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40 BLACK SHEEP." There are not many to understand,"replied"Harriet,simply. The good and the evil in himare easily found, being superficial. However, weare not talking of his character, but of certainirreparable harm wliich we must do him,it seems,in addition to that which wehave clone. Go onyvith yvhat you weresaying."" I yvas saying that you must find out whatyou can, and win his confidence in every yvay.shall keep as clear of him as possible, under anycircumstances. If the interview of to-morrow goesoff without any discovery, there will be a chanceof its not beingmade atall.""Impossible, Stewart — quite impossible," saidHarriet, earnestly. "Do not nourish any suchexpectation. How long, do you suppose, yvillMr.Felton remain content yvith expecting his son'sarrival, ancl hearing no news of him? How soonwill he set inquiries on foot which must end indiscovery? Remember, hiding is possible onlyyvhen there is no one seeking,urged by a strongmotive to find. Listen to me, now, in your turn,and listen to me as you used to do, not to cavil atmy words, or sneer at them, but to weigh themI

A FIRST APPEAL.41well. This is a warningto us, Stewart. Idon'ttalk superstition, as you know. Idon't beheve inany nonsense of the kind;but thisIdo believe,because experience teaches it,that there are combinationsof circumstances in which the yvise mayread signs and tokens wliich do not mislead. Hereis just such a case.The first misfortune wasGeorge's return;it yvas confirmed by his uncle'sarrival; it is capped by- this terrible discovery.Stewart, let us be warned ancl wise in time;letus return to England at once — to-morrow.Isupposeyou yvill have the meansof learning the tenorof Mr.Felton's interview with this lady who knewhis son so well. If no discovery- be then made, letus take it as another indication of luck, circumstance,what you will, ancl go."" What for ?" saidRouth,in amazement. "Areyoureturning to that notion,yvhen allIhave saidis to show you that you must not lose sight ofDallas?"" Iknow," she said— " Iknow;but you arealtogether wrong. George Dallas must make thediscovery some time, ancl must bear the brunt ofthe suspicion. Idon't speak in his interests, but

A FIRST APPEAL.41well. This is a warningto us, Stewart. Idon'ttalk superstition, as you know. Idon't beheve inany nonsense of the kind;but thisIdo believe,because experience teaches it,that there are combinationsof circumstances in which the yvise mayread signs and tokens wliich do not mislead. Hereis just such a case.<strong>The</strong> first misfortune wasGeorge's return;it yvas confirmed by his uncle'sarrival; it is capped by- this terrible discovery.Stewart, let us be warned ancl wise in time;letus return to England at once — to-morrow.Isupposeyou yvill have the meansof learning the tenorof Mr.Felton's interview with this lady who knewhis son so well. If no discovery- be then made, letus take it as another indication of luck, circumstance,what you will, ancl go."" What for ?" saidRouth,in amazement. "Areyoureturning to that notion,yvhen allIhave saidis to show you that you must not lose sight ofDallas?"" Iknow," she said— " Iknow;but you arealtogether wrong. George Dallas must make thediscovery some time, ancl must bear the brunt ofthe suspicion. Idon't speak in his interests, but

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