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30 BLACK SHEEP.came, and the paleness of her cheeks turned toashen gray. Stewart Routh, still standingbeforeher holding her hands, looked at her as theghastly change came over her face, telling —what words could never tell — of the anguish shewas suffering, ancl thought for a moment thatshe was dying before his face.The breath camefrom her lips in heavy gasps, and her low whitebrow yvas damp with cold sluggish drops."Harriet," said Routh — "Harriet, don't giveway like this. It's awful — it's w-orse than anythingIey-er thought of, or feared. But don'tgive waylike this."" Iam not giving way," she said. Drawingher hands from his hold, she raised them toher head, and held them pressed to her templeswhile she spoke. "Iwill not give way. Trustme, as you have done before. This, then, iswhatIhave felt coming nearer and nearer, likea danger in the dark — this — this dreadful truth.It is better known than have discovered it."Tell me howHe began to walk up and down the room,and she still sat cowering inher chair,her hands

A FIRST APPEAL.31pressing her temples, her eyes, with their horrorstrickenlooks, following him."I discovered it by an extraordinary accident.Ihave not seen much of Dallas, as youknow, andIknoyv nothing in particular aboutMr. Felton and his son.But there is a ladyhere — an American w-idow — who knows Feltonwell.""Yes," said Harriet, with distinctness; anclnow she sat upright in her chair, and her lowwhite brow was knitted over her horror-stricken"eyes. Yes,Ihave seen her."" Have you indeed ? Ah! well, then, youknoyv — whoImean. She and he were greatfriends lovers,Ifancy," Routh went on, withpainful effort; "and when they parted in Paris,it was with an understanding that they were tomeet here just about this time. Shemet GeorgeDallas, and told him, not that, but somethingwhicli made him understand that informationwas to be had from her, and she has appointedan interview withMr. Felton for to-morrow.""Yes," repeated Harriet, "I understand.When she and he meet, she will tell him his sou

30 BLACK SHEEP.came, and the paleness of her cheeks turned toashen gray. Stewart Routh, still standingbeforeher holding her hands, looked at her as theghastly change came over her face, telling —what words could never tell — of the anguish shewas suffering, ancl thought for a moment thatshe was dying before his face.<strong>The</strong> breath camefrom her lips in heavy gasps, and her low whitebrow yvas damp with cold sluggish drops."Harriet," said Routh — "Harriet, don't giveway like this. It's awful — it's w-orse than anythingIey-er thought of, or feared. But don'tgive waylike this."" Iam not giving way," she said. Drawingher hands from his hold, she raised them toher head, and held them pressed to her templeswhile she spoke. "Iwill not give way. Trustme, as you have done before. This, then, iswhatIhave felt coming nearer and nearer, likea danger in the dark — this — this dreadful truth.It is better known than have discovered it."Tell me howHe began to walk up and down the room,and she still sat cowering inher chair,her hands

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