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" What a degenerate German !" said Routh.RECOGNITION.23"And so Mr. Arthur Felton has your likeness?"" Had— hacl, you mean. How can Itellwhere it is now? — thrown in the fire, probably,and that of the reigning sovereign of his affectionscomfortably installed in the locket whichcontained it, which is handsome,Iconfess;buthe does not so much mind spending money onhimself, you see. Itis exactly like this."She placed her whip across the reins, and heldall with the left hand, yvhile she fumbled withthe right among the satin and lace in wliich shewas wrapped, and drew out a short gold chain, towhich a richly chased golden ball, as large as anegg, yvas attached. Turning slightly towardshim, ancl gently checking her ponies, she toucheda spring, ancl the golden egg opened lengthways,and disclosedtwo smallfinelyexecutedphotographs.One was a likeness of herself, and Routhmade the usual remarks about the insufficiency ofHe wasthe photographic art in certain cases.bendinc closely over her hand, when she reversedthe revolving plate, and showed him the portraiton the other side.

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