TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2

TGPC: Greater Wellington letter to Chair, PCTG BOI - Attachment 2


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Literature review of Porirua Harbour and catchmentAppendix 2: Annotated BibliographyDoc (1995). Wellunds of Ecological und Represeniuiive 11/1porinnce (WERl), Unpublished list,Department of Conservation, <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong>.National inven<strong>to</strong>ry maintained by the Department of Conservation. Includes TaupoSwamp and Pauatahanuilnlei.Forch, E. C. (1983). Silldies o11 Ihe zooploiikion o1Pa!, oldhonui liner. Well^7/8/01i, New ZealandUnpublished thesis (PhD), Vic<strong>to</strong>ria University of <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong>Temporal and spatial variation in the distribution of copepod species in PauatahanuilnletProposes that the species distribution of copepods is based on a sannity <strong>to</strong>leranceDominant copepod was ACUriin lineni, except in winter when EMIerpino tict!{ifronsexceeded it in abundance. Study was part of the PEP and part of this study is brieflysummarised in Healy (1980). Presents results on zooplank<strong>to</strong>n abundance, sannity,temperature, and turbidity for the period Sept 1975 <strong>to</strong> Oct 1976. Number of freshwaterand benthic phy<strong>to</strong>plank<strong>to</strong>n genre increased with progression up the inlet, with thedominant phy<strong>to</strong>plank<strong>to</strong>n being centric dia<strong>to</strong>ms (2-10 prn).Francis, M. P. & R. IC. C Francis 1992. Growth rate estimates for New Zealand rig (Miis!e/Mslenticulttt!{s). Australian lowrnalof Marine & Freshwuier Researc/I 43: 1157-1176.Re-analysis of growth data in iones and Hadfield 1985, combined with data from otherareas, <strong>to</strong> improve growth rate estimates for the speciesFuller, S. (1993). Welltinds in Ihe Well^^8101t Region. Report for the Policy and PlanningDepartment, Welling10n Regional CouncilThis report describes the importance of wetlands and the extent and quality of wetlands inthe region currently and his<strong>to</strong>rically. Of the 120 wetlands listed in WERl, only a handfulhave been studied or described and even fewer protected. Pauatahanui Inlet is used as acase study showing threats and the degree of change. A map shows extent of urbanencroachment around the inlet over the last 30 yearsGOP1(2009). Cockle Survey. Guardians ofPauatahanuilnlet. [online]. Retrieved: February2009, htt WWWw. o i. wellin <strong>to</strong>n. net. nz/cockle/coc-surve .himSummary of cockle survey results from 1975recruitment, 1992 -29942004. Information on juvenileGrange, K. R. (1993). Dis!ribu!jolt, abundance, undpopulu!ion slyuciure of cockles (AUStrovenusslutchburyi) in Pawatttho, Iui Inlet. <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong>, National Institute of Water and Atmosphericresearch, Oceanographic (NZOl). Report prepared for Guardians of the Inlet, N" 1993/11.Study <strong>to</strong> ascertain the number, distribution and size of cockles and compare <strong>to</strong> determineany change with the previous study in 1976 (Richardson at a1. 1979). Study encompassesall major beaches and cockle habitats, but excludes offshore sand banks. Generally thereis an increase in abundance from high <strong>to</strong> low tide. Low abundances were found at DuckCreek, Ration Point, Kakaho and Cainborne. Numbers were high at Browns Bay,BTOmley and Pauatahanui. Compared with previous study, cockle numbers havedecreased by around 50%. Maximum and mean number per quadrat down from 1976Very few juvenile recruits throughout the inlet (lower but not statisticalIy significant),thoughjuvenile numbers are higher arthe low tide elevationsGrange, K. R. , R. Cole and N. Parker (1996). Disiribuiion, abundance rind populuiioit, sizesiruci!Ire, of cockles in Pullutahuitwi Inlet. Nelson. National Institute of Water and AtmosphericResearch. Report prepared for Guardians of InletReportfor Porirua City Council & <strong>Welling<strong>to</strong>n</strong> City CouncilBlaschke and Rutherford Environmental ConsultantsFebruary 201024

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