2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013

2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013 2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013

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Sol: Schematic representation of nitrogencycle is shown.84. Which one of the following is a xerophytic plant inwhich the stem is modified--------Ans:OpuntiaAns:Sol:Have gill slits at some stagePresence of pharyngeal gill slit is a featureof all chordates.92. Select the correct combination of the statements(a – d) regarding the characteristics of --------Sol:Opuntia shows phylloclade modificationfrom the stem.85. An example of endomycorrhiza is--------Ans:Sol:(a), (b), (d)Chemosynthetic bacteria produce variouskinds of inorganic chemical compounds.Ans:GlomusSol: Glomus is one of the importantmycorrhizic fungus.93. Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D inthe diagram below from the list (i) to (viii)--------Ans: (v) (iv) (viii) (iii)86. Leguminous plants are able to fix atmosphericnitrogen through the process of --------Sol:The diagram is the part of ER, nucleusand cytoplasm.Ans:Sol:Nitrogenase is insensitive to oxygen.Nitrogenase enzyme is sensitive to themolecular oxygen.87. Black (stem) rust of wheat is caused by--------Ans:Sol:Puccinia graminisPuccinia graminis causes black or stemrust in wheat.88. Which of the following are used in gene --------Ans:Sol:PlasmidsPlasmids are used as vector for cloninggenes.89. Which one of the following can not be used forpreparation of vaccines--------Ans: Heat killed suspensions of virulentbacteria.Sol: Vaccines are either inactivated orattenuated pathogens.90. Which one of the following is now beingcommercially produced by --------Ans:InsulinSol: Insulin is produced commercially ashumulin.94. Three of the following statements about enzymes--------Ans: Most enzymes are proteins but some arelipids.Sol:Enzymes are either simple or conjugatedproteins only.95. Study the pedigree chart of a certain family givenbelow--------Ans: The female parent is heterozygous.Sol:it is an autosomal disease.96. The most apparent change during theevolutionary history of --------Ans:Remarkable increase in the brain size.97. Given below are four statements (A-D) each withone or two blanks.--------Ans: (D) – (i) small variations, (ii) survival, (A) –(i) convergentSol:Vermiform appendix is vestigeal organ.98. Fastest distribution of some injectible material /medicine and with --------Ans: Veins91. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to whale andDogfish in which --------Sol:Intravenous injection of vaccines helpsdirect target of the cells through thebloods stream.

99. Select the answer with correct matching of thestructure, its location and --------Ans: Hypothalamus, Forebrain, temperature,urge for eating and drinking106. Which one of the following pairs of structures iscorrectly matched with their--------Ans: Tibia and fibula – Both form parts of kneejointSol:Cerebellum is in the hind brain. No rods inblind spot.Sol:Tibia and fibula - both form parts of kneejoint.100. ABO blood grouping is controlled by gene Ιwhich has three alleles--------107. If for some reason the parietal cells of the gutepithelium become partially--------Ans:Sol:FourA, B, AB and O are the four blood groups.Sol: Parietal cells secrete HCl.101.Which one of the following is the correctdescription of a certain part --------- --------108.In human female the blastocyst --------Ans: Parietal bone and the temporal bone ofthe skull are joined by fibrous joint.Sol:These are bones of skull.102. In which one of the following organisms itsexcretory organs are --------Ans: Earthworm – Pharyngeal, integumentaryand septal nephridiaSol:There are 3 types of nephirida inearthworm.103.Select the correct matching of a hormone, itssource --------Ans: Norepinephrine, Adrenal medulla,Increases heart beat, rate of respirationand alertnessAns: Proteins will not be adequately hydrolysedby pepsin into proteoses and peptonesAns: Gets implanted in endometrium by thetrophoblast cells.Sol:It get implanted in 7 th day after fertilization.109. Secretions from which one of the following arerich in fructose--------Ans:Sol:Male accessory glands.Semen is rich in fructose, calcium andsome enzymes.110. When domestic sewage mixes with river--------Ans: The increased microbial activity uses updissolved oxygen.Sol: α cells secrete glucagon; Prolactinsecreted by anterior pituitary.Sol:BOD increase due to the sewage disposalinto the water body.104. Given below are four statements (a – d)regarding human blood circulatory--------Ans:Sol:(a) and (d)Angina is due to reduced supply of bloodto heart. AB group is universal recipient.105. Which one of the following statements about theparticular entity is true--------Ans: The gene for producing insulin is presentin every body cell.111. Which one of the following is most appropriatelydefined--------Ans: Predator is an organism that catches andkills other organism for food.Sol:Prey is eaten by the predator.112. Jaundice is a disorder--------Ans:Digestive systemSol:Centriole produces aster; Histones arefound in nucleosome; DNA is formed ofnucleotides.Sol:It is due to a block in bile duct.

Sol: Schematic representation of nitrogencycle is shown.84. Which one of the following is a xerophytic plant inwhich the stem is modified--------Ans:OpuntiaAns:Sol:Have gill slits at some stagePresence of pharyngeal gill slit is a featureof all chordates.92. Select the correct combination of the statements(a – d) regarding the characteristics of --------Sol:Opuntia shows phylloclade modificationfrom the stem.85. An example of endomycorrhiza is--------Ans:Sol:(a), (b), (d)Chemosynthetic bacteria produce variouskinds of inorganic chemical compounds.Ans:GlomusSol: Glomus is one of the importantmycorrhizic fungus.93. Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D inthe diagram below from the list (i) to (viii)--------Ans: (v) (iv) (viii) (iii)86. Leguminous plants are able to fix atmosphericnitrogen through the process of --------Sol:The diagram is the part of ER, nucleusand cytoplasm.Ans:Sol:Nitrogenase is insensitive to oxygen.Nitrogenase enzyme is sensitive to themolecular oxygen.87. Black (stem) rust of wheat is caused by--------Ans:Sol:Puccinia graminisPuccinia graminis causes black or stemrust in wheat.88. Which of the following are used in gene --------Ans:Sol:PlasmidsPlasmids are used as vector for cloninggenes.89. Which one of the following can not be used forpreparation of vaccines--------Ans: Heat killed suspensions of virulentbacteria.Sol: Vaccines are either inactivated orattenuated pathogens.90. Which one of the following is now beingcommercially produced by --------Ans:InsulinSol: Insulin is produced commercially ashumulin.94. Three of the following statements about enzymes--------Ans: Most enzymes are proteins but some arelipids.Sol:Enzymes are either simple or conjugatedproteins only.95. Study the pedigree chart of a certain family givenbelow--------Ans: The female parent is heterozygous.Sol:it is an autosomal disease.96. The most apparent change during theevolutionary history of --------Ans:Remarkable increase in the brain size.97. Given below are four statements (A-D) each withone or two blanks.--------Ans: (D) – (i) small variations, (ii) survival, (A) –(i) convergentSol:Vermiform appendix is vestigeal organ.98. Fastest distribution of some injectible material /medicine and with --------Ans: Veins91. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to whale andDogfish in which --------Sol:Intravenous injection of vaccines helpsdirect target of the cells through thebloods stream.

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