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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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events, come to pass.DURING THE LULL. 61And he would set her atdefiance! He kept up no reticence yvith himselfnow.Within a few days a change had comeupon him, which yvould have been terrible evento him, had he studied it. He hated her. Hehated her, not only- because he had fallen madlyin love with another womanand was dayby daybecoming more enslaved by this new passion:not chiefly evenbecause of this, but because shewas a living link between him anclthe past.That this should have happened noyv ! That sheshould have right ancl reason, commonsense, andall the force of probability- on her side, inurginghim to fly, now — noyv yvhen he was prospering,when the success of a new speculation in yvhichhe hacl just engaged would, with almost absolutecertainty-, bring him fortune, — this exasperatedhim almost to the point of frenzy.<strong>The</strong>n there arose before his tossed ancl tormentedmind the vision of a blissful possibility-.This other beautiful, fascinating yvoman, yvho hadconquered him by a glance of her imperial eyes,who had beckoned him toher feetby a wave ofher imperial hand — could he not make her love

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