Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Tamarillos:A range <strong>of</strong> insecticides is registered <strong>for</strong> use on tamarillo,including carbaryl, acephate, diazinon, pymetrozine,deltamethrin, taufluvalinate, bupr<strong>of</strong>ezin and dichlorvos.Tomato/potato psyllid is a new and particularly damagingpest, which killed up to 60% <strong>of</strong> trees in 2009. Severalproducts, including some not registered on tamarillo, havebeen tested to see if <strong>the</strong>y will control tomato/potatopsyllid, including thiacloprid, Success Naturalyte,spiromesifen and chlorotraniliprole. Dichlorvos,deltamethrin and abamectin have shown best control, butdichlorvos is preferred due to its short pre-harvest interval; Berryfruits:The main pests are bronze beetle on blueberries andCarpophilus beetle on strawberries both <strong>of</strong> which becomemore important as more persistent organophosphates areremoved from production programmes. Dichlorvos hasproved effective and its short pre-harvest interval is alsoan attraction. No alternative products have beenidentified, but it is not clear how much research has beenper<strong>for</strong>med; Ornamentals and cut flower production:Dichlorvos is used in ornamental and cut flowerproduction, particularly Cymbidium production. IPM isused <strong>for</strong> two-spotted mite (T. urticae) control anddichlorvos is a part <strong>of</strong> this management system because<strong>the</strong> eggs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimillis arenot affected. In addition, <strong>the</strong> fumigant action <strong>of</strong>dichlorvos means that blooms do not get wet, which cancause disease. There is interest in using dichlorvos <strong>for</strong>lightbrown apple moth control in cut flowers and foliage.No alternative products were identified; Glasshouse vegetables:Dichlorvos is used fairly extensively because it can beused in a fogger which is quicker than applying a wetspray. It is used <strong>for</strong> clean-up <strong>of</strong> glasshouses and to knockdown pests prior to introduction <strong>of</strong> bees or predator mites.There are no alternative products that can be used infogging equipment. Tomato/potato psyllids establishmentin New Zealand is a particular problem <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> glasshousetomato and capsicum industry and dichlorvos is one <strong>of</strong> 25pesticides listed <strong>for</strong> control <strong>of</strong> this pest, most <strong>of</strong> whichhave pre-harvest intervals as short as <strong>the</strong> 3 day periodapplicable to dichlorvos (Horticulture NZ, 2008); Mushrooms:Dichlorvos is not currently used, but deregistration wouldleave very few insecticides registered <strong>for</strong> use onmushrooms. Biological control agents, Hypoaspsaculeifer and Steinemema feltiae and fipronil anddiflubenzuron are registered alternatives, althoughdichlorvos could be used against a wider range <strong>of</strong> pests;Dichlorvos reassessment – application Page 68 <strong>of</strong> 436

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