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44 BLACK SHEEP.thing,Ican tell you. Iwill not leave this placean horn- sooner thanIintended toleave it. Anclas to leavingEngland, if the yvorst came to passthat could happen,Ishould hardly be driven tothat extremity. What devil is in you, Harriet,to prompt you to exasperate me, yvhenIlooked toyoufor help?"" What devilisinyou" she ansyveredhim,risingas she spoke, "that is promptingyou toyour ruin?What devil,doIsay? Words, mere words. WhatdoIknow or believe of God, or devil, or anyruling power but the wicked yvill of men andwomen, to waylay-, ancl torture,and destroy? Thedevil of blindness is in you, the devil of wilfulness,the devil of falsehood ancl ingratitude; andablacker devil still,Itell y-ou.See that it doesnot rend you, asIreadin the oldbook — for everclosed for me."Her breast was heaving violently, and hereyes were unnaturally bright, but there was nota ray of colour in her face, and her voice wasrapid and unfaltering in its utterance. Routhlooked at her, and hated her. Hated her, andfeared her,and uttered nevera word.

" The madness that goes before destruction isA FIRST APPEAL.45coming fast upon you," she said; " Isee it nonethe more clearly because that destruction mustinvolve me too.Letit come;Iam ready for it,asIhave been ready for any evil for a long timenow. You speak idle words to me when you reproachme, Stewart.Iam above and beyondreproach from y-ou. Iam as wicked a woman, ifthe definition of good and evil be true, as everlived upon this earth;butIhave been, and am,to you what no good woman could be — and lookto it, if you requite me ill. /don't threaten youin saying this — no threats can come from me, norwould any avail — but in your treachery to me, itsown punishment will be hidden, ready to springout upon and destroyyou. Scorn my influence,slight my counsel, turn a deaf ear to the wordsthat are inspired by love such as only a wretchlike me, with no hope or faith at all in Heaven,—and only this hope and faith onEarth, can feeland see the end."He stepped forward ancl yvas going to speak,but she put out her hand and stopped him." Not now. Don't say anything to me, don't

44 BLACK SHEEP.thing,Ican tell you. Iwill not leave this placean horn- sooner thanIintended toleave it. Anclas to leavingEngland, if the yvorst came to passthat could happen,Ishould hardly be driven tothat extremity. What devil is in you, Harriet,to prompt you to exasperate me, yvhenIlooked toyoufor help?"" What devilisinyou" she ansyveredhim,risingas she spoke, "that is promptingyou toyour ruin?What devil,doIsay? Words, mere words. WhatdoIknow or believe of God, or devil, or anyruling power but the wicked yvill of men andwomen, to waylay-, ancl torture,and destroy? <strong>The</strong>devil of blindness is in you, the devil of wilfulness,the devil of falsehood ancl ingratitude; andablacker devil still,Itell y-ou.See that it doesnot rend you, asIreadin the oldbook — for everclosed for me."Her breast was heaving violently, and hereyes were unnaturally bright, but there was nota ray of colour in her face, and her voice wasrapid and unfaltering in its utterance. Routhlooked at her, and hated her. Hated her, andfeared her,and uttered nevera word.

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