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294 BLACK SHEEP.mitted for trial. As he was removed with thecelerity usu.d on such occasions,Harriet made aslight signto the solicitor actingfor Routh — a signevidently preconcerted, for he approached themagistrate, ancl addressed him in a low- voice. Thereply was favourable to his request, ancl he, in histurn, signed to Harriet, who left her place anclcame to where he yvas standing.He placed her inthe box,and she stood there firmly, having boyvedto the magistrate, yvho addressed her:" You are the prisoner's wife?"" Iam." " You wish to speak to me?"" I yvish to ask your permission to seemy husbandbefore he is removed."" You may do so. Take careof the lady."This to one of the officials. The tone of themagistrate's reply to Harriet yvascompassionate,though he spoke briefly;and he looked intently- ather as she boyved again and turned meekly away.He has said,since then, that he never saSv supremedespair in anyface before." You have not much time," the policemansaid, not unkindly, who conducted her to the lock-

STRONG AS DEATH.295up cell where Routh was. She made 110 answer,but went in,and the door was locked behind her.He yvassitting on abench exactly in front of thedoor, and the moment she passed it her eyes methis. Furyand gloom wereloweringupon his face;he looked up sullenly at her,but did not speak.She stood by the door,leaning against it, and said,in alow tone:" Ihave but a little time they tell me.Iamcome to learn your will. It was agreed betweenus, once, that if the worst came,Ishould supplyyou with the means of disposing of your fate. Iremembered that agreement,andIhave broughtO 7 CTyou this.She put her hand to her bosom, and took outof her dress a small phial. It contained prussicacid, and was sealedand stopperedyvith glass.He started and groaned, but did not yet speak." " The worst has come," she said. Ido noisay you ought not to face it out, stillIonly do asyou once desired me to do in such a case.decision is with yourself.TheThis is my only opportunityofobeyingyou,andIdo so."|" The worst has come," he said, in a hoarse

294 BLACK SHEEP.mitted for trial. As he was removed with thecelerity usu.d on such occasions,Harriet made aslight signto the solicitor actingfor Routh — a signevidently preconcerted, for he approached themagistrate, ancl addressed him in a low- voice. <strong>The</strong>reply was favourable to his request, ancl he, in histurn, signed to Harriet, who left her place anclcame to where he yvas standing.He placed her inthe box,and she stood there firmly, having boyvedto the magistrate, yvho addressed her:" You are the prisoner's wife?"" Iam." " You wish to speak to me?"" I yvish to ask your permission to seemy husbandbefore he is removed."" You may do so. Take careof the lady."This to one of the officials. <strong>The</strong> tone of themagistrate's reply to Harriet yvascompassionate,though he spoke briefly;and he looked intently- ather as she boyved again and turned meekly away.He has said,since then, that he never saSv supremedespair in anyface before." You have not much time," the policemansaid, not unkindly, who conducted her to the lock-

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