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270 BLACK SHEEP.said Mr. Lowther; "but, my boy," and againhe touched Jim gently on tlie arm, f why didyou conceal it?crime that had been committed?Did you not understand theDid you notknow all that happened afterwards ?"" Sir," said Jim, boldly, but not without aneffort,"Iwas not sure;Ithought it mighthave been a fight, and that ain't murder anyways.Ididn'tknow as how ithad been stabbin'untilIsee it in Lloyd's Weekly, forIkep' ayvayonpurpose."Here Jim put his hand into his pocket, ancldrew it out again closed round some objectwhicli he had still a fingering reluctance toshow." I'll tell you all the truth, sir, thoughIdaresayImust get into trouble.IwasIfit hadn't been asafraid of getting into it,Ishould ha'spoke before whenIsee Mrs. Routh, as is agood lady, a-frettin' herself to death, and hima-deceivin' of her.WhenIwas a-looking closeat the stones and the mud, and the blood upon'em, wdiich the tide was very nigh upon it aforeIcame away,Isee something nearly stamped

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.271into the mud as looked like gold, andIfished itout, andIknew it were something asIhadseen hangin' on the other gent's chain, which hewas a-twiddlin' on it with hisgiv' him the note in the coffee-room.fingers whenIIfishedit out, sir, andIkep' it, andIwas afraid totake it to the pawnshop whenIheerd as thebody was found; andas it were a murder,Iwas afraid to sell it neither, andIhid it inthe wall, and — and," said Jim, speaking withgreat rapidity and earnestness, " Iam glad I'vetold the truth, for Mr. Dallas's sake, and I'mready to suffer for it,ifImust.Here it is, sir."Then the boy unclosed his hand, and placed inthat of Mr. Lowther a locket in the form of agolden egg." It opens in the middle," said Jim," andthere's pictures in it: one is Mr. Deane's, andthe other is a lady's. Iknow where she lives,andIsaw Mr. Routh with her on Monday night.Mr. Routh has another, just the same as this, —on the outside anyways."" Do yrou recognise this trinket?" asked Mr.Lowther ofMr.Felton, yvho replied:

270 BLACK SHEEP.said Mr. Lowther; "but, my boy," and againhe touched Jim gently on tlie arm, f why didyou conceal it?crime that had been committed?Did you not understand theDid you notknow all that happened afterwards ?"" Sir," said Jim, boldly, but not without aneffort,"Iwas not sure;Ithought it mighthave been a fight, and that ain't murder anyways.Ididn'tknow as how ithad been stabbin'untilIsee it in Lloyd's Weekly, forIkep' ayvayonpurpose."Here Jim put his hand into his pocket, ancldrew it out again closed round some objectwhicli he had still a fingering reluctance toshow." I'll tell you all the truth, sir, thoughIdaresayImust get into trouble.IwasIfit hadn't been asafraid of getting into it,Ishould ha'spoke before whenIsee Mrs. Routh, as is agood lady, a-frettin' herself to death, and hima-deceivin' of her.WhenIwas a-looking closeat the stones and the mud, and the blood upon'em, wdiich the tide was very nigh upon it aforeIcame away,Isee something nearly stamped

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