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58 BLACK SHEEP.cruelty of coquetry — these were the conflictingelements yvhich strove iii the man's dark, badheart,ancl rent it between them, as he stood idlyby the window where his yvife had been accustomedto sit aud undergo her own form of torture.By degrees one fear got the mastery over theothers, and Routh faced it boldly. It yvas thefear of Harriet.Suppose the worst came tothe worst, he thought, ancl there was no otherway of escape, would she suffer him to sacrificeGeorge? He could doit; the desperate resourceyvhich he hacl never hinted to her was within hisreach.They had talked over all possibilities inthe beginning, and had agreed upon a plan anddirection of flight in certain contingencies, but© © .he had always entertained the idea of denouncingGeorge, and now, by the aid of Jim Swain,he saw his way to doing so easily and successfully.Harriet had always been a difficulty, andnowthe obstacle assumed portentous proportions.He had no longer his old power over her.Heknew that; she made him feel this inmany ways;and nowhe had aroused her jealousy.He felt

DURING THE LULL.59instinctively- that such an awakening was fullofterrible danger; of blind, undiscoverable peril.He did not indeed know by experience whatHarriet's jealousy- might be, but he knew yvhather love yvas, ancl the ungrateful villain trembledinhis inmost soul as he remembered its strength,its fearlessness, its devotion, its passion, and itsunscrupulousness, and thought of the possibilityof all these being arrayed against him.Not onetouch of pity for her, not one thought of theagony- of such love betrayed and slighted; of herutter loneliness; of her complete abandonmentof all her life to him, intruded upon the tumultof his angry- mind.He could have cursed thelove which had so served him, now thatit threatenedopposition to his schemes of passion and ofcrime.He did curse it, and her, deeply,bitterly,as one shade after another of fierce evil expressioncrossed his face.There yvas truth hi what she had said, apartfrom the maudlin sentiment from yvhich not eventhe strongest-minded yvoman, he supposed, couldwholly free herself — there was truth, a stem,hard truth. He could indeed escape noyv, taking

58 BLACK SHEEP.cruelty of coquetry — these were the conflictingelements yvhich strove iii the man's dark, badheart,ancl rent it between them, as he stood idlyby the window where his yvife had been accustomedto sit aud undergo her own form of torture.By degrees one fear got the mastery over theothers, and Routh faced it boldly. It yvas thefear of Harriet.Suppose the worst came tothe worst, he thought, ancl there was no otherway of escape, would she suffer him to sacrificeGeorge? He could doit; the desperate resourceyvhich he hacl never hinted to her was within hisreach.<strong>The</strong>y had talked over all possibilities inthe beginning, and had agreed upon a plan anddirection of flight in certain contingencies, but© © .he had always entertained the idea of denouncingGeorge, and now, by the aid of Jim Swain,he saw his way to doing so easily and successfully.Harriet had always been a difficulty, andnowthe obstacle assumed portentous proportions.He had no longer his old power over her.Heknew that; she made him feel this inmany ways;and nowhe had aroused her jealousy.He felt

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