Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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Comparison <strong>of</strong> levels <strong>of</strong> concern (Table E.1) to <strong>the</strong> risk quotient in Table E.3 showshigh acute risk to invertebrates in <strong>the</strong> freshwater environment. The risks to fish andaquatic plants are low. This conclusion is based on Tier 0 modelling <strong>of</strong> exposure(GENEEC2).To explore risk reduction options, ERMA New Zealand used <strong>the</strong> AgDrift model toestimate <strong>the</strong> buffer zone that would reduce exposure through spray drift to aconcentration unlikely to cause acute toxicity. The receiving water was defined as a 30cm deep pond. Spray drift is only one route <strong>of</strong> exposure by which dichlorvos willcontaminate <strong>the</strong> aquatic environment, but given <strong>the</strong> rapid dissipation <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos itwill be important. The model indicated that even <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> lowest application rate (800 gai/ha), a buffer zone > 304 meters is required to reduce <strong>the</strong> receiving waterconcentration to less than <strong>the</strong> lowest acute EC/LC 50 .GroundwaterTier 0 modelling <strong>of</strong> concentrations in groundwater predicts concentrations from 0.00069to 0.0036µg/L. In <strong>the</strong> EU, 0.1 µg/L is <strong>the</strong> concentration above which <strong>the</strong> predictedconcentration is considered to be unacceptable. As this level <strong>of</strong> concern is not exceededERMA New Zealand considers <strong>the</strong> risks <strong>for</strong> groundwater are low.BirdsThe avian toxicity assessment was per<strong>for</strong>med according to ―Risk Assessment to Birdsand Mammals (EFSA 2008)‖. The risk assessment is based on a TER (toxicity-exposureratio) approach. For pesticides in general, mortality is unlikely when TER ≥ 10 (acuterisk). No assessment <strong>of</strong> chronic risk was made due to <strong>the</strong> rapid dissipation <strong>of</strong>dichlorvos in <strong>the</strong> environment.Table E.4:Acute avian risk assessment – screening stepScenario Crop 1 IndicatorSpecies 2 LD 503DDD 4 TER 5 valueTrigger1 strawberries Small omnivorous bird 9.18 127.04 0.07

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