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262 BLACK SHEEP.the wizened mannishlook peculiar to his tribe, wasonly aboy, and was desperately frightened — " sir,Icame to tellyou thatIknoyv the man as didn'tdo it, andIknow the man as did."Mr. Felton loosed his hold of Clare, and cameforward.Mr. Lowther rose hurriedly from hisseat;he did not share the blank, incredulous surpriseof Mr. Felton. The two ladies drew neareach other." Who are you?" askedMr. Lowther.Jim told him." What are you come for ? What" beganMr.Felton; but Mr. Lowther made a sign to himtobe silent, and addressingJim in a quiet,friendlyvoice, took him by the armand led him to a chair." Sit down there, my boy," he said, " anddon't be afraid.You must have come here ofyour own free will, and we do not doubt you havecome for a good purpose. You hav7e somethingimportant to tell Mr. Felton. You know Mr.Dallas,Ithink, and 1gather from what you saidjust now that you know what he is accused of.""Jim assented by a downcast nod. There, tell usall about it. Take your time, and don't get fright-

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.263ened."So saying, and giving the boy areassuringpat upon the shoulder, the lawyer sat downupon a chair opposite toJim, and spread his handsupon his knees in an attitude of serious,but notstern, attention. The two yvomen looked on insilent suspense,andMr. Felton,guidedby aglancefrom Mr. Lowther, moved a httle to the back ofthe chair on which Jim was seated." Come," said Mr. Lowther, giving him anotherpat, " we are all anxious to hear yvhat youhave got to say.Speak up,my boy."" Sir," began Jim, " Ishould like to ask yousomething first. Is it true, as the gentleman atwasmurdered was Mr. Dallas's owncousin?"" Only too true. He was Mr.Felton's son,"and the lawyer eyed the unhappy father, asmeasuringthe strength he could command to bearthis new trial. Mr. Felton came to Jim's side,and touchedhim kindly on the arm." Don't beafraid to speak before me," he said." Youmay;and don'tkeep us goodboy."Then Jimmade a desperate effort, and told hisstory; told it in his ignorant blundering fashionif

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.263ened."So saying, and giving the boy areassuringpat upon the shoulder, the lawyer sat downupon a chair opposite toJim, and spread his handsupon his knees in an attitude of serious,but notstern, attention. <strong>The</strong> two yvomen looked on insilent suspense,andMr. Felton,guidedby aglancefrom Mr. Lowther, moved a httle to the back ofthe chair on which Jim was seated." Come," said Mr. Lowther, giving him anotherpat, " we are all anxious to hear yvhat youhave got to say.Speak up,my boy."" Sir," began Jim, " Ishould like to ask yousomething first. Is it true, as the gentleman atwasmurdered was Mr. Dallas's owncousin?"" Only too true. He was Mr.Felton's son,"and the lawyer eyed the unhappy father, asmeasuringthe strength he could command to bearthis new trial. Mr. Felton came to Jim's side,and touchedhim kindly on the arm." Don't beafraid to speak before me," he said." Youmay;and don'tkeep us goodboy."<strong>The</strong>n Jimmade a desperate effort, and told hisstory; told it in his ignorant blundering fashionif

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