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42 BLACK SHEEP.in yours — in mine. Let it come whenit may,butlet usbe aw-ay out of it all. We have moneynow,Stewart — at least, we are not so poor but that wemay make oui' way in another country — that wemay begin another life. HaveIever talked idly,Stewart, or given you evil counsel? No, surelynot. In all the years for which you have beenall the world to me,Ihave never spoken vainly;let me not speak vainly now. Imight implore,Imight entreat," she went on, her eyes nowbright"with eagerness and her hands clasped. Imightplead a woman's weakness and natural terror;Imight tell youIamnot able for the task you dictateto me;butItell you none of these things.Iam able to do and to suffer anything, everythingthat may or must be done, or suffered foryou.Idon't even speak of whatIhave suffered;butIsay to you,be guided by me in this — yieldto me inthis. <strong>The</strong>re is a weak spot inour stronghold;there is a flaw in our armour.Iknow it.Icannot tell,Icannot guess where itis. An instincttells me that ruin is threatening us, andthis is our way of escape. O, my husband,listento me!"

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