Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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4OPERATOR EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT4.1 For occupational situations <strong>the</strong> main routes <strong>of</strong> exposure are assumed to be through<strong>the</strong> skin (dermal) or by inhalation. Ingestion <strong>of</strong> pesticide is not considered inoccupational estimates, as it should not occur in a trained work <strong>for</strong>ce. No separateassessment <strong>for</strong> multiple applications is necessary because <strong>the</strong> daily exposure isestimated and this is compared to <strong>the</strong> AOEL which takes into account that <strong>the</strong>worker may be exposed daily and allows <strong>for</strong> repeat exposure.4.2 As ERMA New Zealand has no actual exposure data measured in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>under</strong>New Zealand conditions, operator (mixer/loader/applicator) exposures wereestimated by TCL using <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom Chemicals Regulation Directorate(Pesticides)‘s (UK CRD, 1992) interpretation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> German BBA Model. Thederived values consider both dermal and inhalation exposure routes using <strong>the</strong>geometric mean exposure estimates.4.3 The BBA model calculates total systemic exposure or <strong>the</strong> total absorbed dosefrom both routes. The default assumption is that 100% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> inhaled material isabsorbed, and <strong>for</strong> dichlorvos this default value is used. However, estimation <strong>of</strong>dermal absorption (skin penetration) is usually more complex.4.4 After reviewing <strong>the</strong> available data, TCL used 30% as <strong>the</strong> proportion <strong>of</strong> dichlorvosthat would be absorbed from exposed skin <strong>for</strong> both concentrate and spray mix, inconcordance with <strong>the</strong> value used by APVMA, based on studies with rats (Jeffcoat,1990; Original not sighted in APVMA, 2008a). These data were also used by USEPA (2006a; 11%) and Cali<strong>for</strong>nian Department <strong>of</strong> Pesticide Regulation (CalDPR,1996; 13%), but <strong>the</strong>se regulators did not use <strong>the</strong> highest rate <strong>of</strong> absorption found,but an average.4.5 The BBA model allows exposure estimates to be made with and without a limitedrange <strong>of</strong> PPE and/or RPE <strong>for</strong> mixing/loading and application. Mixer/loaderexposures can be modelled with or without gloves, and with or without respirators(ei<strong>the</strong>r A1P2 or FFP2SL/P2 specification). Applicator exposures can be modelledwith or without head covering (hood + visor or broad-brimmed headgear), glovesand extra body covering (coverall + sturdy footwear), and respirators (ei<strong>the</strong>r A1P2or FFP2SL/P2 specification). Each item <strong>of</strong> PPE diminishes exposure to <strong>the</strong>covered part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body by a set protective factor (i.e. allows a percentagetransmission). Similarly, <strong>the</strong> different RPE mitigate inhalation exposures by setprotective factors. [Note: For some scenarios o<strong>the</strong>r models have been used, suchas UK POEM 07, which may present different RPE/PPE options with possiblydifferent protective factors.] The risk assessment is done by calculating <strong>the</strong> RiskQuotient (RQ = estimated exposure/AOEL). If <strong>the</strong> RQ <strong>for</strong> a particular activity isunacceptable (RQ >1) <strong>the</strong>n fur<strong>the</strong>r exposure mitigation, such as engineeringcontrols, may be considered in <strong>the</strong> models.4.6 Contained or closed mixing and loading systems can be used, which reduce <strong>the</strong>dermal exposure to mixers/loaders while readying <strong>the</strong> application equipment <strong>for</strong>use. The US EPA considers that a correctly used and maintained closed systemDichlorvos reassessment – application Page 284 <strong>of</strong> 436

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