Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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14, <strong>the</strong> mixing/loading component <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> BBA model was used. Since <strong>the</strong> BBAmodel does not include indoor scenarios, <strong>the</strong> outdoor equivalent (hand-heldsprayer: hydraulic nozzles – outdoor, high level target) has been used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>mixer/loader component.4.14 Table V also shows <strong>the</strong> modelled mixer/loader exposures and risks <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> indooractivities with hand-held application equipment with dichlorvos (Scenarios 15 &16 - Cymbidium production; use rate: 1800g a.i./ha, with coverage confined to0.2ha/day) based on <strong>the</strong> BBA model, with PPE and RPE. Note <strong>the</strong> BBA modeldoes not include indoor scenarios nor application exposure <strong>for</strong> low level target, so<strong>the</strong> outdoor equivalent (hand-held sprayer: hydraulic nozzles – outdoor, high leveltarget) has been used to estimate <strong>the</strong> operator exposures. The outdoor scenariowill tend to <strong>under</strong> estimate exposure and risk, whereas <strong>the</strong> high level target willtend to over estimate exposure and risk.4.15 Scenarios 17-25 consider applications in enclosed (industrial) spaces. Some <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>se use automatic equipment, o<strong>the</strong>rs hand-held. In <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>mer, occupationalexposure is confined to <strong>the</strong> mixer/loader, or in <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> gas products,connecting/disconnecting cylinders, as in <strong>the</strong> green- mushroom house scenarios.In <strong>the</strong> latter, both mixing/loading and application are included.4.16 In Scenarios 17 & 18 where RTU gas containing 50g a.i./L is triggered remotelyin enclosed spaces <strong>of</strong> 375, 3750 and 12,500 m 3 at use rates <strong>of</strong> 0.05g a.i./m 3 , 18.75,187.5 and 625g a.i. are required respectively <strong>for</strong> each space. These quantities <strong>of</strong>active are contained in 0.375, 3.75 and 12.5 L <strong>of</strong> gas, i.e. only one 7 L cylinderwould be needed <strong>for</strong> 375 and 3750, but two 7 L cylinders <strong>for</strong> 12,500 m 3 . Theproduct labels recommend a higher use rate <strong>of</strong> 0.15 g a.i./m 3 against certain pests.The higher rates would require 56.25, 562.5 and 975g a.i. respectively <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>spaces: 375, 3750 and 12,500 m 3 . The APVMA estimated dermal exposure to0.001 mL/cylinder change (equivalent to 0.0014g dichlorvos, and with 30%dermal absorption, a systemic dose <strong>of</strong> 0.00042g; glove penetration, 10%), andinhalation exposure at 0.12 mg/cylinder change [see § 4.10 and Appendix 2]. Theresults are presented in Table VI.4.17 In Scenario 19 where RTU gas containing 50g a.i./L is applied using a manualpressure gun in enclosed spaces <strong>of</strong> 375, 3750 and 12,500 m 3 at use rates <strong>of</strong> 0.05ga.i./m 3 , <strong>the</strong> exposure calculated in § 4.15 <strong>for</strong> cylinder handling is added to thatduring application.4.18 The APVMA (2008b) noted that operators were directed to work away from spraydrift and towards <strong>the</strong> exit, and avoiding wetting any surfaces. The pressure nozzlewas likely to be held at chest or head height. Dichlorvos volatilisation would bealmost instantaneous and complete on ejection from <strong>the</strong> nozzle.4.19 The APVMA used a Pesticide Handlers Exposure Database (PHED) exposuremodel <strong>for</strong> high pressure handwand application, in <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> any suitablePOEM model (<strong>the</strong>ir preferred option). The PHED model was modified to address<strong>the</strong> expectation that <strong>the</strong> efflux from a manual pressure gun would be significantlyless diffuse and more directional, to estimate dermal exposures during enclosedspace applications. Head/neck, exterior <strong>of</strong> clothing and hands were assumed to beDichlorvos reassessment – application Page 286 <strong>of</strong> 436

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