Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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6 ACUTE DERMAL 6.1HSNO Classification: Acute dermal – 6.1BKEY STUDY:• Type <strong>of</strong> study: LD 50 ;• Species:• Strain:• Sex/Numbers:• Test Material:• Dose levels:Rat;Sherman;Unstated number/sex/group;Dichlorvos tech. (purity/source unstated) in xylene;Unstated levels to clipped skin;• Endpoint: Mortality (LD 50 );• Remarks: All rats killed by a single dermal dose died within 20minutes <strong>of</strong> dosage, except a male dosed at 110 mg/kgb.w. that survived <strong>for</strong> 40 minutes and ano<strong>the</strong>r maledosed at 125 mg/kg b.w. that survived <strong>for</strong> 17 days.The symptoms <strong>of</strong> poisoning observed were bulgingeyes, lacrimation, sialorrhea [excessive salivation],muscle fasciculations, and tremors. Some animals hadconvulsions just be<strong>for</strong>e death. Rats that survivedappeared to make a full recovery.• LD50 =• GLP:• Test Guideline:75 mg/kg b.w. in females; 107 mg/kg b.w. in males;No in<strong>for</strong>mation;No in<strong>for</strong>mation;• Reference source: Durham WF, Gaines TB, McCauley RH, et al. 1957.“Studies on <strong>the</strong> toxicity <strong>of</strong> O,O-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP).” AMA Arch IndHealth 15:340-349. (Original not sighted.) (ATSDR,1997);• Reliability:Klimisch score 2 = reliable with restrictions;Justification <strong>for</strong> Classification: Durham et al. (1957) was not conducted to GLP, andno Test Guideline is reported (but pre-dated such requirements). However, <strong>the</strong> LD 50value is in line with o<strong>the</strong>r reports. LD 50 = 75 mg/kg bw is in Category 6.1B as statedDichlorvos reassessment – application Page 173 <strong>of</strong> 436

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