TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2


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Literature review of Porirua Harbour and catchmentAppendix 2: Annotated BibliographyEiby, G. (1990). "Changes 10 Porirua Harbour in about 1855 : his<strong>to</strong>rical tradition and geologicalevidence. " four"u! o11he Royalsocieiy of New Zealand 20(2): 233-248CriticalIy reviews Quenne11(1988), Learny (1958) and Healy (1980), their interpretationof geological uplift and the conclusion that Pauatahanui Inlet was uplifted in the 1855earthquake. Examines his<strong>to</strong>rical documents (navigation charts, <strong>letter</strong>s, and sketches) andfinds no evidence that the inlet became shallower at the time of the quake. Discusseshow the belief in uplift first occurred. Concludes that rocky platforms within the harbourare not uplifted. Attributes uplifted platforms between PIimmer<strong>to</strong>n and Karehara Bayand the northern foreshore of Whitireia <strong>to</strong> uplift movements of the Ohariu fault. Alsoattributes a notch or sea cut cliff Im above high water level on the southern end of theParemata bridge <strong>to</strong> uplift. However, presents no data, such as the height of the upliftedplatforms, <strong>to</strong> correlate coastal features <strong>to</strong> inland measures of the fault movementGibb, J. G. (1986). A New Zealand regional Holocene Gustatic curve and its application <strong>to</strong>determination of vertical Iec<strong>to</strong>nic movements. A contribution <strong>to</strong> IGCP-Project 200. Proceedingsof the International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements from the Pacific Region,<strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong>, New Zealand. Royal Society o1New ZealandBwlletin 24: 377-395Presents a Holocene Gustatic sea-level curve for New Zealand using ''C dates fromaround the country. Dales taken from Pauatahanuilnlet are used. Interprets this dataunder the assumption that uplift of ~0.9m occurred in 1855.Grant-Taylor, T. , L. Northey and R. Adams (1970). MIC"ozoning for earthquake ayecis in 1/1ePOWttmhunui Area. New Zealand, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bunetin N'213Detailed description of local soils and geology. Describes geomorphology of area andinfluence of fault movement on geography. 3 maps. Properties of localsoils and geologyused <strong>to</strong> create a microzone map <strong>to</strong> identify areas of similar seismic response of buildingsas a guide for planning. Areas most susceptible <strong>to</strong> shaking: swamp land (unconsolidatedalluvium, water saturated) at Pauatahanui Stream and west of Ration Point, also behindPIimmer<strong>to</strong>n BeachHancox, G. , G. D. Dellow, N. D. Fernn and M. I. MCSaveney (2005). Westent Con. idorTruitsporioiioit SIMdy. Review of geological lidznrds tiffeciiitg Ihe proposed Cousinl HighwayUpgrade und Trailsiiiission Gully Mo<strong>to</strong>rway 1.0uie. Institute of Geological and Nuclear SciencesLtd. for Porirua City Council, Client Report 2005/161Geological hazards reviewed include mainly those related <strong>to</strong> earthquakes: groundshaking, fault rupture, liquefaction, tsunamis, and earthquake-induced landslidesRainfall-induced landslides (including debris floods and debris flows) are also reviewedThese are specific <strong>to</strong> the proposed SHI routes. The reportis in two parts: (1) a review ofexisting reports and documents used for the WCTS and earlier studies of the TGM route;and (2) a review of currentinformation on geological hazards that affectthe two routes.Heron, D. , R. Van Dissen and M. Sawa (1998). Late Qualernary movement on the Ohariu Fault,Tongue Point <strong>to</strong> MOOKays Crossing, North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand JOHNtul ofGeology und Geop/Iysics 41. 4/9-440.Description of Ohariu fault, including early literature and prominent features (such asstream offsets) at different locations. Maps fault traces. The fault last ruptures 1070-1/30 years ago with a horizontal displacement of 3.7m, with an earthquake estimated at7.1 -7.5.Reportfor Porirua City Council & <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong> City CouncilBlaschke and Rutherford Environmental ConsultantsFebruary 20107

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