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48 BLACK of stronger will ancl tougher material thanshe altogether liked to deal with,crossed hermind,she would dismiss it with the reflection that suchearnestness yvas very flattering ancl very excitingfor a time, and the duration of that time was entirely-withinher choice and discretion.Stewart Routh stood at the window thinkinghurriedly and confusedly of these things. Thereyvas a strange fear over him, yvith all his assurance,with all the security which he affirmed overand over again to himself, and backed up with aresolution which he had determined from the firstto conceal from Harriet." If my own safety positively demands it," hethought, "Jim's evidence about the note will beuseful, and the payment to the landlady w-ill betolerably conclusive.Dallas told Harriet the iniitialsyvere A.F.Iwonder it never occurred tome at the time."Presently he heard Harriet's step in the corridor.It paused for amoment at the sitting-room,then passed on, and she went out. She was closelyveiled, and did not turn her head towards theyvindow as she went by. Routh drew nearer and

A FIRST APPEAL.49watched her, as she walked swiftly away. Thenhe caught sight of George Dallas approaching thehouse. He and Harriet met ancl shook hands,then George turned and walked beside her. Theyyveresoon out of sight." Idon't thinkIshall seemuch"more of Homburg,"George was saying. My mother hastaken an extraordinary longing to get back toPoynings. Dr. Merle says she must not be opposedin anything not really injurious. She isvery anxiousIshould go with her, and Mr. Carruthersis very kind about it.""Youwill go,George, of course?"" Idon't quite knoyv yvhat to do, Mrs. Routh.Idon'tlike to let my mother go yvithout me, nowthat things are so well squared;Idon't hke topersuade her toput off her journey, and yetIfeelIought,if possible, to remain yvith my uncle untilhis truant son turns up."" Has— has nothingbeen heard of him yet?"" Not a word.Iwas ayvfully frightened aboutit, thoughIhid it from my uncle, untilImetMrs.Ireton P. &c. But though she didn't say much,Icould seeby her manner it was all right. BlessVOL. III.E

48 BLACK of stronger will ancl tougher material thanshe altogether liked to deal with,crossed hermind,she would dismiss it with the reflection that suchearnestness yvas very flattering ancl very excitingfor a time, and the duration of that time was entirely-withinher choice and discretion.Stewart Routh stood at the window thinkinghurriedly and confusedly of these things. <strong>The</strong>reyvas a strange fear over him, yvith all his assurance,with all the security which he affirmed overand over again to himself, and backed up with aresolution which he had determined from the firstto conceal from Harriet." If my own safety positively demands it," hethought, "Jim's evidence about the note will beuseful, and the payment to the landlady w-ill betolerably conclusive.Dallas told Harriet the iniitialsyvere A.F.Iwonder it never occurred tome at the time."Presently he heard Harriet's step in the corridor.It paused for amoment at the sitting-room,then passed on, and she went out. She was closelyveiled, and did not turn her head towards theyvindow as she went by. Routh drew nearer and

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