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84 BLACK SHEEP.what is itthat you mean?You cannot make methe pastime of an hour; yrou cannot shake off thehold yvhich such love as mine lays upon your life— would still layuponit yvere youafeebler yvomanthan you are. What then? Are you going totake the wine of life, or are you going to contentyourself yvith the vapid draughts you havehitherto drank ? You must tell me, and tell meto-night, what it is you mean; for a crisis in mylife has come, anclImust knoyv, yvithout palteringor delay, hoyv it is to be dealt with."He lifted his hand from her arm, and, standingdirectly before her, bade her look up anclspeak to him.She did not move. Then he satdown on a velvet footstool before her sofa, anddreyv her hands ayvay from before her face.There yvere signs of agitation on it, and he readthem, not quite correctly perhaps, but to his ownsatisfaction." Listen tome," he said, in the gentlest tones"within the compass of his voice. Ihave a right— haveInot?— to ask you, to knoyv yvhat is yourmeaning towards me?here for ?What did you bring meRemember the yvordsIhave spoken to

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.85you, not once only, or tyvice;remember the storyItold you on the balcony yonder; remember thetone you have occasionally adopted in all yourlevity, and then do not attempt to deny my rightto speak asIam speaking, and to demand your" You— you found me alone here— in my oyvnansyver."house — and — "" Absurd !" he cried." You are talking nonsense,and you knoyv it. Did you not intend meto understand thatIshould find you alone?Didyour note, your summons (I toreit up, but youremember the yvords as well asIdo), mean anythingelse?Do you not knoyv this is all folly.There is no need to play yvith me. Iam a sureprize, or victim, yvhich you please;you know thatwell enough, andImust know which you doplease, for this is, asIsaid before, a crisis for me.Which isit?" he said,and he held her hands moretightly, ancl looked at her yvith a pale face."Which is it? Mere coquetiy — a dangerousgame with a man like me,I yvarn you — a gameyou yvon't find it possible to play; or— or thedeep, deep love of alifetime — the devotion which

84 BLACK SHEEP.what is itthat you mean?You cannot make methe pastime of an hour; yrou cannot shake off thehold yvhich such love as mine lays upon your life— would still layuponit yvere youafeebler yvomanthan you are. What then? Are you going totake the wine of life, or are you going to contentyourself yvith the vapid draughts you havehitherto drank ? You must tell me, and tell meto-night, what it is you mean; for a crisis in mylife has come, anclImust knoyv, yvithout palteringor delay, hoyv it is to be dealt with."He lifted his hand from her arm, and, standingdirectly before her, bade her look up anclspeak to him.She did not move. <strong>The</strong>n he satdown on a velvet footstool before her sofa, anddreyv her hands ayvay from before her face.<strong>The</strong>re yvere signs of agitation on it, and he readthem, not quite correctly perhaps, but to his ownsatisfaction." Listen tome," he said, in the gentlest tones"within the compass of his voice. Ihave a right— haveInot?— to ask you, to knoyv yvhat is yourmeaning towards me?here for ?What did you bring meRemember the yvordsIhave spoken to

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