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80 BLACK SHEEP."What a temper you have! You'd be ratherhard to please,Ifancy, if one were in any sensebound to try.""Don't jest with me," said Routh, suddenlyand sternly,and he rolled his chair" deliberatelynear her as he spoke. You did not allow me,you did not invite me to come here to-night;you did not do this, yvhich seems so ' simple' toyou,because you are as much braver than everyother woman, as you are more beautiful," — helooked into her dark eyes, and their lids did notdroop, — " only to jest with me, only to trifle yvithme, as you trifle yvith others. You are a wonderfullypuzzling woman,Iacknowledge; noyvoman ever so puzzled me before. Each timeIsee you, there is something different, somethingnew in your manner, and eachtime it is asthoughIhad to begin all over again; as ifIhad not told you thatIlove you, as if you hadnot listened and confessed that you knoyv it.AVhy haveyou sent for me? You dismissed meyesterday with something yvhich you tried tomake look and sound like — anger ineffectually,for you yvere not angry.AnclI yvas prepared

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.81for the same line of tactics to-day. Well, yousend for me.Iam here. You come to me athousand times more beautiful" — he dropped hisvoice to a whisper, and she greyv pale under thefixed fire of his eyes, — " infinitely more beautifulthanIhave ever seen you; and inyour eyes andin y-our smile there is yvhatIhave never seenin them; andyet you meet me yvith mere jestingwords. Noyv, this you do not mean; what is itthat you do mean?"He rose, and leaned against the mantelpiece,looking doyvn upon her bent head, with the lightshining on the jeyvels in her hah'. She did notspeak."What is it that you do mean?" he repeated.She had laid one arm along the cushioned sideof the sofa, the side near him. He clasped it,above the wrist, impressively, not caressingly,and at the touch, the yvords he had spoken to herbefore, " Would you not be afraid of a man yvholoved you with all the passion of his heart?"recurred to her, and she felt that so this manloved her, and that she yvas afraid of him." Idare say many others have loved you, andVOL. III.G

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.81for the same line of tactics to-day. Well, yousend for me.Iam here. You come to me athousand times more beautiful" — he dropped hisvoice to a whisper, and she greyv pale under thefixed fire of his eyes, — " infinitely more beautifulthanIhave ever seen you; and inyour eyes andin y-our smile there is yvhatIhave never seenin them; andyet you meet me yvith mere jestingwords. Noyv, this you do not mean; what is itthat you do mean?"He rose, and leaned against the mantelpiece,looking doyvn upon her bent head, with the lightshining on the jeyvels in her hah'. She did notspeak."What is it that you do mean?" he repeated.She had laid one arm along the cushioned sideof the sofa, the side near him. He clasped it,above the wrist, impressively, not caressingly,and at the touch, the yvords he had spoken to herbefore, " Would you not be afraid of a man yvholoved you with all the passion of his heart?"recurred to her, and she felt that so this manloved her, and that she yvas afraid of him." Idare say many others have loved you, andVOL. III.G

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