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90 BLACK SHEEP.manner, his look yvas changed.He was thoughtful;but an air of relief hacl come upon him, asif unexpected help had reached him from an unforeseenquarter.There yvas no light in the yvindoyv, as Routhpassedithy,returning to his lodgings. But thereyvasalamp inthe hall,at yvhichhe lighteda candle,and went into the sitting-room.Harriet yvas still sitting by the yvindow; shedidnot raise or turn her head, and Routh thoughtshe yvas sleeping. He went up close to her,and thenshe languidly opened her eyes androse." Have you fallen asleep here, in the dark,Harriet ?" said Routh, " and without a fire! Hoyvimprudent ancl unnecessary!"" Iam not cold," she said;but she shiveredslightly as she spoke. Routh took up a shawlyvhich lay upon a chair and wrappedit round her.She looked at him,quietly but sharply." Don't be afraid;Iam all right to-night,Harry," he said."I've won a lot of money atthe tables, and I've been thinking over what we

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.91were saying this morning — " He paused a moment,and then went on yvith some constraint inhis voice: " Ithink youareright so far, that thesooner yve get away from this the better.Iwillconsider the rest of the matter when we get toLondon."Harriet looked athim still, closely and sharply,but she said nothing." You are too tired to talk about anythingto-night, Harry,Isee," said Routh, yvith goodhumour which did not sit on liim very naturally," so yve yvill not talk. But would it be possiblefor you to be ready to start in the morning?"" Yes," said Harriet, quietly, and withoutshoyving the least surprise by voice or countenance," Iwill have everythingready."Homburg vonder Hohe yvas graced for only afeyv days longerby the beautiful American. Herpony-carriage and the gray ponies, the Frenchgroom, the luxurious wrappings, the splendidvision of satin, ancl lace, and jeyvels, all disappeared,and the Schwarzchild mansion was for awhile desolate, until again occupied by the nu-

90 BLACK SHEEP.manner, his look yvas changed.He was thoughtful;but an air of relief hacl come upon him, asif unexpected help had reached him from an unforeseenquarter.<strong>The</strong>re yvas no light in the yvindoyv, as Routhpassedithy,returning to his lodgings. But thereyvasalamp inthe hall,at yvhichhe lighteda candle,and went into the sitting-room.Harriet yvas still sitting by the yvindow; shedidnot raise or turn her head, and Routh thoughtshe yvas sleeping. He went up close to her,and thenshe languidly opened her eyes androse." Have you fallen asleep here, in the dark,Harriet ?" said Routh, " and without a fire! Hoyvimprudent ancl unnecessary!"" Iam not cold," she said;but she shiveredslightly as she spoke. Routh took up a shawlyvhich lay upon a chair and wrappedit round her.She looked at him,quietly but sharply." Don't be afraid;Iam all right to-night,Harry," he said."I've won a lot of money atthe tables, and I've been thinking over what we

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