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286 BLACK SHEEP.Tlie approaches to the Mansion House policecourt,and the precincts of the court itself, weredensely crowded. All sorts of rumours prevailedrespecting the reported discovery of the mysteryyvhich had perplexed the police and the public inthe spring.<strong>The</strong> arrest of two persons at differentplaces, and the reports, garbled, exaggerated, anddistorted as they yvere, of the circumstances whichhad led to the discovery which directed suspiciontowards the second of the two accused persons,had keenlyexcited the public curiosity. Tlie proceedingsof the coroner's inquest upon the body ofthe unknown man had been raked up ancl readwith avidity^; anclthe oozing out of even thesmallest particulars relative to the two prisonerswas eagerly watched for by the greedy crowd.Curiosity ancl expectation were obliged to satisfythemselves for the nonce with the proceedings inthe case of Stewart Routh. George Dallas wasunable to appear; since the previous day his illnesshad materially increased, and the officialmedical report pronounced it to be brain fever.Unconscious of the tremendous danger in whichhe stood, oblivious even of the frightful discovery

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