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DURING THE LULL. 67which was stealing over her?Should she gainanother argument to use in a renewed appeal toher husband for the flight in which she sayv thesole prospect of safety,by providing herself withthe power of telling him a rupture had takenplace between herself and Dallas, and her powerof guiding him was gone ? <strong>The</strong> temptation wasstrong, but caution, habitual to her, instinctivein her, restrained her. Not yet, she thought;this may be my next move. George repeatedhis question:"Do you mean that you want to get rid ofme?""No," she answered, "I do not, George. Iwas only led into overstating whatIdo want,that you should conform to your step-father'sreasonable wishes. He has been generous toyou,be you just towardshim.""I will," said George warmly. "I wonderhow far he will carry his newly-found good will.Iwonder — " he paused; the name of Clare Carruthersyvas on his lips; in another moment heyvould have spoken of her toHamet.He wouldhave told her of the self-reproach, mingled, hoyv-

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