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chapter ry.THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR.<strong>The</strong> storm which had syvept unheeded overthe heads bent over the gaming-tables at theKursaal that wild autumn night, yvas hardlywilder and fiercer than the tempest in StewartRouth's soul, as he, making one of the numberof the gamblers, playedyvith a quite unaccustomedrecklessness, and won yvith surprising sequence.This yvas earlier iu the night, when the powersof the air were only marshalling theh' forces, andthe elemental war had not extended beyond theskirmishing stage. Many times he looked impatientlyround, even yvhile the ball was rolling,asif expecting to see some one, who still did notappear; then he yvould turn again to the greenboard, again stake and win, and resume hiswatch.At length a touch on his elbow causedhim to look round in a contrarydirection, where

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