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54 BLACK SHEEr." Indeed," saidMr. Felton;" that is very unfortunate.Wasit not in your book, then ?""I wore it in a locket," said the lady, witha very slight accession to the rich colour in hercheek — " a valuable gold locket, too.Iam goingto have it cried.""Allow me to have that clone for you," said"Mr. Felton. If you yvill describe the locket,and can say where you were yesterday, and atwhat time,Iwill take the necessary steps atonce; these may not succeed, you know; we canbut try."SoMrs.Bembridge described the lost trinketaccurately, and the visit came to a conclusion.As the two gentlemen were leaving the house,they met Mr.Carruthers, who accosted Mr. Feltonwith statelykindliness, and, entering at onceinto conversation with him, prevented the interchangeof any comment upon the interview whichhad just taken place between the uncle and nephew.George left the elder gentlemen together,and turned his steps towards Harriet's lodgings.In a few minutes he met her and joined her inher walk, as Routh had seen from the window-.

DURING THE LULL.55He stood there, long after George and Harriethad passed out of sight, thinking, with sullendesperate rage, of all she had said. He felt likean animal in a trap. All his care and cunning,all his caution and success, had come to this.It was strange, perhaps — if the probability or thestrangeness of anything in such a condition ofmind as his can be defined — that he seldomthought of the dead man.No curiosity abouthim had troubled the triumphof Routh's schemes.He had met so many men in the course of hislife who were mere waifs and strays in the yvorldof pleasure and swindling, who had no ties andno history; about whom nobody- cared; for whom,on their disappearance from the haunts in whichtheir presencehad been familiar, nobody inquired,that onemore such instance,however emphasisedby his own sinister connection yvith him, madehttle impression on Stewart Routh. Lookingback now in the light of this revelation,he couldnot disco\-er that any intimation had ever beenafforded to, or had ever been overlooked by him.The dead manhad never dropped ahint by yvhichhis identity might have been discovered, nor had

54 BLACK SHEEr." Indeed," saidMr. Felton;" that is very unfortunate.Wasit not in your book, then ?""I wore it in a locket," said the lady, witha very slight accession to the rich colour in hercheek — " a valuable gold locket, too.Iam goingto have it cried.""Allow me to have that clone for you," said"Mr. Felton. If you yvill describe the locket,and can say where you were yesterday, and atwhat time,Iwill take the necessary steps atonce; these may not succeed, you know; we canbut try."SoMrs.Bembridge described the lost trinketaccurately, and the visit came to a conclusion.As the two gentlemen were leaving the house,they met Mr.Carruthers, who accosted Mr. Feltonwith statelykindliness, and, entering at onceinto conversation with him, prevented the interchangeof any comment upon the interview whichhad just taken place between the uncle and nephew.George left the elder gentlemen together,and turned his steps towards Harriet's lodgings.In a few minutes he met her and joined her inher walk, as Routh had seen from the window-.

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