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70 BLACK SHEEP.coming light and easy to him; sometimes he forgotall about it. If he could but win his stepfather'sconfidence and regard sufficiently to inducehim to pardon his clandestine acquaintancewith Clare, he would be altogether happy. Hoyvserene andbeautiful the yveather yvas! He stoodin the verandah,yvhich extended into the garden,bare-headed, and inhaled the sweet air yvith keenpleasure. His impressionable naturereadily threwoff care and caught at enjoyment." It's such a glorious afternoon, mother," hesaid, as he entered Mrs. Carruthers's sittingroom;" I'm sure you must have enjoyed yourdrive."" Idid, very much," his mother replied. " Theair seems rather closer,Ithink, sinceIcame in.Ifancy yve shall have a storm."" O, no," said George carelessly. Then he" said: ShallIread you my last chapter? Iwant to postit this evening. It's a funny chapter,mother. Ibring in the queer old bookseller1told you about, yvho persisted in being his oyvnbanker."" Iremember, George. What are you looking

DURINGTHE LULL.71at?" He had taken up a letter from the tablebeside her, and wasscrutinisingthe address closely." Are you admiring the handwriting ? That is aletter from Clare Carruthers."" O," said George. And he laid down theletter, and went to fetch his manuscript. So itwas she who had forwarded Mr. Felton's letters—to him! Ellen must have asked her to do somust, therefore, have talked of him — have mentionedhimin some way.But had she done so ina manner to arouse any suspicion in Clare'smindof his identity ? Did Clare remember him ? Didshe think of him?she should know all ?Would she forgive him yvhenThese and scores of cognatequestions did George Dallas put vainly tohimself yvhile he read to his mother a chapter ofhis novel, which certainly did not gain in effectby his abstraction.It pleased the listener, hoyvever,and she knew nothing of his preoccupation;aud as he made the packet up for post he cameto a resolution that on the following day hewould tell Harriet " all about it," and act on heradvice.With nightfall the wind arose, and a storm

70 BLACK SHEEP.coming light and easy to him; sometimes he forgotall about it. If he could but win his stepfather'sconfidence and regard sufficiently to inducehim to pardon his clandestine acquaintancewith Clare, he would be altogether happy. Hoyvserene andbeautiful the yveather yvas! He stoodin the verandah,yvhich extended into the garden,bare-headed, and inhaled the sweet air yvith keenpleasure. His impressionable naturereadily threwoff care and caught at enjoyment." It's such a glorious afternoon, mother," hesaid, as he entered Mrs. Carruthers's sittingroom;" I'm sure you must have enjoyed yourdrive."" Idid, very much," his mother replied. " <strong>The</strong>air seems rather closer,Ithink, sinceIcame in.Ifancy yve shall have a storm."" O, no," said George carelessly. <strong>The</strong>n he" said: ShallIread you my last chapter? Iwant to postit this evening. It's a funny chapter,mother. Ibring in the queer old bookseller1told you about, yvho persisted in being his oyvnbanker."" Iremember, George. What are you looking

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