2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013

2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013 2.AIPMT question paper 2010 mains - AIPMT 2013

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SOLUTIONS & ANSWERS FOR AIPMT MAINS-2010VERSION – A[PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY]1. A thin circular ring of mass m and radius r isrotating about its axis with constant --------Ans:Sol:Mω( M + 2 m)L = Ιω = Ι’ω’2Ιω MR ω⇒ ω’ = =Ι' +ω= ( MM2 + m)2( M 2 m) R2. From a circular disc of radius R and mass 9 M, asmall disc of mass M and radius R/3 is removedconcentrically --------Ans:40 2 MR912Sol: Ι 1 = .( 9 )Ι C =9 MRM R2 2=22 21 ⎛ R ⎞ MR.M⎜⎟ =2 ⎝ 3 ⎠ 18Ι = Ι 1 − Ι C =281−1 MR2 29 MR MR−2 18( ) = =18 18=40 2 MR980MR 23. A particle of mass M starting from rest undergoesuniform acceleration--------Ans:21 MV2 TSol: A V Power =2∆KE1 MV=T 2 TMV 2 Instantaneous power = . It isTpresumed that the question is for averagepower and not instantaneous power4. A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder, both of thesame mass and same external diameter--------⎛⎞⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜g sin θΘ a = ⎟ , K small for solid⎜ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎟⎜ ⎜ K1 + ⎟ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎝ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎠cylinderK larger for hollowcylinder5. The dependence of acceleration due to gravity`g’ on the distance `r’ from --------Ans:Sol:Graph (d)From r = 0 to r = R, g ∝ r1From r = R to r > R, g ∝2r6. The additional kinetic energy to be provided to asatellite of mass m revolving --------Ans:1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞GmM⎜⎟−2⎝ R1 R 2 ⎠GMm ⎛ GMm ⎞Sol: ∆E = − − ⎜ ⎟−2R2 ⎝ 2R1 ⎠GMm ⎡ 1 1 ⎤= ⎢ − ⎥2 ⎣R1 R 2 ⎦7. A student measures the distance traversed infree fall of a body, initially at rest in a given time--------Ans: e 1 + 2e 22 HSol: g =2T∆g∆H∆T⇒ = + 2g H T= e 1 + 2e 28. The speed of a projectile at its maximum heightis half of its initial speed--------Ans:Solid cylinderAns: 60°Sol:Ι solid < Ι hollow∴ a solid > a hollow⇒ Solid cylinder will reach bottom first.Sol:u cosθ = 2u

SOLUTIONS & ANSWERS FOR <strong>AIPMT</strong> MAINS-<strong>2010</strong>VERSION – A[PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY]1. A thin circular ring of mass m and radius r isrotating about its axis with constant --------Ans:Sol:Mω( M + 2 m)L = Ιω = Ι’ω’2Ιω MR ω⇒ ω’ = =Ι' +ω= ( MM2 + m)2( M 2 m) R2. From a circular disc of radius R and mass 9 M, asmall disc of mass M and radius R/3 is removedconcentrically --------Ans:40 2 MR912Sol: Ι 1 = .( 9 )Ι C =9 MRM R2 2=22 21 ⎛ R ⎞ MR.M⎜⎟ =2 ⎝ 3 ⎠ 18Ι = Ι 1 − Ι C =281−1 MR2 29 MR MR−2 18( ) = =18 18=40 2 MR980MR 23. A particle of mass M starting from rest undergoesuniform acceleration--------Ans:21 MV2 TSol: A V Power =2∆KE1 MV=T 2 TMV 2 Instantaneous power = . It isTpresumed that the <strong>question</strong> is for averagepower and not instantaneous power4. A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder, both of thesame mass and same external diameter--------⎛⎞⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜g sin θΘ a = ⎟ , K small for solid⎜ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎟⎜ ⎜ K1 + ⎟ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎝ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎠cylinderK larger for hollowcylinder5. The dependence of acceleration due to gravity`g’ on the distance `r’ from --------Ans:Sol:Graph (d)From r = 0 to r = R, g ∝ r1From r = R to r > R, g ∝2r6. The additional kinetic energy to be provided to asatellite of mass m revolving --------Ans:1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞GmM⎜⎟−2⎝ R1 R 2 ⎠GMm ⎛ GMm ⎞Sol: ∆E = − − ⎜ ⎟−2R2 ⎝ 2R1 ⎠GMm ⎡ 1 1 ⎤= ⎢ − ⎥2 ⎣R1 R 2 ⎦7. A student measures the distance traversed infree fall of a body, initially at rest in a given time--------Ans: e 1 + 2e 22 HSol: g =2T∆g∆H∆T⇒ = + 2g H T= e 1 + 2e 28. The speed of a projectile at its maximum heightis half of its initial speed--------Ans:Solid cylinderAns: 60°Sol:Ι solid < Ι hollow∴ a solid > a hollow⇒ Solid cylinder will reach bottom first.Sol:u cosθ = 2u

20. A condenser of capacity C is charged to apotential difference of V 1. The plates of thecondenser are then--------⎡C2 2Ans: ( V 1 − V2)⎢⎣ L1/ 2⎤⎥⎦1 2Sol: U 1 = CV 121 2U 2 = CV 221 21 2 2i L = UL= U1− U2= C V1− V2221/ 2⎡C2 2 ⎤⇒ i = ⎢ ( V 1 − V2)L⎥⎣⎦( )21. Two parallel metal plates having charges +Q and−Q face each other at a certain distance--------25. When monochromatic radiation of intensity Ι fallson a metal surface, the number --------Ans:Sol:2 N and TΙ ∝ NT depends only on work function andfrequency.26. The electron in the hydrogen atom jumps fromexcited state (n = 3) to its ground state (n = 1)--------Ans:7 VSol: E 3 =−13.6= −1.51 eV23E = E 3 − E 1 = −1.51 − (−13.6)= 7 eV∴ V = 7 VAns:decrease27. The binding energy per nucleon in deuterium andhelium nuclei are --------Sol:E’ = KE ⇒ decreasesAns:23.6 M eV22. The electric field at a distancecentre of a charged--------Ans:Sol:Zero3 Rfrom the2E = 0 at any point inside a charged shell.23. The thermo emf E in volts of a certainthermocouple is found--------Ans: 225 °CdE 2θSol: = 30 − = 0dθ1530 ×15⇒ = θ2i.e. θ = 225 °CSol:2241 H + 1 H = 2He+ Q∴ Q = (4 × 7) − 4 × 1.1 = 23.6 M eV28. The decay constant of a radio isotope is λ. If A 1and A 2 are its activities at times t 1 and --------Ans:( A 1 A )− 2λASol: A 1 = |λN 1| ⇒ N 1 = 1λAA 2 = |λN 2| ⇒ N 2 = 2λA 1 − A 2λN = (N 1 − N 2) = ( )29. For transistor action:--------Ans: The base region must be very thin andlightly doped.24. A particle having a mass of 10 −2 kg carries acharge of --------Sol:(b) is correct(c) is correct→ →Ans: Both B and E should be along thedirection of velocity.30. The following figure shows a logic gate circuitwith two inputs A and B and the--------Sol:(b) and (c) are correct.Ans:NAND GATENote (c) will be correct only ifother choices is correct.E = v . NoBSol:Gives high output when any of the inputsare zero and a low output only when bothinputs are high ⇒ NAND GATE.

31. For vaporization of water at 1 atmosphericpressure, the values of ∆H and ∆S are--------=6 × 8.314 × 402= 41647.7 Pa16.05 × 0.03Ans:Sol: T =373.4 K3 −1∆H40.63 × 10 J mol=∆S−1−1108.8 J K mol= 373.4 K32. A 0.66 kg ball is moving with a speed of 100 m/s--------Ans:Sol: λ =1.0 × 10 −35 mhmv= 1 × 10 −35 m−346.6 × 10 Js=−10.66 kg×100 m s37. Which of the following expressions correctlyrepresents the equivalent --------Ans:Sol:1 031 02+ −λ32Aλ+ λSO40 ⎛ 0 ⎞ ⎛ 0 ⎞λ eq = ⎜ eq ⎟ + ⎜ eq ⎟λλ⎝ ⎠cation⎝ ⎠anion101−= λ3 + + λ02AλSO43238. How many bridging oxygen atoms are present--------Ans: 633. Three moles of an ideal gas expandedspontaneously into vacuum--------Sol:There are six bridging oxygen atoms inP 4O 10.Ans:Zero39. Among the following which one has the highest--------Sol:For free expansion the work done is zero.Ans:CsF34. The following two reactions are known:--------Ans:Sol:+6.2 kJEquation (1) − 2 × Equation (2) givesrequired equation.Hence −26.8 kJ − (2 × −16.5 kJ)= +6.2 kJ35. The reaction2A(g) + B(g) --------Ans: [(0.75) 3 (0.25)] ÷ [(0.50) 2 (0.75)]Sol: A( g) B( g)2 + 3C (g) + D (g)1 − 0.5 1 − 0.25 0.75 0.25[ ] 3C [ D ]K =2A B[ ] [ ]( ) 30.75 × ( 0.25 )=2( 0.5) × ( 0.75)36. The pressure exerted by 6.0 kg of methane gasin a 0.03 m 3 vessle--------Ans:Sol: P =41648 PanRTVSol: Cs + is the biggest cation and F − is thesmallest anion.40. Which of the following oxidation states is themost--------Ans: 3Sol:+3 is the most common oxidation state ofLanthanoids41. Some of the properties of the two species--------Ans:Dissimilar in hybridization for central atomwith different structures.Sol: NO 3 − is planar – sp 2H 3O + is pyramidal − sp 342. The compound A on heating gives a colourlessgas and residue that is --------Ans: CaCO 3Sol: CaCO 3 ⎯⎯→∆ CaO + CO 2(A) residue gasCaO ⎯⎯H 2⎯O → Ca(OH) 2(B)⎯CO ⎯→Ca(HCO 3) 2 ⎯⎯→∆ CaCO 3⎯ 2(C)(A)

43. Among the elements Ca, Mg, P and Cl, theorder------Ans:Cl < P < Mg < CaSol: Covalent radii of Ca = 1.74 A°Mg = 1.36 A°P = 1.10 A°Cl = 0.99 A°49. The IUPAC name of the compound--------Ans:pent – 3 – en – 1 - yneSol: 5 4 3 2 1CH 3 − CH = CH − C ≡ CH :pent – 3 – en – 1 - yne50. When glycerol is treated with excess of HI--------44. Which one of the following complexes is notexpected-----------Ans: [Ni (NH 3) 2 Cl 2]Ans:Sol:2 - iodopropaneGlycerol when treated with excess of HΙgives 2- iodopropane.Sol:[Ni (NH 3) 2 Cl 2] is a tetrahedral complex.45. Which one of the following compounds will bemost --------Ans: CH 3COCH 2CH(OH)CH 2CH 3Sol:It is a β-hydroxy ketone. β-hydroxyaldehydes and ketones readily undergodehydration.46. Among the following four compounds--------Ans:Sol:d > c > a > bOrder of acidity isp-nitrophenol > m-nitrophenol > phenol >methyl phenolPresence of electron withdrawing groupsincreases acidity of phenols and electrondonating group decreases the acidity ofphenols.47. Fructose reduces Tollen’s reagent due to--------Ans: enolisation of fructose followed byconversion to aldehyde by baseSol:Fructose is a ketose. In presence of baseit undergoes rearrangement to form anequilibrium mixture containing glucose,fructose and mannose.48. Which of the following conformers for ethyleneglycol is--------51. Which of the following species is not electrophilic--------Ans: H 3O +Sol:H 3O + is not electrophilic.52. In the following reactionC 6H 5CH 2Br--------Ans: C 6H 5CH 3Mg / etherSol: C 6H 5CH 2Br ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ C 6H 5CH 2MgBrH⎯O 3⎯ → C6H 5CH 3⎯ +53. In which of the following molecules the centralatom--------Ans: SF 4Sol:Central atom in SF 4 is sp 3 d hybridized.54. The rate of the reaction 2NO + Cl 2 -> 2NOCl isgiven by--------Ans:Sol:Increasing the temperatureRate constant depend on temperature butnot on concentration.55. Match List-I (Equations) with List-II (type ofprocesses)--------Ans: (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)Sol:Where K p > Q reaction is spontaneous∆G = ∆G° + RTlnQ∆G = ∆H − T∆SAns:Sol:Gauche confirmation of ethylene glycol.The gauche conformation of ethyleneglycol is more stable due to intramolecularhydrogen bond formation.56. Match List-I (substances) with List-II (pocesses)employed in the manufacture of the --------Ans: (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)Sol:Sulphuric acid - contact process

Steel – Bessemer processNaOH - Leblanc processAmmonia – Haber process57. Match the compounds given in List-I with theircharacteristic reactions given in List ΙΙ.Ans: (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)62. Examine the figures A, B, C and D. In which oneof the four options allAns:Sol:Seleginella, Equisetum, Salvinia, GinkgoSelaginella, Equisetum and Salvinia arepteridophytes and Ginkgo isgymnospherm.Sol:(a) is a primary amine and it producesbad smell when warmed withalcoholic KOH and CHCl 3(carbylamine reaction)(b) Propyne is a terminal alkyne and itgives white ppt with ammoniacalsilver nitrate(c) is an ester and it undergoes alkalinehydrolysis(d) is a 2° alcohol and it producescloudiness with Lucas reagent inabout 5 minutes63. In eukaryotic cell transcription, RNA splicing andRNA---------Ans:Sol:NucleusSplicing and capping of hnRNA is requiredfor the removal of introns and making thefunctional mRNA.64. The figure given below shows the conversion ofa substrate into product by an enzyme. ------Ans: Transition state, Potential energy,Activation energy without enzyme,Activaton energy with enzyme.58. Some statements about heavy water are -----Ans: (a) and (b)Sol:The graph explains the concept ofactivation energy.Sol:Heavy water is less effective solvent, thanordinary water as its dielectric constant islesser.59. Consider the following relations for emf of aelectrochemicalAns:Sol:(b) and (d)emf of cell = E redn (cathode) − E redn (anode)which is the same asE oxiation(anode) + E redn (cathode) orE oxiation(anode) − E oxidation (cathode)60. Following compounds are given:Ans:(a), (b) and (c)Sol: Compounds containing CH 3CO orCH 3CHOH- groups will give iodoformwhen heated with Ι 2 and NaOH.61. Given below is the diagram of a bacteriophage.In which one of the options --------Ans:Head, sheath, collar, tail fibres65. An elaborate network of filamentousProteinaceous structures--------Ans:CytoskeletonSol: Cytoskeleton helps in motility,maintenance of the shape of the cell andmechanical support.66. In Antirrhinum to plants with p ink flowers werhybridized--------Ans:Sol:RrIn Amtirrhinum, the pink colour results dueto an intermediate genotype is Rr.67. The lac operon consists of --------Ans: One regulatory gene and three structuralgenes.Sol:lac operon means structurally differentgenes involved in a functional events inmany ways.68. A cross in which an organism showing adominant phenotype in crossed--------Sol: Bacteriophage consists head, collar,sheath, end plate with fibres.Ans:Sol:Test crossTest cross is used for finding the genotypeof an organism in doubt.

69. Transport of food material in higher plants takes--------Sol: Pathway of Hatch-Slack scheme ofC 4 – metabolism is shown.Ans:Sol:Sieve elementsSieve elements are the components ofphloem.77. Given below is the diagram of a stomatalapparatus. In which of the --------Ans: Epidermal cell, Subsidiary cell, Stomatalaperture, Guard cell70. Kranz anatomy is one of the characteristics ofthe leaves --------Ans:Sol:SugarcaneKranz anatomy is seen in C 4 plants.71. Consider the following four statements A, B, Cand D and select--------Ans:Sol:(A) and (B)The option B is not correct, because amistake in the representation of ovaryfusion.Sol: Stomatal aperture is surrounded byguards cells, which in turn by subsidiarycells.78. Read the following four statements A, B, C and Dand select the right option having both correctstatements--------Ans:Sol:B and DBoth the statements are correct.79. One of the commonly used plant growthhormone in tea--------Ans:Indole – 3- acetic acid72. Vegetative propagation in Pistia occurs by --------Sol:ΙAA is the derivative of auxin.Ans:Offset80. Root development is promoted by --------Sol:Offset means short internode with andeach node bearing rosette leaves and tuftof roots.73. Which one of the following is manoecious--------Ans:PinusSol: Monoecious means bisexual andhomothallic conditions.Ans:Sol:EthyleneEthylene promotes root growth and roothair formation.81. Examine the figures (A-D) given below andselect the right option out of 1-4, in which--------Ans: Offset, Antheridiophore, Antipodals,Oogonium74. The correct floral formula of soyabean--------Sol:All the diagrams are related to thereproduction.Ans: %O K (5)C 1+2+(2) A (9) + 1 G 1Sol: Soyabean belongs to the Fabaceae family.75. Aestivation of petals in the flower of cotton is--------Ans:Sol:(3) Diagram - refer <strong>question</strong> <strong>paper</strong>.In twisted aestivation, marginal lobes ofsucceeding petals are alternatelyoverlapped.76. Study the pathway given below--------Ans:Fixation, Decarboxylation, Regeneration82. Which of the following representations shows thepyramid of numbers in a forest--------Ans:Sol:BPyramid of number in an ecosystemshows gradual decrease from theproducers to the successive consumers.83. Study the cycle shown below and select theoption which gives correct words--------Ans: Denitrification, Ammonification, Plants,Animals.

Sol: Schematic representation of nitrogencycle is shown.84. Which one of the following is a xerophytic plant inwhich the stem is modified--------Ans:OpuntiaAns:Sol:Have gill slits at some stagePresence of pharyngeal gill slit is a featureof all chordates.92. Select the correct combination of the statements(a – d) regarding the characteristics of --------Sol:Opuntia shows phylloclade modificationfrom the stem.85. An example of endomycorrhiza is--------Ans:Sol:(a), (b), (d)Chemosynthetic bacteria produce variouskinds of inorganic chemical compounds.Ans:GlomusSol: Glomus is one of the importantmycorrhizic fungus.93. Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D inthe diagram below from the list (i) to (viii)--------Ans: (v) (iv) (viii) (iii)86. Leguminous plants are able to fix atmosphericnitrogen through the process of --------Sol:The diagram is the part of ER, nucleusand cytoplasm.Ans:Sol:Nitrogenase is insensitive to oxygen.Nitrogenase enzyme is sensitive to themolecular oxygen.87. Black (stem) rust of wheat is caused by--------Ans:Sol:Puccinia graminisPuccinia graminis causes black or stemrust in wheat.88. Which of the following are used in gene --------Ans:Sol:PlasmidsPlasmids are used as vector for cloninggenes.89. Which one of the following can not be used forpreparation of vaccines--------Ans: Heat killed suspensions of virulentbacteria.Sol: Vaccines are either inactivated orattenuated pathogens.90. Which one of the following is now beingcommercially produced by --------Ans:InsulinSol: Insulin is produced commercially ashumulin.94. Three of the following statements about enzymes--------Ans: Most enzymes are proteins but some arelipids.Sol:Enzymes are either simple or conjugatedproteins only.95. Study the pedigree chart of a certain family givenbelow--------Ans: The female parent is heterozygous.Sol:it is an autosomal disease.96. The most apparent change during theevolutionary history of --------Ans:Remarkable increase in the brain size.97. Given below are four statements (A-D) each withone or two blanks.--------Ans: (D) – (i) small variations, (ii) survival, (A) –(i) convergentSol:Vermiform appendix is vestigeal organ.98. Fastest distribution of some injectible material /medicine and with --------Ans: Veins91. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to whale andDogfish in which --------Sol:Intravenous injection of vaccines helpsdirect target of the cells through thebloods stream.

99. Select the answer with correct matching of thestructure, its location and --------Ans: Hypothalamus, Forebrain, temperature,urge for eating and drinking106. Which one of the following pairs of structures iscorrectly matched with their--------Ans: Tibia and fibula – Both form parts of kneejointSol:Cerebellum is in the hind brain. No rods inblind spot.Sol:Tibia and fibula - both form parts of kneejoint.100. ABO blood grouping is controlled by gene Ιwhich has three alleles--------107. If for some reason the parietal cells of the gutepithelium become partially--------Ans:Sol:FourA, B, AB and O are the four blood groups.Sol: Parietal cells secrete HCl.101.Which one of the following is the correctdescription of a certain part --------- --------108.In human female the blastocyst --------Ans: Parietal bone and the temporal bone ofthe skull are joined by fibrous joint.Sol:These are bones of skull.102. In which one of the following organisms itsexcretory organs are --------Ans: Earthworm – Pharyngeal, integumentaryand septal nephridiaSol:There are 3 types of nephirida inearthworm.103.Select the correct matching of a hormone, itssource --------Ans: Norepinephrine, Adrenal medulla,Increases heart beat, rate of respirationand alertnessAns: Proteins will not be adequately hydrolysedby pepsin into proteoses and peptonesAns: Gets implanted in endometrium by thetrophoblast cells.Sol:It get implanted in 7 th day after fertilization.109. Secretions from which one of the following arerich in fructose--------Ans:Sol:Male accessory glands.Semen is rich in fructose, calcium andsome enzymes.110. When domestic sewage mixes with river--------Ans: The increased microbial activity uses updissolved oxygen.Sol: α cells secrete glucagon; Prolactinsecreted by anterior pituitary.Sol:BOD increase due to the sewage disposalinto the water body.104. Given below are four statements (a – d)regarding human blood circulatory--------Ans:Sol:(a) and (d)Angina is due to reduced supply of bloodto heart. AB group is universal recipient.105. Which one of the following statements about theparticular entity is true--------Ans: The gene for producing insulin is presentin every body cell.111. Which one of the following is most appropriatelydefined--------Ans: Predator is an organism that catches andkills other organism for food.Sol:Prey is eaten by the predator.112. Jaundice is a disorder--------Ans:Digestive systemSol:Centriole produces aster; Histones arefound in nucleosome; DNA is formed ofnucleotides.Sol:It is due to a block in bile duct.

113. A person suffering from a disease caused byPlasmodium, --------Ans: The parasite after its rapid multiplicationinside RBCs ruptures them, releasing thestage to enter fresh RBCs.Sol:Rupture of RBC is associated with therelease of haemozoin which is responsiblefor high recurring fever.117. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was--------Ans:Sol:It completes life cycle in about two weeks.Drosophila completes life cycle in twoweeks.118. Signals from fully developed foetus and placentaultimately --------114. Which one of the following techniques is safest--------Ans:Oxytocin from maternal pituitary.Ans:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Sol:Oxytocin from maternal pituitary is need.Sol:MRI use strong magnetic field to avoidradiation effects.119. The Indian Rhinoceros is a natural inhabitant--------115. The 3’-5’ phosphodiester linkages inside a --------Ans:AssamAns:One nucleotide with another nucleotide.Sol:Rhino is found in Kasiranga National Park.Sol: In DNA nucleotides are jointed by 3’ − 5’phosphodiester bonds.116. In genetic engineering, a DNA segment (gene) of--------120. The haemoglobin content per 100 ml of blood ofa normal--------Ans:12 – 16 gAns:(B) and (D) only.Sol: Plasmids and bacteriophages arecommonly used as vectors.Sol:A healthy individual has 12 – 16 g ofhaemoglobin in every 100 ml of blood.

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