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288 BLACK SHEEP.the story about to be told yvould soon enlightenhim. Did he really think she had done so? Didhe really believe it for one minute ? No. Hehad tried, in the blind fury of his rage, yvhen hefound himself trapped, balked, hopelessly in thepower of the law, and the game utterly up —when, in the loneliness of the night, he hadbrooded savagely over the hopes he had entertained,over the dazzling pictures his fancy hadpainted, then he had tried to accuse her, he hadhated and execrated her, ancl tried to accuse her.But in vain; he was not a fool, villain as he yvas,andhis common sense forbade the success of theattempt. Aid now, when he saw her, her fromwhom he had last parted with a cruel blow, and ayvordthat was more cruel,it was as though all hispast life looked out at him through her wofulblue eyes. Ayvfully it looked at him, and heldhim fascinated, even to a brief oblivion of thescene around him. She had raised her veil,notquite off her face, but so that he could see herdistinctly, and when he looked at her, her lipsparted, in a vain heroic attempt to smile. Butthey only quivered and closed again, and she

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