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66 BLACK SHEEP." Iam happy to hear it; but do not, therefore,fall into an error yvhich would come veryeasy to your sanguine and facile temperament.Be sure lie is not changed in his nature,howevermodified he may be in his manners. Be quitecure he would object to your former associatesjust as strongly as ever; and remember, he wouldbe right in doing so. Will you take my advice— "once more, George? Youhave doneit beforeshe stopped, and something like a shudder passedover her; " let bygones be completely bygones.Never try to associate the life and the home thatwill be yours for the future with anythingin the— past least, O least of all, withus/"" What do you mean,Mrs. Routh?" George"asked her eagerly. Do vou mean that youwant to giyre me up?Iknow Routh does — hehas not spoken to me a dozen times of his ownaccord since he has been here — but you, do youyvant to get rid of me?"him.She paused for a moment before she answeredShould she say Yes, and be done with it?Should she let things drift on to the inevitableend, yielding to the lassitude of mind and body

DURING THE LULL. 67which was stealing over her?Should she gainanother argument to use in a renewed appeal toher husband for the flight in which she sayv thesole prospect of safety,by providing herself withthe power of telling him a rupture had takenplace between herself and Dallas, and her powerof guiding him was gone ? The temptation wasstrong, but caution, habitual to her, instinctivein her, restrained her. Not yet, she thought;this may be my next move. George repeatedhis question:"Do you mean that you want to get rid ofme?""No," she answered, "I do not, George. Iwas only led into overstating whatIdo want,that you should conform to your step-father'sreasonable wishes. He has been generous toyou,be you just towardshim.""I will," said George warmly. "I wonderhow far he will carry his newly-found good will.Iwonder — " he paused; the name of Clare Carruthersyvas on his lips; in another moment heyvould have spoken of her toHamet.He wouldhave told her of the self-reproach, mingled, hoyv-

66 BLACK SHEEP." Iam happy to hear it; but do not, therefore,fall into an error yvhich would come veryeasy to your sanguine and facile temperament.Be sure lie is not changed in his nature,howevermodified he may be in his manners. Be quitecure he would object to your former associatesjust as strongly as ever; and remember, he wouldbe right in doing so. Will you take my advice— "once more, George? Youhave doneit beforeshe stopped, and something like a shudder passedover her; " let bygones be completely bygones.Never try to associate the life and the home thatwill be yours for the future with anythingin the— past least, O least of all, withus/"" What do you mean,Mrs. Routh?" George"asked her eagerly. Do vou mean that youwant to giyre me up?Iknow Routh does — hehas not spoken to me a dozen times of his ownaccord since he has been here — but you, do youyvant to get rid of me?"him.She paused for a moment before she answeredShould she say Yes, and be done with it?Should she let things drift on to the inevitableend, yielding to the lassitude of mind and body

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