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THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.89Idon't hke Mr. Dallas ;less than any people inthe yvorlclIchoose to have them to spy ancl overlookme; ancl — ancl — Idon't want to be herewhen that mancomes."Routh stood before her quite silent." Youknow— you remember," she said with asmile, "Arthur Felton.By the bye, you neednot make faces about my wearing his photographany more, for I've lost it — lost it beforeIgothome yesterday. In fact,Isuspect he isin sometrouble — perhaps in some disgrace — andIhave nofancy for being here yvhen he arrives, to have himquarrelling with meifIavoid him, ancl his father"regardingme yvith horror ifIdon't; so andhere she knelt on the yvhite rug and stretched outher hands to the — fire, which shone reflected in her"upraised eyes "soIam going to Shepaused, tantalising him." To ?" he repeated after her,almost in awhisper." To London," she said; and laughed ancl"looked at him, and rose. Now sit down, and letus talkit over, anclbe reasonable."Still quite silent, Routh obeyed her.His

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