TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2


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Literature review of Porirua Harbour and catchmentAppendix 2: Annotated BibliographyStephenson, G. and G. Mills (2006). Ponyuo Harbour long-terni baseline moni<strong>to</strong>ringprograi7ime. ' sedinien! cheiiiistry rind benihic ecology yesulis front 1/1e Ociober 2005 SUITey.Coastal Marine Ecology Consultants and Diffuse Sources Limited. Prepared for <strong>Greater</strong><strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong> Regional CouncilAn analysis and synthesis of data collected from two marine sediment surveys undertakenin 2004 and 2005 (Williamson et a1. 2004 and Williamson at a1 2005), and two benthicfauna surveys of the same locations in 2004 and 2005 (Stephenson 2005, 2006). Outlinesmethods, statisticalIy analyses all data for spatial and temporal trends, in terms of speciesdiversity, biomass, and chemical concentration patterns. There is nothing about thestructure of the fine sediment community <strong>to</strong> suggest it is unstable at present. Differencesin benthic ecology between the two arms are probably due <strong>to</strong> textural differences in thesediments. Although the concentration of contaminants (especially zinc, and <strong>to</strong> someextent copper lead and DDT) are above sediment quality guidelines, there is no clearevidence that these elevated concentrations have resulted in a significant adverse effectson the benthic ecology. Vanability in concentrations of pollutants between 2004 and2005 was low. The faunal surveys showed that all sites showed 'gains' and losses' inspecies, with the species responsible for the change spread across all major taxonomicgroups. Extensive appendix of data.SIoffers, P. , G. P. Glasby, W. L. PIueger and P. Waner (1983). Reconnaissance survey of themineralogy and geochemistry of some New Zealand lake and nearshore sediments. New ZenlundJournal o1Marii?e and Freshwtttei. Resetirc/I 17(4): 461-480Samples from New Zealand lakes, sounds, harbours and fords are analysed for theirmineralogy and chemical composition. Trends and relationships statisticalIy analysedChemical and mineralogical analyses of sediment from Pauatahanui Inlet are included.The mineralogy of Panatahanuilnletis dominated by quartz, feldspar, mica and chlorite,abundant heavy metals and a quartz feldspar ratio of 3.6. Silicon oxides dominate (60%)followed by aluminium oxides (14%). Trace elements lead, zinc, chromium all belowANZECC (2000) IsQG 'low', and copper, nickel and cobalt were below the detectionlimit.Williamson, B. , G. 01sen and M. Green (2004). Greuier Well^}Ig<strong>to</strong>it Regional Councilloiig fernibaseline 1710/1iioring of Indrine sediiiienis ill Porirwu Harbour, prepared by National Institute ofWater and Atmospheric Science for <strong>Greater</strong> Welling10n Regional Council, NDVA Client ReportN"' HAM2004-128Report on an initialsurvey of Onepo<strong>to</strong> Arm and Pauatahanuilnlet for establishing a longtermbaseline moni<strong>to</strong>ring program for the marine environment. Two sites selected ineach arm. Subtidal sites selected due <strong>to</strong> the sandy nature of interndal sites. In Onepo<strong>to</strong>Arm, the dominant wind causes reworking of sediments which are likely moved anddeposited in the deeper central basin. Geomorphology of Portrua Stream and Onepo<strong>to</strong>Arm suggests that the coarse sediment load reaching the Arm is low, and thus a highproportion of sediment is likely <strong>to</strong> be dissolved or suspended. Vanability of theconcentrations of pollutants is low, so trend detection should be sensitive. Bioavailableconcentrations of zinc and lead in Onepo<strong>to</strong> were above ANZECC (2000) IsQG 'low'Grain size adjusted data shows that copper, lead and zinc are in higher concentrations inOnepo<strong>to</strong> than Pauatahanui. Total metals in Onepo<strong>to</strong> show copper and zinc above ARCERC amber guidelines, whilst zinc is above red guidelines and ANZECC (2000) IsQGlow Copper, lead and mostly zinc are present at or near 10 threshold levels whereimpacts on benthic aquatic life may begin <strong>to</strong> occur. FAH concentrations are well belowguideline levels. DDT concentrations are similar at allsites and above ANZECC (2000)Reportfor Porirua City Council & <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong> City CouncilBlaschke and Rutherford Environmental ConsultantsFebruary 20.037

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