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78 BLACK SHEEP.Rich purple amethysts were on her neck and onher wrists,and gleamed on the comb yvhich heldthe coils of her hair. Wax-lights in profusionshed their softened light upon her, upon thecream and rose tints of her brow and cheeks,upon the scarlet of her lips, upon the marvellousdarkness of her eyes; and the capricious blazefrom the burning logs shot quivering streaks oflight among the folds of her dress, glancingO c' O over the jeyvels she wore, and playing redly onthe hand which she held out, yvhile yet somosteps divided her from Routh, gazing at her inabsorbed, almost amazed admiration." Hoyv tired and pale you look!" she said,as he took the proffered hand, and she allowedhim to hold it. The yvords were sloyvly spoken,in the tone of solicitude for him, yvhich is oneof the most potent yveapons in a beautiful"yvoman's armoury. Sit there," she yvent on,drawing her hand gently from his hold anclindicating a seat, yvhile she settled herself intothe recesses of a huge German sofa. "Hoyvcould you imagineIyvould go to the Kursaalto-night ? Just listen !" She held her hand

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.79up; a cloud of filmy lace fell back from thebeautiful round white arm. Then she droppedthe hand slowly, and yvaited for him to speak.He spoke yvith strange difficulty; the spell ofthe poyver of her beauty yvas upon him.was not what he had intended.ThisHe had meantto conquer, not to be conquered;to sway,not tobe ruled."I thought," he said, in a low tone, "youwould have come, because — I — Idid not knoyvyou yvould allow me thehappiness of cominghere."" Did younot? Ithink you don't understandme yet. Iwished to see you, you know, andIdid not wish to go out this evening. It is quitesimple,isit not?"" It is indeed,for such a woman asyou."She laughed.—"Is not that rather an awkward speechrather an equivocal compliment ?Hoyv posedvoulook!"She laughed again. Routh felt unspeakablyembarrassed; he had a sense of being at a disadvantage,yvhich was unpleasant. She saw it,and said:

78 BLACK SHEEP.Rich purple amethysts were on her neck and onher wrists,and gleamed on the comb yvhich heldthe coils of her hair. Wax-lights in profusionshed their softened light upon her, upon thecream and rose tints of her brow and cheeks,upon the scarlet of her lips, upon the marvellousdarkness of her eyes; and the capricious blazefrom the burning logs shot quivering streaks oflight among the folds of her dress, glancingO c' O over the jeyvels she wore, and playing redly onthe hand which she held out, yvhile yet somosteps divided her from Routh, gazing at her inabsorbed, almost amazed admiration." Hoyv tired and pale you look!" she said,as he took the proffered hand, and she allowedhim to hold it. <strong>The</strong> yvords were sloyvly spoken,in the tone of solicitude for him, yvhich is oneof the most potent yveapons in a beautiful"yvoman's armoury. Sit there," she yvent on,drawing her hand gently from his hold anclindicating a seat, yvhile she settled herself intothe recesses of a huge German sofa. "Hoyvcould you imagineIyvould go to the Kursaalto-night ? Just listen !" She held her hand

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