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OTHER REQUIREMENTS & SUPPORTSInitial installation requires one-time internet connection for <strong>Steam</strong> authentication;software installations required (included with the game) include nVidia PhysX_drivers10.04.02_9.10.0522 and nVidia GPU drivers 197.13 or latest, <strong>Steam</strong> Clientand Microsoft DirectX.INSTALLATIONPlease ensure your computer is connected to the Internet prior to beginningthe Mafia II installation process.Insert the Mafia II DVD-ROM into your computer’s DVD-ROM drive. (Mafia II willnot work in computers equipped only with CD-ROM drives.) Please ensure theDVD-ROM logo is visible on your optical drive’s door or panel.The installation process will conduct a one-time online check to verify the discand download an activation file, and will prompt you for a Product Code. The codecan be found on the back cover of your instruction manual.STORYMEAN ENOUGH TO TAKE WHAT YOU WANT. TOUGH ENOUGH TO KEEP IT.Born the son of a poor immigrant, Vito is a beaten down Italian-Americanwho is trying to escape the life of poverty that consumed his childhood.It was on the streets that Vito learned that joining the Mafia was the only routeto wealth and respect for people of his standing. Wanting to escape the lifeof hardship that his father led, he dreams about be<strong>coming</strong> a “Made Man.”A petty criminal his whole life, Vito, along with his childhood friend, Joe, willdescend into the world of organized crime. Together, they will work to provethemselves to the Mafia as they try to make their names on the streets. Startingwith low-level jobs like robbery and stealing cars, Vito and Joe escalate quicklyup the Mafia family ladder…but the life as a wise guy isn’t quite as glamorousas it seems.VITOSCALETTAVito Scaletta is a smart, cockyyoung Sicilian who spent hischildhood on the streets wherehe met Joe Barbaro, who <strong>soon</strong>became Vito’s best friend.Vito and Joe, the brainsand brawn behind a hundredpetty crimes, watched wealthyMafiosi swaggering around LittleItaly and dreamedof the easy life.JOEBARBAROBrash and unpredictable, Joe Barbaro isa career criminal and lifelong friend to Vito.Over 10 years the duo developed quitea sideline in petty crime. Joe lives large—strong booze, fast cars and loose women.Moving up the criminal food chain isthe perfect way for him to feed his vices.2 3

QUICK STARTMAIN MENUClick on a Main Menu optionto display its submenu.MAIN MENU OPTIONSThe StorySet game difficulty to Easy, Medium or Hard, and begin the game.Downloadable ContentCheck here for new and exciting add-in content.ExtrasCollectibles, Artworks and otherdiscoveries are collectedin the Extras pages after youfind them in the game. Moreinformation about thesefascinating finds appearsin the Extras section laterin this manual.OptionsUse the Options Menuto reconfigure your gamecontrols and adjust variousgame settings.Controls Press the cursor keysZ / X to toggle betweenWalking and Driving Controls.Click on Advanced Controlsto view Advanced Controls,where you can set the following:•Mouse Look Set the mouselook response to Normalor Inverted.•Mouse Sensitivity Setthe mouse sensitivityresponse.•Aim Assist Turn aimingassistance on / off.•Vibration Turn controllervibration on / off.•Customize Keyboard Remapthe keyboard controls.•Customize Controller Remapthe controller controls.Game Settings Adjustingthese options affects youroverall game:•Subtitles Turn in-gamesubtitles on / off.•Hint Text Turn in-game hinttext on / off.•Unit System Set to Imperialor Metric units.•Driving Mode Set to Normal (steering and braking assists) or Simulation(no assists; acceleration is more realistic for the cars of the era).Video Make Gamma corrections. Adjust screen brightness to modifythe contrast between dark and light areas on-screen.Audio Set sound volumes for SFX, Voices, Music, and Radio. Set audio qualityto Normal or High.4 5

KEYBOARD / MOUSE CONTROLSWALKING CONTROLSWalk up / down / left / rightW / S / A / D orC / V / Z / XSprinthold left or right shiftClimb space or numpad 1CrouchCCoverleft or right ctrlStealth Movehold left or right ctrlAimright mouse buttonFireleft mouse buttonReload R or numpad 0ActionECenter camera behind Vitomiddle mouse buttonWeapon select down / left / right / up numpad 2 / 4 / 6 / 8MapMLight hitQ or left mouse buttonHard hitright mouse buttonDodgehold spaceTauntEPauseescDRIVING CONTROLSEnter / Exit vehicleF or deleteThrottle / AccelerateW or CBrake / ReverseS or VSteer left / rightA / D or Z / XHandbrake space or numpad 1HornEChange camera viewmiddle mouse buttonPrev / Next radio station, (comma) / . (period)Speed LimiterLLook behindleft shiftMapMPauseesc6 7

HUDRADARUse the Radar to navigate through Empire Bay to objectives, stores and otherbusinesses and friendly locations. The outer edges of the Radar also serveas the Police Recognition Bar and Vito’s Health Bar.WEAPONS SELECTORAll your weapons, including your fists,appear on the Weapons Selector, arrangedby weapon type.E Dots appearing under the weapon iconrepresent how many weapons of a certaintype you have.E The Ammo Indicator shows the number ofrounds remaining in the current clip (left),and total number of rounds Vito is carrying forthat weapon (right).Selecting WeaponsUse numpad keys (below) to select weapons. Pressthe same numpad key multiple times to cycle through weaponsof the same type, if you have them.E Numpad 2E Numpad 4E Numpad 6E Numpad 8weapons selectorRifles, including carbines and shotguns.Fists, grenades, Molotov cocktails.Handguns, including pistols and revolvers.Select machine guns.mini mapammo indicatorRadar IconsFastest Route This GPSshows the fastest routeto your destination.Police Locations Theseicons indicate policepresence, either on footor in a vehicle.Vito’s Location This marksVito’s location and pointsin his direction of travel.Mission Marker Headtoward this guide to reachthe mission objective.FASTEST ROUTEPOLICE IN VEHICLEPOLICE ON FOOTNeighborhood When youtravel into a neighborhood,its name appears at the lowerright of the screen. OtherRadar icons also alert youto important Empire Baylocations. See the Map section laterin this manual for descriptions of the icons.VITO’S LOCATIONMISSION MARKERPolice Recognition BarWatch out for the police. The blue bar on the leftof the Radar begins to fill when police are pursuingVito (on foot) or the car he is driving. The longerthe bar, the closer the police are to recognizingVito. When the whole Radar begins flashingblue, the police see Vito and are in close pursuit.POLICERECOGNITION BAR8 9

DRIVING BASICSE Press F or delete to enter / exit the vehicle.E Press W or the cursor key C to accelerate. Increase pressure graduallyto speed up. You don’t need to floor it.E Press S or the cursor key V to brake. Once the vehicle stops, releasethe control, or continue holding to go into reverse.E Steer with A / D or the cursor keys.E Use the mouse to look around. Click the middle mouse button to changethe camera view.E Press space or numpad 1 to engage the handbrake for quick cornering,fast stops and drifting.E Use . (period key) and , (comma key) to tune the radio or turn it on / off.E Press E or end to honk the horn.DASHBOARDSpeedometer The exterior black gauge showsspeed, marked by the white needle.Tachometer The interior white gauge showsengine RPM, marked by the red needle.Speed Limiter Press L to set the SpeedLimiter to ensure that you never exceedthe legal speed limit (40 mph on streets;70 mph on the freeway). A red filterappears on the speedometer to showthe maximum traveling speed limit.SPEED LIMITERSPEEDOMETERTACHOMETERSTEALING VEHICLESWindow SmashingBegin your car-jacking careerby breaking in the driver’s sidewindow (press Q) of a vehicleyou want to steal. Press For delete to jump in and makeyour getaway.Smashing windows makes noise.If the police get wind of the cartheft, they will <strong>soon</strong> be breathingdown your neck.Lock PickingBuying lock picks can save you a lot of troublewhen stealing cars. It also attracts less attentionthan breaking windows.E When Vito is close to a lock that can be picked(a car door, for example), begin by pressingand holding F. The Radar will change to displaythe lock tumblers.E Press the cursor key V to use the wrench,slowly raising the first tumbler. The moment thetumbler turns green, press E to use the wrench.If you are successful, the next tumbler becomes selected.E Repeat the lock picking on the next tumbler. If you miss,the tumbler will turn red and you will go back to the previous tumbler.E Complete the action on all tumblers to open the lock.CRASHINGFender benders and crashes candamage a vehicle and cause it toperform poorly or not at all. Caraccidents can kill Vito.14 15

POLICEWANTED SYSTEMThe Wanted System alerts you that police are on the lookout for you or a vehicleyou are driving. The following icons appear on-screen to alert you to your statuswith the police.Wanted StatusThe police know whatyou look like and issue awanted poster.The police know whatyour wheels look like.Switching plates mightbe a good idea.Dealing with the PoliceWhen dealing with the police,you have the options listedbelow. Use the cursor keysto highlight an action,and press E to perform it.Wanted RatingThe police want youto pay a fine.The police want toarrest you.The police have a shootto kill order for you.The police have beeninformed to stop you byany means necessary.Ticket•Pay Fine•Refuse PaymentArrest•Surrender•Bribe Cop•Resist ArrestRemember: You can change your clothes or legalize your car to avoid arrest.VEHICLE REPAIR, TUNING & LEGALIZATIONIf you crash your car often enough, it will break down. You can repair your caron the street (temporarily) or in your own garages for a fee, or hire someoneto make the repairs at Body Shops found throughout Empire Bay.FIX IT YOURSELFYou can make a temporary repairto your car if it breaks down.Walk to the front of your vehicleand press E when prompted.This quick fix should get yourcar moving enough to getto a Body Shop or garage.VISIT A BODY SHOPUse the Map to find a BodyShop. Drive up to the shop,honk the horn and drive in.Using the shop menu, browsefor the kind of work youwant performed on the car.Note the price to make sureyou can afford it. Click the leftmouse button to makethe changes to your vehicle.Custom Plates New platenumbers are importantif the police are lookingfor the old plates. The mechanicwill give you the plate numbersyou want. Use the cursor keysto change plate numbers andletters, and move to the nextor previous character position.Click the left mouse buttonto confirm the plate changes.16 17

Repair Bring the car to its fully repaired condition.Basic Tuning Get a tune-up that pulls the best performance from your engine.Sports Tuning Advanced tuning that dramatically improves performance.New Paint Select a custom color.Change Wheels Select custom wheels and tires.MAPPLAYER GARAGESAll Vito’s houses and apartmentshave garages where you canstore your cars. If a car getswrecked, it will be returned toyour garage the next day. Youcan repair damaged cars herefor a fee.Press M to bring up the Map screen. Your mission objective appears at the upperleft, and your mission icon is displayed on the Map. More Map icons show up asthey are discovered during your explorations of Empire Bay.MAP ICONSMain MissionQuestsHomePhone BoothPlayer WaypointBody ShopGas StationBarFood & DrinksGun ShopHarryGiuseppeBruski’s ScrapyardDerek’s OfficeClothing Store18 19

MAP CONTROLSE FE Left mouse buttonE MouseE Mouse wheel or Pg Up / Pg DownE SpaceCenter Map on Vito’s location.Place waypoint.Move Map.Zoom Map.Hide legend.PAUSE MENUPress esc to pause the game.Select a menu option to displayits submenu.PLACING WAYPOINTSUse waypoints to markimportant locations you maywant to find again.E Press F to center Vito’smarker (red arrow) on theMap. This also centers theyellow crosshairs over Vito’sposition.E Use the mouse to movethe crosshairs overthe position where youwant to place yourwaypoint and click the leftmouse button to set it.E The waypoint will also be visible on the Radar.waypointPAUSE MENU OPTIONSResume GameReturn to gameplay at your current point.Retry MissionRetry the current mission from your last saved point.OptionsControls•Mouse Look Set the mouse look response to Normal or Inverted.•Mouse Sensitivity Set the mouse sensitivity response.•Aim Assist Turn aiming assistance on / off.•Vibration Turn controller vibration on / off.•Customize Keyboard Remap the keyboard controls.•Customize Controller Remap the controller controls.Press the cursor keys Z / X to view the Walking and Driving controls.Game StatisticsCheck on your changing game stats as Vito drives deeper into his criminal career.QuitReturn to the Main Menu.20 21

EXTRASExtras, including cars,collectibles and artworks,appear in the Extras pages afteryou find themin the game.EXTRAS MENU OPTIONSCarcyclopediaView beauty shots of thevehicles you can drive aroundEmpire Bay. The legend displaystechnical specifications for eachvehicle. Press the cursor keysZ / X to change the vehicleon view.Each car and truck performsrealistically based on type,horsepower and handlingcharacteristics.ArtworksPaintings View dramaticgraphics drawn from the storychapters as you playthe game.Posters Collect art inspiredby game characters and storyelements.Pinups Collect arty pinupsof beautiful women and viewthem here. Pinups must beunlocked by defeatingthe missions on the Harddifficulty level.Game StatisticsReview your changing gamestatistics as Vito pursues hiscriminal career.CreditsEnjoy a listing of the famousand infamous who contributedto the creation of Mafia II.CollectiblesPlaymates Find classic Playboymagazines during your travelsand peruse the articles.Wanted Posters View mug shotsof the perps responsible forputting Mafia II on the street.22 23

CREDITS2K CZECHPresidentSenior ProducerArt DirectorArt Development ManagersLead Interior ArtistsLead City ArtistLead Vehicle ArtistLead Character ArtistTechnical ArtistsConcept ArtistsCity ArtistsInterior ArtistsVehicle ArtistCharacter ArtistsVFX ArtistsLead Technical DesignersTechnical DesignersAnimation DirectorAnimation Development ManagerCinematic EditorsCinematic AnimatorsLead In-game AnimatorLead Script AnimatorScript AnimatorsAudio DirectorAudio EngineersMusic ComposerMotion Capture ManagerMotion Capture AnimatorsStéphane DupasLukáš KuřeRoman HladíkTomáš Roller • Jana Kaššová • Simona ElyPetr Motejzík • Daniel Sklář • Petr ZáveskýTomáš MoučkaMilan ŠaffekIvan RylkaJan Marvánek • Daniel Sklář • David ŠemíkMikuláš PodprockýPetr Král • Vít Selinger • Jan Šnajdrhons •Pavel Tretera • Michal Zouhar • Jan MarvánekJiří Bičík • Michal Lopašovský • David Motalík •Marek Suchovský • Filip NovýMartin KozákDavid Frolek • Dávid Jankes •Mikuláš Podprocký • Monika LekovskáJan Marvánek • Filip Nový • Roman ZawadaMiloš Jeřábek • Martin PítrVojtěch Jatel • David LosTomáš HřebíčekMartin ZavřelMartin Dvořák • Jiří Alán • Petr AdamecTomáš Sedlák • Michal Opitz • Pavel HrubošMichal MachRadim PechPetr Janeček • Pavel Očovaj • Martin PospíšilTomáš ŠlápotaPetr Klimunda • Marek HorváthMatúš ŠirokýFrantišek Harčár Sr.Petr Kopecký • Daniel Ulrich • Jakub Mach •Viktor Kostik • Ondřej MaradaTechnical DirectorGame Lead ProgrammerGame Development ManagerGame ProgrammersCity Lead ProgrammerCity Development ManagerCity ProgrammersLead ProgrammerTechnology Development ManagersEngine ProgrammersCutscene ProgrammersPhysics ProgrammerLead Tools ProgrammerProgrammersGUI ProgrammersSystem ProgrammersDebug ProgrammerLead Data ManagerData ManagersAdditional Support Team LeaderAdditional Support ProgrammersStory Written bySenior Gameplay ProducerLead Level DesignerGameplay ProducerDesign Development ManagerGame DesignersLevel ScriptersLaurent GorgaMichal JanáčekLukáš BerkaPetr Soviš • Jan Bulín • Martin Hron •Tomáš Chabada • Marek KováčMartin BrandstätterMichal RašovskýKarel Hála • Jiří Holba • Václav Král •Jan Kratochvíl • Xavier Lemaire • Petr Minařík •Mojmír SvobodaDan DoleželDaniel Knebl • Michal RybkaMichal Janáček • Petr Smílek • Tomáš Blaho •Martin Sobek • Ondřej Štorek • Erik Veselý •Vladimír Semotán • Jan Bulín • Jiří VrubelĽubomír Dekan • Petr SlivoňAleš BorovičkaRadek ŠevčíkJozef Král • Luboš Kresta • Jaroslav Gratz •Petr Minařík • Jiří Štempin • Boris ZápotockýPetr Man • Michal BartoňDaniel Čapek • Michal Linhart • Pavel Dlouhý24 25Jan ZelenýDavid ŠemíkPavel Procházka • Michal Ševeček •Jaroslav Turna • Roman ZawadaEmmanuel BeauNicolas Brault • Filip Dušek • Julien Friedlander •Jana ŽďárskáDaniel VávraJarek KolářLubomír DykastPetr MikšaJosef BučekPavel Brzák • Josef Vašek • Jiří Matouš •Jiří Řezáč • Daniel VávraPavel Brzák • Adam Čunderlík •Radek Havlíček • Jiří Matouš • Vít Matuška •Ondřej Melkus • Jaroslav Osička • Roman Pítr •Jiří Řezáč • Ondřej Vévoda • Radim Vítek

City DesignersAdditional Level ScriptingDialogue WritersMelee DesignersAI & Weapons DesignerAdditional Game Design2K CZECH QUALITY ASSURANCEQA ManagerAssistant to QA ManagerQA TeamAdditional QATranslator2K CZECH NON-PRODUCTION DEPARTMENTSFinance & HR ManagerHR DepartmentPA of the President of 2K CzechIT DepartmentOffice DepartmentAccountancy DepartmentSpecial Thanks2K MoCap Supervisor2K MoCap Coordinator2K MoCap Specialists2K MoCap ActorsTomáš Grünwald • Michal Kačinec •Ondřej Nečásek • Josef VašekPavel Černohous • Miloš JeřábekPavel Černohous • Matouš JežekMichal Mach • Pavel ČernohousLukáš BerkaMichal Kačinec • Ondřej Nečásek • Alex CoxIan MooreSebastian BeltonBořivoj Klíma • Jindřich Holub • Jan Chalupa •Lenka Čelková • Martin Křivánek •Michal Todorov • Michal Kuimdzidis •Ondřej Chrápavý • Ondřej Papež •Roman Neuwirth • Vlastimil GörnerFilip Čort • Filip Rybář • Jiří Špác •Zbyněk Bašník • Zdeněk HodulákVít HýblAlena FilováJana Blaháková • Kristýna Křížová •Silvie Bočková • Hana Malá • Jana ŠufajzlováTereza SýkorováPetr Fiala • Vladimír Hora • Václav DoležalTomáš Hocek • Jaroslava Krupková •Jitka Šenkýřová • Lenka Němcová •Lubomír Jančík • Petr Kislinger •Lucie HřebíčkováJana Romanová • Martina KomosnáPetr VochozkaDavid WashburnSteve ParkJose Gutierrez • Gil Espanto • Anthony Tominia •Kirill MikhaylovAdam Callan • Andy Allo • Greg Land •Kamasu Livingston • Martin David •Matt Jackson • Raul Bustamante • Reed Daniels •Steve Park • Valerie WeakMoCap ActorsExternal SupportThanksJAN JACKULIAK . . . . . Radim BrychtaALAN NOVOTNÝ . . . . . Radim KorábALEŠ BLAŽEJ . . . . . Roman GemrotDALIBOR ČADEK . . . . . Tereza HarčárováEVA MAREŠOVÁ . . . . . Tereza MartínkováFRANTIŠEK HARČÁR Jr. . . . . . Václav DvořákJAKUB KADLEC . . . . . Veronika GidováJAN JAKUBEC . . . . . Vojtěch BlahutaJAN SEDLÁČEK . . . . . Zdeněk VykoukalJANA NOVÁKOVÁ . . . . . Jarmila MatouškováLEA ŠMAHELOVÁ . . . . . Karel KrálLENKA JANÍKOVÁ . . . . . Jitka HarčárováMARTA PROKOPOVÁ . . . . . Michal MatějAdam Kuruc • Ivan Kratochvíl • Michal Vala •Ján Adamus • Ján Germala • Yann Le Tensorer •NightSight • Thomas Minet • Daniel KamasAntonín Hildebrand • Company ABAÉlelmiszeripari és kereskedelmi RT •František Resl • Gabriela Jakabová •Christian Konieczka • Ivo Novák • Jan Pinter •János Plaszkó • Jiří Koten • Jiří Světinský •Jiří Šejvl • Lenka Kachlíková • Lubor Černý •Lukáš Cerman • Martin Koutný • Martin Kůla •Martin Plachý • Michaela Hercogová •Milan Malich • Pavel Andrášší • Pavel Čížek •Pavel Koten • Petr Kapitán • Petr Novák •Petr Olšanský • Radim Doleček •Róbert Winkler • Tomáš Jelínek • Tomáš Palát •Václav SamecBIGGEST THANKS TO OUR FAMILIES, MOSTLY TO OUR WIVES (girlfriends).Huge thanks to the Brno focus testers for your valuable opinions and insights.New Kids Born during DevelopmentAmélie Kotenová • Andrej Sedlák •Barbora Bulínová • Dan a Petra Kislingerovi •David a Viktor Šemíkovi • Dominik Lekovski •Jakub Fiala • Karolína Křivánková •Klára Blahová • Klára Osičková •Klára Světinská • Kryštof, Šimon a Vít Kneblovi •Oldřich Borovička • Ondřej Smílek •Martin Král • Matěj Hřebíček • Nataniel aIzabela Mikšovi • Tadeáš Jaromír Dvořák •Tobiáš a Magadalena Klimundovi •Vojtěch Šlápota • Zuzana Brzáková...In memory of Vladimír Nečas26 27

2K PUBLISHINGPresidentC.O.O.Published by 2K Games2K Games is a Division of 2K, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive SoftwareVP, Product DevelopmentDirector of Product DevelopmentDirector of PD OperationsDirector of Creative ProductionSr. ProducerProducerAssociate ProducerGame AnalystsProduction AssistantsStory EditorSenior Manager of Creative ProductionManager, Music & TalentSVP MarketingVP MarketingVP International MarketingDirector of MarketingSenior Product ManagerGlobal Director of Public RelationsSenior PR ManagerPR ManagerInternational PR & Marketing AssistantGlobal Event ManagerArt Director, MarketingWeb DirectorWeb DesignerChristoph HartmannDavid IsmailerGreg GobbiJohn ChowanecKate KelloggJack ScaliciDenby GraceAlex CoxGarrett BittnerMichael Kelly • Neal Chung-YeeCasey Cameron • Ben Chang • Shawn Martin •Dan Schmittou • Andrew DutraWalt WilliamsChad RoccoLydia JennerSarah AndersonMatt GormanMatthias WehnerTom BassKelly MillerMarkus WildingCharlie SinhaseniJennie SueErica DenningKarl UnterholznerLesley ZinnGabe AbarcarSeth JonesCommunity ManagerDirector of Marketing ProductionMarketing Production AssistantVideo Production ManagerVideo EditorJr. Video EditorGame Capture SpecialistDirector of TechnologyVP Business DevelopmentVP Sales & LicensingStrategic Sales and Licensing DirectorVP, CounselDirector of OperationsDirector of Analysis and PlanningLicensing/Operations SpecialistSr Manager Channel MarketingDirector In-game Media, Promotionsand PartnershipsAssociate Manager of Partner Marketing2K QUALITY ASSURANCEVP of Quality AssuranceQuality Assurance Test Managers (Projects)Compliance ManagerLead TesterLead Testers (Support Team)Quality Assurance SupervisorsSenior TestersQuality Assurance TeamElizabeth TobeyJackie TruongHam NguyenJ. Mateo BakerKenny CrosbieMichael Howard28 29Doug TylerJacob HawleyKris SeversonSteve GlicksteinPaul CrockettPeter WelchDorian RehfieldPhil ShpilbergXenia MulIlana BudanitskyShelby CoxDawn BurnellAlex PlachowskiGrant Bryson • Zhang Xi KunAlexis LaddStephen “Yoshi” FloridaAndrew Webster • Kevin Strohmaier •Sean ManzanoMike Gilmore • Steve MannersJoseph Bettis • Kristin Kerwitz • Greg MacCauley •Sara Lane • Nathan Bell • Justin WallerRick Alvarez • Ryan McCurdy • Keith Doran •Micah Grossman • Nathan McMahon •Matthew Saint John • Jesse Snider •Vincent Diamzon • Zachary White • Erin Reilly •Jonathan Keiser • Jorge Arevalo • Benjamin Cursi •Todd Swerdloff • Christine Adams • Yoonsang Yu •Michael Spray • Jake Muir • Patrick Kenny •Andrew Garrett • Marc Perret • Evan Jackson •Ophir Klainman • Jeremy Thompson •Davis Krieghoff • Bill Lanker • Keith Ferguson •Eddie Castillo • Daniel Jadwin • Sara Leedom •

Quality Assurance Team (continued)2K INTERNATIONALGeneral ManagerInternational Marketing ManagerInternational Product ManagerInternational PR ManagerInternational PR ExecutiveLicensing DirectorWeb Content ManagerInternational Marketing & PR AssistantDesign Team2K Territory Marketing and PR TeamLauriston Bristol III • Steven Bogolub •Brandon Williams • Brandon Reed •Jerico Vildoza • Anna Kholyavenko •Derek Wear-Renee • Ramon Villacorta •Jessica Wolff • Evan Sarver • Imad Haddad •James Bautista • David Sepanyan •Jonathan Redaja • Steven Cotera • Chen Kai •Liang Jian Jie • Xiao Liang • Cao Feng •Guo De Min • Huang Shen • Song Xiao Ling •Tian Lei • Zhao Qi • Zhou Ji • Zhu Xiao Ming •Jorge HernandezNeil RalleyLia TseleYvonne DawsonEmily BrittMatt RocheClaire RobertsMartin MooreTom East2K INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTInternational Associate ProducerLocalization ManagersAssistant Localization ManagerExternal Localization TeamsLocalization tools and support provided byJames Crocker • Tom BakerAgnès Rosique • Alex Bickham • Andreas Traxler •Barbara Ruocco • Ben Seccombe • David Halse •Fabio Gusmaroli • Fabrice Poirier • Fiona Ng •Gwendoline Oliviero • Jan Sturm •Jean-Paul Hardy • Luis De La Camara Burditt •Olivier Troit • Sandra Melero • Simon Turner •Snezana Stojanovska • Stefan EderIain WillowsScott Morrow • Claire Deiler (Loc-3) •Jean-Sebastien FereyArsenio FormosoAround The Word • Coda Entertainment •Synthesis International Srl • Synthesis IberiaXLOC Inc.2K INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCEQA ManagerQA SupervisorMastering EngineerLead QA TechnicianQA TechniciansLocalization QA TechniciansTAKE-TWO INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONSGhulam KhanSebastian FrankWayne BoyceOscar PereiraAndrew Webster • Kristian GuyteAlba Loureiro • Andreas Strothmann •Antonio Grasso • Arnaud Lhari • Cindy Frangeul •Giovanni De Caro • Hugo Sieiro • Javier Vidal •Jose Minana • Kirstine Spinosi • Lena Brenk •Luigi Di Domenico • Pierre-Rolland Pochet •Stefan Rossi • Tabea De Wille • Tirdad Nosrati30 31StaffTechnical ConsultantsCASTAnthony Dodd • Martin Alway • Cat Findlay •Nisha Verma • Paul Hooper • Paris Vidalis •Robert Willis • Denisa PolcerovaBrian Keron (Digital Extremes) •Yann LeTensorer • Massive Bear(in order of appearance)Vito Scaletta . . . . . . .RICK PASQUALONEJoe Barbaro . . . . . BOBBY COSTANZOBeat Cop . . . . . RAY IANNICELLICorporal . . . . . ROGER ROSEWilliams . . . . . DALE INGHRAMMamma . . . . . JOAN COPELANDFrancesca . . . . . JEANNIE ELIASDebt Collector . . . . . BRIAN BLOOMCleaning Lady . . . . . CAROL ANN SUSIGiuseppe . . . . . RICK PASQUALONEMike Bruski . . . . . JOHN MARIANODerek Papalardo . . . . . BOBBY COSTANZOSteve . . . . . MARK MINTZHenry Tomasino . . . . . SONNY MARINELLIMaria Agnello . . . . . CAROL ANN SUSIO.P.A. Guard 1 . . . . . TOM VIRTUEO.P.A. Guard 2 . . . . . JOHN MARIANOBrian O’Neill . . . . . LIAM O’BRIENLuca Gurino . . . . . ANDRE SOGLIUZZOAlberto Clemente . . . . . NOLAN NORTHHarry . . . . . JOE SABATINOThe Fat Man . . . . . JOHN CAPODICEEl Greco . . . . . JOHN MARIANO

Cast (continued)Detective . . . . . MALACHY CLEARYJudge . . . . . BOB HASTINGSPrison Guard 1 . . . . . BILL LOBLEYPrison Guard 2 . . . . . LENNY CITRANOCapt. Terrence Stone . . . . . JASON ZUMWALTAngry Prisoner . . . . . DONALD GIBBLeo Galante . . . . . FRANK ASHMOREPepé . . . . . JOHN CYGANShower Rapist . . . . . STEVE BLUMEddie Scarpa . . . . . JOE HANNAEric Riley . . . . . BRIAN BLOOMMarty . . . . . JASON SPISAKBones . . . . . BRIAN BLOOMCarlo Falcone . . . . . ANDRE SOGLIUZZOHarvey Beans . . . . . JERRY SROKATony Balls . . . . . PHIL IDRISSIFrank Vinci . . . . . LARRY KENNEYLeon . . . . . JOEY CAMENMickey Desmond . . . . . JOE BARRETTBruno . . . . . MICHAEL INGRAMMr. Wong . . . . . JAMES SIETommy Angelo . . . . . MICHAEL SORVINOOld Dockworker . . . . . KERIN McCUEYoung Dockworker . . . . . LENNY CITRANOGangsters . . . . . CHRIS JAI ALEX • BRIAN BLOOM •JOEY CAMEN • BRANDON ELLISON •ANDRE GORDON • RAY IANNICELLI •KEVIN KEARNS • NOLAN NORTH •PAUL PARDUCCI • RICK PASQUALONE •ALLAN STEELE • VICTOR YERRIDCivilians . . . . . CURTIS ARMSTRONG • TROY BAKER •SUSANNE BLAKESLEE • JOEY CAMEN •JOE CAPPELLETTI • TOM CIAPPA •MALACHY CLEARY • JIM CUMMINGS •ANNA GRAVES • KRISTINA HADDAD •KERIN McCUE • ERIS MIGLIORINI • JOE NIPOTE •NOLAN NORTH • JEN SUNG OUTERBRIDGE •DAVID ANTHONY PIZZUTO • CHRISTINA PUCELLI •DEE DEE RESCHER • JONATHAN ROUMIE •TITUS WELLIVER • JASON ZUMWALTCops . . . . . JAMES ELIOTT • MICHAEL S. KINGDJs . . . . . DAVE FENNOY • LARRY KENNEY • BILL LOBELY •JIM THORNTONAdditional Voices . . . . . KIRK BALTZ • VINCENT CORAZZA •KEVIN CHAPMAN • JON CURRY •KEITH FERGUSON • CRISPIN FREEMAN •MILTON JAMES • PHIL LAROCCA •ESTEBAN WILCOX MARTINEZ •TIMOTHY V. MURPHY • NICOLAS ROYE •DWIGHT SCHULTZ • CEDRIC YARBROUGHWRITERS / TRANSLATORSLead WriterAdditional WritingTranslatorsFILMHARMONIC ORCHESTRA PRAGUEConductor & Supervising OrchestratorOrchestral Music ProducerOrchestral Music EditorOrchestral Sound EngineerOrchestral Studio TechnicianJack ScaliciMoose Warywoda • Alex Cox • Shigor Birdman •Paul Jenkins • Walt Williams • Benjamin X. Chang •Brian Shields • Dan BailieJirina Kyas (Czech) • Antonio Truglio (Italian)32 33CastingLead Dialog Editors, POP SoundDialog Editors, POP SoundOriginal Dialog Recording, POP SoundProducers, POP SoundRadio Commercial Production, POP SoundLead Dialog Editor, Fox SoundMusic SupervisionThe LabelsThe PublishersSPECIAL THANKSSpecial Thanks toAndy BrickPetr PychaReed RobinsJan KotzmanCenda KotzmanJack Scalici • Lydia JennerDante Fazio • Garrett MontgomeryBrett Rothfeld • Dylan Howe • Rob Weiss •Dawn Redmann • Mark Camperell •Darren Warkentin • Tom Dodd • Joe GartenMichael Miller • Courtney Bishop • Tim West •Brett Rothfeld • Tim Hoogenakker • Mitch Dorf •Dante Fazio • Stephen Dickson • Nick Bozzone •Peter Rincon • Rob Weiss • Zak Fisher •Joe Garten • Chris Johnston • Darren Warkentin •Anthony VanchureDawn Redmann • Susie Boyajan • Erin Reilly •Lexa BurtonDante Fazio • Nick Bozzone • Tim West •Brett Rothfeld • Tim HoogenakkerKeith FoxJack Scalici • Rick Fox • Lydia Jennerwww.mafia2game.com/musiclabels/www.mafia2game.com/musicpublishers/Daniel Einzig • Christopher Fiumano • Jenn Kolbe •David Boutry • Ryan Dixon • Michael Lightner •Gail Hamrick • Sharon Hunter • Kate Ryan •Michele Shadid • Jonathan Washburn •Ashley Young • 2K IS Team • Jordan Katz •David Gershik • Take-Two Sales Team •Take-Two Channel Marketing Team • Seth Krauss •Take-Two Legal Team • Cindi Buckwalter •

Special Thanks (continued)Alan Lewis • Sajjad Majid • Meg Maise •Siobhan Boes • Access Communications • gNet •KD&E • Big Solutions Group • Darkside GameStudio • Plastic Wax • Rokkan • Concept Arts •Gwendoline Oliviero • Donson Liu • Keith Liu •Laura Harley • Tina Evanow • Dawn Redmann •Mike Aronis • Tom Dodd • Doug Clark •Brett Rothfeld • Steven “the Vaj” Selvaggio •Jerry Chen • Angus Wong • Hanshaw Ink& Image • PlayboyUses Bink Video Technology. Copyright ©1997-2009 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Facial animationsoftware ©2002-2010, OC3 Entertainment, Inc. and its Licensors. All rights reserved. Uses FMODEx Sound System by Firelight Technologies. This software product includes Autodesk ® Kynapse ® ,property of Autodesk, Inc. ©2009, Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk and “Autodesk ® Kynapse ® ” are registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions hereof ©2002-2008by NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. ©2010 Playboy. PLAYBOY, Rabbit Head Design andPLAYMATE are marks of Playboy and used under license by 2K Games.NVIDIADevelopment SupportBusiness SupportFeodor Benevolenski • Zack Bowman •Johnny Costello • James Dolan • Philipp Hatt •Dane Johnston • Alexander Kharlamov •Konstantin Kolchin • Hermes Lanker •Monier Maher • Christopher Maughan •Kevin Newkirk • Jeremy Patterson •Lou Rohan • Miguel Sainz • David Schoemehl •Andrey Shulzhenko • Kyle Weeks • Aron Zoellner •Clay Causin • Joe GroverBryan Del Rizzo • Rika Nakazawa •Leslie Pirritano • Anton Ravin • Eric LiuFor a complete listing of the Mafia II music creditsand overview of the soundtrack, please visit:www.mafia2game.com/musiccreditsCOMING SOONwww.specopstheline.comTBC34© 2006 - 2010 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Marin, 2K Games, SPEC OPS andSPEC OPS: THE LINE, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks ofTake-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

This document may be updated from time to time and thecurrent version will be posted at [www.rockstargames.com/eula or www.taketwogames.com/eula]. Your continued use ofthis Software 30 days after a revised version has been postedconstitutes acceptance by you of its terms.THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD. BY INSTALLING,COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THIS SOFTWARE (DEFINEDBELOW), YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THISLIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT(THE “AGREEMENT”) AND THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW.THE “SOFTWARE” INCLUDES ALL SOFTWARE INCLUDEDWITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE ACCOMPANYING MANUAL(S),PACKAGING AND OTHER WRITTEN, FILES, ELECTRONIC ORON-LINE MATERIALS OR DOCUMENTATION, AND ANY ANDALL COPIES OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND ITS MATERIALS. BYOPENING THE SOFTWARE, INSTALLING, AND/OR USING THESOFTWARE AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS INCLUDED WITHTHE SOFTWARE, YOU HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT WITH TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE,INC. (“LICENSOR”). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMSOF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TOINSTALL, COPY OR USE THE SOFTWARE.I. LICENSELIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY, LICENSE AGREEMENT& INFORMATION USE DISCLOSURESLICENSE. Subject to this Agreement and its terms andconditions, Licensor hereby grants you the nonexclusive,non-transferable, limited right and license to use one copyof the Software for your personal non-commercial use forgameplay on a single computer or gaming unit, unlessotherwise specified in the Software documentation. Youracquired rights are subject to your compliance with thisAgreement. The term of your license under this Agreementshall commence on the date that you install or otherwiseuse the Software and ends on the earlier date of eitheryour disposal of the Software or Licensor’s termination ofthis Agreement. Your license terminates immediately if youattempt to circumvent any technical protection measuresused in connection with the Software. The Software is beinglicensed to you and you hereby acknowledge that no title orownership in the Software is being transferred or assignedand this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of anyrights in the Software. All rights not specifically granted underthis Agreement are reserved by Licensor and, as applicable,its licensors.OWNERSHIP. Licensor retains all right, title and interest tothe Software, including, but not limited to, all copyrights,trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights,patents, titles, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes,characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork,sounds effects, musical works, and moral rights. The Softwareis protected by United States copyright and trademark lawand applicable laws and treaties throughout the world. TheSoftware may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in anymanner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior writtenconsent from Licensor. Any persons copying, reproducing ordistributing all or any portion of the Software in any manneror medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws andmay be subject to civil and criminal penalties in the US ortheir local country. Be advised that US Copyright violationsare subject to statutory penalties of up to $150,000 perviolation. The Software contains certain licensed materialsand Licensor’s licensors may also protect their rights inthe event of any violation of this Agreement. All rights notexpressly granted to you herein are reserved by the Licensor.LICENSE CONDITIONS.You agree not to:a. Commercially exploit the Software;b. Distribute, lease, license, sell, rent or otherwise transfer orassign the Software, or any copies of the Software, withoutthe express prior written consent of Licensor or as set forthin this Agreement;c. Make a copy of the Software or any part thereof (otherthan as set forth herein);d. Making a copy of this Software available on a network foruse or download by multiple users;e. Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Software orthis Agreement, use or install the Software (or permit othersto do same) on a network, for on-line use, or on more thanone computer or gaming unit at the same time;f. Copy the Software onto a hard drive or other storage devicein order to bypass the requirement to run the Software fromthe included CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (this prohibition doesnot apply to copies in whole or in part that may be made bythe Software itself during installation in order to run moreefficiently);g. use or copy the Software at a computer gaming center orany other location-based site; provided, that Licensor mayoffer you a separate site license agreement to make theSoftware available for commercial use;.h. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, preparederivative works based on or otherwise modify the Software,in whole or in part;i. Remove or modify any proprietary notices, marks or labelscontained on or within the Software; andj. transport, export or re-export (directly or indirectly) into anycountry forbidden to receive such Software by any U.S. exportlaws or accompanying regulations or otherwise violate suchlaws or regulations, that may be amended from time to time.ACCESS TO SPECIAL FEATURES AND/OR SERVICES,INCLUDING DIGITAL COPIES. Software download, redemptionof a unique serial code, registration of the Software,membership in a third-party services and/or membershipin a Licensor service (including acceptance of related termsand policies), may be required to access digital copies of theSoftware or certain un-lockable , downloadable, online orother special content, services, and/or functions (collectively,the “Special Features”). Access to Special Features is limitedto a single user account per serial code and access to SpecialFeatures cannot be transferred, sold, or re-registered byanother user unless otherwise specified. The provisions ofthis paragraph supersede any other term in this Agreement.TRANSFER OF PRE-RECORDED COPIES. You may transferthe entire physical copy of pre-recorded Software andaccompanying documentation on a permanent basis toanother person as long as you retain no copies (includingarchival or backup copies) of the Software, accompanyingdocumentation, or any portion or component of the Softwareor accompanying documentation, and the recipient agreesto the terms of this Agreement. Special Features, includingcontent otherwise unavailable without a single-use serialcode, are not transferrable to another person under anycircumstances and Special Features may cease functioning ifthe original installation copy of the software is deleted or thepre-recorded copy is unavailable to the user. The Softwareis intended for private use only. NOTWITHSTANDING THEFOREGOING, YOU MAY NOT TRANSFER ANY PRE-RELEASECOPIES OF THE SOFTWARE.TECHNICAL PROTECTIONS. The Software may includemeasures to control access to the Software, control accessto certain features or content, prevent unauthorized copies,or otherwise attempt to prevent anyone from exceeding thelimited rights and licenses granted under this Agreement.If the Software permits access to Special Features, only onecopy of the Software may access those features at one time.Additional terms and registration may be required to accessonline services and to download Software updates andpatches. Only Software subject to a valid license can be usedto access online services, including downloading updatesand patches. You may not interfere with such access controlmeasures or attempt to disable or circumvent such securityfeatures. If you disable or otherwise tamper with the technicalprotection measures, the Software will not function properly.USER CREATED CONTENT: The Software may allow you tocreate content, including but not limited to a gameplay map,a scenario, screenshot of a car design or a video of yourgame play. In exchange for use of the Software, and to theextent that your contributions through use of the Softwaregive rise to any copyright interest, you hereby grant Licensoran exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable andsub-licensable worldwide right and license to use yourcontributions in any way and for any purpose in connectionwith the Software and related goods and services, includingthe rights to reproduce, copy, adapt, modify, perform, display,publish, broadcast, transmit, or otherwise communicate tothe public by any means whether now known or unknownand distribute your contributions without any further noticeor compensation to you of any kind for the whole durationof protection granted to intellectual property rights byapplicable laws and international conventions. You herebywaive any moral rights of paternity, publication, reputation,or attribution with respect to Licensor’s and other players’use and enjoyment of such assets in connection with theSoftware and related goods and services under applicablelaw. This license grant to Licensor, and the above waiver ofany applicable moral rights, survives any termination of thisLicense.INTERNET CONNECTION. The Software may require aninternet connection to access internet-based features,authenticate the Software, or perform other functions. Inorder for certain features of the Software to operate properly,you may be required to have and maintain (a) an adequateinternet connection and/or (b) a valid and active account withan online service as set forth in the Software documentation,including but not limited to third-party gaming platform,Licensor or a Licensor affiliate. If you do not maintain suchaccounts, then certain features of the Software may notoperate or may cease to function properly, either in wholeor in part.II. INFORMATION COLLECTION & USAGE.By installing and using this software, you consent to theseinformation collection and usage terms, including (whereapplicable) transfer of data to Licensor and affiliatedcompanies into a country outside of the European Unionand the European Economic Area. If you connect tothe Internet when using the Software, either through agaming platform network, or any other method, Licensormay receive information from hardware manufacturersor gaming platform hosts and may automatically collectcertain information from your computer or gaming unit.This information may include, but is not limited to, userIDs (such as gamer tags and screen names), game scores,game achievements, game performance, locations visited,buddylists, hardware MAC address, internet protocol address,and your usage of various game features. All informationcollected by Licensor is intended to be anonymousinformation that does not disclose your identity or constitutepersonal information, however, if you include personalinformation (such as your real name) in your user ID, thensuch personal information will automatically be transmittedto Licensor and used as described herein.The information collected by Licensor may be posted byLicensor on publicly-accessible web sites, shared withhardware manufacturers, shared with platform hosts, sharedwith Licensor’s marketing partners or used by Licensor forany other lawful purpose. By using this Software you consentto the Licensor’s use of related data, including public displayof your data such as identification of your user createdcontent or displaying your scores, ranking, achievements andother gameplay data. If you do not want your informationshared in this manner, then you should not use the Software.III. WARRANTYLIMITED WARRANTY: Licensor warrants to you (if you are theinitial and original purchaser of the Software) that the originalstorage medium holding the Software is free from defects inmaterial and workmanship under normal use and service for90 days from the date of purchase. Licensor warrants to youthat this Software is compatible with a personal computermeeting the minimum system requirements listed in theSoftware documentation or that it has been certified by thegaming unit producer as compatible with the gaming unitfor which it has been published, however, due to variationsin hardware, software, internet connections and individualusage, Licensor does not warrant the performance of thisSoftware on your specific computer or gaming unit. Licensordoes not warrant against interference with your enjoyment ofthe Software; that the Software will meet your requirements;that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or errorfree,or that the Software will be compatible with third partysoftware or hardware or that any errors in the Software willbe corrected. No oral or written advice provided by Licensoror any authorized representative shall create a warranty.Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of orlimitations on implied warranties or the limitations on theapplicable statutory rights of a consumer, some or all of theabove exclusions and limitations may not apply to you.If for any reason you find a defect in the storage mediumor Software during the warranty period, Licensor agreesto replace, free of charge, any Software discovered to bedefective within the warranty period as long as the Softwareis currently being manufactured by Licensor. If the Softwareis no longer available, Licensor retains the right to substitutea similar piece of Software of equal or greater value. Thiswarranty is limited to the storage medium and the Softwareas originally provided by Licensor and is not applicable tonormal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicableand shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse,mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties prescribedby statute are expressly limited to the 90-day perioddescribed above.Except as set forth above, this warranty is in lieu of all otherwarranties, whether oral or written, express or implied,36 37

including any other warranty of merchantability, fitness fora particular purpose or non-infringement, and no otherrepresentations or warranties of any kind shall be bindingon Licensor.When returning the Software subject to the limited warrantyabove, please send the original Software only to the Licensoraddress specified below and include: your name and returnaddress; a photocopy of your dated sales receipt; and a briefnote describing the defect and the system on which you arerunning the Software.IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTINGFROM POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THESOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGESTO PROPERTY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER FAILUREOR MALFUNCTION AND, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BYLAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, PROPERTYDAMAGE, LOST PROFITS OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES FROMANY CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATEDTO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SOFTWAWRE, WHETHERARISING IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT,STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOTLICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR’S LIABILITYFOR ALL DAMAGES (EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLELAW) EXCEED THE ACTUAL PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR USE OFTHE SOFTWARE.BECAUSE SOME STATES/COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOWLIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTYLASTS AND/OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OFINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVELIMITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OFLIABILITY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY SHALLNOT BE APPLICABLE SOLELY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANYSPECIFIC PROVISION OF THIS WARRANTY IS PROHIBITED BYANY FEDERAL, STATE, OR MUNICIPAL LAW, WHICH CANNOTBE PRE-EMPTED. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THATVARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION.TERMINATION: This Agreement is effective until terminatedby you, by the Licensor, or automatically upon your failure tocomply with its terms and conditions. Upon any termination,you must destroy or return the physical copy of Softwareto the Licensor, as well as permanently destroy all copiesof the Software, accompanying documentation, associatedmaterials, and all of its component parts in your possessionor control including from any client server or computer onwhich it has been installed.U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Software anddocumentation have been developed entirely at privateexpense and are provided as “Commercial ComputerSoftware” or “restricted computer software.” Use, duplicationor disclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Governmentsubcontractor is subject to the restrictions set forth insubparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Date andComputer Software clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013 or asset forth in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the CommercialComputer Software Restricted Rights clauses at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor/ Manufacturer is theLicensor at the location listed below.EQUITABLE REMEDIES: You hereby agree that if the termsof this Agreement are not specifically enforced, Licensorwill be irreparably damaged, and therefore you agree thatLicensor shall be entitled, without bond, other security, proofof damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respectany of this Agreement, in addition to any other availableremedies.INDEMNITY: You agree to indemnify, defend and holdLicensor, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers,directors, employees and agents harmless from all damages,losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly from youracts and omissions to act in using the Software pursuant tothe terms of the Agreement.MISCELLANEOUS: This Agreement represents the completeagreement concerning this license between the parties andsupersedes all prior agreements and representations betweenthem. It may be amended only by a writing executed byboth parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held tobe unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall bereformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceableand the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall notbe affected.GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed(without regard to conflicts or choice of law principles) underthe laws of the State of New York, as such law is applied toagreements between New York residents entered into andto be performed within New York, except as governed byfederal law. Unless expressly waived by Licensor in writingfor the particular instance or contrary to local law, the soleand exclusive jurisdiction and venue for actions related to thesubject matter hereof shall be the state and federal courtslocated in Licensor’s principal corporate place of business(New York County, New York, U.S.A.). Both parties consent tothe jurisdiction of such courts and agree that process may beserved in the manner provided herein for giving of notices orotherwise as allowed by New York state or federal law. Theparties agree that the UN Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) shall not apply tothis Agreement or to any dispute or transaction arising outof this Agreement.IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS LICENSE,YOU MAY CONTACT IN WRITING TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVESOFTWARE, INC. 622 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10012.HINT LINE INFORMATIONCUSTOMER SUPPORTNOTE: DO NOT CONTACT TAKE-TWO’S TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF IN SEARCH OF GAME HINTS.They are neither permitted nor qualified to supply such information. Hints on some of our more difficult games are availableby calling the Hint Line number printed below.For game strategies and hints in the United Kingdom, call: 0906 751 4151Calls are charged at 75p per min at all times, ask bill payer’s permission, caller must be aged 16 years or over. Hint Line isavailable between 8am and 10pm, 7 days a week (excluding Bank Holidays).TECHNICAL SUPPORTIf you are experiencing problems with the running of one of our titles, you may contact our Technical Support staff in one ofseveral ways:Before contacting Technical Support, please be prepared. In order to assist you as efficiently as possible, please describe thecircumstances, including any error messages, of your problem as clearly as possible.TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTACT DETAILSUnited KingdomPost Take-Two Interactive Technical SupportUnit A, Sovereign ParkBrenda RoadHartlepoolTS25 1NNTelephone (0870) 1242222 / calls charged at the national rate(7 days a week from 8am to 10pm (GMT) excluding bank holidays)Fax (01429) 233677E-mail take2@europesupport.comWebsite www.take2games.co.ukwww.2kgames.co.ukNederland / BelgiëNederland 0900-2040404 (EUR 0,80ct p/m)België 0902-88078 (EUR 0,74ct p/m)© 1998–2010 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Mafia ® II developed by 2K Czech. 2K Czech, the2K Czech logo, 2K Games, the 2K Games logo, Illusion Engine, Mafia, Mafia II, the Mafia II logo and Take-Two InteractiveSoftware are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other marks andtrademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.The content of this videogame is purely fictional, is not intended to represent or depict any actual event, person, or entity,and any such similarities are purely coincidental. The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse,condone, or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.38 39

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