TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2


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:Literature review of Porirua Harbour and catchmentAppendix 2: Annotated Bibliography1208/4.051doc/Sediment-illation%20Moni<strong>to</strong>ring%20Within%20a%20Tidal% 20Basin%20Using%20Repetitive%20Landsat%20CCT%200ata. PDFTechnical discussion on the use of satellite data <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r sedimentation andbathymetry. Test area at Pauatahanuilnlet.Whitehead, N. , R. Ditchburn, W. MCCabe and W. Mason (1998). Application of natural andartificial fallout radionuclides <strong>to</strong> determining sedimentation rates in New Zealand lakes. NewZealand Jollyrinlo/Marine and Freshwater Research 32. . 489-503.Sedimentation rate for several New Zealand lakes (including Pauatahanui Inlet) aredetermined using radio iso<strong>to</strong>pes. Discusses technical use of radio iso<strong>to</strong>pes determiningSAR and its application <strong>to</strong> New Zealand. In Pauatahanuilnlet a peak in sedimentationoccurs between 1967-69, whilst present sedimentation rates equal 8.1 =L 0.4 kg in~' yr~'Planning, roading, development and environmental assessmen<strong>to</strong>f effectsBagnall, P. (1970). Pawnmhanui. u coinpreheitsive development plan. Report for Hull CityCouncilStrategies for development <strong>to</strong> accommodate 45,000 people by 1986 in Pauatahanui BasinResidential zones at low, medium and high densities mapped across catchments andin dusttial areas zoned leaving all but ridges and high country without developmentTruebridge Callender Beach and Company (1992). Repori o711uriher upgrading of Grays RoadaroundPnwumhmiui 1111ei. Unpublished report.Summarises and records work done on the issue of upgrading Grays Road. Includes:alternative routes; discussion with Doc and FCC; options; benefit analysis;implementation strategy and statu<strong>to</strong>ry considerationsBeca (1993). Assessnient of effecis o11 the enviroi?171eni. Ponywo Sired, ,I chunneli7, IProvei7tenis,Beca Carter Honings and Ferner Ltd. , Connell Wagner and Hill Ltd. and Boffa Miskell PartnersLtd.Description of flood protection works for Forirua Stream, including environmentalimpact assessment, legislative framework and design alternatives. Hydraulicimprovements <strong>to</strong> the stream, including heightening floodwalls, s<strong>to</strong>pbanks and regradingthe channelstream are needed <strong>to</strong> protect above I in 20 year flood events. Low nowstream level of the stream <strong>to</strong> be protected from erosion by emplacement of rip Tap.Includes landscape designs, including replanting of flax that will be removed duringworks.Beca (1997). State Highway I upgrade: PIimmer<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> Paremata section upgrade. Volume I:Notice of requirement, resource consent applications, assessment of effects on the environment,Beca Carter Honings and Ferner Ltd, report for Transit New ZealandVolume I in Three Parts. I) Notice of requirement; 2) Resource consent applications andculvert designs; 3) Assessment of effects on environment. Volume 2 - Plan and aerialpho<strong>to</strong>s. Stream diversion of Taupo Stream is assessed as low impact. Assesses effectson POTirua Harbour/entrance <strong>to</strong> Panatahanui Inlet. Construction of earlier bridges hasnarrowed channel, with some impact on tidal flows, which in the long term may impac<strong>to</strong>n flushing of the inlet and increase the rate of minl. Therefore no additional narrowingof channelis 10 occur for this project. Proposed bridge likely <strong>to</strong> reduce rate of accretionReportfor Porirua City Council & <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong> City CouncilBlaschke and Rutherford Environmental ConsultantsFebruary 20.040

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