Pain Management - LabCorp

Pain Management - LabCorp

Pain Management - LabCorp


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Drug Testing for<strong>Pain</strong> <strong>Management</strong><strong>LabCorp</strong> MedWatch SMPrescription Drug Monitoring for Patients who are Prescribed <strong>Pain</strong> Medications<strong>LabCorp</strong> offers pain management drugtesting profiles that provide physicians withinformation relevant to the treatment ofpatients who are prescribed pain medications.<strong>LabCorp</strong> pain management drug tests canassist in monitoring patients and help detectprescription drug diversion.Clinical ApplicationTo assist in identifying potentially dangerous drug interactions,<strong>LabCorp</strong>’s pain management drug test profiles include bothillicit and prescription drugs. <strong>Pain</strong> management drug testingis performed at levels appropriate for drugs prescribed inpain treatment, which are lower than levels typically used inworkplace testing. <strong>LabCorp</strong>’s pain management profiles includespecimen validity testing to identify dilute, adulterated, orsubstituted specimens that may affect test results.Exceptional ServiceToxicology Technical Assistance<strong>LabCorp</strong> provides a toll-free telephone line for physiciansand their staff to obtain pain management drug testingtechnical assistance, 888-883-5017. Senior technical staffare available during regular business hours. Technicalassistance requests may also be submitted via e-mail topainmanagement@labcorp.com, and a telephoneresponse will be provided.Customer Support<strong>LabCorp</strong> provides support staff specifically trained to assistpain management drug testing accounts. The support staffis available through a dedicated toll-free number or e-mail,888-883-5017 or painmanagement@labcorp.com.Innovative Information Technology Solutions<strong>LabCorp</strong> offers innovative information technology solutionsto meet specific program management needs. Multipleconnectivity options provide customers with secure accessto result information.e<strong>LabCorp</strong> offers:• Simple on-line ordering• Order management and tracking• On-demand result printingAdditional connectivity options:• Electronic data interchange• Automatic faxing of resultsPatient Services<strong>LabCorp</strong> accepts most insurance plans and provides insurancebilling where allowed. <strong>LabCorp</strong>’s billing systems have theflexibility to offer either account or patient billing to meetvarying pain management program needs. For patientconvenience, specimen collections are available through manyof <strong>LabCorp</strong>’s more than 1600 patient service centers (PSCs)located throughout the US.Contact your <strong>LabCorp</strong> representative todayto implement pain management drugtesting in your practice, or contact us at888-883-5017.

Screening and Confirmation ProfilesScreening ProfilesDrug Testing for <strong>Pain</strong> <strong>Management</strong><strong>LabCorp</strong> MedWatch SM <strong>Pain</strong> <strong>Management</strong> ProfilesTest Name Test Nº CPT Components<strong>Pain</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Profile,10 Drugs, Urine (PMP-10) A 737588 80101(x10) C Amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine); barbiturates (amobarbital,butalbital, phenobarbital, pentobarbital, secobarbital); benzodiazepines/metabolites*(alprazolam metabolite, flurazepam metabolite, nordiazepam, oxazepam,temazepam, triazolam metabolite); cannabinoid metabolite (marijuana/THC);cocaine (as benzoyleconine); methadone; opiates (codeine, morphine, hydrocodone,hydromorphone); oxycodone/oxymorphone; phencyclidine (PCP); propoxyphene/metabolite; specimen validity testing: creatinine, specific gravity (if creatinine is

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