Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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3.3 International regulatory position3.3.1 In recent years, dichlorvos has been subject to review in Australia (APVMA), <strong>the</strong>USA (US EPA), Canada (PMRA) and Europe (EU). Details <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se reviews arecontained in Appendix K and are summarised below.3.3.2 The APVMA (2008) is proposing to restrict <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos. Remaining usesare those in which exposure <strong>of</strong> operators and bystanders is minimised ei<strong>the</strong>r byautomatic application to enclosed spaces or use <strong>of</strong> small volumes, <strong>for</strong> example <strong>for</strong>treatment <strong>of</strong> wasp nests. In ei<strong>the</strong>r case a minimum <strong>of</strong> elbow length butyl rubbergloves and chemical resistant clothing and in many applications a respirator isprescribed. Restricted entry intervals <strong>of</strong> 96 hours (4 days) <strong>for</strong> enclosed spaces or 4hours <strong>for</strong> glasshouses are prescribed. Indoor domestic use is not expected given<strong>the</strong>se restrictions. Currently <strong>the</strong> only application involving field crops in Australia is<strong>for</strong> avocados, but <strong>the</strong> APVMA proposed that broadacre application to this cropshould be discontinued. Veterinary treatment <strong>of</strong> horses using adichlorvos/oxibendazole paste is supported.3.3.3 In <strong>the</strong> USA dichlorvos is registered to control insect pests in agricultural sites,commercial, institutional and industrial sites; in and around homes; and on pets. It isalso used in greenhouses; mushroom houses; storage areas <strong>for</strong> bulk, packaged andbagged raw and processed agricultural commodities; food manufacturing/processingplants; animal premises; and non-food areas <strong>of</strong> food-handling establishments. It isalso registered <strong>for</strong> direct dermal pour-on treatment <strong>of</strong> cattle, and treatment <strong>of</strong> poultryhouses. It is not registered <strong>for</strong> direct use on any field grown commodities. Shortlyprior to completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> USEPA (2006) review, <strong>the</strong> registrants withdrew use <strong>of</strong>hand-held foggers in mushroom houses, greenhouses and warehouses, addedcoveralls to <strong>the</strong> required PPE <strong>for</strong> mushroom house hose-end sprayers and setrestricted entry intervals <strong>of</strong> 24 hours, reducible to 18 hours in mushroom houses and12 hours in greenhouses, if residual concentrations were demonstrated to have fallenbelow specified concentrations. Labelling <strong>of</strong> pest strips was also to be amended to<strong>the</strong> effect that <strong>the</strong>y should only be used in areas occupied <strong>for</strong> < 4 hours / day and <strong>for</strong>agricultural commodities. All o<strong>the</strong>r uses were retained (USEPA, 2006).3.3.4 In Canada, interim measures similar to <strong>the</strong> changes implemented in USEPA (2006)have been introduced (PMRA, 2008).3.3.5 Dichlorvos is not registered <strong>for</strong> use as a plant protection product in Europe. Prior toits removal from Annex 1, its use was supported only on flower bulbs (EU, 2007).Dichlorvos use as a biocide is <strong>under</strong> review <strong>under</strong> <strong>the</strong> Biocides Directive.3.4 Mode <strong>of</strong> action3.4.1 Dichlorvos is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor active through inhalation, contact andoral exposure.3.5 Review <strong>of</strong> hazardous properties3.5.1 The physico-chemical properties <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos and its <strong>for</strong>mulations are described inAppendix A.3.5.2 The toxicology <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos is summarised in Appendix G.3.5.3 Dichlorvos is <strong>of</strong> high acute toxicity by oral, dermal and inhalation routes <strong>of</strong>exposure. It is an eye and skin irritant and contact sensitiser. Of <strong>the</strong> chronic toxicityclassifications, dichlorvos attracts 6.6B (suspected human or known animalmutagen), 6.7B (suspected human or known or presumed animal carcinogen) and6.9A target organ toxicant, on account <strong>of</strong> its effects by single exposure <strong>for</strong> oral,Dichlorvos reassessment – application Page 23 <strong>of</strong> 436

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