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24 BLACK SHEEP." That is ArthurFelton," she said.Then she closed the locket, and let it dropclown by her side amid the satin and the lace.The French groom hacl in his charge a softIndia shawl in readiness for his mistress,in caseof need. This shawl Stewart Routh took fromthe servant, and wrapped very carefully roundMrs. Ireton P. Bembridge as they neared thetown." The evening has turned very cold," he said;and, indeed, though she did not seem to feel it,and rather laughed at his sohcitude, Routhshivered more than once before she set him down,near the Kursaal, and then drove homeyvards,past the house where his wife yvas watching forher, and waitingfor him.Routh ordered his dinner at the Kursaal,but,thoughhe sat for a long time at the table,he atenothing yvhich was served to him. But he dranka great dealof yvine, and he went home to Harriet— drunk."Hoyv horribly provoking! It must havecome undone whileI yvas handling it to-day,"

RECOGNITION.25saidMrs.Ireton P. Bembridge to her maid, whenthat domestic was attiring her for dinner. "Ihad the locket, open,not anhour ago.""Yes,ma'am," answered the maid, examiningthe short gold chain; " it is not broken, theswivel is open.""And of all my lockets,Iliked my goldeneggbest," lamented Mrs.Ireton P.Bembridge.

RECOGNITION.25saidMrs.Ireton P. Bembridge to her maid, whenthat domestic was attiring her for dinner. "Ihad the locket, open,not anhour ago.""Yes,ma'am," answered the maid, examiningthe short gold chain; " it is not broken, theswivel is open.""And of all my lockets,Iliked my goldeneggbest," lamented Mrs.Ireton P.Bembridge.

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