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280 BLACK SHEEP.the platform, and turned, to resumeher walk, shesaw her husband, coming quickly- towards the lineof carriages, carrying the small bag which hadbeen sent to him at Tokenhouse-yardin the morning,and which she had packed with reference tothis occasion. Routh, indeed,had been not alittlesurprised by its contents. He came along theplatform, thebagin onehand,aletter in the other,lookingfrowningly round, as though in search ofsomebody. She shrank back, as much out of sightas possible. Presently, just as he was steppingintoa carriage, Jim Swain appeared, and went up tohim.A few words passed between them, andthen Harriet saw two persons, one of whom was asmart, slightly built man in a gray suit, addresshim. Straining her eyes with afixed intensity ofgaze which made her brain ache, she looked.Hetore the letter in his hand to pieces, with inconceivablequickness, the fragments fluttering to theground, turned, and yvith one of his unknown interlocutorson either side, andJim following — howstrange the boy looked, Harriet thought — walkedalong the platform, passed through the barrier,and waslost to her gaze at the distant entrance.

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.281Harriet stood rooted to the spot. It was notuntil all the passengershad taken their places, andthe train had gone off with a shriek andapant,that she had the power to move. Then a moan ofutter despair burst from her white lips,and a coldthrill shook her limbs, as she murmured:" He has been called back on business,and heis lost,utterly lost."

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.281Harriet stood rooted to the spot. It was notuntil all the passengershad taken their places, andthe train had gone off with a shriek andapant,that she had the power to move. <strong>The</strong>n a moan ofutter despair burst from her white lips,and a coldthrill shook her limbs, as she murmured:" He has been called back on business,and heis lost,utterly lost."

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