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302 BLACK SHEEP." Haul him out, ancl let's see."They do haul him out, and they do see.Hisface is rather bluish in colour, ancl his eyes aroopen, but his hands are clenched, and his tongueis rigid. And he is quite dead. So there is agreat sensation around the prison. The senselessfigure is carried into the prison, the door ispromptly shut, and the rumour spreads throughthe crowd, trying to find chinks which do notexist, and to hear sounds inaudible, that the" murder" case is disposed of, the prisoner havingtried, condemned, and executed himself. And,though the incident is highly sensational, thogeneral feelingis disappointment.A woman, plainly dressed ancl closely veiled,who has been lingering about the street for sometime, and was there when the van arrived, hasseen the figure lifted from the van and has heardthe rumour. But she waits a little while longer,until a policeman comes out of a side-entrance,and while some eager inquirers, chiefly women,question him, and he tells them it is quite time,the man committed for trial for the river-sidomurder is really dead, she stands by ancl listens.

STRONG AS DEATH.303Then she draws her shawl closely- round her, andshivers, and goes away. After she has taken afew steps, she falters ancl sway-s a little,but sheleans against the wall,her hands pressedupon herbreast, but quietly-, attracting no attention, untilshe has regained her composure and her breath,and then goes on, along the street, and sointoHolborn.out" She has not been seen or heard of, at hischambers or at home," said Mr. Carruthers to Mr."Felton late that evening.O NothingCT is known ofher. They say she has no friends;Icould notfind out from the servants that she has a singleacquaintance evento yvhose house she could havegone."Mr. Felton yvas infinitely distressed by thisneyvs yvhichMr. Carruthers, whose active bene\jlence,guided by the judgment of others, knew nobounds, brought to his brother-in-law, yvho yvas atlength exhausted,and unable to rise. They hadheard earlyin the afternoon of the death of Routh,and had at oncebeen aroused to the warmest compassionfor Harriet. Clare, having left the un-

302 BLACK SHEEP." Haul him out, ancl let's see."<strong>The</strong>y do haul him out, and they do see.Hisface is rather bluish in colour, ancl his eyes aroopen, but his hands are clenched, and his tongueis rigid. And he is quite dead. So there is agreat sensation around the prison. <strong>The</strong> senselessfigure is carried into the prison, the door ispromptly shut, and the rumour spreads throughthe crowd, trying to find chinks which do notexist, and to hear sounds inaudible, that the" murder" case is disposed of, the prisoner havingtried, condemned, and executed himself. And,though the incident is highly sensational, thogeneral feelingis disappointment.A woman, plainly dressed ancl closely veiled,who has been lingering about the street for sometime, and was there when the van arrived, hasseen the figure lifted from the van and has heardthe rumour. But she waits a little while longer,until a policeman comes out of a side-entrance,and while some eager inquirers, chiefly women,question him, and he tells them it is quite time,the man committed for trial for the river-sidomurder is really dead, she stands by ancl listens.

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