH-lh.pkg.33c Grape JuiceA&ppintbottle10cCrisco or Snowdrift3-Ib.can55c Lipton's TeaYe,,ow u wH-lh.pkg.39cGrape-Nuts pkg. 15c Sweetheart Soap 5 cakes 25cInstant Postumlargepkg. 39c Diamond Crystal Salt box 5cRajah Salad Dressingquartjar 29c Fels Naptha Soap to bars 41cEncore Olive OilH-pintcan 25c Ante Family Flakes or cu p >o largepkg.19cEncore OlivesMa n ,» G o^BPiaiapintj" 29c Fels Naptha ChipslargePkg.19clona Cocoa2.1b.can 15c Lux or Ivory Flakes r.aic 1Rajah VinegarIG-ox.bottle5c Rinso or Oxydollargepkg.I9cOur Own Tealb.pkg. 39c Morton's Salt s pkgs. 15cA & P Laundry Starch31b.box 17c Sardines W 5 cans 25cRajah Extracts orTngl; v.Trl*oz.bottle 10c Scot Tissue 4 rolls 25cSultana Red or Kidney Beans 5 No. 1cans 25c Waldorf Tissue 4 rolls 15clona Pork and Beans2 28-OE.cant15c Kellogg^ All Branlargepkg.t9clona Peachesc^ m QNj, 2!j* cam 27c Postum Cereal pkg. 19cAnn Page Jellies suIXv^'ct^n. 8-oz.gla»f 10c Coleman's Mustard pkg. 25cA & P Ammoniaquartbottle10c Argo Gloss Starch3-lb.Pkg.21cRajah Sandwich Spreadpintj«r20c Calumet Baking Powderlb.can19cSultana Peanut Butter2-lb.i»r25c Soap ChipsE c,7.n T QuicrSdb.box25cEncore Prepared Spaghett2 ' 15-o*.cans 15c Heini Soups Most Varietie. 2 cans 25cEncore NoodlesBro * d or ^ r4.ox.pkg.5c Heinx Vinegarquartbottle17cRajah Mustard9-ox.jar10c Heini Cuke PicklesSlic * d 24-01.jar23cSultana Baking Powder2'lb.ear 19c Heinz Tomato Juice 3 cans 25cC. r J- c Van Camp'saaraines Mustard or Tomato 3 largecans 25c Cut-Rite Wax Paper 5c125.ftroll15cNorthern Tissue 4 rolls 19c College inn Soups 2 cans 21cMolassesRed H,n No. 2can 10c Del Monte Peaches No. 2Mcan15cLarsen'sv"iuti..No. 2can lOc Jello 'Vowder" 2 Pk - 15c AUn^reS 17cCooking Oilpintcan 23c Pabst-ett Cheese Spread 4-lb.pkg.t5cDel Monte V 3No. 1cans 25c Lifebuoy Soap 6 cakes 33cPost Toasties co^'n".'.largepkff. 10c Scot Paper Towels For 6 rolls 50cKcllogg's pkg. 10c Raisins JrX 31cSeedless4-lb. pkg. 25cA-l Sauce bottle 25c Eagle Brand Milk o A n. R ub h .und ^ can 19cBlrdseye Matches 6 boxes 25c Grape-Nuts FlakesPo,t '' pkg. 10cBeans0 TlZ" 3 No. 2cans 25c Post's Bran Flakes Pkg. 10cKaro SyrupbimuuiIH-lb.can 10c Prunes Exlra - arf# 3 lbs. 25cSparkle ST.* 4^- 19cA Dessert Mold or Sherbet Glass While They Last with Each 4 pkgs. j | Baby Foods " T e ^ 3 cans SSc_ 1\ S P FOOD STORESAll Prices Plus 3% Sales TaxWe Cash WPA Checks

wrr*' -' -wifm ' *•'twotb( Cowcll Cedfltra i d HIto SoloPlbliske^ txtrj Thursday morninic at 210 Ea^l Main Street.Lawell, Michigan. Entered at Postotfice at Lowell, Michigan, as8ebs: .cu.thin.P. Skunc, Jr^ president of lien- -tr.il M t r>. inaddress at SanFrar.j.soc, He feit tiiere is a . AiTi atexpi»pr duciritr>.\ \ pk wh• ,,I a . and elsewhere? Would Seven members -raduated tro:n• t v\ u.'.tiess vhvt rees result. Ciass ,; l;* *1.5 r:. "\ children -r w up with Dr. Gecfriie M. C-hase. 51. anv ' resident ti LiWvll years aco.ieT- aver*iSosm ii sa> that the c. un- d.ed at hi?a c.-u: i t n-spi-r. even if no «aiy.k •- Wvrv : : e ; h me. and Arch;e L. Knapp . : d Mi'meals were eaten at restaur-;Hannah Pattison. daughter .carr> onkin:iten makem>take •rtting their producing plantsdown hill. There i 4t draw ut t oSftme. witl"< .•»:.1 K'..that-day comes, i* i; * if the Id-time vKMr*. L. N.thePatlisoibride"t remame«Dies*."lis and n n.i :n )-;..r*n...:.* pretty nearly gone. Mr. and Mr*. J. Schr oder andhonor the champion son Althen of Denver, Colo., vis-*Li t • ihev .it-.j T'.:v;» iuti. cnr^'Ute to thef TrcwarsUCCe*sfuI W ..nd I'.-.nAm.,sKkvM: 'P "CR1MEFIL TRADE PACTSN. *i.t * *icrerFr..:-.;-lijh L av1 )eveJi" V."''exp *:t:.W.ti:ed mimilNh.tV;cer:: •outwwith. k*. • ..v al i: a* "e** om.Am Jcetise •'Cl>si 'ti„ff suroer.IGOVERNMENT SPENDINGr»HK HU H COURTSMr* < •. Che tMvv:Ct- •>-WithMcD-rmcpublic funds on a giganlic scale v. urt man :? but -•» atr.our.tn.atnr.;! th.-.t the Amerio.m v-.. • ; - • :v... >v...r*pie ask: where^ :* th:* :*.e> ycoming from—where is it going?]drouth and paIn the last five ye-r* b.-.rk* in tn. \\\I'mte-i States have ,n.T-. . r.. ,their holdings in g vernment se- nr*t t ur m.curt ties by ntore th.an.^iigr.t l-il- . untryre-: •:lion dollars. This single item in :theirpo-tfolios now repre*ent*41 per cent of the total 1 .:•* .m,-; •• •,• • rinvestments of these financial in- head in'April,stituti ns. That is n t ."i he.-ithy •- \; r -conditi- n.It .iam*ilew of bank credit-Traveling?COMPARE But Fareswith other traiuporta*tion costs. Greatertravelbargains thantver before to all America.From LOWELL taLANSING ....TOLEDOCLEVELANDPITTSBURGHOne Way....$1.70.... 4.15. .. S.S0.... 740N. YORK CITY... U05Be «ure your ticket readsvia SHORT-WAY GREY-HOUND fer SERVICE plusSAVINGS.^ l l l lSh (^Mi_ i rsjl sLocal Bus DepotHenry's Drug StorePhone 30McCord's Matters I Vergennei CenterMrs. R. T. Williams | . N. M. K.Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Tracy i Sun(|ayi Mr an(, Ml. s> M ,and *on, hri)n(ns. Jr.. an(l| Mcpherson called on Ihe shiil-Hora (.. StoneMrs. I^aura Jlicks, Miss Aniiifspending ^^eral \seeks withAnderson and Mrs. Mary Kerr.GarK ami K'J 1 Vernon ChafTce of Ionia sim iiIFnda\ for their home in ^arls *if ron i p rid ay until Tuesday Willibad. ^tAV , i['i lc ^ rrr u.v on/j his grandfather, Tom Chairee.XI4l j n \( i It ; t mnfr r ^r*MrS ',,i,nAlltlmOIIMr -. aI Vvv- M . r u Uinland Clare Anderson and familyed ty Whitehall and Montague on vj s jj t( j ^| ran{ j ^| rs< (^jjiunceyMr;-and Mrs.. F. S. Thomas ^ i a n of Sundj, >'were siin'i.oSunday callers and visitors nlMr. and Mrs. Russell Smith ofp erC y j^ea( j home were Mr.\i " . i \»r tv,.,/*;- r Trow an( l ^rs - Wkc McAndrews, Mr.Mr. .•!. ! Mrs. Francis G. Tracan(j ^j rs Clyde Condon and Mr.M n u- it i rt^l MrandMrs - ^r^ndon, Jr.nH l^flrVvUlvnMr -80(1 MrS ' • Iohn Woodhe.'ldWii ian. * and ^ daughter^ E % el>n j) e j ro j{ Were week-end visj v.'. I ' Vi . " rlj. 'j erman and two ftaughlers 01m a.n er M. .> ^nt-. > sited riran(1 Hapids c. j]k . (1 n A ij nt .: 7: :;' iU r ,l n S a f n g S VanVeen at the T. W. Read home! -j}_ xr l - r- s r- ji,.. Tuesday afternoon. Sliss Thomp-FredEardkvW udwvk.SundayWAMinbUMBAfBHarryr. ••South LowellMrs. Chas. YeiterMrs.Urr>Hastings hfew days withfamilv.Burroughs^ ..alph \1so:i of Palo were Sunday supperguests of their sister. EleanorMartin, at the Arthur Andersonhome.In the evening they allcalled on Mrs. John Husar andMr*. Fred Roth.0f.':hn Husar called on his aunt."...fTWOUlD SAVE MOTORISTSTHOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEARIChaMS been srvndinc , Mrs. Mary Kerr. Friday. Sunday!tK ' - -jf J 'v u/r .:ftirncvn Mrs. Tom Head called;n ill i ,,,Mr. . nd Mrs. Ben Baldus and-hV ^ '^ ! l ,in tht - Thdr. r. .-.._ in r v,,.. r n - >.ster Se.ma was one of the'm— V v " gr.*duates. Selma went home' Mrv LI Nd Yeiter entertained ^ ¥SMrs -Baldus » forthe 4-H Club last Thurs-iay. The 3 T f r ,Mr. and Mrs. Leyoa of Grandvith hisder andfriend ofthenext meeting will be at the An-TremendousTriflesBy ELMO SCOTT WATSONLaw Versus ChanceAM-niaN evening.Charles Read of Flint spentTU - UK .V -,J u 4.%rrv to tne w vek-end with his parent*.h J r - ' J h , ; - ^ Mr,. T. W. Read.z* owncn are literally throwing away moneylimply bacauM they do not rrallie the atMoluteof all automobile repair bllU are directly dueto faulty lubficadoo—that serlnua hreak-downsind daaeeroui accidents are dally the remit ofpoor greaelng—they would pay more attentiontothTkind of lubrication their cam receive.Iff Time For You To ActlDrive In and let us ehow you th* dlgerem*between our specialized Alemlie lempritelubricadon service and the ordinary Job. Werease your car exactly tti the rnanulachtrer M) jIt should be greased. We use the right lubricantof the highest quality for each part. We forceIt In thoroughly with modern, high prenureequipment. Finally, we check the job carefullyto make lure no point Umltaed.That a thoroughlubricadon—the Kind of greasing we are certainyou want!i Come in ana see outcomplete motor'""'^UNITED MOTOR SERVICEOUtfltVICIINCLUDU1 Tkorottih lu*19 bricatien ofcvtrypat.a ThOMt of the* finttt lubri*csnfe obuiaabU* n J tb« corrtcliubriuol for Mchpart.3 Applied with* modcra hi|bprcMan.w* ciosmc. meP^ears to be earn in;• - . • V - ,wi s i-lis so-called :;-eraucn. ae may --d" Mr rie* O u ^ a - . B . , . and Billy spent Sunday night atree taii attitude :i faragat ex- i' e ?t v tar'tav n ' rnir.a -n '2 .. M v a P d Mrs - Le^> Adams of Ramona Park.--ah. 'Wash" Portland were Thursday after- Mrs. Grant Sherman called onGrand.^7::er 7=reauoe tneV i.vShermanafter-*" to vi:;3ac..r.::n wr:na.rr. tt t* lossib'.enave n^anagesj "!•. slip tnrc-uin tne. "•: n: re a*e-d semtitty.H^wcYtr. ite state :ijp:r iy L'_ "itnera. rcbiic. Inte-rcsti-i : r.-\ in "k^-.v- tvi serran: tcrueseli ii a>5rs. W.v - -ea r* i : •.» .: n. rs-. * earn a *.n e :u:Mrs. Harry LaBarge and gent, of Cascade.H. Hole:nib c-f Clark daughter Noreen attended an old; _| J - ^ I J : , r ..... aiome is standing the!class reunion in Chicago last'.7 : tie stare. IV;-i2 wv,k Y,.:h Mr. . n : Mrs. W.lliara w^ek. It was the NorthwesternMrc;.»e;. f ; .. - Vcere attemrr^veh^ptTogresstias nottne state i- • :> na> i*ren sur^ert-.t. t-.rnr»: pre*»**are iron", manys:drs. Bat that pressure has been..-.rgeiy resisted ai'.haugh tt invc'.vi* threats :no usef t>." e:-tui mi.'^-nces in > me locai ccntraanit.es.W.tha"! it :* only fairto point to the "good faith" ofthe iaiacr cr-nnmiNsion.1v-College classmates.r iy •..omen. Mr. Ruth West is spending this: a_rt -n: Mrs week with her sister. Mrs. Thos.>--"day with Warner, at Muir."•[n, ; an• a*.*e-:i ofTV . v-.tn -tb; r* helpii.#-"4> . Tr- - • -Jloweii Stemsof 25,30and35 2/earsytgo; c-i. : rtnea:^ M r . and !iq cSance orij • tbe iraea t? i.-.ne It means N- V ".t--. K 24 11^ '" ilr z "*"' 7 v "-- r .tr-'-.T-.ea.elS"Noreen. LaBarge received her•>" Junior College diploma FridayWest VergennesO. D. KrumSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamebaugh,Allen Bennett and wife.Glenn Martin and wife and CarlJames and wife visited the BirdSanctuary and the Upjohn PeonyFarm and had a picnic dinner onthe hank of Gull Lake. After thedinner Sir. and Mrs. Himebaughwent on to Vicksburg to visitMrs. Himebaugh's mother andbrother.Lester Bailey and his motherare spending a couple of days atMackinac.IHelen Wittenbach of GrandRapids spent Sunday withthehome folks.Mrs. Earl McKensie and daughterof Chicago are spending aweek at Karl Roth's.Fred Ford and wife were inGrand Rapids Monday.Mrs. Fred Gross has been illwith the hives.Mrs. Edna Crakes visited aweek in Caledonia with her sonLee and wife and other relatives.Grace Blanding spent the weekendin Grand Rapids a week agowith Agnes Steele.Job printing—Ledger office.%-r - ; .r tfr in^ealCOOKING CHAMPST HE WOMEN'S Nati nal Exi.xsition of art and industry. *•:'held, at New -York, recently j '.'.Iconducted a national compelit:; t*=r ~^~£.fatd all this savi-r — i i - r-.zzizz a critical siraation izr lie aesited'seh-ingnef-iv.It ha5 teen :ur thDurh: iiraof A. M. long time that the r'-ar.tieThe same honor and promin- m W x ' ^ u 'l wence should go to those w ho HonrY' rntlpr- T nth.-.-h T l ' . e 1^11 re^nt ol'l^Uiit is ouitta* important for a . > j f r :^~ ;• v,%--woman to be able to cook well.'- 11^1^^ h| r^as to swim a mile in the leastA7tnur^b ' irnt ->- ^ontime, or drive a golfthe links in the leastrokes.xiiKviink^Cariraan5-rience.ily of near Whitneyvicalledon Mr. and Mrs. Vern PrestonSunday.Vern Preston is installing arri:ef_ - Ardcenis are nrcrtva new granan* in his barn.: C-oa, or m-mcrta- Mine, ana •- ' • - --Jyou desire to prosper, do na ne^fWmwmAhisutogarJv"JUNEIS—irwxh fleet forasBritidim abndon Philadtiptia,1771&It-fWMTtt rwhii'f Def'mtem cd*>lilSi, . 4 k Several from this neichborrr'-r -',i,;t" hoc-d attended a reception Friday^ ::rb night at lit ioae of Rev. A. j.— v" "/It 17 Ii Hoolsema in Lowell in honor ofJrJr; • . 'fL, ry t E r v i n Basler and Louis Ark em aof Colorado.T--:: r --a On account of the continued;V s G&i a S t o S ^ r ^ e r the bay cro thatIL.rZr-- tn- Vt-- ^ promised to be 5C large is goingrlc'r'f « ;«». =o« KJe EiT^t j 0great dra!.lighter thanlookea lor in tms vicinity.Moieley-Murray Lakefor ore •Mch the Master d«-Mrfc W. Engltscrit'ed as a hente bailt "uj'Oa a^.. rock.' - ' against •which the minds Mrs. Ettie Gray of Cedar. ^ift dispensers- VTnsz tzi rain and food* of adrcrss Springs spent from Wednesday!The Oid Seventh Michigan Vol. local gov€mn:ent shares is ore iar- circumstance could not prerail.... until Fridav with her niece. Mrs.;unteer tufantry met at Lowell gety is the expanse and the local Q Be eonformlnf with dl- Chris Kropf. and attended the,for their 25th annual reunion ^perv^rs and fuperintendents :f Tj te it graphically dercribed Ladies .\id at the Alton church. |with thirty survivors present In Ihe fint Psalm in the foUoVinf Mrs. Addie Barnev of Grandfrom California. Illinois. New beantlfal xneuphor (Psalms 1:3): Rapids visited her niece. Mrs.\ork and all over Michigan.rsent is* to blame" for* mak^i *«c- "And he shall be like a tree plant* Eva Kropf. Wednesday night andmany people welfare * minded." for ed by the rivers of water, that attended the Alton Ladies Aid.Jnn* ii l O A t v — i t led people to believe that there bringeth forth his fruit in his sea* Albertine Blaser and BettyJune 14. 30 lears Ago ^ T:e-:y for rel ef . and a lat aon; his leaf also shall not wither: Kiste visited Jeanette Kiste Frihatsoererhe doeth shal day afternoon.ChrUhem Beiemm^fiss Jeanette Kiste has beensuffering with a felon on her, . band the past week.make four ten-Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kropf at-Cassopchs Vpvan* nau> is^contamed in the tended a birthday dinner at theaw ay at ms nome in So uthwelfare and its armv cf soriallft-4p**a*s Oscta IsabellalessBadna^i armMdOKkiaaanhML9 ftk* afhere to J. H. Hamilton.antMrs. Olive Blass returned froman eight months" visit with he-rladaa .daughter in Seattle. Wash.Robert Chase, nephew of Mrs.E. E. Chase of Lowell, wasdrowned at Traverse City.J. M. Meyers nicely located irhis new bakery in the Graham,block.Cornelius Courtrighi. aged K5.for 50 years a resident* of Ada.died at the Masonic Home inGrand Rapids.A son was born to Mr. andMrs. Guy Fletdier.Mrs. Stella Remington ofLawrence, Kan- visited relativeshere, hawing been in Grand Rap-W*dehmtmthmdwfGOODPRINTINGhuman body. This iron is indis- h.-.^e of Charles Brown in Low-ipensable to life; even a slight re- eii Saturday evening, given in'ducilon of the amount causes honor of Fred Kropf. Sr.serious illness. r»ell Kropf and family of:— — B o w n e Center were Saturday;The advantages of possessing a evening callers at Chris Kropfs.imasterful mind are frequently Mr. and Mr*. Clare Ford and!expressed in the ability to absorb Mr. and Mrs, Uo>d Ford attend-jand utilize ideas, suggestions of eda funeral at Lincoln Lakeothers. One of nature's anomalies Sunday afternon.is that she rarely makes creativeMrs, Cora Ford and.daughter;minds executive. The successful and Mrs, Eva Engle called onutilisation of a second-hand idea Mrs. Fred Blaser and Mrs, Geo. |gives it currency—provides the Kellogg last Tuesday afternoon,vehicle of expression needed toMr. and Mrs. Lew Fritz andmake it kinetic. Therefore, read dvMren visited relatives atmuch and critically: listen mocfa Stanton Sunday.and thoughtfully; do much andMr and Mrs. Roye Ford werethorouchly.^unday callers at Ted Elhart's.1931 CHEVROLET COI PE—Just the car for a salesmanor traveling man. Itsfamous six-cylinder enginehas been tuned to delivernew ear performance. Itsroomy Fisher body providesbig car riding ease. No caron the market offers suchvalue.1935 CHEVROLET MASTERCOACH—Rig. attractive, dependable—inperfectcondition.Reantiful Dueo finish,Knee-Action wheels,restful Fisher body.1929 RUCK STANDARDCOUPE—Grasp this opportunityto enjoy Rnick famousbeauty, performanceand economy at this unprecedented\ o w price.Just like a new car. A realbargain.1930 FORD PlCKl'P—Inexcellentcondition — mechanicallyand in appearance.1935 CHEVROLET STAND-ARD COACH—It# famoussix-cylinder engine hasbeen tuned to deliver newcar performance. Its roomyFisher body spells big carriding ease.buy thatU S E DC A RfromyourCHEVROLETDEALER1929 CHEVROLET TRI CK—If you are looking for areal bargain in a good lowpriced truck, with goodtires and reconditionedthroughout, come inandlook over this exceptionalbuy.1929 PLVMOITH COACH—This slightly usedmotorear is in perfect runningcondition —upholstery cannotbe told from new.Acar that any family willsurely enjoy. Don't fail tosee this remarkable bargainat once.DepandablaValuea1935 CHEVROLET STAND-ARD COACH—Act quicklyfor this great value. In inecondition—just nicely brokenin. Motor is smooth,powerful and economical.1931 BUCK IsEDAN—Itafinish, tires and upholsteryshow no wear. Its motor,transmission and axle havebeen checked for dependabilityand durability.1929 NASH COACH—Reantifulfinish Is almost likenew. This is one ofthelight six jobs. A real economicalear to drive./I/7 7 / / S ^In. 11 ! r 1WEBSTER CHEVROLET SALES508 WmI Main St* G. G. WEBSTER, Prop, Lowell, Mich,wmrn* •P'.U'T^V-1 v.-T-n 1 ^ .>(rv !-.mmTHE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, JUNE <strong>18</strong>, 1936\THREEr " ' ,y ••••.•V 1 1 1 5miSm.Sport SuitsSport Suits that combine the features thatmake for style and long wear. Yokes, belts,pleats, shirrsl Select from worsteds, twistsor flannels. Blues, browns, grays, tans andoff shades. Single or double breasted.Stripes, checks, mixtures and plain.Sport ShoesWhite and gray calfskins and nu-bucks.Plain or ventilated. Brown and blacksport shoes in wing styles.$S.9S $3.95Sport ShirtsThe GAUCHO is the newest.Buttons andloops. Celanese and rope knit. Whiteand colors.59e / 89e and $1Boyi* Poles at 59cThis and ThatFrom Aroundthe Old TownMr. nnd Mrs. Claud Parker ofOwosso visited his mother, Mrs.Harriet Parker, Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Roger McMahonwere guests at a house party atCrystal Lake over the week-end.A. C. Halladay of Sunflcld calledon his uncle and aunt, Mr. andMrs. Charles Gardner, last Saturday.Week-end guests of Mrs. IdaYoung were Miss Dorothy Behlerand Richard Young of GrandRapids.Mrs. Harriet Parker came homeSaturday from Middleville whereshe had spent two weeks withrelatives.Mrs. F. MacTavish is reportedto be recovering from a seriousoperation at St. Mary's hospital,Grand Rapids.Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rusco andMrs. Ida Buttermore of GrandRapids spent Sunday with Mrs.Gladys Hartley.Orlo, son of Mr. and Mrs. ErnestH. Roth, is spending a weekwith Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Shillingof Fremont, Ohio.Mrs. iH. A. Balkwell leaves todayfor Ridgetown, Can., whereshe will spend a month with relolives ana friends.Mrs. Vern Armstrong and hermother, Mrs. Peez, Mrs. R. H.Dolan and Mrs. Nevins visited inPortland last Thursday.Guests of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeStory Sunday and Sundav nightwere her nephew, Hussell Steb-Lowell CenterClara B. AldrichMr. and Mrs. Earl Kinyon andsons, Richard and Billy, attendedthe young people's party atthe home of Fred Dalstra inSouth Boston Friday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aldrichand little daughter Jean of GrandHapids were dinner guests ofMr. and Mrs. E. W. Aldrich Sunday.Mrs. Lillian Aldrich wascaller of Mrs. E. W. Aldrich Friday.The families of Mr. and Mrs.Earl Kinyon and Mr. and Mrs.Guy Slocum, accompanied byMrs. Myrtle Burch and Miss AliceHaines of Lowell, enjoyedbeefsteak fry at Fallasburg ParkSunday.Mrs. Guy Slocum and MissGladys Kinyon visited Mrs. AlfredHanson in Grand Rapidslast Thursday.Miss Alice iHaines ofLowellwas the week-end visitor of MissGladys Kinyon.Rose Mane Aldrich was a dinnerguest of her grandmother,Mrs. Clara Aldrich, Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. John TuinhofT ofGrand Rapids were Sunday callersat the E. W. Aldrich, ErnestAldrich and Ed. Easterbrookhomes.Miss Gladys Kinyon danced atthe St. Cecilia auditorium inGrand Rapids Friday night.Richard Kinyon and RussellAldrich were visitors of 'HowardDenny of Lowell Saturday.Teak has long been known asthe best shipbuilding timber inthe world.Morse LakeMrs. Frank HoughtonMrs, Einar Mosbeck and childrenof Chicago and Mrs. ErwinGreenleigh of South Bend arevisiting their mother, Mrs, JennieYeiter.Lewis Houghton of Brightonspent Thursday and Friday withhis parents.Miss Beatrice Bloomerspentseveral days last week with hergrandmother, Mrs. Walter Quiggle.Mr. andMrs. Merle Dawsonspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Houghton in Clarksville.Mrs. Charles Smith and daughtersand Bernice nnd Doris Yeiterenjoyed a trip to Greenfield Villageat Detroit on Monday, withMrs. I). V. Curtiss and her SundaySchool class.Mrs. Jennie Yeiter was pleasantlysurprised on her birthdaylast Thursday.Mesdames George, Howard andLloyd Houghton entertained at amiscellaneous showerfor Mrs.Merle Dawson on Tuesday afternoonat the home of Mrs. Geo.Houghton.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lambsonand Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hiltonvisited relatives in CoopersvilleSunday.Mrs. Myron Henry, Jr., washostess at a kitchen shower forMrs. Merle Dawson at her homein Grand Rapids Friday evening.Guests included were employeesof Paul Steketee & Sons.Graham flour derived its namefrom Sylvester Graham, who firstclaimed for this unbolted flour agreat nutritive value.DUTCH KRAFT SPECIAL!PAINT YOUR HOUSEComplete for$^6960 lbs. Royal Dutch White,. RoyLoad 1and Zinc Paste)2 gala. Raw Llnsood Oil1 qt TurpontinoVt pt Japan Oryor1 lb. Putty (for windows)All for $9.69Juot otlr tho oil, turpontino and dry or into tho ooft, whitepaste and you havo onough high-arado houoo Mint to coyorMOO oquaro foot of ourfaco, costing loos than 92.10 par gallon.FLOOR 1NAMKLA hard woaring porch andfloor onamol that raalataconstant waar and tear. Inoight ootoroiSCREEN ENAMELA non-clog, rust proof finishthat will prooorvo and brightonyour ocroona. For framoand maoh.Qt. 79c O t 45cM. D. HOYT CO.m Wort Main tt Wo Dolivor Phono 110P2bins and his bride of Ionia.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould attendeda reunion of the BoxamCenter school Sunday. Mrs.GouKis a former pupil of this school.Mrs. Herbert Chrysler of Ioniavisited Mrs. Neil Cameron Friday.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wickhamof Grand Hapids were Sundayguests.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller ofGrandBapids visited Sundaywith their daughter and her husband,Mr. and Mrs. JohnMc-Intyre.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collinsand two children and Mrs. ChesterWeldon of Grand Bapids visitedMr. and Mrs. James Collinslast Tuesday,.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chaseand Dorothy and iBiliie of TraverseCity visited Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Roth and family lastThursday and Friday.Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson andMr. and Mrs. Wesley Crooks visitedin Grand Bapids Saturday.They were accompanied by Glenand James Beusser of Alton.William Warren and his employer,Aitty. Lawrence Uridge,of Grand Rapids are attending anAdjusters' Convention in Detroitthis week Thursday and Friday.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown,Miss Marion Brown and MissAudie Postleft Wednesday tospi-nd a week or ten days inWashington, D. C., on a sightseeingtrip.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones ofPlainwell visited her brother, ElmerPletcher and family Sunday.Other guests were Mrs. Fletcher'snieces. Florence and Esther Halpen,of Grand Bapids.Mr. and Mrs. John Chaterdon,Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdonand Mrs. Louis Wride of Clarksvilleattended the funeral of theirsister and aunt, Mrs. John Fairchilds,in Grand Bapids last Saturday,Callers ofMrs. Emma Gunnlast Thursday were Mrs. GeorgeDavis of Vermontville and Mrs.Augusta Davis of Burnips. Mrs.Gunn aecompanied them to Vermontvillewhere she spent theweek-end.Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Borgersonspent the week-end at SuttonsBay with her parents, Mr, andMrs. Conrad Lather. Their littleson, Norman, Jr., returned homewith them after spending twoweeks with his grandparents.Bobert Lalley is spending aweek's vacation at the home ofhis mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lalloy,before returning to Lapeer,where he has been teaching, tolake up his duties as supervisorof the playground for the summer.Prin. W. J. Smith and GeraldRollins, Calvin Pinckney, RayDenny and Bobert Ellis plan toleave next Monday for NiagaraFalls where they will spend thefollowing day. On the way homethey will stop in Detroit to takein a ball game.Miss Marion Brown, formerteacher in the South Ward schoolhere, has completed her first yearof leaching in Grand Ledge andis spending the summer vacationwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Charles Brown. She will returnto Grand Ledge this fall.Mrs. Essie Howard, Mrs. MararetStoweil, Mrs. Harry N.riggs and Mrs. Braisted attendeda meeting of the WoodrowWilson Club at the PantlindHotel, Grand Rapids, last Fridayafternoon. Mrs. Julius Amberg was the principal speaker.A picnic dinner at FallasburgFresh Home-MadeFudgeLb. 15c;; H.C. SCOTT ::Home of Good Home*Made Candies-Mrs. John Layer visited at theElmer Dintaman home in AltoSunday.Gordon Sidebothan ofGrandRapids called at the John Layerhome Sunday.Atty. R. M. Shivel visited hismother, Mrs. Minnie Shivel, ofConstantine Sunday.Mrs. Ella Taylor of LongBeach, Calif., is visiting her sister,Mrs. Agnes Hoffman.Mrs. W. W. Gumser spent theweek-end in Lansing with hermother, Mrs. H; R. Rather.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis anddaughter ( called on relatives inthe vicinity of Bowne Center onSunday.Dolores Beusser is spendingthe week with her uncle andaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood,of Portland.William C. Doyle was at WhiteSulphur Springs, W. Va., the latter part of last week attendinga convention,Mrs. Hattie Walker has returnedfrom aseveral days' visitwith her brother, Ed. Dodds, andwife of Saranac.Glendon Swarlhoutof GrandRapids spent the week-end herewith his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Fred S>varthout.Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Stahl ofElmdale spent one evening lastweek with Mr. and Mrs. FredReusser and family.Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Manerynnd son Joseph of Chicago spentIhe week-end here with Mr. andMrs, C, L, Williamson.Mrs. R. L. Young ofBattleCreek arrived here Monday for afew days' visit with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. William P. Laux.Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Emmons ofEast Paris and Mrs. E. F. Warnerof Grand Rapids were guests ofMr. and Mrs. Allen Bennett Saturday.E. E. Sigler was in PortlandMonday to attend an eye clinicheld in connection with the Parent-TeacherAssociation of thatcity.The fire deparlment was calledout last Friday noon to extinguisha woodshed blaze causedby a defective chimney at theHarvey llaysnier residence.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Afton ofAda visited Monday with Mr. andMrs. Wm. Cosgrifl*. Mr. and Mrs.Frank Allerding of Clarksvillewere Tuesday afternoon callersof Mrs. CosgrifT.Mrs. Bay Dolan, Miss EleanorJewell, Mrs. Pat Beahan and MissMarie Beahan attended a picnic•01 the Daughters of Isabella atMrs. Chapman's home in IoniaMonda.;^ evening.Miss Laura Nicklin, newlyelected president of the GrandRapids Business Women's Club,is a former Lowell girl, being aniece of Mrs. BobertFlanaganand Mrs. John Lasby.Mrs. Bert E. Quick of Lowelland daughter Theodora of Denver,Colo., are spending Ihe weekat Highland Park as guests ofMiss Edith Dennis who is givinga house party in their honor.Mrs. Gertrude Trcdenick is attendingthe state convention ofchiropractors in Traverse Citythis week. Her oflice will beopen on Wednesday and Salurdayof next week and thereafteras usual.Mrs. E. F. Warner of GrandRapids, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jamesand Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Himebaughof Vergennes and Mr. andMrs. Allen Bennett visited theUpjohn peony farm near BattleCreek Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Websterand all employees of the Webster(Chevrolet Co., with their families,were entertained at a banc^uetat Green Gables recently byAirs. W. HI IHersey of Ionia visitedMrs. Pat Beahan last Thursday.Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Runciman,Jane and Carlton spent Sundavut Miilington.. Lawrence Booth of Grand Bapidscalled on his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Charles Kraft, Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraftwere Sunday afternoon visitorsof his brother, H. Kraft, of EastGrand Rapids.Rev. R. S. Miller and son andSupt. W. W. Gumser and sonhave been spending a few days atthe Miller cabin on Lake Charlevoix.Guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. P.Gotfredsen over Sunday were hersister and brother-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. William Vincent, andtheir two sons of Poison, Mont.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CosgrifT attendedChildren's Day exercisesat < Bowne Sunday morning andenjoyed a trout dinner with herbrother, H. A. Johnson and family.Carlton, son of Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Runciman, was graduatedfrom Olivet College Sunday. Heand Miss Jane are spending thesummer vacation with their parents.ciiuncHZION M. E. CHURCHJohn Claus, PastorGermanpreaching Sundav atten o'clock.Bible School at 11 o'clock.You are cordially invited.FIRST METHODIST CHURCHR. S. Miller, PastorThe Sunday service of worshipat 10:30 a. m. with fine musicand sermon by the pastor.Sunday School immediately following,at 11:45, with classes foreveryone.Mid-week service at 7:30 Wednesdayevening.BAILEY CHURCH, VERGENNESR. S. Miller, PastorWorship service at 0:00 a. m.CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHS. B. Wenger, Ministeran interesting service. Come andpay honor to Father.Sunday School picnic in unionwith South Ward on Saturday atRecreation Park.South Ward School10:00 a. mJ—Sunday School.CATHOLIC PARISHESSt. Mary's—LowellRev. Fr. Jewell, pastor.8:00 a. m., Low Mass, sermon.10:00 a. m., High Mass and sermon.—St. Pstrick's ParnellRev. Fr. McNeil, pastor8:00 a. m. Low Mass and ser*mon.10:00 a. m. High Mass andsermon.Cascade and BowneRev. Fr. E. H. Racefte, pastor.Services at 8:30 and 10:00 a. m.SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTWoodman Hall—Over BakeryMaurice Fancher, ElderADA COMMUNITT REFORMEDCHURCHRev. Howard R. Scholten, Pastor.10:00 a. m,—Preparatory Service.11:00 a. m.—Sunday School.7:30 p. m.—"A Father's Instructions."ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH. jChurch School is held even'Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at;the church with classes for all 1ages and all are welcome to attend, iFURNITUREFor The Home!Latest designs and best conatraction.Because of our low overheadwe can and will save yonmoney.We specialize in—Window Shades, Floor Coverings,Picture Framing, Etc.W. A. RothFURNITUREFuneral Director and Ambulance Service.Store Phone 53 Res. Phone and Nights, 330"Clean Up and Brighten Up Days" HereYou are sure to noed some of the following:Sherwin-Williams Paints and VarnishesWall PaperWindow ShadesPaint BrushesShelf PaperWall Paper Cleaner"Dic-A-Doo"ChamoisSpongesFurniture PolishFloor WaxMoth SpraysMetal PolishesEtc.Etc.W. C. HartmanPhone 38213 W. Main St.CASCADE CHURCH OF CHRIS! ; Hoc kford, formerlyL. C. Doerr, Pastor and Lake Odessa.Sunday School—1(1:01) a. in. i celebrate with us.Church Services—11:00 a. 111. !ofLowellComeandWest LowellMrs. Metvin CourtALTO BAPTIST CHURCHW. B. Gardner, PastorBible School at 10 a. m. Enoch iCarlson, Supt. | There will be an ice creamPreaching service at 11 a. m j social at Ihe home of Mr. andPrayer meeting every Thursday iMrs. Arthur Green Thursday eveevening.. ining, .lum- 25, for the benefit ofCommunion the first.Sunday in ihe U. Ii. Church. Hvervoneeach month.WHITNEYVILLE CHURCHF. G. Bailard, PastorSunday School—10:30 a. m.Morning service—11:30.Epworth League—7:30 p. m.Weekly prayer meeting Thursdayevenings at 7:45Everyonewelcome.cordially invited.Dr. and Mrs. .1. W. Trumble ofBlodgetl Memorial HospitalAlumni reunion Saturday. Theclass of '31 enjoyed a luncheonat Ihe home of Mrs. Henry Brockineyerin Gnind Rapids, and inIhe afternoon all classes attendeda picnic near Sparta.Mr. andMrs. Claude Schmidtand Phil Schmidt visited at thehome of Lawrence En dress inFreepo'-I Sunday.Mrs. Helen Reynolds is spendingseveral days with her daughter.Mrs. Gabe Onan.Mr. and Mrs. li. \V. Rollins andg;BPark was enjoyed Sunday by Mr.and Mrs. Wilffoiin K. Ross andtheir family: Mr. and Mrs. GordonRoss of Grand Rapids, Mr.and Mrs. Harry Nesman of Lansing,Miss Ella Ross of Ionia, LesterRoss and Miss Esther Larsenof Mt. Pleasant and Mr. and Mrs.Gus Wingeier of Lowell.Mrs. Philip Sayles returned toher home in Chicago Sunday aftera several days* visit here withMrs. Oren Sayles, Mr. and Mrs.Gordon Frost and Mr. and Mrs.Donald McPherson. She came toLowell last Tuesday with the expresspurpose of attending theraduation exercises at the cityall Wednesday, her niece, IzettaFrost, being a member of theclass.Mrs. Monroe Merrill and Joyceof Bloomfleld Hills were here toattend the commencement exerciseslast Wednesday evening asguests of Kenndth Pletcher, oneof the graduates. Joyce remainedat tne Elmer Pletcher homefor this week. Mrs. William Rothand daughter Nancy Jean ofVickeryville also spentseveraldays last week with the Pletchertamly.Ihe salesmen, Walter Wingeierand Hugh Tate.Miss Dorothy Koth, her mother,Mrs. John Koth of Olivet, andher aunt, Mrs. L. A. Witter ofSilencer, Iowa, left Wednesdayfor Olivet after spending the firstof the week here at the Mrs.Bosella Yeiter home.Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Addingtonnnd son of State College, NewMexico, Miss Esther Miller ofLansing, Mrs. Louis Pung ofPortland and Mrs. W. G. Millerof Eiwell were Wednesday eveningdinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Neuman Shaw.Mr. and Mrs. C. E. West arehome again after spending sometime in Lansing where they werehelping to care for their grand-, whoAppropriate Father's Day service.Always interesting and refreshing.Father, come and bringthe boy or daughter.Church School at 10:00 a. m.Morning Worship at 11:00. Sermonby the Pastor.Clark Group meets with Mrs.Wm. Warren Friday nfternoon.Alton Community ChurchS. B. Wenger, MinisterSpecial Father's Day serviceSunday evening at 8 o'clock.'IHome Talent Night" Tuesdayat S:00 p. m. Welcome.CHURCH OF THE NAZARENERev. C. L. Bradley, PastorSunday School—10:00 a. m.Lloyd Dawson. Supt.Preaching—11:00 a. in.N. Y. P. U.—6:45 p. 111.CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETYMorning service every Sunday,11:00 a. m.Sunday School at II o'clock.A Testimonial meeting is heldevery Wednesday evening at 8o'clock."Is the Universe, IncludingMan, Evolved by Atomic Force?"will be the subject of the lessonsermonin all Christian Sciencechurches throughout the worldon Sunday, June 21.Among the Bible citations isthis pasage (Psalms 104:24): "()Lord, how manifold are Thyworks: in wisdom hast Thoumade them all; the earth is fullof Thy riches."Correlative passages to be readfrom the Christian Science textbook,"Scicnce nnd Health withKey to the Scriptures," by MaryBaker Eddy, include the 'following(p. 507): "Infinite Mind createsand governs all, from themental molecule to infinity."ALASKA BAPTIST CHURCHA. Cederlund, MinisterSunday School at 0:30 a. m.Classes for all.Preaching services at 10:30.No Sunday evening services.Bible study and prayer meetingeach Thursday evening.ALTO PARISH M. E. CHURCHESE. A. Armstrong, PastorAll the usual services nextSunday at Alio and Bowne Center,the pastor preaching. Comeand worship with us.The annual Fourth of July celebrationat Bowne Center will beheld as usual.Besides a localtalent program the outside speakerwill be Rev. A. T. Cartland ofthe church.Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Court visitedthe tatter's brother ami wife.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Easterday. inTraverse City Wednesday andThursday of last week.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green andMr. and Mrs. John Court visitedMr. and Mrs. John Hussell nearClimaxSunday.Richard Court has accepted aposition with Ihe Grand RapidsStamping Division of the GeneralMotors Corporation.Dr. and Mrs. M. .1. Court attendedIhe Lowell high schoolAlumni banquetFriday evening.Rev. and Mrs. .1. B. iHarris andbaby of Hillsdale spent severaldays last week with their parents,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Billingerand sister, Dorothy.Mrs. M. J. Court attended therHave Your SundayDinner OutWe invite you to try ourSunday dinners in ourclean, cool dining room.Richmond's CafePhone 91<strong>06</strong>Lowell, Mich.y. -W.Alreadii this RED CROWN S sapJme mnrE than I paid for it . and Ivl, «V - ^ ^ sdaughter, Patricia West, who underwenta mastoid operation.Miss West is convalcscing now ather home in Lansing,Sunday dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Fred Reusser and familyof Alton were Mr. and Mrs.George Castor and children andJoe Castor of Sand Lake, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Wood and BillDonning of Portland. Afternooncallers were Mr. and Mrs. AnthonyZahm of Lansing, Mr. andMrs. Carson Mead ana son andMrs. James Mead of Lowell.BaatMa—a Ig^alm t iMHI m nCoasalt as for estimates onrepair work or new installatloas.RAY COVERTPlamblaffHeetiaffffceot Metal WorkLOWELL RAPTIST CHURCHA. i. Hoolsema, paator.Bible School—10:00 a. m.Preaching—11:00 a. m. "A Messagefor Christians."B. Y. P. U.—41:30 p. m.Song Service—7:30 p. m.Special Music.Preaching—7:50 p. m. by ErvinBusier. This young man is aproduct of Lowell, graduatedfrom the Lowell high school, andwill be going back for his fourthterm at Denver Bible Institute.He bus a splendid delivery and areal message. All welcome.The Sunday School picnic willbe held on Friday of this weekat the Bertha Brock Park.Wednesday evening Prayermeeting, 7:45.Thursday evening, 7:45—YoungPeople's Bible Study.CHURCH OF THE NAZARENEElmdale, Mich.Rev. F. C. Haff, PastorWe are again taking up thestudy of Revelatfon and nextSunday we will deal with thefifteenth chapter.Watch for the date of our Junerevival campaign.Afr. Barnacle, kneum throughout the state for hisprominencein Toll Stories Club circles, was glad to tslltuhow he nlved the problem of gasoline costs •. • IT# pastit en for what it's worth, which doesn't seem to be much,I USE our cat sll day, sod my son,Barclay B. Jr., uses it all night. Thatused to take a lot 0' gas... uaul weswitched to Red Crown, yesterday."Seems like tight then out fortuneslooked up. Why, only fifteen minutesafter I'd bought tho first tankful Istopped In the bsnk and found I bad8S cents more in my account. That'sshout firs gallons saved."And this motniog, after Junior haddriven his girl 90 miles over to Lenox*ville and 90 miles back to attend s lectureon Crop Rotation, there was still tengallons left in the tsaklCourse some would ssy Juniormight just 0'parked down tho road aieco and never rone toLcnozvilis...snyhow.I'ilbe buying Red Downif 1 mr hsve to buf any gas again."WARE SUNDAY SCHOOLJames Munroe, Supt.Sunday School is held everySunday afternoon at 2 o'clock atthe Ware schoolhouse. You arecordially invited.Rev. Buck will be the speakerSunday. Special music will befurnished by him and Mrs. Buck.Full house desired.SNOW M. K CHURCHMorning worship at 10:00 a. m.Sunday School at 11:00 a. m.James G. Bailard, Pastor.UNITED BKBTHEBTf CHURCHof WEST LOWELLF. W. King, PastorWsot Lowell CkarchThe last quarterly meeting ofe year conducted by Rev. E. B.Griffin, presiding elder, will beas follows:Saturday, June 20, 8:00 p. m.—Sermon and business session.Sunday June 21, 10:30 a. m.—Communion service and sermon.Brother Griffin is a forcefulspeaker.Come and hear him.You are welcome.7:45 p. m.—Father's Day servicewith program. This will beiarMr. Barnacle's imagimtion runtaway with him at times, it seems.Certainly it did THIS time!Of course, m mtOtrist roaJfy has any*uerated nelitt si this, sheui retotineBut many de have inaccurate impressieisuch exafie mileage,inaccurate impresmnt, Thaftthan make claims, Standard prrf en to maeasy for mofrisU to find out the real facts abgamine mileage for themselves..NM A "TUT ourmm mnrs MUTEST mi TIN$3000M in cash and hemdredt effete furnishes all equipmingefmileageduringtl duyf ordinardriving. Any car in State is eligMewhile entry forms last. Getfsdl detaimerchmedke awards fer Tea Car htg^mileageduringt)dueem^^memmrwwwwwo UMWtvivautvvfi wwwwiwmwy*taring facts about motoring. Ne ebli-GetfiftL 1 __ . . . .UOliieMs Utmqttmma TenCarDrteer §atiem. Ne extra drMug. Standard nowi u f ypm oar is irI# to dfiT» —then DRIVE SAFELY(irand Bapids. Mr. and Mrs. (jus riinvs;} jmd Hoger andDr. andWingeier of l.owvll and Dr. ami •*' rs - Court ^pt'iit SundayMrs. M. J. Court cnjovi-d a sleak i. l l ,,c,rnoon :, t l 111 ' Iwhc of Mr. androast at Fallasburg " Park last Heman Payo near Saranac.Tuesday evening.•Ihe I. 15. (.hurch will hold n j s cslinuited that locomotivestheir qiiarlerlN inrclinii Salur- u|i|i zi . oniv a| )()U t per cent of( .u ,,N ta^nL>;, Mlhe chemical energy in coal. Internalcombustion engines utilizeabout IH) per cent of the chemicalenergy of average gasolines.The following Sttndard Oil Stations are here to serve yon in your own homo Community:John L a y e r . . E a s t BEaln e 8teS t o r m i a n d . C e n t r a l GaraRoBruce M c M a h o n . • ^ K T e s t Main^st*Frank StephensM-M at SegwnnGeorge A. Story, Local DistrihntorPhono t7IL.. - -1 MOmm

FOURW M n n mTHE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JUNE <strong>18</strong>. 1936A L T O D E P A R T M E N T | Oliver, N o t r e e e dB a n n e rP l o w s(Mrs. Fred Pattison)A D E P A R T M E N T(By Mrs. Hattie R. Fitch)Local Couple MarriedMlsa Neva Vanderlip and RobertMcWhinney of near Caledonia wereunited in marriage Friday nightIn Grand Rapids. i I I I | IMr. and Mrs. Frank Mac Naugh-Surprite Birthday Party'ton Monday.About 35 young people surprisedMr. and Mrs. Harold \\ enger and jHfovino Pnnrk Tiipodav nicht June daughter Charlene of Nash\ ille .hJlltHirthdav The were Tuesday evenin-; callers at!s s - t s o f •" " "Wgftt reiresnm.nxs Mrg Healev and Uauphters MarIgaret and Doris of Grand Rapids[called on Mrs. Kittie StonehouseI Friday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. John O'HarrowReturn From Eastern TripALTO LOCALSMrs Clnrence Carr and her Complete Line of After traveling 1600 miles, thedauehter Mrs Thaver of Grand j . , i24 Ada young people who went onl r t r of 0> M"mC g cane n d a ; C ultivator., ShoveU. ^ - ^ . f ^ t,^na^and Cutting Extras forMowers and Bindersafter 'whichwere served.o'clock on Tuesday night.The party left Ada on Tuesdayl morning. June 2nd at about fourj o'clock in the morning, arriving'home on June the 9th. The entiretrip was made without a mishapexcept for tire trouble. The firstents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell ofMiddleville.Last week callers at the OraDawson home were: Mr. and Mrs.Manley Eldridge andbaby; Mr.tnirt> an(j Mrs. Fred Kaechele anddaughter Dorothy: Mr. and Mrs.Jay of Carlisle: Dorothy Menzie;Mrs. W. J. Robertson: Mrs. GeorgeSchiefla: Miss Dorothy Wise: Mrs.John Raab and sons of GrandRapids: Mr. and Mrs. Claud Henw. E. H A L LHave New UniformsThe Alto Ball team, dolled up in i _____fine new grey uniforms, with busi- were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.ness firms' names in black letters ! and Mrs ©'Harrow and Leibjon backs, looked very fine Sunday. < Karcher of Freeport was a Sunday iThey played ball at Freeport Sun-j morn i n g caller.j' >y, but were defeated, score S to i ^Ir. and Mrs. Edward Pattison i'Considering it was their fir?] and son Dick and Mr. and Mrs.;g.. ne this year we think they did j^has. Maleintz and daughter Lois;Phone 324.very well. Up to the "th inning tne 0f G ran d Rapids called on the for- 1score was 2 and 1. in favor of Free-; mer ' s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred jport. i Pattison Sunday evening. Mastet ; >^Jack Pattison is visiting his grand-iBeautifying Unsightly Spot parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Shro- ALTO LUUAua• B r i n g Y o u r C r e a m t Es Philadelphia. Ohio. tra\ eling three j an(j \Vayne Henry and1to the I hundred and fory miles. - — *•Old Reliable MarketI daughter of Wyoming Park; Mr.On Wednesday the party w as up an(j ^jrs. Maurice Harper and chiljearly and away by traveling ldren: Mr and Mrg Art Hatton andisteadil> armed in Washingtondaughter: Borden Tupper and Mr.3:30 oclock on Thursday morning. an(j jj rg p at Braybrook.By nine oclock they were up and|Emma jane Frisbie. Feppy Rau.Lowell, Mich. Washington. The White House wa3 : chaperonvisited, the Congressional Library. | ^s. Colin Campbell called onWashington Monument, the mint. her friendi Mrs. Ball Monday aftertheSmithsonian Institute. Wash- noonin Grand'Rapids.Ington's home at Mt. Vernon. The|Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tolhurst ofO—...7.",, -r- —. —- , Masonic called at the ColinMr Pd O'Harrow and Mrs. Fred der of Caledonia. A r jj e n ra ner who has been as- * a •• al :u ~* Jff? Campbell. Ray Harper and HenryPntti'^on having plants to spare InMr. and Mrs. Walter Thorne and si(r t j n , r Mrg Lchne< of Grand Rap- ian i| niany other point, of mtei est. j T j mm Monies Sunday afternoon,their gardens, Conceived tho idea Mr. and Mrs. George Thorne of fds with her house'hold'duTies dur"- 'the 'pam , Mr^• 'u -hn ild- j h illness, returned home Fr - tl, P oK.it nS Jean and Dorothy Menzie called on'est Sv afternoon crossed Penn to Tioga, about nine Mr; 0ra DawSon Monday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kline ac tMcht ^H'^Luneke and Mrs. CarlTHANK YOUmen grubbing and Mattnick with his tractor pullingcompaniedkin to the Godfrey and- • u e a* reunion at the home ofI stones, and Mrs. Audie Grccnleign or so. ^j rg Walter Ariss of Concord. Over „ • u ^ - - , . .Se veraf nie n P In^Alfo dWnobKi^ S Mil S o Ye^of W^U^TSram ^IUCk^spedallv iWiH Kiiight^'"aa'^ga.aaeiABMt01 Ada - the many sights that Impressed the r ailciMJUrg %X, • iwllllijrMrs. WesleyMillerMr. and Mrs. John Pittman ofy guests at theL. Gardiffer^m^b„r.fThVWny.in Pontiac Sunday andMondaywVhopeTo'see this unsightlv place Culver of Grand Rapid;turned into a beauty spot. This is their cousin. Mrs. Jennie Johnsoneverybody's flower bed and any Sunday. , . m ruimav «u.»v.o.. ...v.suggestions and help will be greatly Mrs. Fred Carr ^ and their daughters. Francis. Floappreciated.The Hunt family plan Friday with Mr. and Mis. Fiank ronc. and two grandchildren retosprinkle when necessary and we MacNaughtomhope to be able to plant tulips andhyacinths in the beds this fall.Too much praise can not be givento Mrs. Wlnnifred Llnsday.high school principal.1st churchtheir picnicist Saturday.lies. vaun.j--—• -• - . j— -ive "RundredJeanette Stukkle. i adults and children In attendance.Aldyth Tower and Johnnie Bylsmaof Grand Rapids were Sundayvisitors at the home of her brotherBruce Tower.Mrs. Harry Stauffer and Mrs.Emiel Stauffer were dinner guestsTheresa left Sunday to spendfew days with relatives atvliet.Card of ThanksWe wish to thank theCircle, our relatives andCharlotte Fitch.FlovdChaffee.Richard Dekker.ere accompaniedHouran. Hazel Belleu'laiicc. 4-1 ma Llnkfleld. Ethel , , .v-ther Kamo Gertrude Kamp. at the home of the latter s fatherr SP W a d -er a Dorothv Morris and her cousin, and sister John Dennis and Effle1Cn-stal Gillispie of Grand Rapids. Price, of Keene.James Henrv Kamp and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. George BurrowsWlnnifred Llnsday and Leo Jas- and Mr. and Mrs Ben Andrews ofjack p an t and Miss Berghdorsof Hillsdale. Mr. and Mrs.Benham. children and grandchll-ADA LOCALSdren of Grand Rapids were Sundayperse.WhitemanyClaraVandewerker55 Attend ReunionThe 19th annual reunion of iheGodfrey-Bunker Association, washeld at the home of Mr.Walter Ariss of Concord.June 14th. 1936 with anof 55. Relatives fromcisco. Calif.. Rochester.trolt. Flint. Lansing. AnnStockbridge. Albion. Lowdonla. Grand Rapids and a no were ^untoT Grand Raoids called atpresent and enjoyed a very plea- lheEarl vanderlip home Sunday.sant but all too short da> usitmg. Kej th Berg\- of Caledonia isA very nice pot luck dinner wasdini: a fe\v davs with his auntserved. Mrs. Claud m cox ys ap- • j Mr and Mrs. Floydpointed as president and Mrs. £uFrank Bunker of Alto to act . • • ^j:i dred King spent SaturgSecy. for ..5 h^n^tffibrWgratday night with her daughter. Mrsfhe"home "f ^- at -- S ' 0 "" rid^ai Harold Colvin.Buchanan. Mrs.are children ofBuchanan, neeDora GodfreyBunker weresons present and little Georgia Ann- c ^ "sherwobd and Mr. andBunker and RichardKing ^ere iMr« M C Dotv and Jack Paul ofthe two youngest.Atlanta and ah enjoyed a picnic- u u ,* n. w dinner at the Park at Cadillac.Adrian Smith Honored at Party M r and Mr5 yal Watts andA group of twenty two of the Ronald and Mrs. Sarah^ Behlervouneer «et of Alto and community were Sunday dinner guests ot M.IrtofS a partv at Campau Lake and Mrs. John Behler of Grandla«t ' Mondav evening. Swimming Rapids.in the lake was followed by a de- ^ illghtful luncheon served In the yrgrove by Mrs. Charles H. smith, daysMrs. Dale Curtiss and Mrs. Orlow andTilly er. After a session of volleyball until darkness, the group re- ofturned to the home of Mr. and MrMrs. Dale Curtiss at Alto and spentMr.the remainder of the evening with and Imusic and dancing. The party was Thursgiven In honor of Adrian C. Smith Sulli\who recently returned home after M-completing his studies for the year and — , , r - . , — -at Michigan College of Mining and; visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence jlrs. Rose Bryant of Alto. IraTechnology at Houghton. iBieri Saturday. - Blough. wife and son of North a. tne noroe ui a**. «•.« — - - - ^Those present Were_MU!M Vil^^Mr^Ed.Aubiland Mr.^J. Bowne, vl.i;ed at tne Ray fteese Lowell, on Frioaywnmp ^ and Mr? s m g t t andher mother, Mrs. Emiel Stauffer.•ere in Lansing Monday and were. supper guests at the home of Mr.el- Edihger's mother near Lake Odessa(Where Mr. and Mrs. Edlnger expectto stay until next fall when he will— r • f. 1-^ Kir? in T Q«sincrSinclair. Allison Roark. Gerald aay evening. morning.Tillyer. Adrian C. Smith and Jack John Gress passea away a: Blod- Levi Blough of Vestaburger and hisguest will leaveCleveland. Ohio. Washington. D.CNew York City and return viaMrs. Lucy Yoder is visiting her Niagara Falls. They expect to bebrother. Jerry Blough and wife for , £on e about two weeks on the trip.a few days this week.' Mrs. George Rayner. aged 56. ofWill Frost and wife of Lowell ^a. passed"away Thursday aftercalleda: the S. S. Weaver home nc, on . June 11. Surviving besides - Sundav victors at her oar-Sunday afternoon..her husband are one daugEter. Miss l »e« Sunday u .ton, at ner parIrene Bollock spent the week endwith her sister Rosella Bollock atthe Frank Keiser home In Lowell.Bernard Miller was home Saturdayand Sunday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zwiers anddaughter Beverley of Kalamazoo. rnnffretra-'by way of Grand Haven, MllwauofAda Longrcgau.- formerDakotaBinks bought • new shirt, and ona piece of paper pinned to the insidefound the name and address ofa girl, with the words, "Pleasewrite and send photo. NScenting aromance, he wrote to the girl andsent bis photo.In due course he received a reply.It was only a note. "My chumand I had a bet on, H It read, "as towhat sort of a fellow would wear ashirt like thatMy chum said adude, I said a shrimp, and Tm gladto say I won."—Pearson's Weekly.Heard it Before"What would your wife say if youbought a new car?""'Look out for that traffic light IBe careful now!Don't hit thattruck! Why don't you watch whereyou're going? Will you never learn?'And a lot more like that."Everything At OnceAunt Louise—So you intend to bea soldier, do you, Henry? Don't youknow you may be killed?Henry—Killed? Who by?Aunt Louise—The enemy.Henry—Then I'll be the enemy.—Pathfinder Magazine.SIGNING OFFWeat KeeneMrs. F. A. DanielsMr. and Mrs. HitI Quirk middaiiglilcr Tlico wm Siiliinlay(•veiling callers on Mr. and Mrs.Frank Daniels.Mrs. Waller Itolli ami datigli-Icr lioseinary of Ann Arhor arcvisiting her pareiils. Mr. andMrs. Krnrsl Pinckney, lliis week.M. K. Siinpson was a Fridayevening caller on Frank Daniels.Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamsonwere Wednesday eveiling callerson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels.Mr. and Mrs. Lee Liinipkin anddaughter llleleii sj)eni Ihe weekendin Olivet, allending comniencementat the college.DorothyLampkin rein rued lioniewith them for Ihe summer.Justice Chrisliansen and wifeof Ionia were Sundav aflernooncallers of Mr. and Mrs. KrneslPinckney.Oscar Moore has purchased 20acres of John Knee on M-OO.Mrs. George Veenslra of Itedlands,Calif., came last week foran extended visit with relativesand friends. She was a guest ofMr. and Mrs. Jake Staal threedays last week,Mr. and *.\lrs. I rank Danielswere Sunday aflernoon callers ofMr. and Mrs. Louis Hlowk, southwestof l/)well.Lasl week callers at JakeSlaal's were Mrs. Frank Thompsonand two granddaughters,(iary Itaimer and family, Mr. andMrs. Niek Scripsma, Mr. andMrs. Clare Culver, Mr. and Mrs.Claude Slaal, JaekKammeniad,Waller McCrath, Mr. and Mrs.John Dawson and daughter (ieraldine.Kd. illerald. MargaretScripsma, Frances Oieson andtieorge Shaw. Sunday callerswere Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vanderveen.Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderveen,Mr. and Mrs. 'HorryKinsley, Mlizahelh McCrath, IcelandHond, Harm Slaal, Martha(.Miigglc and daughter Olive,(ieorge Denloii and (iodfreyItolli.•Monday supner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Daniels were Mr.and Mrs. M. 1). Simpson and Mr.and Mrs. Farle Nash."Oh, Ben, dear, am I really thefirst girl you ever loved?""The first brunette, dearest".. the aluminursor.r. a._ the home oIdaho. He has made manyhile here and will be missall.and Mrs. Wesley Miller and?^ n^trorhTld 50ns W'ard and Dale were visiting/ U M? and Mr= Fred in Byron Center and Jenlson, Sun-.auua, \\ eek ena ^ests oi^ir. apain- take up his work in Lansing.g was j vr vfifu Ronner of Grand Ferris Miiller is at home now af-Lrion and Miss Nellie Bonner of ^nc ^ ^ weeks of experience withschool reunion Rapias. Gladvs Vaughan has gone.lard Marks andoOIuskegon spent la^Wednesday Bovnton cottage^s-d wife visited Mrs Frankie Bris- Glenn Kexrora and gentlemantear Freeport on f5 ernoon Wllh Mrs FranKie friend were at their cottage Satur-Grand day Right.Miss Bernice Burns was a suppertol.WflvneVar.Wormerand Mr. and Mrs. Orlow R. Tillyer reaved family. . . . . a Otto Zof Cheshire Drive. Grand Rapids.A good ^crowd enjo^ea^ tne line Minnesota was unaoie. owing: Fitchtnetoo much school work, to attendMr'and Mrs Frank RichardsonALTO LOCALS " " " " 'Mrs. Dale Curtiss and the follow „ lll(1 ann .Rapids and Joyce Lltten of Kalawerefishing here Fridayand called at the home ofMiller.and Mrs. Wenger wers|P| PKf ^ ... .-ening callers at the F. E.lage and Ford's Museum. Others to and V. L. Watts. ' next week. "go on this trip were Bernice and Sunday dinner guests at Elmer p \\\ LaverDoris Yeiter. Kenneth Sinclair. Dintaman's were; Mr. and Mrs.;Chris Laver'of neaLawrence and Jack Curtiss. Marie Gerald Fineis and daughter. Mrs. s U ndav.Smith and daughter Priscilla. Beu- John Layer of Lowell and Mr. andLlovd Zelah Hayward. Bernice DeRyke andJean Ann VanRossum.Mr. and Mrs. Currier of Detroitspent the week end with the lattersister. Mrs. Perry Damouth and Mrs. Lucy Dueli.Wedelhusband.Mrs. Valda Chaterdon and twodaughters of Lowell were Saturday J| , . .over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. evening. ' wM'herT^o'attend ^he'=chooV"re^ visit^Mr: ""ShTa'^i Mr. and Mrs. i-yie t/uvenpun.Claud Silcox and accompanied Mr and Mrs. Ben Alderink and unlon and called on Clara Vande- ^ot h e? Mrs *Lvdia ^Quacicenbush. i^nd daughter Barbara and Mr. andthem on Sunday to the Bunker daughter Anna and Nick Yonkers w^er gaturdav evening. JXeete nf M? 'Mrs. anrf hah\family reunion at Concord. and Reka Matternick and Mrs • ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curtiss and'Minenia and children of Hudsonfamily and Mr. andMrs. Chas.! vllle were Sundav evening suppeSmith and family enjoyed picnic' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mat- vui^relatives'dinner at Townsend Park Sunday.: ternlck and familv.in honor of the former couple'sRev.wedding anniversan*.j calledMesdames Merle Rosenberg, j FrankMatt Matternick. Frank Fa x 11.Extra thin paper of good quality.$1.00 per box. At Ledgeroflice.Red Wheat, bu 85Rye, bu .50Buckwheat, cwt 1.10Barley, bu 50Flour, per bbl 5.85Oats, bu 25Corn and Oats Feed, cwt... 1.40Corn Meal, cwt 1.55Coarse Cracked Corn, cwt.. 1.55Shelled Corn, bu 60Bran, per cwt 1.25Middlings, per cwt 1.45Pea Beans, cwt 2.30Light Red Beans, cwt 4.25Dark Red Beans, cwt 5.50Cranberry Beans, cwt 2.05eWt Wool, lb 34Mutter, lb 30Buterfiit, lb 31Eggs, lb 12Hogs, live, cwt 9.50Hogs, dressed, cwl 12.50Beef, live, lb 03-.12Beef, dressed, lb 08-.14Chickens, lb 14-.10Wanted, For Sale, Lost and FoundNotice—The Ledger has foundit necessary to discontinue theP ractice of inserting "key" ads.rom now on, all advertisementsmust bear a signature.—Pufclusher.FOR SALE—Massey IHarris binder,8 ft. cut. E. A. Kotesky, R.H. 3, Lowell. JflKa p5LOST—All desire for hard uncomfortablework shoes afterwearing a pair of WolverineShell iHorsehides. Dry outsoft after soaking and staysoft.Factory samples, closeoutsand imperfects at 82.00and 82.98.Coons.FOR RENT—Furnished apartment.317 IHigh St.Mrs. ElsaRittenger.p5FOR SALE—2 Poland China boarE igs, 10 weeks old and Jerseyull, 15 months old.1 milesouth, *,4 mile east of CampauLake. Donald Lind, Alto.p5FOR SALE or RENT—5-roomhouse in village of Cascade. T.C. Johnson, R. R. 3. GrandRapids, Mich, or phone FrankDaniels, Lowell, 1<strong>18</strong>-F5.c5Valley ForgoValley Forge received Its namefrom Valley Forge Creek, and thecreek received its name from theMount Joy Iron Works, which werebuilt on the stream, 19 miles northwest of Philadelphia. The foundrywas known locally as w the valleyforge" and In time the stream wascalled that, too.The site of thecamp Is now a state park.O d d s and E n d sHera and ThereBrief ParacraphB of NewsBnd Information on aVariety of TopicaChevrolet dealers rounded outthe greatest three months in thehistory of lhe Chevrolet MotorCompany by delivering 129,810new cars and trucks in May.Ola Condon were Sunday guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stockhillnear Conklin. Mr. and Mrs. ArtCondon also spent the day there.Mr. and Mrs. Ronnely Onanhave moved in the tenant houseand will work for Billy Condon.Dick Baird is playing softballwith the Richmond Servers'team.Pete Peterson had a horse injuredwhile in the pasture orwoods Monday night.It had adeep cut under the front leg asthough it might have run onto astake or stump.Mr. and Mrs. Billy Condonwere in Grand Hapids TuesdayRailroads in this country willi!/? lake the former's father, Wm.buy and consume more material j ! • ^-ondon, to his doctor,and supplies this year than al ! /Jf* an " . Mrs * Harringtonany lime since 1931, predicts Dr.Rf Cannonsburg were over to seeJulius H. Parmelce, Director oflheir mother Monday eveningthe Bureau of Railway Eco- who h, ' ,s bt,en a more activenonucs.just of late.Sarah Purdy has an infec-II costs less than a nennv to l' on .' n her knees which has beenroads Association. " dren were Sunday visitors of Mr.| and Mrs. Albert Blaser.National bank robberies have ^iss Florence Doust of Stantondeclined from 1(1 per month to ; lccon JP:|nied Mrs. Ethel Vandenlessthan live per month during . oeck here while she is altcndthetwo years it has been a Fed-,0 ,hl ', wo . rk f()r ^cr daugheraloll'ense to rob a national 6rj^cr ' ^^s • Clark,Federal Reserve Bank, the Jus-Sarah Purdy accompanied Mr.lice Department reports.and Mrs. Newton Coons to Grand— Hapids Wednesday.Never swim alone, for unfor- Mrs. Pauline Hapeman andseen mishaps may occur even Mrs. Hatv and daughter Vivianwith the most accomplished of Lansing called at the Albertswimmer. There should be atleast two voices to call for help.two pairs of eyes to watch fordanger, and assistance at handin case of necessity.DEPENDABLE COAL ATLOW SUMMER PRICESFill your bin now and be sureof a winter's supply ef yourfavorite fuel. Buy now and> a v < >CLEAN DEPENDABLE SERVICEF. P. MacFarlane102 W. Main St., Lowell Phone 193-F2Blaser home on their way to attendthe Blodgett reunion ofnurses of which both weregraduates.Mrs. Lucy Blaser enjoyed amotor trip with Hev. and Mrs.Otto while visiting in West Beiut,children attended church servicesal Alton Sunday evening.Sarah Purdy has rented herhouse to one of the Sparta Condenserymilk haulers.Church services were well attendedSunday evening and theWis., and attended with them the Chiidren's Day program wasGerman Methodist camp meet inat Brilleare, Wis.Mrs. JohnHieri's mother accompaniedher home from Milwaukee1here.very good.These economists who think, . ... competition a had thing neverfor a few weeks visitj|i.j e( j j 0 g e j service from a mani who hml no competition — De-Mr. and Mrs. llleimbeeker andjtroit Free Press.Proof CoinsProof coins are coins especiallystruck from polished blanks anddies, and finished by hand, whichgives them a mlrror-llke, smooth,reflective surface, the most nearlyperfect condition known. The mintmakes a small charge for the proofcoins, and they can be had onlyduring the year of the issue.Buddy Tradition in FrancoThe "copaln" or buddy traditionis so firmly Implanted In the FrenchForeign Legion that when a Legionnairegets Into trouble, his copalnIs supposed to follow suit so thathe can go to the guardhouse withhim.FOR SALE—On account of sickness,I offer my home, 208North St., large house, good repair,city water electric lights,nice lawn.Might lake farm,mortgage or land contract. Wm.W. iHlull. c5FOR SALE—International hayloader, $45.00; also exleusiourim for McCormick-Deeringtractor. Wauled—Small cementmixer. Harry Matthews, R. 1,Ada.4 miles west of Lowellon M-21. Lowell phone <strong>18</strong>7-F12. p5FOR SALE—Thoroughbred NewiHampshire Red pullets andthoroughbred Rhode IslandRed pullets, 10 weeks old, 70c.Inquire Murray Farm, Alto,Mich., R. R. 2. p5-6FOR SALE—Fishing tackle, minnowbucket, fish net, landingnet and anchor net. R. B. Boy-Ian. Phone 49.p5FOR SALE—Cheap work horse,sound; also DeLaval creamseparator, No. 15. Frank Allerding,three miles north ofClarksville on US-16.p5FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet pnrlsincluding good motor. 12 SmithSt., Lowell. p5-0Animals' WeaponsHorns nnd antlers are among themost familiar weapons of animals.The horns of domestic bulls arewell known by any farmer for theireffectiveness, and so are those ofdomestic rams of certain breeds.Japan's Oyster FarmsFive million oysters are plantedeach year In the famous pearl farmsof Japan, where oysters are deliberatelystarted on their pearl growingactivities by a bit of shell InsertedIn each oyster's body.Lenfth of LifeAll life Insurance records show amarked superiority In the healthand longevity of the more privilegedclasses and also show thatlength of life Is largely a matterof Inborn heredity.Wool Wat WastedThe ancient Chinese kept bothsheep and goats, but the Idea ofutilizing the wool of the sheep wasforeign to them until taught so byothers.('has. Mew, of Jackson, Mich.,walked into a store at Goderich.Out., last week, where he workedbefore the World War, tolearn that his name was chisledou the cenotaph in the middle ofjthe town, among those of Canadianswho died al Vimy Ridge.It would take a gossipy persontalking for 277 years to use upas much energy as is producedby one ordinary electric lightbulb burning a single hour.That is the computation of Dr. J.0. Perrine, associate editor ofthe Hell System Technical Journal.Corn Taken West by White MenThe corn plant, so widely distributedIn ancient America, was notgrown by Indians along the Pacificcoast before white men came.FOR SALE—New milch cow;Also cabbage plants. M. D.Court, Ixwell phone 154-F3. p5WANTED—Middle agedwomanfor general housework. Applyby letter or call after 6:30 p.m. at Carl Kropf's, 1 mile westof Moseley. Lowell, R. 1.p5FORSALEand calf, 3 years oldSI. Call evenings.Weeks.Fresh Jersey cow. 717 AmityHoracep5BARGAINS—For this week, 4cars under $45.00. Terms. PontiacSales & Service, 2<strong>06</strong> MainSt., Lowell.c5FOR SALE—One Holsteln cowand calf and one Jersey cow,coming due. Peter Monkowski,3 miles west of Lowell onDollaway Road and % milenorth. Ada, R. 1.p6FOR SALE—Dining room table,library table and large leatherchair.' Chcason, 320 IHlgp. Walter J. Glb-*h St., Lowell. p5FOR SALE—30 acres of landwith good house,electriclights,good water. Mrs. Carrie Condon,Lowell, Mich.c5WANTED—Widow wants steadywork in home or restaurant, bythe week or hour. Inquire orwrite at120 S. Division St.,Lowell, Mich. p4-5FOR SALE—Strawberries.Pickyour own. Bring containers. F.Benjamin, 1 mile cast of Saranacon David Highway. p4-5PLANTS—We have a very niceassortment ofthrifty tomato,cabbage and sweet pepperplants. Tomatoes and cabbagc,50c a plack, averaging 9 dozenper plack; peppers, flOcaplack.J. A. Godfrey, 1052 Riversidedrive, Lowell, (Original ShattuckGardens).c5FOR SALE—Mouse with furnaceand bath, and three acres ofland, located at 430 James St.,IjOwcII (Peck's m\\>. Will sellcheap. Sec Mrs. Ada Miller atabove address.p6Bono Glue Aids Yeast ProducerBone glue. In common use as anadhesive, Is also made an Ingredientof plastics and a source of nitrogenIn producing yeast.R&GRenewed and guaranteed inaccordance with Ford MotorCompany planUSED CARS19S5 V8 5-window Coupe19S5 V8 DeLuxe Tudor1935 157 iBck V8 Cab and Chaaais1929 Ford Fordor Sedan1950 Chevrolet Tndor1951 Chevrolet Conpe1950 Eaaex Fordor1929 Ford Tndor1951 Ford Coach19S3 Ford V8 CoachI9S5 SUndard Ford Tndor CoachConvenient U. CC. (Ford)Payment PlanPat BeahanM YoBr Local Ford Dealer'*Michigan's first statewide save-!thc-trees campaign along trunk-jline highways was initiated thisweek (June 14-20).Crews willoperate four power sprayers!along the trunkline roadsides ofi42 counties during the nextmonth to protect walnut, hickory |and butternut trees against for-jest tent caterpillars.Michigan's white-tailed deer;constitute the stare's newest traf-jlie problem. In northern counties jof the state where the populalionof deer is heaviest, so many collis-!ions between deer and automo-;biles have been reported that theistate highway department is endeavoringto meet the danger byerecting warning signs.The nepartment of Conserva-Ition has completed the transfer jand release of 38 moose livetrappedon isle Royale last Win-!ter. The moose were released atthree diH'erenl points this year,on Keweenaw peninsula, in theEscauaba River trad and in the;Cusino Game Refuge unit.Sev-|eral cows had calves during the Itransfer.Payment of over $2,554,500 of;state and county taxes in Michiganhas removed the names ofthousands offarmers from delinquentlax lists and helped toreduce farm tax sales in the stateto less than one fourth the 1933level, according to John D.lJones, Jr., general agent of theFarm Credit Administration ofSI. Paul.Michigan is getting into the;higher brackets of natural gasproduction withnationally recognizedbig "gassers." In themonths of April and May threegas wells have been completedin Michigan fields with initialprodmiions of more than 50,-000,000 cubic feel of gas per dayeach. These would be acknowledgedas large, important gassersin any country.Living spores of bacteria andfungi were discovered by Cap-jtain Albert W. Stevens, whowent up fourteen miles into theslralesphere over South Dakotalast November, lo be floatingabove our heads at an allitudeof 36,000 feel where llhe temperaturewas recorded as 81 degreesbelow zero Fahrenheit,lliat will shaller the old beliefof many thai micro-organismslive only onthe earth's planewhere temperature is relativewarmer.TEXACOQ m • Oils - QreaoosKeroseneCall 9114Prompt Tank WagonServicePAUL GARDNERWILLIAM HEIMLowell, Mick.Alton • VergenneiMra. Clyde CondonMr. and Mrs. George Caatorand children and Joe Castor ofSand Lake were Sunday visitorsof their father, Jacob Castor, andthe Fred Reusser family.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sisson and,little daughter of Grand Rapidsspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.l.eon Dennis.Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weeks attendedthe (Hlnppough school reunionSunday.Mrs. Floyd Clark Is doing aswell as could be expected since;her operation. Besides her hus-iband, son and mother. Miss FlorenceDoust of Stanton, Mrs.Florentus Vandenbroeck, Mrs.Webber, Rev. nnd Mrs. S. B.iWenger, Mrs. Billy Condon nndMrs. Aggie Condon have calledlo see her this week.Milo Brockway of Kalamazoowas a week-end visitor of TomRead, Jr. They wllh Mr. andMrs. Vern I^eacii drove to IoniaSunday afternoon.Albert Blaser has been balinghay this week.Edna Ford and Helen Eihartwere lucky in the drawings atKeech's store Friday evening.Claude Condon has some ofIhe electric fencing in use on hisfarm. It Is surprising how soonan animal can be trained to slayin an enclosure.Norma Kropf Is nn honor guestat a shower given by her cousin,Emma Kropf, Friday evening.Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern l^cach arebuilding a 24x50 ft. poultryhouse. Delberl House and sonGerald are doing Hie work.Mr. andMrs. C. O. Condon,Libbie Carr, FredRoasch, Mr.and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mrs.Prepare for Fruit BargainsCanning Time Will Soon Be HereI C . t h o w a s s t q b k 'doz.Jelly GlassesMison Zinc GapsNeal Glass CapsJar Rings )erParowaxu>. pk Ṡdoz.doz.Kerr Lids ReKUlarKerr CapsSizeRegularSize38c<strong>18</strong>e15cdoz. 4610edoz. 9edoz25eI FIND SUCH GOODQUALITY CANNINGSUPPLIES ATC.THOMAS STORES.AND LOW PRICED TOOMaioii Round or Squaro Jars% pt. Jars doz. 53cPt. Jaradoz. 57cQt. Jarsdoz. 68c2-qt. Jarsdoz. 97cIdeal Jars, % ptdoz. 67cIdeal Jars, ptdoz. 69cIdeal Sq. Jars, qtdoz. 82cFOR JELLY MAKINGbottleSire JeltFineGranulatedPure BeetFinestQualityBulkSugarCoconutPork & Beans^Odessa Brandm ^MMF ••Golden BantamW W B••CreamStyle10 lbs. 52c20c5c10cLb.16 oz. canColumbusBrandNo. 2CanCRACKERSFresh 21b.SodasboxHoney 21b.Grahamsbox15cI8eWettMFOR SALAD MAKING" 14, S. 4S

SIX THE LOWBLL LBDGHB, LOWBLL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE <strong>18</strong>, 1»MLEGALNOTICESElection NoticeVILIAQE OF LOWELLTo the qualified electors of theNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALEDefaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) in the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby William H. Reichold and MarthaH. Reichold, husband andwife of City of Grand Rapids, KentCounty, Michigan, to Home Owners'Loan Corporation, a Corporationorganized under the laws ofthe United States of America, dated3rd day of Januaty, 1933, andrecorded in the office of the Registerof Deeds for Kent County,Michigan, on 14th day of January1935, in Liber 784 of Mortgages, onPages 327-328, and said mortgageehaving elected under the terms ofsaid mortgage to declare the entireprincipal and accrued interestthereon due, which election it doeshereby exercise, pursuant to whichthere is claimed to be due and unpaidon said mortgage at the dateof this notice for principal :ir.d interestand other lawful chargesthe sum of Five Thousand FourHundred Twenty-four and 79100Dollars ($5,424.79) and no suit orproceeding at law or in equity havingbeen instituted to recover thedebt secured by said mortgage orany part thereof;Now, Therefore, by virtue of thepower of sale contained in saidmortgage and pursuant to theStatutes of the State of Michiganin such case made and provided.Notice Is Hereby Given that on15th day of September A. 0., 1936at ten o'clock in the forenoon. EasternStandard Time at the northfront door of the Court House inthe City of Grand Rapids. Countyof Kent. Michigan (that being theplace of holding Circuit Court Insaid County) said mortgage will beforeclosed by a sale at public auctionto the highest bidder of thepremises described In said mortgage.or so much thereof as maybe necessary to pay the amountiiortaaapa a i c Village of Ixiwell.MORTGAGE SALE Notice u hereby given thattag been made (and special election wiU be held in 1 atheMay, A.NOTICE OFsuch defaults having continued for Village of Lowell, Kent County,more than ninety days) in the con- Michigan, at the City Hall in saidditions of a certain mortgage made Village, on Monday, June 29, 1936,by August J. Greil, Administrator from 8:00 oclock in the forenoonof Estate of Louisa Grell, deceas- until 8:00 o'clock in the evening fored, of City of Grand Rapids. Kent the purpose of:County, Michigan, to Home Own-Voting on the question of wheers'Loan Corporation, a Corpora- ther or not the Village of Lowelltion organized under the laws of shall incorporate as a Fifth Classthe United States of America, du- City; and for the election of nineI ted the 23rd day of October, 1934, charter commission members toand recorded in the office of the draft a city charter for said VillageRegister of Deeds for Kent Coun- of Lowell, if the proposal to so inty,Michigan, on the 8th day of corporate is approved.November 1934, in Liber 781 ofDated this 26th day ofMortgages, on Pages 581-582, and D. 1936.said mortgagee having elected un-Signed. LEWIS E. JOHNSON,der the terms of said mortgage toVillage Clerk.declare the entire principal andc2, 5taccrued interest thereon due, .which election it does hereby exer-REGISTRATION NOTICEelse, pursuant to which there isnwnvtclaimed to be due and unpaid onI will be at Lowell City Hallsaid mortgage at the date of this every day from 8 a. m. to 12 M. tonotice for principal and interest and including June 19,1936 for purandother lawful charges the sum pose of registering qualified votersof One Thousand Seven Hundred for special charter election to beThirty-one and 961100 Dollars ($1.- held June 29, 1936.731.96) and no suit or proceeding All persons not now registeredat law or in equity having been must register their names in orderinstituted to recover the debt se- to be qualified to vote at said eleccuredby said mortgage or any tionpart thereof;LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Now. Therefore, by virtue of the C2^tVillage Clerk.power of sale contained in saidatffifVSiI" th. Matter of Vacating. Dittoninsuch case made anj pmvlded ^ 1 "Notice Is Hereby Given that on^ge Jf Lowell!^Conncil ProceedingsVILLAGE OF LOWBLLCOfleUUThe Regular meeting of the CommonCouncil ot the Village of Lowellwas held at the CityHall CouncilRooms on Monday. May <strong>18</strong>,1936.The meeting was called to orderby President Arehart at 8:00o'clock p. m.Trustees present: Day, Cook,Shepard, Thorne, Christiansen.Trustees absent: Roth.Minutes of meeting held May 6thread and approved.A letter from Frank McMahonwas read. A motion was made byTrustee Shepard and supported byTrustee Cook to accept the letterand place it on file. Yeas 0, Nays 0.Carried.The release of the oil lease read.The clerk was ordered to write theRegister of Deeds at Ionia to verifythe release of the oil lease.Letters written by the clerk toClarksville, Alto. Lake Odessa,Freeport and Belding read.Electrical Ordinance orderedfiled and the affidavit of publicatinoread and filed.A motion by Trustee Cook andrustee Shepard thatthe 15th day of September, A. O.1936 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Lowell, Michigan,Eastern Standard Time at the June 8, 1936.north front door of the Court Notice Is Hereby Given that theHouse In the City of Grand Rap- following resolution was adoptedIds. County of Kent, Michigan by the Common Council of the VII-!*. . . P 1 ??®, of holding | a g e 0 f Lowell at its meeting ofCircuit Court in said County) said j un e g. 1936. and pursuant theretomo. «.age will be foreclosed by a tj,e meeting mentioned therein willsale at pubUc auction to the high- be heId at b the Councli Roomg mest bidder of the premises descrlb- 8aid vinage on Monday evening.ed in said mortgage, or So much Tlli. 1« t o./wv nvionk n m •due as aforesaid, and any sum or thereof as may be necessary to • d u' th" common Courisumswhich may be paid by tne;pay the amount due as aforesaid. .. of the villaire of Lowell that It^Lvnnundersigned at or before said sale and any sum or sums, which may f, '°5 U „ n Sfor taxes and or insurance on bo paid by the undersigned at or W S eCi Jsaid premises, and all other sums before said sale for taxes and i or *1^ vni!. lo .f ^paid by the undersigned, with In- insurance on said premises, and allOttawu Stieet in the Village ofterest thereon, pursuant to law and;other sums paid by the undersign- , owe .|' , Vi 0U !v. " 1 ' cn^^an,to the terms of said mortgage, and.ed, with interest thereon, pursuant uescriDCil as follows:all legal costs, charges and ex-] to law and to the terms of .saidBeginning at the easterly side ofpenses, Including an attorney's foe. I mortgage, and all legal costs. South Broadway Street and runwhichpremises are described as | charges and expenses, including JV n f? thence easterly to the easterlyan attorney's foe, which premises limits of Snell's Addition to theare described as follows:Village of Lowell, Kent County,That certain piece or parcel of Michigan as a matter of publicland situated In the City of Grand safety and as being necessary forRapids, County of Kent. Michigan, the public convenience and as bemoreparticularly described as: ing a public improvement;The West Seventy (TO) feet of Lot"Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Gl-Two Hundred Sixty-four (2(14) ven that the Common Councli ofKent Plat, City of Grand Rapids, the Village of Lowell will meet on•Kent County, Michigan, according Monday evening. July 13. 1930, atto the recorded plat thereof.8:00 o'clock P. M. at the CouncliDated: June 12. 1930.Rooms In said Village to hear allHOME OWNERS' LOAN objections that may be urgedCORPORATION,against said vacating, discontinurfart,ng: amlnbollshin £ said portion ofLESLIE L. DA\ TDSOJs,said street.Attorney for Mortgagee, "Be Further Resolved that no-Business Address: S;)0 Michigan ti ce 0 f snj d meeting be given oyTrust Bid,.. Grand Rapids, publication of said notice, togetherMichiganc.). 13t wjth a copy of this resolution, inNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALEL f d^r; f , newspaperprinted and circulated in said Vllsupportedby T; —5 years free light and power be giventhe Lowell Metal Products Co.,Mr. Shivel to be Instructed to drawup the agreement. Roll Call: Day.Cook. Shepard. Thorne, Christiansen.Yeas 5. Nays 0. Carried.The Clerk was Instructed towrite to the owner of house nextto Gould's Garage to see if shewould paint it.A motion by Trustee Day andsupported by Trustee Cook thatthe following bills be paid. RollCall: Day, Cook. Shepard. Thorne,Christiansen. Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried.Light and Powerfollows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated in the City of GrandRapids, County of Kent. Michigan,more particularly described as:Lot Sixteen (10), Block Two (2), J.Penny's Addition to the City ofGrand Rapids. Kent County Michigan.according to therecordedplat thereof, together with rightsIn a driveway over a portion ofsaid Lot Sixteen (16) and Lot Seventeen(17) adjoining by virtue ofan agreement recorded in Liber 25of Miscellaneous Records at page29.Dated June 11, 1936.HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for Mortgagee.Business Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids,Michiganc5, 13tNOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE-.Defaults having been made (andsuch defaults having continued formore than ninety days) In the conditionsof a certain mortgage madeby Jessie Holllday of City ofGrand Rapids. Kent County. Michigan.to Home Owners' Loan CorDefaults having been made (and lage of Lowell, for three success^such defaults having continued for Ive weeks prior to said meeting;more than ninety days) In the con- further, that copies of said noticedltlons of a certain mortgage made together with said resolution beby Wlcenty KUiszewski (also posted in some consniclous nlnce.Briggs $ColeMcMahonJamesMcMahonMert SinclairValda ChaterdonPaul RlckertByrne McMahonGeraldStaalMabel KnappJerryDevineTed VanOckerRayIngersollKittie Charles..Michigan Bell Telephone..L. W. Johnson & Sons....National Stamping WorksCapitol Electric CoWeeks Electric CoSuperior Furniture Co....Westinghouse Electric CoGraybarL. R. KloseElectricSupply CoElectrpmaster IncLltschers Dist. CoLowell Lumber & Sup. Co.General Electric CoPrice Rite HardwareSocony Vacuum Oil Co....Webster Chevrolet Sales..V. W. Hunter5.0010.00124.6264.8053.4645.3645.3648.6036.0040.3036.0034.2032.4013.888.85130.008.5839.876.50.5025.9537.3810.641.6211.2936.56LoweU, Kent County, Michigan,described as follows:"Beginning at the easterly sideof South Broadway Street and runningthence easterly to the easterlylimits of Snell's Addition to theVillage of Lowell, Kent County,Michigan as a matter of publicsafety and as being necessary forthe public convenience and as beinga public Improvement:"Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Giventhat the Common Council ofthe Village of Lowell will meet onMonday evening. July <strong>18</strong>. 1986. at8:00 o'clock P. M. ai the CouncilRooms In said Village to hear allobjections that may b e ureedagainst said vacating, discontinuingand abolishing said portion ofsaid street.Be It Further Resolved that noticeof said meeting be given bypublication of said notice, togetherwith a copy of this resolution, Inthe Lowell Ledger, a newspaper{ irlnted and circulated In said Vilageof Lowell, for three successiveweeks prior to said meeting:further, that copies of said noticetogether with said resolution beposted In some conspldous place,one at the westerly end and one atthe easterly end of the portion ofShort Storysaid street proposed to be vacatedwithin said Village of Lowell atleast three weeks prior to saidmeeting."A building permit from JoeGreen was read.A motion was made by TrusteeRoth and supported by TrusteeThorne that the permit be granted.Yeas 4, nays 0. Carried.The President appointed TrusteeThorne and Trustee Christiansento act with the Clerk as registrationboard.The motion was made by TrusteeRoth andsupported by TrusteeShepard that the appointment beconfirmed. Yeas 4. nays 0. Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeChristiansen and supported byTrustee Thorne that we borrow$4,000.00 for 60 days from the StateSavings Bank. Roll Call. TrusteesRoth, Thorne, Christiansen. Shepard.Yeas 4. nays 0. Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeShepard and supported by TrusteeRoth that we renew the $1,000.00note due June 1st for 90 days. Rollcall: Trustees Roth, Thorne, Christiansen,Shepard. Yeas 4, nays 0.Carried.A motion was made by TrusteeChristiansen and supported byTrustee Roth that the tax rate be$1.20 divided as follows: $1.00 Genoral.15c Sinking, 5c Band, RollCall: Trustees Roth, Thorne, Christiansen,Shepard. Yeas 4. nays 0.Carried.Trustee Shepard excused.A motion was made by TrusteeThorne and supported by TrusteeRoth that the following bills bepaid. Roll call: Trustees Roth,Thorne. Christiansen. Yeas 3, nays0. Carried.Tennessee CallingBy SCOTT W. RYALLO McClure Newspaper Syndicate.WNU Service.Lowell Light and PowerF. J. McMahon $Jas. McMahon[Mert Sinclair......'.29.1211.2012.1424.25President of the Villageof Lowell.LEWIS E. JOHNSON.Clerk of the Village ofLowell.c4,StMORTGAGE SALE. . aw w *ca\,uicuCounty. Michigan, to Home Own- within said Village of Lowell aters' Loan Corporation, a Corpora- least three weeks prior to saidtion organized under the laws of meeting.". S o«. w xauniu owners uoan yor-jthe United States of America, dat- JOHN A. AREHART.poratlon, a Corporation organized ed the 5th day of January. 1934, "undet the laws of the Lnlted and recorded in the office of theStates of America, dated loth day,Register of Deeds for Kent CounofJanuary. 1934 and recorded In tyi Michigan, on the 13th dav ofSr kIZ 0 rnnntv \iVVm n "on Jn nuaiy 1934, in Liber 759 of Mort-S v Hny of Januar\i fe^ Tn IKagos 'on Pas:es 495 * 490 'nndfial(,b?i 7^f Afoif" ^ orPaee* li '^o^gagee having elected underpei (Oi; or iHoitga^s, or. ^ages nf cnid moitrrmro t.> .1..-14, and said mortgagee having eH c i are t i 10 ' entire principafand ac- Default having occurred In realected under the terms ot (. n , od interest thereon due, which catatP mortgage containing powermortgage to declaie the entne t.] ec( j on | t docg } 1prc j )V exercise,salpdated March 27, 1928. Arithoreonduo a^hich C eloctionTt d'oes P u, ' sunnt to which there Is claimed , I] anna M. Dekker mortgagor, andhrrebv ^be (luG^un P nl(1 8aki lU)VW Stnte Bnnk for Saving,there^s claimed ?o be due and u n - * ^ 1 ? ?' tor •«""lod Renter ofpaid cof thiteresttheHundredDollarproceeding at law or in equityDekker. mortgagor, and Hometice Is Hereby Given that on 15thday of September A. O. 1936 atten o'clock in the forenoon. EasternStandard Time at the northfront door of the Court House inthe City of Grand Rapids, Countyof Kent, Michigan (that being theplace of holding Circuit Court insaid County) said mortgage will boforeclosed by a sale at public auctionto tho highest bidder of thepremises described in said mortgage,or so much thereof as maybe necessary to pay the amountdue as aforesaid, and any sum orsums which may be paid by theundersigned at or before said salefor taxes andor Insurance onsaid premises, and all other sumspaid by the undersigned, with Interestthereon, pursuant to lawand to the terms of said mortgage,and all legal costs, charges andexpenses. Including an attorney'sfee. which premises are describedas follows:That certain piece or parcel ofland situated In the City of GrandRapids, County of Kent, Michiganmore particularly described as;Lot Nineteen (19) of Salem T.Turner's Addition to the City ofGrand Rapids, Michigan.Dated June 11, 1936.HOME OWNERS' LOANCORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for Mortgagee.Business Address: 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids,Michigan.c5, 13tORDER APPOINTING TIME FORHEARING CLAIMSState af Michigan. The ProbateCourt for the County of Kent.At a session of said court, held atthe probate office, in the city ofOrand Rapids, In said county onthe 27th day of May A. D. 1936.Present, Hon. JOHN DALTON,Judge of Probate.In tha Matter of the Ittata afMatlMa A. Harris. Deeeseed.It appearing to the court that thetime for presentation of claimsagainst aald estate should be Umited,and that a time and place beappointed to receive, examine andadjust all claims and demandsagainst said deceased by and beforesaid court:It li Ordered, That all tha cred-Itora of aald deceased are requiredCo preaent their claims to saidoourt st Mid Probate Office on orbefore tha SSMi day af September,A. O. IMS at tan o'clock In the foreaoon,aald time and place beingnr appointed for tne aiaminaandadjuatmeat of all clalmaIt la Farther Ordered, That pub-U. bj S T o Maf a oopf•aaaMlva vaaka nrairious laiaid dar * haartaf, la tha Lowellsprinted andiMgo of Probata.A bw esgrrA H1936 at' tTn o'cloclT'ln'The "fore- nRn , l , n November 5,'1935,noon. Eastern Standard Time atS?' ^the north front door of the Courtd0 . d8ame 42 to ,i nHouse In the City of Grand Rap-,nRMortgages page 378; theIds, County of Kent, Michigan Mflgnee of Mortgagee declares'that being tho place of holding Principal and interest thereon dueCircuit Court In said County) said payable, whereupon powermortgage will be foreclosed by a 0 ' sal 0 has become operative,sale at public auction to the high- Amount claimed due this date onest bidder of tho premises descrlb- said mortgages Is $1513.54, prlnclodIn said mortgage, or so much pal, Interest, taxes nnd attorney fee.thereof as may be necessary to No suit or proceeding at law haspay the amount due as aforesaid, been instituted to recover any partand any sum or sums which may of debt now remaining securedbe paid by the undersigned at or thereby.before said sale for taxes and I orNotice is hereby given that byinsuronce on said premises, and aald power of sale said mortgagesall other sums paid by the under- W||| be foreclosed by sale at northsigned with interest thereon, pur- doorCourt House, Grand Rapids,suant to law and to the terms of Kent county, Michigan, on July <strong>18</strong>,char^« and^ex^niw. fncludrnff jn^Mwed n MemUo8' n vir'LotHele'That certain piece or parcel of o r and C Itold^M^chlcan' 1 '""P1 ° t 'land situated in the Township of ^ '. 'fL,, 8 "Walker, County of Kent, Michigan, Dated. April 14, 1936.more particularly described an: KENT MORTGAGELots Number Nineteen (19), Thir-;AGENCY. INC.,ty-four (34), and the South One-Assignee of MorthalfCj) of Lot Number Eighteen Migagee.(<strong>18</strong>) respectively. Webster and NORRIS McPHERSON HAR-Brenner's Homesteads, Walker RINOTON & WAER,Township, Kent County. Michigan.!Attorneys for Assignee ofDated: June 12. 1936. ; Mortgagee. c48. 12tHOME OWNERS' LOAN "CORPORATION.Mortgagee.LESLIE L. DAVIDSON.Attorney for MortgageeBusiness Address; 850 MichiganTrust Bldg., Grand Rapids,MichiganTotal $ 994.84State Savings Bank 399.44City HallFred Gramer $Michigan Bell Telephone..Price Rite Hardware9.003.725.49Total $SewerArchie Lewis $General FundL. E. Johnson $O. J. BrezlnaLibraryFundGone CarrFredGramerLowell JournalMichigan Bell TeleDoubleday. Hunt, Dolan..SinkingWilburTotal<strong>18</strong>.2110.0023.0834.60100.0040.0034.6015.305.9044.50Fund 1,500.00Hastings 236.00$2,033.98Water WorksW. S. Reuhland $R. E. SprIngottPrice Rite Hardware15.555.405.46Total $StreetL. A. Tanner $E. B. Clemen/.Lodie ShearFred GramerWaitGibsonMyron RiceLowell JournalKreuter Faasen CoMichigan Co. IncSocony Vacuum Oil Co....Price Rite HardwareTravelers IncSocony Oil CoV. W. HunterWebster Chev. SalesReynolds andWachterhauserJames VisC. H. RuncimanTotalTotalAPPOINTMENT OF ADMINIS-TRATORState of Michigan. The ProbateCourt for tho County of Kent.At a sesiion of said court, heldc5i 13t at the probate office in the city of— — Grand Rapidi, In said county onPRORATE OF WILL the 9th day of June A. D. 1936.State of Michigan. Tha Probate jurt^'of'probTte J0HN DALT0N 'Court for the County of Kent. lif tki Mattar af tha ofAt a sesiion of said court, held at ! J"th *the probate office. In the city of;,chram 'Jr "D»"PP««redBuell A. Doelle, State Public Administrator,having filed in ealdcourt his petition praying that theadministration of laid estate begranted to Roland M. Shivel or toonGrand Rapids. In said county,the 12th day of June A. D. 1W6Preaent: HoiffiRuHSBiSS^rasSBEE, Judge of Probate.In the Matter of thelatateHelen Irewn King, Deceaeed.Frank 8. Enoa and FlorenceKing having filed in saidtheir petition praying thattain instrument In writlnaf*• . some other suitable person.VLiiI" Ordered, that the lOth daycourt #f j u | y 0t im, ftt ten 0. c |ocfc» f^i' ln the forenoon, at eald probateporting to b. th. lart Jilh^on tPPOlB,,dtestament of eald deceased, now on0 f t V^£sIrt h «rOrJIrikl that mih.file in said court be admitted to .probate, and that the administra-A fhition of said eetate be granted toFlorence L, King or to some other !*®r..Jkree tiuoceMlye weeke pre-26,4136.0036.0030.0012.6012.0012.004.0019.15<strong>18</strong>.70.866.2553.701.707.3<strong>06</strong>.4617.791.408.50$ 284.41Bills $3,767,29A motion, was made by TrusteeShepard and supported by TrusteeChristiansen .hat the meeting adjourn.Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried.Read and Approved Juno 8, 1936.LEWIS E, JOHNSON,Clerk.HARRY DAY,President, Pro TemA special meeting of the VillageCouncil called by the Village clerkto appoint Board of Review wascalled to order by President ProTem Day at 9:10 p. m. Saturday,June 6, 1936.Trustees present: Day. Roth,Cook. Thorne.Trustees absent: Christiansen,Shepard.President Pro Tem appointed E.O. Wadsworth and E. D. McQueento Board of Review.suitable pereon.It Is Ordered. That the 10th dayef July A. O. ItM, at ten o'cIockIn the forenoon, at aald pro'bale office, be and is herebyap>pointed for hearing said petition:It Is Further Ordered, That publicnotice thereof be given by pub-Ueatlon of a copy of tola order forthroe euoeesalve weeks previous loaald day of hearing. In Ihe LowellLedger, a newspaper printed anddreulaled la aald county.CLARK E. IflGBEE,JlldM Af IVntiatA trueJudge of Probate.SO*.Heglatar of Probate.cS, Sivioua to aald day of hearing, In theLowell Ledger, a newspaper printedand elrculated la said county.JOHN DALTON,Judge of Probate.A true copy.FRED ROTH,Register of ProbataWmcs. atNOTICE, LEDGER READERSFriends of Tho Ledger and Al*to Solo haying buslnau In thoProbate Court ofKent Countywill confer a favor on the publiaherby roquoitlng tho court toThor s a s s :in aus paper.glad t o ^ HMotion wasmade by TrusteeRoth and supported by TrusteeCook that the appointment of B.O. Wadsworth and B. D. McQueenbe confirmed.Roll Call: Day, Cook, Roth,Thorne. Yeas 4, Nays 0. Carried.A motion to adjourn waa madeby Trustee Roth and supported byTrustee Cook. Carried.Read and Approved June S, IMS.LEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk.HARRY DAT.President, Pro TemThe regular meeting, postponedfrom June 1st, of theCommonCouncil of the Village of Lowellwm held al Ihe Council Rooms lathe City Hall Monday, June 8, IMSal S:16 p. m.The meeting was called lo orderby President Pro Tem Day.Trustees present: Roth. Thorne,Chriatianaen. Shepard.Prealdent Arehart and TrusteeCook abeent.A latter from Hubbel, HartfarlngA Roth, showing purity last ofLowell water has been O. K. alnoe1SS4 waa read and placed on file.Oa motloa of Trustee Roth supportedby Trustee Chriatianaen thefollowing reeohitlon waa adopted:"ReaoWed by tha Ooouaoa Councilof the VIIiha Village of LoweU tiatitlit advisable to vaeala, dlaeontlaueaad a^ftfft 1 ' ***** portloaof Ottawa Street In IhaVIUafe of 1 Valda ChaterdonPaul RlckertByrne McMahonGeraldStaalMabel KnappJerry DevineTed VanOckerRayIngersollKittie CharlesJay CarterFredOsbomLester PlacePatBeahanRutenber Electric CoG. R. Bolting CoCapitol Electric CoL. R. KloseGeneral Electric CoLltschers Dist. CoMcMahon Service StaSavage Arms CorpWeeks Electric CoP. B. Gast CoLowell LedgerWhite Electric CoWestinghouse Electric Co.Price Rite HardwareLowell JournalR. B. StarkeyM. W. GeeMichiganBell TeleWm. Helm StationL. B. MorseChas. WoodWestinghouse Lamp Co..Smith Auto Supply Co....Rutenber Electric Co....IdaJonesIsa GrahamMcQueen Motor Sales...JackWinksPrice Rite HdwMcMahon Fit. AccAnthony's Service StationG. R. Dept. Pub. Service..124.6264.8053.4645.3645.3648.6036.0040.5036.0034.2032.4015.755.752.255.0050.0054.882.5235.07221.12108.84234.3026.0010.582.5<strong>06</strong>.2211.50132.0540.91157.569.2521.0016.303.1715.0914.8013.0057.551.2054.8810.0010.0015.08.758.33100.0011.1650.00Total $ 2,095.63Water WorksCrane Co $ 7.20S. A. Norman Co 5.92Lowell Lumber Co 6.30Price Rite Hdw 5.09Michigan Boll Tele 3.01Win. Helm Sta 27.00W. S. Reuhland 13.75Lowell Lumber Co 30.28M. W. Gee 8.48The Carborundum Co.... 3.53John Layer 7.80Total $City HellFred Gramer $Lowell Light A Power....Haisma CoRoyden Warner1<strong>18</strong>.369.0<strong>06</strong>.362.501.25Total $ 19.11Oeneral FundFred Gramer $ 34.60Oene Carr 40.00L. E. Johnson 84.62O. J. Brezlna 34.60Postmaster 2,00Light & Power 15.29Freight .63State Savings Bank 15.00Tisch-Hlne Co 102.65Lowell Ledger 86.91Linsey. Shivel A Phelps.. 659.54Fire Dept. Payroll 63.75State Savinga Bank 114160.25Total $1^59944StreetL. A. Tanner I 54.00Lodle Shear 54.00Wall Oibson 45.00Myron Rice 45.00E. B. Clemens 54.00Fred Oramer <strong>18</strong>.90Harold Dintaman 6.00John Dawaon 2.00Will Oramer 13.80John Dawaon <strong>18</strong>.00Webster Motor Sales 600.00Jamee Vis 90Lowell Lumber Supply Co 1.40Price Rite Hdw 1.05W. E. Hall 55Hllderley's Drug Store... 1.80Kreuter Faaeen Co 14.7SReynolds andWachterhauser ..Vera Armslroag...TotalTotal Bills Paid15.108.52.1 055,16115.788.10A motion was made by Trusteei supported by Truatee Chrletiaasenthat Ihe meeting adjourn.Roth supportedee Chrle-Teaa S, naya 0. CarriedLEWIS E. JOHNSON,Clerk.J. A. AREHART.PresidentApproved June 16, IHO.From the Gulf of Mexico onecan go up lhe MiuUilppi andMinnesota rivon. down lhe RodRiver (of tho. North) and LskoWlnnepeg, and pau weit of Hudneverj* aa much at 1000' feetion Ba'y to the Sretie Ocean. andjueh ai * * "shove MS lovol.A DIUANK BARTON, sitting buckIn her chair, listened to thetoastmaster'a eulogies; listened cynicallyas he enlarged upon hermedals and honorary degrees.These banqueters envied her athleticfigure, the weather-bronzedface beneath Its high piled mass ofNordic blond hair.M Alr queen," the toastmaster said,then hla words drifted Into memories,vague thoughts of people whocould never wear starched frontsIf they bad them, vague desires tobe among them.She remembered a little airportIn Missouri or Tennessee—sheshe couldn't remember which. Therewas a blustery little first cousinto a cyclone raging and she tooka long chance In landing on thepoatage stamp field at Uusk.There was a moment of vast reliefas the wheels settled safely;she bad turned the plane and rested,the motor throbbing Idly.Thetruth was she had been In tremblingfrightYes. she—the womanhad done these things which peopleat the banquet so enthusiasticallyapplauded.A figure had left the shed at thefar end of the landing field.Shehad watched it stumble, fall, thencome trotting on. She opened thothrottle with a still trembling handand taxied toward It.She saw a young man with flamingred hair that glistened in thelast light of a stormy day.liewas waving nn arm checrfully.sweeping it in a half-circle to Indicatewhere she should run theplane."Hullo," he greeted, when shecut the Ignition, "you lucky guy.Hop In the shed. There's coffee.Til slake the crate down.*'"Stake it?" she asked, pulling offher helmet and turning out a cascadeof golden hair.He stared at her."A woman!" he exclaimed. ''Lady,don't you think anything of yourneck? This Is no (lying weatherfor a woman.""Or anybody elae," she said dryly."Let's get to that co.Tee. Thepin lie's all right"lie grinned."Thai's what you think. Youmay find It In the next county hymorning. We're in for a blow."She nodded, and ns she wasweary from the dltllcult fight withthe winds and weakened by fear,she obeyed his suggestion.The shed hold the shadowy formof an old plane and a light glowedfrom a side room. Coffee was steam-In-: on a small stove and gratefullys!i edrank a cupful before he againappenml.He looked at her critically, thenwont about laying a dinner, firingquestions all the while.She didnot tell lilm who she was and hedid not ask.lie gave her every courtesy andlater relinquished the room to her."I'm going over to a friend's,"he said Jovially."Make yourselfat home.I hope the roof doesn'tblow off."She objected, but not strenuously.It was a dlillcult situation. lie wentout Into the wind now tearing andhowling about the building.Thestorm cut loose then nnd the creakingof hoards mingled with the rattlingpound of rain until exhaustionclaimed her and she sleptsoundly.She awoke early, as was herhabit, and her first thought wasthe plane.The redhead was alreadyup on the cowling."Hoy!" he called enthusiastically,"this Is a wagon!1 guess everyguy has an ambition to hop off Inone of these."She Inughed."It's a steady old boat. It lurestood up well last nlsbi,*"I've checked the engine.""Thanks. I'll take It out of yourway."He looked his surprise.•'Too much wind yet Hhe warned,"better wait awhile.And there'Hsomething else*""I've taken II oul In worse thanthU," she said, laughing, and as sheInsisted, he reluctantly helped herinto the cockpit"Walt a minute," he said earnestly,climbed on the wing and lookedlong al her face.She flushed under the gace."Tell roe your name," ha said."Jane Doe."He grimaced wryly. "Yeah, I'veheard a lot of them.I'm Bed.That's all Just Red. And goodluck!"She laughed, ha grinned, therewas a roar of the motor, a shortrun and she felt a gust of windtoss It Ilka a balloon.She circledthe field, saw the liny figure waving,then ha was left behind—somewhereIn Tennasiee.The toastmaster broke Inlo herthooght as he waved hla am aadannoanced, "Miss Adrlane Barton."She rose before the panorama ofwhite faces and thaader of clappinghands. Momentarily shaitoodthere, trying to get her bMringo,for the bad been flying back jutthea, Ihe rolling hlUs of Mlaooorlbeneath bar, the more fonaldaMepeaks of Tennessee In the distance,her eyes peeled for a decaylagairport and a sop of flaailagred hair. , . •Anderson and Eva Standish andMr. and Mrs. John Troy and daughters.Margaret Anderson spent Thursdayevening and Friday with herfriend Vivian Procter and attendedthe Commencement exercises atMiddleville.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batey andfamily have the sincere sympathyof their many friends here in thesudden and untimely death of theirson Thomas.Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil anddaughter now ride in a new car.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mc Diarmld.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooley attendedthe funeral of the former's sister.which was held at ClarksvilleMonday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wiersmaand daughters of Orand Rapidsand Michael Sheehan were Sundayguests at the Leon Anderson home.Mrs. Wm. Bruton and daughterMarian spent Sunday evening atthe Maiy Reynolds home.Miss Nellie Sheehan of GrandRapids was a Saturday eveningdinner guest of Mrs. Mary Reynolds.Forest Baker of Lake City spentFriday evening with John Duea.Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Casey andfamily left for Lansing Tuesdayafter visiting their aunt Mrs. MaryReynolds the past two weeks.Mr. and Mrs. Don Qlidden wereSunday afternoon guests of herparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencerof LaBarge.S. W. BowneMra, L T« AndersenMrs. L. T. Anderson, daughterMargaret and Vivian Procter wereIn Grand Rapids Tuesday, Ihe formersnendlna the day with her slater,Mrs. Setha Anderson.Mra. Melvla Ellla la very low alIhe home of her alaler-in-iaw, Mr.aad Mra. Owaa Nash.Clair Oougherty of Detroit aadalaler Mary Catherine of Ann Arhorwere week end gueeta of theirparenla. Mr. aad Mra. T. W. Oough-% t « at the Laoa AndoranahoaM tha past weak were Mr. aadMra. Dorr Olliisa, Mra. Wm, O.Lowe DistrictMra. Gertrude ThomasSunday visitors at John Nash'swere Mrs. Jennie Flynn and Clare.Mrs. Emma McVean and HaroldNash and wife of Lowell.Charley Poethumus is In a Chichospitaltaking treatments,e all hope he will return homeImproved In health.John Nash and family were Wednesdaynight supper guests of Mr.and Mrs. Harold Nash of Lowell,and attended the graduating exercises.their nephew Robert Ellisbeing one of the graduates.Mr. and Mrs. Watt Thomas wereSunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Merrill Kercher.Russell Benton and family andVernor Benton of Grand Rapidswere visitors at Wayne Benton'sThursday evening. Helen Bentonreturned home with them and remaineduntil Saturday.Henry Fry lost a horse last week.Mrs. De Good and children ofCascade spent Thursday with Mrs.Charley Posthumus.The children gave a splendidChildren's Day program at thechurch Sunday morning.North Bell DistrictMrs. Elmer MarshallMr. and Mrs. Ray Ware and Mr.and Mrs. Will Draper spent Wednesdayevening in Lansing withthe former's son, Milford Ware andfamily. Milford has recently purchaseda lovely new home.Mr. and Mrs. Will Fox and RoyOsborne of Lowell called on Mr.and Mrs. Lyle Bovee and familyThursday afternoon.Ware Storey and Lyle Bovee tookpotatoes to Grand Rapids Fridav.Mr. and Mrs. Bedell of Lansing.Mr. and Mrs. Madison and Mrs. J.R. Spurrier of Ionia, were vistt.orsat South Boston Grange Saturdavnight. Edwin Marshall jl played aviolin solo. "The Sparrows Parade"accompanied on the piano by hismother. Mrs. Spurrier talked %boutthe state canning and bak-'ng contest,and the Grange picnic. Tholatter will be Saturday, .lune 20that Bertha Brock Park. South PostonGrangers should be ashnnu.dof the poor showing made Saturdaynight.Mr. and Mrs. S. L. McTntyr-j andson Keith spent Sunday vith horbrother, J. O. Kelsey and familv,near Bellevue.Mr. and Sirs. Harry Hendersonof Grand Rapids were Sundav dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. ElmerE. Marshall.Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Kyser anddaughter spent Sunday with theirson and daughter-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Leo Kyser near Charlotte.Mrs. John Calller was taken toBlodgett Hospital last Wednesdayseriously ill. and at last reportsher condition had not improvedHer granddaughter. Miss MildredHolllday, a trained nurse, of Lansing,is attending her.Miss Fern Mclntyro, who spentlast week in Grand Rapids, andher cousin, Mrs. Henry Spykermanof that city, called on Mr. and Mrs.8. L. Mclntyre Monday afternoonon their way to Canada where theywill visit friends and relatives.So. Lowell BusyComersMrs. Howard iarlletlMrs. Emerson Wieland entertainedthe Neighborhood Club onThursday afternoon. Nearly all theclub members were present. Offi.cers wore elected for the next year.Several games were played anddlldous cakes with ice cream wereserved.Mr. and Mrs. Teriy Flowers and£?I\.i, Cha V * r 'an * Mrs. ErnestClark and baby were Sunday eveningcallers at George Wleland's.Mr, and Mra. Ray Lumbert havemoved from Mendon to Dutton.M .*?:Ki l8 ua•Pont Thursdaywith them.• M 1,8 -Rittenger assisted Mrs.John Rittenger on Sunday andMonday. Mr. John Rittenger isvery 111,Mr. and Mra. Emeraon Wielandand children enjoyed a picnic dinnerat Cadillac wllh frlenda andrelatives on Sunday.Mr. and Mra. Harley Taylor ofClarksville visited at the home oftheir daughter. Mrs. Harold UlltcngerSunday.F.EMLE UIEIFUNERAL DIRECTORDay or NightAMBULANCE SERVICEPhonea 22-F2, 22-P8ii. SIEMII. ILI.Phom 47J. I. ALTURI, M. I.piumm teaNegence Block, LowelLOffice Hours, 2to4snd7to8p.BLOffice Phono 86L P. MVIENEIPhyolclaa aad SargoeaOVER CITY STATE BANELOWELL, MICHIGANOffice Phono, 222-2: Hooae, 222-SNIILM HMTLEY—DENTIST—Office over C. Theaaa StoreOffice Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5Closed Thursday afternoonPhonea: Office MRae. SSLOWELL NILIC L i m nGRAHAM BLDG.—WEST SIDE-OPEN-Tnosday, Thursday, Saturdssfrom 2 to 8 p. slAUDIE E. POST, UbrarUaMra. IiwardJ. littMferSpencer Corsetiere815 West Main St., Lowell. Mich.Phone 357nn i. STITIEI—DENTIST—Phone 2ISHeara S to SOpen Wednesday and SaturdayEvealag, 7 to 9Oflice cloaed Thursday afternooaiM. I. T. LISTMOSTEOPATHICPhysidaa aad SurgeonGeneral PracticeSpecial Attention to RectalDiseasea(Prepared and equipped to treatPiles, Prolapse, rissures andFistuli withouthospilaliiktlon).1174 Madison Ave., Grand RapldaPhones: Office 887S2; Rea. S8S1SLucy SI one becamc famous foradvocullng the detention of theirmaiden names by married women.Havs Vou Pais?If you ara suffering sleknaasor pain, why net lakeaplnal adjuatments?Hundreda ef long standingchronic cases have beanrelieved—you owe It lo youraalfwhat can be dona foryou.This Lowell office is foryour convanianca and youare welcome at anytime tocome In for free advice andconiullallon.Gortrudt Trtdtnlck,D, 0*1 Ph. C.CHIROPRACTORPhone SS44SMain office, Plett ilk., 24S^sDivision, 8^ Grand Raplaa,Mich.Baach Office Klag Block.Lowell, Wedneaday sadSaturday, 9:00 a. nt to8:00 p. n.INSURE YOUR FARM PROPERTYIn Mlchlgan'a Largest Farm Mutual Fire InauraneeCompany. Total net asaeta nearly SSM,SM of which everhalf la in Government Bends, er Beads gnaraateed by IheU. S. Geverament, and caah. la 19SS made aet gain ofover S7JSS,SSS In properly al rlak. In May ef thla yearadded ever SSS new membera.Flral Company lo write a blanket policy on farm per*aonal property which eftea para deable the amonat ofelaaalfled policy. Flral Farm Mntnal Cempany In Mlchl*fan lo employ fall lime Inapedera. Careful underwritingand ayatematlc InaMctlan, ellmlnatlag undealrable riakaand Are haiarda. fnanrance claaalied and aaaesaed accordingto haaard. Aaaeaamaal rata aa u- — •• —11,000Aaaeaameal rate aa lew aa 9SJ4 perlaaursaceDepartment wrltea, M Yenr membera are tobe cengralulated on the efficiency of year management oftheir baslaesa. The progreaa ahown In the Increaae of Inauraneeaad Ihe very moderate coat ef procurlnt the Increaaedbualneaa la evidence ef Ihoroagh knowledge of thebualneaa and attention to detail** Michigan State Board ofAgrlcaltare carrlea laearaaeaaa1 4 -'laaaraace oa Stale'olleiea acceptei. . w^wwmLoaa Corp., er other LeaalagAgencies.For further Information see repreaentatlve or writeHome Office.Lowell—Harrv Day, D. A. Wlageler. R. E. Sprlngett, GrantWaraer, A. R. Smith.Caacade—Joha J. Watteraea.VIBW •ifW wl7S2 Church St, Fllat, MichlgaaW. T. BUEffiAS, Proaidaal mm. JL FHK, Saarotary—" '- w :i' — ^-THE LOWELL LEDGER,ILL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE <strong>18</strong>, 198SR e m e m b e rFresh Cottage CheeseFriday and SaturdayFresh Churned Buttermilk g a |. iocFANCY GRADE EGGS.FRESH BUTTER.Insist on Fancy Grade Eggs If you want the freshest.LOWELL CREAMERYThey visited their farm near FreeportWe are glad to know Mr. Andersonis able to ride out and enjoythis pleasant summer weather.A large number from these partsattended the ball game at CaledoniaSunday.Remain Flynn spent last weekwith her sisters Hazel and Bernadlneat Nazareth. Miss Hazel spentthe week end at home and broughtRemain home with her.So. Keene-No. BostonMrs. Ed. PotterE. A. COMPAGNER, Prop.Phone 37Lowell, Mich.South BowneJennie PardeeRaymond Shaffer and ladyfriend were week end guests ofElmer Shaffer and family.Mrs. Lydla Karcher Is in Indianaassisting in caring for Mrs. WillEash who is ill with heart trouble.Miss Marian Pardee and JenniePardee were in Lake Odessa Mondayforenoon.Mr. and Mrs. L. Andreus andMrs. Minnie Bouck visited at C.M. Benedict's Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaffer werein Clarksville Monday afternoonon business.Pauline Moore visited Wednesdaywith Miss Eleanor Miller.Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Springs ofFoorsland, Illinois, was a Sundaynight guest of Mr. and Mrs. HaroldYoder.Harold Yoder and family attendedthe Blough reunion at FallasburgPark Sunday.Miss Helen Brown of Valpariso,Indiana, was a week end guest ofEleanor Miller and also GlendoraMiller of Carlton visited her grandparents,C. M. Benedict's over theweek end.Miss Eleanor Miller accompaniedHelen Brown of Valparaiso, Ind. tothe home of her aunt, Mrs. BessieTight Sunday where she will attendthe Valparaiso University this summer.Gladys and Marion Pardee nndJennie Pardee called to see Mrs.Clara Watts, who Is confined toher bed, Thursday evening and alsoat the Alden Porrltt home.Marilyn Porritt is spending theweek with her aunt, Jennie Pardee.Mrs. Jennie Thompson and husband.Mr. Cole will stop off atGrand Rapids, Minn, for a staywith his son, Clarence and familyfor awhile.Mr. and Mrs. Al Raymor andfamily of Lowell spent the eveninglast Thursday with her sister,Mrs. Guy Quiggle and family.Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Richardsspent last Wednesday evening atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. IsaacWood.Miss Jennie Richards left lastMonday afternoon for New York,enroute to Budapest, Hungary,where she will attend the InternationalOrthopedic Convention, June29—July 3. She will spend considerabletime In other countries InSmyrnaMra. Albert HousarmanMiss Franccs Matlison attended the Peggy Dluuksmu recital atthe St. Ceclliu auditorium inGrand Rapids Friday evening.Haiiand llurgess and HobVeelch of Grand Rapds were Saturday callers at Frank Matti-.•'W 1SEVENSalsbury, Jake Geldersma andMrs. Ward Boulard and children.Mrs. Floyd Flynn and daughterscalled on Mr. and Mrs. ArthurClarke Monday evening.John Nash and family, IMrs.Jennie Flynn and Mrs. FloydFlynn attended the commencementexercises at LoweU Wednesdayevening.Mrs. Floyd Flynn and Mrs.Europe before her return late inAugust.Mr. and Mrs. S. Wenger of Altospent the afternoon with Mr. andMrs. Isaac Wood one day last week.Buster Walker and Delia andMargie Gregory and ClaytonHouseman have finished theirschool year at Lowell and are attheir homes here.Mr. and Mrs. Loon B. Slater andfamily of Bowling Green, Ohio andMr. and Mrs. R. J. Slater and PaulSlater of Cascade, were dinnerguests Friday of the former's sister.Mrs. Bessie Coger and family.HARRIS CREEK RIPPLES(Last week's letter)Frank Bums returned home nnSaturday for his summer vacationfrom his studies at St. Joseph seminaryIn Grand Raoids.A large number from this wayattended the graduation exercisesat Caledonia last Thursday evening.Monica Anderson and MichaelSheehan were the ones fromthis way who were in the 1036 class.The community was shocked onThursday evening when they learnedof the sudden death of ThomasBatey, the only son of Mr. and Mrs.Fred Batey. The family have thesympathy of the community intheir bereavement.Quiggle In com- Mr. and Mrs. John Heier ofpnny with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grand Rapids spent Sunday withCole and daughters Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geib.Vivian of Snow Dist. left early onMr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson andSaturday morning for Harrah, son Howard enjoyed a very plea-Wash. to visit Mrs. Cole's sister, sant ride Sunday and Monday.Gove LakeMrs. H. L. CogerMr. and Mrs. Will L. Bush ofWayland came last Wednesday tospend a few days with his sister,Mrs. Issac Wood and husband.Mr. and Mrs. C.A meeting was held Tuesday eveningat Cutler school house to considerelectricity for this neighborhood.Mrs. Ed. Potter leaves for DetroitFriday to attend the weddingof her niece, Louise Schmuck tcArthur Paepke also of Detroit.Sunday afternoon and lunchguests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kingmawere Mr. and Mrs. John Workman,and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Workman,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Werkhovenand family, Mr. and Mrs. Shrubemakerand Mr. and Mrs. JackLinkaard and family.Martin Vandenhout of Flintspent Friday at the Adrian Vandenhouthome. Eleanor Vandenhoutof Zeeland was a week endguest.Essie Veenstra of California isvisiting with friends and relativesin this vicinity and Sunday a largecompany had picnic dinner at theriver In her honor. Mr. and Mrs.George Raimer and Mr. and Mrs.Garrie Raimer and family attended.Mr. and Mrs. Bud Biy and twosons from Grand Rapids were Sundayguests of Mr. and Mrs. AdrianVandenhout and family.Mr. and Mrs. John Workman andfamily of Grand Rapids spentThursday with Mr. and Mrs. NickKingma and the latter family spentFriday evening with Mr. and Mrs.Wassink.Mrs. Susie Chorley of Blanchardspent the week end with Mr. andMrs. Wm. Thompson at the EdwardThompson home.Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Potter spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. JamesLind and family.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Potter andMr. and Mrs. Ed. Potter were inIonia Tuesday.Mrs. Soph Carnahan and sonand friends were calling in thisneighborhoodone afternoon lastweek.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Potter andMr. and Mrs. Ed. Potter were inIonia Tuesday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Arend andson of Baroda and Barbara Davenportspent Saturday afternoon atthe Ed. Potter home.Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Potter andbaby spent Sunday at the JamesLind home. Mrs. R. Wheaton andMarie and W. Potter were Sundayguests and afternoon guests wereMr. andMrs. J. C. Oberly anddaughter Jo Ann of Blanchard, Mr.and Mrs. Bradley Boss and Mr, andMrs. Byron Potter and family ofGrand Rapids and Bert Potter.Mr. and Mrs. Gail Burkholderof GrandHapids were Sundayguests at Guy .Smith's.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heacockof Hastings and Gilbert Porrittspent Sunday in Kalamazoo.sons.Mrs. Ed. Insley and Howard: Jennie Flynn attended the W. F.spent Thursday and Friday in M.^ S. al Freeport Wednesday.Muskegon attending a Mnccabceconvention.The Matlison family entertainedrelatives from New Jersey atGordon Park Rear Cedar Springs.Mrs. Lettie Booth of GrandHapids arrived Friday morningfor a visit with her cousin, Mrs.Agnes Gould.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer ofiGrand Rapids were Sunday callersat Clyde Cotter's.Mr. andMrs. Albert Housermanaccompanied Floyd Clarkand family to Grand Hapids Sundayevening and called on Mrs.!Clark and Miss Alma Weber aljSt. Mary's hospital.Albert Russell of nearChadwickcalled on Mrs. Agnes GouldSaturday afternoon.Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. BentleySmith, June 14, a daughter.The oil well on Ihe Geigerfarm west of Smyrna has beenclosed and they are pulling upthe pipes preparatory to startinganother one nearer town.Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Webervisited their daughter Alma Mondayevening at St. Mary's hospital.Mrs. Bertha lllarrington spentlasl week with relalives in GrandRapids.Mrs. DcEllc Gardner and Mrs.Ola Purdy accompanied Harold!Gardner lo Eddy Lake lo visitMr. and Mrs. Hay Ring, who arecamping there.The Federal Land Bank is redaughter,Mrs. Dee Bryant andchildren and Mrs. Eugene Bryantwere Sunday callers at A. J.Porrijtt's.Callers on Mrs. Clara Wattsduring Ihe week were Mrs. MinnieBouck, Mrs. LouAndrews,Alice Mishler, Mrs. Jennie Pardee,Mrs. Gladys Pardee, Mrs.Stanle> Coles and Mrs. LawrenceJohnson.Dick and Paul Johnson artspendingseveral days with Mr.and Mrs. Harry iioughner inFreeport.Callers at 11. A. Johnson's Sundaywere Mr. and Mrs. Win.CosgrifT, Mr. andMrs. StanleyColes and children, Mr. and Mrs.Alex Wingeier and sons, Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. Law ton Cole nnd! John Watts, Sir. and Mrs. LawrenceJohnson, Laverne andClare Uryant.Miss Mabel Walts is spendingher summer vacationwith hermother, Mrs. Clara Watts.The peasant women of Hnssiahave been ordered lo work sixdays a year on Ihe roads. If Iheydo well at it Stalin lets Ihemhave a few days every suminer torest up in a coal-mine. — NewYork Sun.Besides sand, the substancesnecessary for the making of glassare soda and lime. These must bovery clean, as a little impuritywill spoil the whole mixture.According lo legend Hobertin ice was led to attempt todrive the English from Scotlanda second lime by the sight of aspider weaving its web. Brucewatched the spider fail manytimes and finally succeed.Train SchedulesThe time given below is centralstandard time, which is one hourslower than Lowell time.Pere MarquetteTrain going east 7:35 a. m.Train going west 7:03 p. m.Grand TrunkTrains going east8:00 a. m12:40 p. mTrains going west 11:34 a. m.(flag stop)4:07 p. in.otv*I LB. TIN& 2eto*\ri /1 1Lmodeling and painting Ihe buildingson Ihe former Day Rich-imond farm.Mr. and Mrs. Hoyal King andMr. and Mrs. Vernon King ofEast Keene were Sunday eveningcallers at Albert IHbuserman's.ElmdaleMrs. Ira SargaantMrs. E. L. Grant spent from Sundayuntil Thursday with her sonMiles and family of Lansing.Carlos Seese attended the Loganschool reunion Saturday. He reportsa fine time and large attendance.Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Northrup andMiss Irene Sargeant of Portlandwere Sunday afternoon callers atthe Custer-Sargeant home.Clair Snyder and Dalton Stahlaccompanied David Hoffman toIndiana Tuesday.The children day program waswell presented to a full house atthe Church of the Brethren Sundayevening.The third annual Krauss familyreunion was held Sunday at thehome of H. E. Krauss and family.Thirty-five were In attendance, afine time was enjoyed and withplenty of good eats, helped to makethe complete day of happiness.Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Schwab andMr. and Mrs. Charles Schwab motoredto Ohio, Sunday, where theyattended a school reunion.Geer Smith of Ionia, who is acandidate for nomination for prosecutingattorney of Ionia County,was a Wednesday afternoon callerat the Custer-Sargeant home.White's BridgeMrs. C. E. Bowengroaf t/ro on fftroo counts1ptnllivos 49%s|s thin svsnTM MOiVIM MMM Of ItAHTYwith tough, lure-lripfctsr'tnctiofltrtsd thistllonlsr non-skid milsrtaformtr Goody ftrse9 MTINTID MHiTWISTOORD—mora rosUiont, mort•ndnriag thso say otbor oord—insurss grosttr blowout rsslstsoosla orory ply,3 lowist cost r n milisorrico with grtittr ssfoty intvsry milt—provod hy tho oxofmillioose.•wlllwlT N i w o a u r a u a a -tar aiuiaa tiriBKoauai thi world's ixpiriinobMovia rr aivta thi LONOiar w i a r -THISAPUT MILIAOI—FOR THI MONIYiuiiiiCascadeMra. Clarence MulderMr. and Mrs. C. T. McDonaldand son Kenneth spent Tuesday;and Wednesday in Traverse Cityat a rally ofthe members of;Mac's Lodge. There they attendeda fish fry and a few othersocial events, andon the wayhome called on Mac's brother!and family in Cadillac.Mrs. Marlin VanderJagt is recoveringfrom a very severe cold.Misses Pearl ami HubyBeakand Kenneth Beak and FrankVanderMaas attendedthe danceat Green Lake Saturday night.Many of the lasl year graduatesof Lowell high school attendedthe Alumni banquet Fridaynight.Mrs. C. VanderMaas spentacouple of days with her sisterin Byron Center lasl week andcame home with a couple ofcrates of strawberries. Kvidenllyshew as busy while there.Miss Gladys Ingersoll did notspend the week-end wilh herparents this week, but stayed intown wilh her sister Hazel wholias a position at a friend's homeand Gladys helped her getsituated.Mr. and Mrs. McDonald motoredlo Saranac Sunday afternoon.Alaska AtomsMrs. Harold ColvinBorn, to Mr. and Mrs. BentleySmith Sunday. June 14th, a daughter,at the Belding hospital.Mr. and Mrs. Ted VanOcker attendedgraduating exercises atGreenville last week Thursday inight Miss Violet VanOcker was agraduate.Miss Doris Stormzand of Lowellspent Friday night and Saturdaywith Pearl Bowon.Miss Evelyn Moor.cy is workingat Bentley Smith's.Miss Grace Hovlnga nnd brotherGerrltt of South Lowoll were supperguests of Theda Devine, Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bowen attendedtho show, "Farmer In TheDell" at Greenville Sunday evening.Miss Ella Bowen spent the eveningwith Miss Claire Middlebrook.Mr. and Mrs. Milo Horn brookand son from Rockford spent Sundayat Jake Mooney's.The Hoppough school reunionwas held Sunday atthe schoolhouse with a good attendance.Mr. and Mrs. Royal Willett fromClarksville spent Saturday nightand Sunday at Leonard Bozung's.Mrs. Stewart and son and MissWillis from Lapeer wero Sundayvisitors atRay Ingersoll's. Mrs.Ingersoll and Gene returned homewith them for a visit. Miss AmandaMcArthur and Roland MoArthurand Miss Willis from Pontlao werealso Sunday visitors at the Ingersollhome. Austin Ingersoll returnedlo Pontiac with his cousins lospend the summer.Mrs. C. E. Bowen and Pearl attendeda kitchen shower for Mrs.Wm. Hitchcock at Mrs. Almyr Potter'sin Ionia last week Thursdayafternoon.Most salt is obtained by mining.Geometry was in use in Egyptas early as 2100 B. C.A watch is comparatively asimple machine containing anaverage of about 150 dislinclparts. However, it has beenfound that Ihe production ofthese parts requires over 3,700separate operulfons.Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sneden and|family were Sunday suppiT guestsof Mr. and Mrs. ErnestCrum-iback at I^iBarge.Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Williams and;family attended a birthday parlyfor her aunt, Mrs. Grace Solo-,mon of Middleville at 11^ homeof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrisin Grand Hapids Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sherringtonand family of Caledonia andMr. and Mrs. Andr.tv Rose ofiGrand Hapids were Sunday aflernooncallers at the Sherrington:home.Mr. and Mrs. Glen Myers ofHome Acres were week-end visitorsof her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Harve Vanderhoof, .Mrs. Vanderhoofreturned home with IlicmMonday for a few days' visit.Mrs. Maltie Sherrington andlid. Claeson called onMr. andMrs. Leo Hrynnt of Alto Sundayto see her new niece. Miss ElizabelliSherrinjjloii returned homeSaturday iiiKhl from caring forIhem.Mrs. Mildred KIiim spent Saturdaynight wllh Mr. and Mrs.Harold Colvin.All accompaniedMr. and Mrs. Kenneth King andsons of Caledonia to attend theGodfrey-Bunker reunionat thehome of Mr. and Mrs. WalterAriss of Concord Sunday.Mrs. Blanche Brecker and her;(laughter were Thursday nightE uesls of her grandmolher, Mrs.ydia Sneden and family.Mrs. Joe Cole nnd family ofHarriella are standing a couple ofweeks wilh her iNirents, Mr. andMrs. (Henry Rich,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur HilxeyandMrs. Bertha Moflil of Dullon andMr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. andMrs. Illlartman were SHturday eveningcallers of Mr. and Mrs. llilbertMoflit. Sunday callers wereMr. and Mrs. EdwardPallisonand son and friends and Mr. andMrs. Nate Mofflt of Middleville.Bowne Bugle NotesMIn Myrtle PerrittRev. A. T. CA«iland of Rockford,formerly ofLowell, willdeliver an address at the Fourthof July celebration at BowneCenter.The Thomas reunionwill beheld tH Ihe home of Mr. andMrs. Guy Smith Sunday, June 211.Floyd Flynn and family wereSunday aflernoon callers at WillFlynn s in Caledonia.Arthur Clarke is quite poorlyand under Ihe doctor's care althis writing.Mrs. I«awrence Johnson andsons snent Friday with Mr. andMrs. Harry Boughner ofFreeport.Mi. and Mrs. Howard 'Hough-Ion of Detroit are spending partof this week with Mr. and Mrs.Guy Smith.Sliss Myrtle PorrMt. ClaraLucille Heacock and Ruth Ryderwere Sunday guests atCorwinPorrill's.Mrs. Dee Bryant anddaughtersand Miss Alicv Porritt wereHastings visitors Saturday.Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Clarke were Mr. and Mrs.Orley Burns, Miss JosephineMpk't Tin & lift ShopCornor Main and Rlvorsldo Drive, LowollRosidonos tS-PSPhono U-P2Miserablewith backache' 7— Jwjp wmw •Ml WttlMHff MIMM* MMly Qf |M|Ehon"?...OMDon't aft oi.kldaeyi.levery yosr.DOANS PILLSToday's Best Bread ValueGRANDMOTHER'SBREAD2-lb.loafWhite, Plain or SlicedWhy Pay More? 1 090 Seconds fromPackage to OvaaPat oror CarnationGinger Ala aadSoda Beveragesor Ginger Snapa4433Blaa LabelGreenMammoth, PlainSplendid Flourlona FlourSunnyfield FlourHenkel's Family FlourHenkel's Velvet ntSwensdown Cake FlourSliqulckMilkWhitehouie MilkYukon ClubFig BanCigarettes tt .iso MeGreen Giant PeesHenhey's CocoaSP&G or Kirk's Flake Soap 10Salada TeaCrisco or SnowdriftGrape-NutsInstant PestumRajah Salad DressingEncore Olive OilEncore Olivetalona CocoaRajah VinegarOur Own TeaA & P Laundry StarchRajah Extracts^: &Sultana Red or Kidney Beans 5lona Pork and Beans 2lona Peaches ^3' 2 Nj 'Ann Page Jellies Strawberry. Curr.nlA & P AmmoniaRajah Sandwich SpreadSultana Peanut ButterEncore Prepared Speghett *Encore NoodlesRejeh MustardSultane Baking PowderSardinesNorthern TissueMoietiesLarten'sCooking OilDel MontePott ToaitietKellogg'tA-l Sauceilrdteye MatchetBeent2 4 £ l b -65c2 £ lb -69c2 V ^ 7 5 c24 £ ,b- 89c5-lb.bagpkg.largePkg.tallcanstallcans24-osbottleslbs.27c23c29c29c25c25c25ceartoa ofa r10 pkgs. 9lel9canlb.canssmallbarsJa-lb.pkg.S-lb.canPkg.largepkg.quartjerH 'pintcanpintjar2-lb.can10-oi.bottlo1-ox.bottleNo. 1cant28-oz.cansenntS'oz.glassquartbottlecansf5c25c29c33c55cf 5c39c29c25c29c15c5c39c17c10c25cISc2; 27c10c10c20c25cf5clb. tin 26clb. tin JSClb. tin 29clb. tin 25Clb. cart. 2 2cBrown or WhiteJacob'sSliced or ButtonsExceptChickenFreshDailyKingford Cornor ElasticA&PYellow Label10Broad or Fin^Van Camp*aMustard or TomatoRed HenMixedVegetablesWeasoa orMaaolaPlaeappleJuiceBran FlakeaPap, Rice KriaplasearlargecansrollsNo. 2caaNo. 2caaGraea, Waaer UmaKara SyrupBlue LabeiSparklA Doeaarl IGelatlaeDessertpkgs.Meld er Skerfcei Claaa While They Last with Each 4 pkg*.Beech-Nut CoffeeDel Monte CoffeeHills Bros. CoffeeMaxwell House CoffeeWhitehouse CoffeeBrown Sugar4X SugarDill PicklesMushroomsCampbell's SoupsPotato ChipsLibby's Orange JuiceApple ButterMacaroni or SpaghettiStarchGrape JuiceLipton's TeaSweetheart SeapDiamond Crystal SaltFels Naptha SoapAm. Family Flakes " Chl «" 0Felt Naptha ChiptLux or Ivory FlaketRinse or OxydolMorton's SaltSardinesScot TissueWaldorf TissueKellogg's All BranPostum CerealColeman's MustardArgo Gloss StarchCalumet Baking PowderSoap ChipsHcinx SoupsHeinx VinegarHeinx Cuke PicklesHeinx Tomato JuiceCut-Rite Wax PaperCollege Inn SeuptDel Monte PeachetJello 2 ^ 15c iunw.3 ^Pabtt-ett Cheete Spread^Lifebuoy Seep0 ,ikwScot Peper Towelt F * r 6Reitint A"",. 31cEegle Brand MllkoV^aiV.Grape-Nutt FlaketPu< ' >Pott's Bran FlaketPrunetut " ^S[ Baby Feeds Cerfcer ,^>,JDomesticin OilEasy Task orClean QuickMost VarietiesSliced2 pkg*-2 pkgs.H-gal.jar2-ox.can3lb.canS8-ox.j«rAlbs.Pkg.pintbottle*Mb.Pkg.cakesboxbarslargepkg.largePkg.largepkg.largepkg.pkgs.cansrollsrollslargePkg.pkg.pkg.3-lb.pkg.lb.canS-lb.boxcansquartbottle24-os.jarSS4440 ftroll5c !2B-ftrollI caasiNo. 2HcaaSeedleaa4.1b. pkg.pkg.Pkflbs.15cf5c25c10c25c25c10cf5c25c9c10c39c25c5c4fc19cf9c2fc19c15c25c25c15c19c19c25c2fc19c25c25c17c91cSScISclieIScf7cISc3tcSOcISc19c10c10cSScSSci' i ooi) sroi{i sAll Prlcca Plot 8% Sales TaiWe Cask WPA Checka'Immam-*4ir-.-.AXj.'"**-

iteEIGHT•y&s®Calumet Baking PowderGreen & WhiteCoffeeRed 4 Whitelb. ISc CoffeeRed & White CleanserSilver Dust S for SScCrisco 3 lb. tin S7cCertoBottle 23cRed & White PreservesRed & White MarshmallowsRed & White Corn FlakesRed & White Fruit CocktailBlue & White Pork and BeansRed & White Cut BeetsLeaf Lettuce lb. ScWisconsin CheeseSmall Frankforts lb. 19cVeal Stew - lb. IScShoulder Pork RoastBeef Ribs • lb.13cBeef Chuck Roast lb. <strong>18</strong>cRound or Sirloin SteakPhone 156More Local News16 oz. canBlue & Whitelb. 27c Coffeelb. 21c3 for 13cGold Dust Washing Powder 16cRed & White Toilet Tissue 4 fer 25cFree BalloonMorten Salt with 2 packngca 2 for 17cMildLb. Box 19CLarge BoxtOc2 (or 25clb.Jar3 No. 2 cans 25cCarrots per bunch ScBacon SquaresVeal Roast ShoulderRound boneBeef Pot RoastSausage Grade 1WEAVER'SYour RED & WHITE Food Store19ccan Sclb. 19clb. 19elb. 20clb. 20c16clb. 17clb. 25cE We DeliverKabo summer mesh girdles, 7!Ic Newest summer dresses just in.and *1.011, at Weekes.'*1.1!l anil Sl.'.T), al Weekes.Miss Grace Hovinga is working Mr. and Mrs. Owen Harper offor Mrs. Bruinekool al Ada. (irand Hapids spent Sunday hereNewest while hats, $1.19, al M M..II I\. .IW.T- C««.,I' w, lli Iheir mother, Mrs. MaryWeekes.'Mrs. M\ille IreDenuk s l )enl wingeier. and sister, Mrs. Sophiathe week-end al Grand Haven. | Ciii^rnahan'.New 0x12 Axministcr rugs.$20.50, al Weekes.'I, 11^ li Ooodrulgc and MissL. J. Nummer •r was home from'''Marian Anderson arrived Tues-Jit St Iimace over,1:| . v rrom Washington, 1). lo" Miss Helen Wittenbach, gov- spend several weeks wilh theirIhe CCC Campthe week-end.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rennels ofFlint called at the James Bairdhome Sunday on their way loGrant,Mrs. Geo. Coleman of Kankakee,111., is spending a few dayswith her sister, Mrs. FrankWeaver.Mrs. Chorley of Millbrook wasir-we^k-end guest of her brotherand wife, Mr. and Mrs. WillThompson.Mr. and Mrs. Burneltand children are visitingMrs. Glen Condon inweek-end.eniess of the Doelman children, parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Anhad Ihem home with her Sunday derson.and al hillasburg Park. | an(| M,- s . Frank NewellThe Misses Maryan and Norma have returned home from a twoAshley are expected home Fri-;weeks' business I rip, duringday from Michigan Stale College which lime Mr. Newell attendedto spend summer vacation. a national Insecticide Convenlional the Kdgewater BeachC. Bergin and granddaughter, , 'Helen Hill, relumed on Monday, , ;! ,, a the interestst l ,01 ,,ufrom a several days' visit wllh , ()NU,, yKXM'Products Co. 1Mrs. H. J. Palerson and family al Mrs. George Veenslra of BedbeenAlma.I lands. Calif,, who haswilhiMrs. Annie Acheson returned M rs . Geo. Lee, who underwent Aiuaist.home last Fridav after caring . m operation at Blodgett hospital Mr ..... Mrs Fonvnl. ( ,for Mrs. Wm. Mueller for Hie TlIl. S( i :i y. is reported lo be rest-^pasil four weeks. U,, comfort^ly. Jler manyi^Verne Miller of near Fairview fiends bope for her speedy I "e- , , )l . vi . rinf , \Vednesdiiv." Bessiewas here oyer the week-end to cover>.!remained until Saturday and Mr.attend the Bjough reunion Sun- ^i,., imd y\ v^t Hufus Wiser and; Forward and sons, Follie andday al ballasburg Park. khildren of Heldihg were SundaylJunior an(l Mrs. Hulh MitchellLatest colors in (ilobe and v ' s ' lors () fan( ' Mrs. Glen and children came lo spend theHumming Bird silk hosiery, 89c Sowers. They with Mr. and Mrs.'day and all returned home Salpair,loasly, misty, snappy and Condon picnicked al Fal-urday night.summer. III. L. Weekes. ilasburg Park.Solomon Hickner, 115, Ihe old- •'•'bn Hillenger, one of ourest man in Nebraska and in the well-known cilizens, wh 0 " asI'niled Stales, died recenllv al bii-n confined lo his home onhis home in SI. Paul. He was an Spnng-sl. most of lhe lime foruncle of Louis A. Hickner of l' 11 -' l )1,s ' ' NV() lh r ce months, isLowell.re|M>rled on the gam.Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dvk of . M - > Henry left Monday eve-Greenville and Mr. and' Mrs, for Big Hapids, where he isFrank Meeker were in Grand helping to conduct lhe staleHapids Sunday lo visit Mr. Dyk's »>«» examinations of 120father, Marlin Dvk. who is seri-i graduates of the four Michiganously ill at the Edward Dvk Schools of Pharmacy.home, 53 iHolland-st., NELewis M. Yeiter, Lowell-tp,supervisor, who suffered a slightstroke about ten days ago, is reportedas doing very well, Mr,Veiter's speech has not been affected.He is able to sit up everyday, feels very cheerful and it isconfidently exnecled that he willbegin lo show marked signs ofimprovement.New Kabo thigh band, twowaystretch girdle, 81.20, atWeekes,*CATTLESUPREMEMiss Jean Weekes went to DelroitTuesday lo spend the remainderof the week with MissMary Hoth and to attend the commencementexercises at whichMiss Holh will be graduated.Hobert Carnahan and RonaldHarper accompanied Mr. andMrs. James Baird to Ihe Fallasburg-LakeOdessa ball game onSunday and were delighted whentheir base ball idol, "Gabby"Byrnes, gave them an Interviewbetween innings.OPRATA Cattle Spray That Does tha BuiinestSupreme In Ita FieldlipnM Spny it liiUt AetioiA Killir nl IspillsrSold in BulkReasonable PriceBring Your ContainerC. H. RUNCIMANLowell, Mich.iQuick Getawaf"Oh, yes. my father was a groatpolitician In his day.""What dhl ho run for?""The border."ON RELIEF"Mrs, OTool, has your son aleaning toward any particular eall*Ingt""Sure, he'll be a poet, he hate*work so."Peep BrldtfreMM"Don't they ever have showersfor the bridegroom, popr"No. sonoj, bat there asaally areplenty of storms for him after tbabride begins to reign."Wke II WaeJohnson—My wife has been nnrs-Ing a grouch all the week.JacksoiH-Is that sot I hadn'tseen you around, but I didn't knowyou were laid up.Meeef PasteMother—1 hope my little boy hasbeen as good aa gold all day.Nurse—Ho. He went off the goldstandard a hour bedtime.Oel Willi e Net"What are you doing." asked SIBlmlln. "Catchln* butterfllesr•No." answered Farmer Coratoa*eel "Tryla' to tare some of my topsoil thafa been carried off la tfeewind."Net AnMiGlide-Why dldataboot that ttgertTimid Banter—Be dldatthe right Mad eftaae fer a rag.THE LOWBLL LBDGBL LOWELL MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JUNE <strong>18</strong>. 19S8Social EventsMrs. Fred Gramer entertainedthe Goofus Club last Wednesdayevening. Honors were won byMrs. Bertha Walker. Mrs. Geo.Lee and Mrs. Vern E. Ashley."The Hbuse in Paris." writtenby Klizabeth Bowen. was reviewedby Mrs. D. A. Wingeier at themeeting of the Book Review Clubheld with Mrs. J. M. HilderleyTuesday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brownentertained at supper Saturdayin honor of the 75tn birthday ofMrs. Brown's brother, FredKropf. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. ChrisKropf also were guests.High scorers in the contractbridge taurnanient at Kiehmond'sCafe last Tuesday eveningwere: North and south. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Freeman; second,Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Xolan.Kast and west, Earl Thomas andPaul Kellogg; second, Mrs. B. E.Springe!t and Mrs. F. J. McMahon.Forty-three members of theLowell (iarden Lore Club enjoyeda picnic dinner at thebeautiful Hopkins* gardens alSpring Lake Tuesday, after whichthey made a tour of the two rosegardens which have a mixed iborder running between them.iThe gardens are a half mile long,following the lake shore.Miss June McCarthy nnd MissJean Weekes accompanied thefollowing girls on a house partyat Bostwick Lake over the week-I'nd: Beth Burdick, Pearl Parsons,Barbara Cahoon, AnnieMay and Hazel Hickner, DorothyFletcher, Ardis Schneider, Graceand Leila Denny, Florence Dowlingand Lorraine Kyser. Thegirls are inembers of Miss Mc-Carthy's Sunday School class atthe M. E. Church.Mrs. Andrew ChafTce enlerlainedat their home TuesdayI'vening wilh a birthday parly inhonor of her husband and HughHitler of poster. Fourteen guestswere present. Progressive euchreKyas the diversion of the evening,jhigh scores being held by DonnaDollaway and Thomas ' ChaffeeInnd consolations by Cora McKayand Lloyd Shaffer. Mrs. Chaffeeserved a delicious lunch afterwhich dancing was enjoyed alHiverview Inn.BonVoyage PartiesAllorney and Mrs. H. M. Shivel.who left today (Thursday) tospend about two and one-halfmonths in the British Isles, havebeen entertained at a number ofbon voyage parlies. The firstwas one given by Mr. and Mrs.Charles Doyle at the PeninsularClub in Grand Hapids. T. M.Doyle and Miss Minnie Meekgave a party at Lone Pine InnJune 7. Mr. and Mrs. V. A, Snellentertained al the Woman's CityClub in Grand Hapids lasl weekThursday and Mr. and Mrs. WilliamC. Doyle opened their homeon Vergennes Road Sundayhonor of Mr. and Mrs. Shivel.Although their plans are by nomeans certain. Air. and Mrs.Shivel will sail from MontrealJune 10th on the Duchess of Bedford for Belfast. Ireland. Theyexpect to spend most of theirtime traveling in the British Islesand may visit the Continent.Marriage LicensesWilliam G. Hurd, 37. Lowell;Charlotte B. Martin. 31.Archibald E. Duncan. 2!). Lowell;Norma H. Kropf. 21. Lowell.THE UNSATISFACTORY PART"Can you get my pendulum clocklo work?" asked the simple-lookingperson in the Jeweler's shop."We will endeavor to," repliedthe Jeweler.The customer unwrapped a smallparcel.The Jeweler gazed In wondermentat the contents."But this is no use," he said. "Inorder to mend the clock, we musthave the whole thing. You've onlybrought us the pendulum."Well," replied the customerbrightly, "it's only the pendulum aswon't go."ON THE UP AND UP"So your engagement with AnnetteIs up?""Yes.""What became of the engagementring?""That's up, too."In Philadelphia is Independenceillall, in which was signedin 1770 the Declaration of Independence.Here is housed thefamous Liberty Bell.SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED., JUNE 21-22-23-24Matinee Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Eveningi 7:15-9:15** iuco^n Ur *'CARL LAEMMLE praiontiEDNA FERBER'Ssjj:....IRENE DUNNEALLAN JONESCharles WINNINGERPAUL ROBESON, HELENMORGAN, HELEN WESTLEYOuteme Smith, Sohuby While, Donald CookScreenplay and lyilcf by Otear Hammertleln.lLNew sengt and all your old forrorilet by ItromeKem. Dlr acted by I AMES WHALE. A CARLLAEMMLE If Production.June Weddingsm—mmmmrnEverhart—StilesMarried, at Saranac. Sunday.June 14. by the Hev. Mr. Loomis.Miss Betty Everhart to Mr. ArthurStiles both of Lowell. AfterIhe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Stilesleft on a motor trip to variouspints In Northern Michigan.They are highly esteemed youngpeople and have the best wishesof their large circle of friends.The groom is a graduate of fheLowell high school and the bridegraduate of an Akron. Ohio,high school.Double Wedding at ParnellMiss Mary Vivian Jakeway andher sister. Miss Lillian ElizabethJakeway. teachers in the GrandHapids schools, and daughters ofMr, and Mrs. C. Kent Jakewayof Parnell, became brides at adouble ceremony in St. Patrick'schurch at Parnell at U o'clockTuesday.Miss Mary Vivian Jakewaypronounced her nuptial vowswith Merrill W. Byrne of FortWayne, Ind., son of Mr. and Mrs.John P. Byrne of Parnell. MissLillian Elizabeth Jakeway was !united in marriage with WilliamJoseph Manning, son of Mr. andMrs. Frank Manning of Grand jHapids.Miss Mary Vivian Jakeway,|who was given in marriage byher father, wore a princess moil-:el of white satin" with a train.Her dress was trimmed wilh seedpearls at Ihe neck to malch the'small coronet of seed pearls thatheld her veil. She carried whiteroses, lilies of Ihe valley andswainsona.Miss Lillian Elizabeth Jakeway,whose hand was given inmarriage by her brother, GeraldV. Jakeway, wore a princessmodel of white satin, made infashion similar lo that of her sis.ler. Her llowers also were whileroses with lilies of the valleyand swainsona.All*. 2111(1 Mr* flnpnld V I.ibo.GRANDI.PiDcc UfifiAlHERE/i 7^57/#//;^ REASONWHY THE GRUNDW (5,Oily Gnmow noei CARRENE. Car*rone k a life refrigerant that it liquidunder all ordinary conditkxu and ternperaturea.It can be poured on yournand andcanbecarrieaarount"' around in openoontainen Uke water.^GRUNDWw, CARRENEu/tc/s iuzu/c t/tc(iu7$ f/iu fThr««Gfuumt MnMnUTORDays Fr«« Trial$109.W and upRalph'a Tire & Radio ShopPhone 23-F2Cor. Main and Riverside Dr.Hapids.daughters, illowanl and EthelyVocal numbers wore given | ) v ) vill . r i ,si l le l 1 ' 1 ", ho,, ! eMiss Xella Hiackporl. Airs. Ross ?" p ! , ' sh^1 w 1 , l ic . h 'V? J*'',jiignell and John Jakewav.111 [j 11 ' ^l' s family, the bridesA weddimz breakfnst fnr iho niolher's |K'ople. It has beenthree families was served it the l >ro l K,rty of ,he 82 y cars »lhe 8realCountrv iHouse and in the after- «rand|>arenls. Mr. andnoon a receplion^Mfs Gilbert Hussell haWng Uvwasheld at the home of the 1, Ibeir en I ire nuuried liftof (Lbrides' parents. Out of lown • VL,a 1 rs .' a,u f ' ^1L ' tjjanclparenIs, Mr,guests were Mrs. Marv J. Burke an |s * Amos Hussell, Ihe nr< res ' s -of Winona Minn * nnd Thnm i* 1,nl owner, having been ornA l ^ ^ l ^ l s ^ n l unites Iwo old andat 4108 Indiana-av Fori Wilvni. respected families. The latewhere Mr. Byrne is iflllialed NVa ' ler Reeves, grandfather ofis alliliated iu • • J uh t the Smyrnawith the General Eleclric Co.Mr. and Mrs, Manning will.,! the school grooms, whentaughtthe grandfather,pend their honeymoon In New 1 Hussell went to school.York city. Thev will be at homeof ,.Ih }' 1« r . 00,ns ""d IheIt 1030 Prosoect-av Grnnd Unn. brides attended the same school,0 1ids, after Jid* 15.'f r . BeldJnB high• where Howard graduated in IneSisters and Brothers United in m class « .u of # .u '31 Edward Reeves,1 u In*n ui iv jj-father of lhe grooms, has servetlDouble >>edding several lerms as supervisor of(Smyrna Correspondence) township.A double wedding was solem- c Guesls numbering 133 fromlized at the Church of God in ^ . ,n f' i a S!ii «'(elding Saturday morning, June delroit, Lansing and Flint were3, at nine o'clock when Miss Present. Mrs. Edward Silbacknez Elhelyn Earle becamc the ?? m charge of the giftbride of Howard Edward Reevesw 5 l s ,ch wcr . c . ,aden 11 w,lhand Miss IHelen Marv Earle be- nm s |}e linen, china, silver, oilcame Ihe bride of Milan Lafay- Plji".:?®? 'iVIL il.llS r „„elte Beeves. The brides were r , l! ^'f^8*.during the breakpressedexactly alike in gowns (f 1 " n, I s,c yj a \«ii»f white satin and lace veils wilh n""l' s pJlL rfliiIdeated caps nnfl orange Wos^Vthe brkles. sang several mnn-Mrs. Frank loomis of Saranac,>e"; Those who served as waitauntof the brides, nlayed Men-^delssohn's Wedding March on the wha« riiliorgan as the bridal party enter- ^ Jl?i n mJI."ed the church wnlcn had beenleaulifully decorated by Russell 'm i i:, tv iV 4Gais and son Francis of the fP"'. . '"'V m!:,, . n^ 11 ^r1, cm^Hustle Gardens, Hev, Frank !!Russell, nil ofLoomis of Saranac. uncle of the I,e,clin * tirides, ollidated and the vowswere spoken before an altar Ott9A994lwhich was draped by a shawl of &silver and net, gift of the airides* aunt, Mrs, Orlando E, "Kellum of Riverside. Calif,, who, To Mr, and Mrs.had purchased it while in Cairo, Hartley onEgyut. The brides' father. Rob- son, Douglaserl Milton Earle. gave Ihe brides' —Jb4vBIRTHS *MelbourneMonday. June 8. aPhillip. W USlue organdy dress.Miss Inez Ethelyn's maid ofhonor was her cousin, GaythaLoomis. who wore a gown oforchid chiffon with white hatand gloves. Her bridesmaid. MarionReeves, sister ol the grooms,wore pink chiffon with whiteaccessories. Jerry Engemann wasring bearer and Sarah AnnReeves, the grooms' cousin, wasflower girl.Milan's best man was LaurenceGardner while Davton Reevesserved Howard In tnat canicity.John Gieger. Ben Beeves, inubertReeves and Steol IHulbert wereushers.The brides' mother wore anorchid chiffon gown with whiteaccessories. The mother of thegrooms was gowned in purplecrepe.The three-course weddingbreakfast was served at eleveno'clock at the home of thebrides* parents In Smyrna. Theguests were received at thehouse bv the bridal party withHoward's and Ethelyn's masterand mistress of ceremonies. Mr,and Mrs, Thor Jorginson. old andvalued friends of the family, andMilan's and Helen's masterand mistress of ceremonies. Mrand Mrs, Ben Reeves, aunt anduncle of the grooms. Two beaulilulwedding cakes graced Ihebrides' table. The nome wasdecorated by Mrs. Edward Silbackand Mrs. T. Jorginson.The brides and grooms left forshort trip to Detroit and Canadaamid showers of rice andgood wishes. Inez Elhelyn woreyellow wilh while accessories,and Helen Mary, orchid withgray.They will be at home to theirfriends at Smyrna. Helen andMilan will live In a home, alreadyfurnished, which has been in theEarle family for years. Robert M.Earle and his brother, Hubert W.having lost their mother at avery early age came from Lansingto be tenderly eared for byan aunt. Miss Helen M. Earle. aslater of their father, J. Miltonaway in marriage. Mrs. J. Batdorfsang "1 Love You Truly"CARD OF THANKSand "Because."We wish to thank our friendsMiss Helen"Mary was attended I"" 1 H''«hbors for Iheir kindnessy her sister, Doris, as inaid_ of L'L? U L.,?!Il.il , S 0 " d .1" .M" ,1!!;honor, who wore^ a green chiffon "'J'L "lisfortune in the lossgown with white hal and gloves 0 ll »*. | eg«Her bridesmaid, Maxene Regan p5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nummer.was her cousin and she wasdressed in yellow chiffon wllh CARD OF THANKSwhile accessories. Joseph Baldorf,the ring bearer, wore a cere thanks to our friends forWe wish to express our sin-black satin suit, and the flower the many gifts which we haveirl. Judith Engemann. wore a received since our home was destroyedby fire.p5 Mr. end Mrs. Lee IHessler.CARD OF THANKSI wish to express my sincerethanks to the many friends andsocieties for the kindnesses extendedme during my recent illness.p5.Sybil Reynolds.Newest white, navy andChamois string gloves, 79c atWeekes.'LowellResidence 23-FSQUARANTINE SUSPENDSALL TOWN'S BUSINESSTdephoBtCaDs More Than Doableu Stores Close, Meetings AreForbiddei Daring EpidemicWhen a heavy guard was thrownabout Kiowa County. Oklahoma, onFriday, December 13. 1935 and allexcept essential business activitieswere halted from that day untilDecember 16. the residents otHobart. the county seat, realisedthe value of the telephone as theynever had done before.Came as Complete 8urprlseThe entire county was Isolatedby a strict quarantine on the partof state and county health officerswhen an outbreak ot spinal meningitisoccurred. The quarantinecame aa a complete aurprise to theresidents of Hobart, because nocases had been reported there,although the outbreak had claimedfour lives In the county, five otherswho bad died were believed to haveshown symptoms of the malady andmany others were In the hospitalseriously 111All Aetlvltles Are HaltedAs a result, telephone calls increasedto an all-time high level andcontinued so throughout the fourdays of the quarantine. AU businessesexcept drug stores and grocerystores were ordered closed.Druggists were permitted to sellonly medicine, and only one pharmacistwaa allowed in the store at atime. Grocery stores delivered provisions.but no sales were permittedIn the atores. People did their orderingby telephone, and those who didnot have telephonea obtained provisionsby going to the store, flvlngan order to the clerk at the door,one at a time, then waiting outsidewhile it was filled. Sessions ot thedistrict court and grand Jury hearingswere discontinued and an kindsof assemblages were prohibited.Streets were patrolled in Hobart,and banks, department atores, fillingstations and public offices wereclosed.Operators Volunteer fer tervleein such aa emergency, the telephonewaa called upon to asm toan extent that It had never donebefore. All available operators werecaned In, and also others who hadprevlonaly worked for the South*western Bell Telephone Companyvolunteered tor service. Toll best*ness roee 171 per cent above normalaad, while no record waa kept oflocal calla. It was estimated that theIncrease amounted to (ally ISO pareeat above normalThe New Tay Bridge across theFirth of Tay, near Dundee, Scotland,10,780 feet long, is said tobe the longest bridge in theworld.Poultry MM! EMS Wanted IRunciman Poultry HouseIll So. Rlmalda-dr.PHONia H in-F-iLowoll, Mich.Weatlnghouae Electric Waaher 139.50Win & rope elothet line PropoCopper ft galvanised bolleraElectric A Coleman IronaIroning boarda ft PadsClothea Banraioa.iiiTiMl. Mala ItHDwi.,Lowoll, MMi.

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