Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...

Application for the Reassessment of a Hazardous Substance under ...


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Plants and soil organisms, <strong>of</strong>f-target soil exposureMaximum application rates (Table C2) were used to calculate concentrations in soil adjacentto <strong>the</strong> application area. For <strong>of</strong>f-field deposition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> substances it was assumed that driftfrom a 1 ha treated area was evenly distributed over a 1 ha non-target area. It was assumedthat 9.7% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> active ingredient will drift outside <strong>the</strong> target area by airblast application,6.6% by ground application high boom (vegetables, cereals, berries, maize), and 2.9% byground boom application low boom (strawberries, pasture). These drift assumptions werebased on GENEEC2 modelling. Dichlorvos application to passionfruit is by knapsack sprayer,but GENEEC2 does not provide a drift assumption <strong>for</strong> knapsack application. As passionfruitis a vigorous, climbing vine that clings by tendrils to almost any support it was assumed that<strong>the</strong> drift is comparable with a ground application high boom (6.6%). Results are shown inTable C6 <strong>for</strong> dichlorvos.Table C6:Deposition dichlorvos <strong>of</strong>f-field<strong>Application</strong> scenario<strong>Application</strong> rate(kg ai/ha)% <strong>of</strong> applicationdriftingDeposition bydrift (kg/ha)Deposition(mg/m 2 )Airblast 2.052 9.7 0.199 19.9Ground (high boom) 0.8 6.6 0.053 5.3Ground (low boom) 0.8 2.9 0.023 2.3Knapsack 1.026 6.6 0.068 6.8Soil concentrations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> active ingredient are calculated by assuming <strong>the</strong> deposition wouldmix into <strong>the</strong> top 5 cm <strong>of</strong> soil, and this soil would have a bulk density <strong>of</strong> 1500 kg/m 3 , ie <strong>the</strong>deposition expressed in mg/m 2 would mix into 75 kg <strong>of</strong> soil.Deposition after 2 applications was calculated according to European guidance (EU, 2000):PEC multiple applications = PEC one application x (1- e -nki ) / (1-e –ki )Where <strong>for</strong> dichlorvosPEC = predicted environmental concentrationn = number <strong>of</strong> applications =2k= ln 2/ DT 50 (in days)i= interval between two consecutive applications in days= 7 daysDT 50 = half life soil in days = 1 daye = constant= 2.718The estimated soil concentrations <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos are shown in Table C8.Table C8:Soil concentration <strong>of</strong> dichlorvos<strong>Application</strong>scenarioSoil concentration <strong>of</strong>f field (mg/kg)Soil concentration in field (mg/kg)1 application 2 applications 1 application 2 applicationsAirblast 0.27 0.27 2.74 2.74Ground (highboom)0.07 0.07 1.07 1.07Dichlorvos reassessment – application Page 136 <strong>of</strong> 436

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