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32 BLACK coming here. His son will not come. Howdid you discov-er what you have discovered?"He took out of his pocket a large locket likea golden egg, ancl openedit by touching a spring.It opened lengthwise, and he held it towardsHarriet. She looked at one of the photographswhich it enclosed, and then, pushing it fromher, coveredher face with her hands."She showed me that yesterday," Routhcontinued,his throat drier, his voice more hesitatingwith every- yvord he spoke, — "yvhen shetold me she was expecting him andIcontrivedto secureit.""For what purpose?" asked Harriet, hoarsely."Don't you see, Harriet," he said, earnestly," that it is quite plain Dallas has never seen alikeness of his cousin,or he must have recognisedthe face? Evidently Mr. Felton has not oneyvith him. Dallas might not have seen this;butthen, on the other hand, he might;and to preventhis seeing it, even for a few hours,untilwehacl time to talk it over, to gain ever so littletime, yvas agreat object."" You took a strange way of gaining time,

A FIRST APPEAL. 33Stewart," said Harriet. "Had you come homelast night in a state to tell me the truth, timewould really have been gained. We might havegot away this morning."mean?"Got ayvay!" said Routh. "What do youWhat good could that do?""Can you seriously ask me?" she returned."Does any other course suggest itself to you?""I don't know, Harry. Iam bewildered.The shock was so great that the only thingIcould think of was to try ancl forget it for alittle. Idon't know thatIever in my life deliberatelydrank for the purpose of confusing mythoughts, or postponing them,before; butIcouldnot help it, Harry. The discovery yvas so farfrom any apprehension or fancyIhacl everhad.""The time was, Stewart," said Harriet,slowly- and with meaning, "when, instead of'confusing' or 'postponing' any- trouble, dread,or difficulty, you yvould have brought any or allof them to me at once; unhappily for us both,Ithink that time is past."vol. III.D

32 BLACK coming here. His son will not come. Howdid you discov-er what you have discovered?"He took out of his pocket a large locket likea golden egg, ancl openedit by touching a spring.It opened lengthwise, and he held it towardsHarriet. She looked at one of the photographswhich it enclosed, and then, pushing it fromher, coveredher face with her hands."She showed me that yesterday," Routhcontinued,his throat drier, his voice more hesitatingwith every- yvord he spoke, — "yvhen shetold me she was expecting him andIcontrivedto secureit.""For what purpose?" asked Harriet, hoarsely."Don't you see, Harriet," he said, earnestly," that it is quite plain Dallas has never seen alikeness of his cousin,or he must have recognisedthe face? Evidently Mr. Felton has not oneyvith him. Dallas might not have seen this;butthen, on the other hand, he might;and to preventhis seeing it, even for a few hours,untilwehacl time to talk it over, to gain ever so littletime, yvas agreat object."" You took a strange way of gaining time,

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