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28 BLACK SHEEr.led.He thought of all these things, he felt allthese things,but he no longer thought of, or remembered,or looked for the love which had beentheir motive and their life. He sat moodily-, hisface pale and frowning, one clenched hand uponhis knee, the other restlessly drumming uponthe table;his eyes were turned away from her,and for some time after she had spoken he kepta sullen silence."Tell me, Stewart," she repeated, in a softervoice, while the hand that touched his shouldermoved gently- to his neck and clasped it. "Iknow there is something wrong, very wrong.Tell me yvhatit is."He turned ancl looked full at her."Do jou remember what you said, Harriet,yvhen that letter came from Poynings — what yousaid about the hydra and its heads ?"" Iremember," she answered. Her pale cheekgrew paler; but she drew nearer to his side,and her fingers clasped his neck more closelyand more tenderly. "I remember. Anotherhead has sprung up, and is menacing you.""Yes," he said, half fiercely, half wearily.

A FIRST APPEAL. 29"This cursed thing is never to be escaped norforgotten,Ibeheve. Ican hardly tell you whathas happened, Harry, and even you will hardlysee your way out of this."A touch of feeling for her was in his voice.He really- did suffer in the anticipation oftheshock she yvould have to sustain." Tell me— tell me," she repeated, faintly, andyvith a quick involuntary closing of her eyes,which yvould have told a close observer of constantsuffering and apprehension."Sit down, Harry." He rose as he spoke,placed her in his chair, and stood before her,holding both her hands in his."I have found out that the man we knewas Philip Deane was — was ArthurFelton, GeorgeDallas's cousin, the manthey areinquiring about,yvhom they are expecting here."She did not utter a cry, a groan, or any sortof sound. She shrank into the chair she yvassitting in, as if she cowered for life in a hidingplace,her outstretched hands turned cold andclammy in her husband's grasp. Into her widelyopened blue eyes a look of unspeakable horror

A FIRST APPEAL. 29"This cursed thing is never to be escaped norforgotten,Ibeheve. Ican hardly tell you whathas happened, Harry, and even you will hardlysee your way out of this."A touch of feeling for her was in his voice.He really- did suffer in the anticipation oftheshock she yvould have to sustain." Tell me— tell me," she repeated, faintly, andyvith a quick involuntary closing of her eyes,which yvould have told a close observer of constantsuffering and apprehension."Sit down, Harry." He rose as he spoke,placed her in his chair, and stood before her,holding both her hands in his."I have found out that the man we knewas Philip Deane was — was ArthurFelton, GeorgeDallas's cousin, the manthey areinquiring about,yvhom they are expecting here."She did not utter a cry, a groan, or any sortof sound. She shrank into the chair she yvassitting in, as if she cowered for life in a hidingplace,her outstretched hands turned cold andclammy in her husband's grasp. Into her widelyopened blue eyes a look of unspeakable horror

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